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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 11

by Mj Fields

  ���A few weeks. But I���m not sure it���s any of your business.���

  ���Been there,��� the blonde one said.

  ���Done that.��� another chimed in.

  ���Three of us on the team have. Good luck.��� One said as they all walked away.

  ���Why is it that skanky bitches want to tell people when they have been used up?��� Phoebe asked.

  * * *

  Tessa was covering blonde number one. ���Has he showed you the trick with his tongue yet?��� she asked Tessa.

  The ball was coming toward them, and Tessa darted past the girl and ran the field dodging players and dribbling the ball. Kate was goalie, but Tessa got it past her and scored the first goal.

  ���Oh, apparently not,��� blonde number one said. ���Full of frustration, huh?���

  Tessa was passed the ball again, and this time blonde one purposely pushed Tessa with her hip and was given a green card by the umpire. Tessa was able to pass to Becca, who almost made the second goal. The rest of the period went the same way; Tessa and Becca almost scored several goals, Phoebe played middy and stopped almost all the back shots from being received by the opposing players. Jade was bored in the goal.

  Lucas pulled in during the last period. He and Tommy got out of the car and sat in the bleachers behind them.

  ���Tessa, look who���s here to see us,��� Jade yelled smiling.

  Tessa turned around, and Lucas gave her a wink. Great, now I���m going to be distracted. She saw the three blondes looking up at him, gushing. Yep��� distracted.

  Blonde number one smiled when they went back onto the field. ���So is he here to see you, or one of us?��� she sneered at Tessa.

  Tessa ignored her and scored another goal. The next play started. Blonde one had the ball, but Tessa quickly closed her down.

  ���Bitch,��� Blonde One yelled.

  ���Good at it,��� Tessa replied, taking the ball downfield and passing it back to Phoebe.

  Lucas watched as Madison taunted Tessa. It made him angry, but Tessa was holding her own. Tessa had the ball again, and Madison tripped her with her stick. She had the wind knocked out of her when she hit the ground. Phoebe ran over to see if she was alright. Jade followed.

  Tessa stood up and glared at Madison. The umpire stopped the game, issued Madison a yellow card, and sent her to the sin box.

  ���SO worth it,��� Madison yelled.

  ���You are going to sit out, Tessa,��� Coach V watched her limp. ���We need to fix that.���

  ���Wrap it. I want back out there,��� Tessa insisted.

  Coach shook his head but allowed it.

  She looked up at Lucas, watching her with narrowed eyes. She smiled at him, and he looked down.

  She laughed out loud when she was paired with Blonde Two.

  ���What���s so funny?���

  ���You and I paired up. Are you as nasty as Blonde One?���


  ���Perfect,��� Tessa goaded.

  Tessa snagged the ball right away. Blonde Two hit her in the same spot on the leg as the first one, then laughed in her face. Phoebe knocked her to the ground. Tessa grabbed Phoebe and pulled her back.

  ���So not worth it, Phoebe!���

  Phoebe and Blonde Two both were in the box.

  Tessa set up for her penalty shot and made it without breaking a sweat. She smirked as she walked away.

  ���Ross! Get in here!!!!��� Coach V yelled.

  She shook her head no. Blonde Three was next. Tessa could not believe her luck. She started laughing. ���You���re as crazy as the other two?��� Blonde Three smirked at her. ���Bring it bitch.���

  ���Tessa,��� Lucas yelled standing on the sidelines. ���Enough! Get your ass in here.���

  She mouthed to him a very clear ���no���. The ball came to her again, and Blonde Three swung with all her might. Tessa jumped, cleared her stick, and got the ball. She was bringing it down the field when she was hit in the back. The horn sounded, and Tessa turned, threw her stick on the ground, and went after Blonde Three. She didn���t get far before she fell, letting out a pain- filled moan. Lucas���s arms were lifting her from the ground a moment later.

  ���Put me down, Lucas, please,��� Tessa whispered. ���I want to walk off the field. ���He set her gently down on the ground and helped her to the bench.

  Coach V yelled at her. ���Ross, next time I tell you to come off the field, you better damn well listen to me.���

  ���Yes, sir,��� she said. ���But check out the score; we kicked their butts.��� She flashed him a big grin.

  ���Yeah, we did,��� he laughed as he lifted her leg on the bench. ���That has got to hurt.��� He grabbed some ice and set it on her leg. ���Let me see that back.���

  Lucas did not like him touching her, and his eyes gave it away. Tessa looked at him and laughed. ���Seriously?���

  He looked away and pouted

  ���Ouch, Ouch, Ouch,��� she said when the coach touched her back.

  ���Are you fucking kidding me!��� Lucas yelled when he saw the bruise. ���Those bitches.���

  ���Lucas, you mind your mouth, got it?��� Coach V yelled at him.

  ���You sure know how to pick them,��� Tessa said to him.

  ���Ex- girlfriends, Mr. Links?��� Coach asked him.

  ���Sort of,��� he said, looking away.

  ���Any others we need to know about for the rest of the season?��� Coach asked.

  ���Several. I���ve met four of them, and they���ve all touched me in some way,��� she said laughing and touched her heart.

  ���Links, are they all field hockey players?��� Coach asked.

  ���I don���t think so. They were mostly cheerleaders,��� Lucas said.

  ���They���re still not hockey players,��� Tessa said smugly.

  ���Alright, Tessa,��� Coach V said. ���I am not going to kid you, this is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow. If it gets red and puffy, I want you to go to the emergency room. Links, can you see that Miss Ross gets to the bus without getting jumped by your fan club?���

  ���I���ll drive her home,��� Lucas said.

  ���Not happening.��� Coach V walked away.

  ���Thank God. I���m really not fond of your driving,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���I am so sorry this happened to you, Tessa. I can���t believe������ Lucas���s eyes were angry and wild.

  ���Lucas Links, you didn���t hurt me; they did.��� She glanced over at the three girls still sitting on the bench getting their butts chewed by their coach. ���I���m still pissed at you about the other day, but not about this.��� She looked into his eyes. ���So this will definitely not be for us, it���ll be for them. Kiss me, please.���

  Lucas stood up and took the ice off her ankle. He picked her up, cradled her in his arms, and kissed her. She grabbed his face and pulled it closer to hers and opened her mouth for him. He sat down on the bench and swung her around so that she was facing him. Lucas took her face in his hands and explored her hot mouth. She started pulling away, and he pushed her head back toward him. One hand on the back of her head and the other he started rubbing her back. She winced and he released her.

  ���Baby, I���m sorry,��� he whispered.

  She felt the pressure of him straining underneath her. ���Wow,��� she said. ���That for them, too?���

Never again, Tessa. That���s all for you,��� he said, smiling.

  ���Can we go to the bus now please?���

  He looked down. ���Can we wait a couple minutes? And maybe you should get off my lap. That may help the, uh, issue.���

  ���Think of something disgusting. Maybe that will help?��� Tessa offered.

  He laughed. ���You, Tessa, amuse me.���

  ���Well, I hope that���s a good thing.���

  ���Please don���t smile at me ��� that���s not helping either,��� Lucas said, clearly uncomfortable.

  The three blondes started doing laps. ���Hey Lucas,��� Blonde One called out, ���we���re just trying to toughen her up for you. We know you like it rough.���

  ���Shut up, Madison,��� he yelled at her.

  ���So Blonde One is Madison. Good to know. How long did you date her?��� Tessa asked.

  ���We didn���t date. We just had sex.���

  ���And you like it rough?��� she asked inquisitively.

  ���Tessa, you can���t say that right now,��� he pleaded with her.

  ���Oh, sorry.��� She tried to not smile.

  The girls were coming around again and Blonde Two yelled, ���Hey Linksy, you hungry?��� she asked, slyly lifting her skirt up to mid-thigh, and laughed.

  ���Grow up, Jenny,��� he growled.

  ���So two is Jenny. Hmm,��� Tessa said. ���And you like to ��� ���

  ���No,��� he said in a monotone voice.

  ���Hey, Lucas,��� she Blonde Three started.

  ���Go fuck yourself, Carly,��� he said through clenched teeth.

  ���Oh, I know how that turns you on. Same cell number?��� she asked ���Maybe I could send you a video?���

  ���Number three is Carly, and you and she������ Tessa said out loud.

  ���I���m ready now, Tessa,��� he said with a pained look on his face.

  She rode to the bus on his back, kissing his neck as they passed his fan club. He laughed and so did she.

  ���Links, come say hi before you leave,��� came a voice from a crowd of guys standing near their bus.

  ���Lucas, she���ll be riding home with me.��� Tessa turned and saw her mother.

  ���Shit,��� Tessa whispered in his ear, ���it���s my mom.���

  ���Of course, Mrs. Ross,��� he said. He sat Tessa down and kissed her gently on the lips. ���Sorry about this.���

  Maggie bent down and looked at her leg, ���We are going to the ER,��� she said.

  ���Mom it���s fine, just take me home,��� Tessa said.

  ���Do you think it���s bad?��� Lucas asked nervously.

  ���I don���t know. I just want to be sure,��� she said to him. ���Lucas, why did they go after her like this?���

  ���Mom, could we leave please?���

  ���I���m sorry, Mrs. Ross,��� He looked at Tessa. ���I am Tessa, very sorry.���

  Her mom got in the car and Lucas walked over to the crowd. He shook hands with several of them.

  ���That your new piece of ass, Links?��� one of the guys asked.

  ���Tessa is my girlfriend,��� Lucas snapped.

  ���How long have you been tapping that ass?��� another asked.

  ���It���s not like that, man,��� Lucas said.

  ���You got a virgin,��� he asked, ���What the hell are you waiting for? Want me to break her in for you? She looks like she could be a lot of fun, and she has definitely has stamina.���

  ���Do not fucking talk about her like that,��� Lucas said, grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him against the bus.

  He put his hands up in the air. ���Okay, man, okay������

  Tommy grabbed Lucas���s shirt and they walked away. Jenny smacked his butt as he walked by, then smirked at Tessa. Lucas kept walking. ���Call me, Linksy,��� she said. He didn���t look back.

  ���Is that what you want, Tessa?��� her mother asked disgusted.

  ���Did you hear a word he said Mom? He���s exactly what I want.���


  They pulled into the Medical Center, where her Mom worked. Maggie parked and helped Tessa hobble through the door. She went up to the nurse���s station and talked to a friend of hers. Maggie came back and took Tessa through the double doors. She did her vitals and charting, then led her back to a room. Maggie left and went behind the counter and worked at the computer. She brought Tessa a yellow bracelet in and put it on her wrist.

  Tessa���s mother worked here, and had for three years. She was good at her job and Tessa loved that when there was a problem they got to go right in and she took care of them, no waiting.

  The x- ray tech wheeled her back to the room and took some shots of her ankle. ���How are you doing today Tessa?��� he asked, ���What happened to you?���

  ���Field hockey game,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���What position did you play, the ball?��� he asked sarcastically.

  ���No,��� she laughed. ���Forward, we won.���

  ���How did you do?��� he asked as he helped her onto the table.

  ���I had some good shots, I played the whole game and walked off the field after the clock ran out,��� Tessa said smiling.

  ���That���s impressive,��� he said smiling as he snapped the shots he needed.

  A phlebotomist came in and told her they would be doing some lab work, ���For an ankle injury?��� she asked. The tech smiled and took five tubes. At least her mother wasn���t in the room; she was giving her some privacy.

  The doctor came in and told her she had a tiny fracture in her ankle, nothing they would have caught normally; many people have these and don���t even know it. The pain is from the bruising which is pretty severe but will heal quickly as long as she takes it easy. He put some sort of salve on it and wrapped it tightly. Her back was fine. He looked down at her chart, ���It says here that you would like to start birth control pills. We are going to need to do a vaginal exam and make sure everything is alright before I give you the prescription. The pill needs to be taken at the same time each day.���

  ���You���re doing a vaginal exam?��� Tessa burst out.

  ���No Tessa I wouldn���t feel comfortable with that. A nurse practitioner will do that and then we���ll talk after,��� he said.

  She now knew why he looked so familiar. Even with the white coat and stethoscope, she remembered his face, sitting across from her mother at the restaurant on the lake. ���Is my Mom on the pill?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Tessa that���s nothing you and I will be discussing.���

  ���Tessa,��� her Mom said as she burst through the door. ���That���s enough!���

  ���What are you doing Mom? Because I have a boyfriend you���re putting me on the pill? What if it���s too late, what if he and I have been screwing for weeks now, shit you may be a grandma soon, hey doc what���s it going to be like banging a grandma?��� Tessa looked at him, her eyes full of rage.

  ���Maggie ��� things will be better if you stay outside, I can handle this,��� he said to her holding the door opened as she walked out. ���She���s trying to help you Tessa, most Moms wouldn���t think to do this and many times it���s too late.���

  ���Well,��� Tessa said loudly, �
����I���m sure I���m not pregnant because I swallow it,��� Holy shit Tessa what are you saying, what are you doing she thought. ���No need for condoms he won���t wear one and he has been around,��� she said laughing.

  ���Your lab results show that there is no pregnancy,��� he started. Of course not idiot! I haven���t had sex yet. ���And you���re STD free. The nurse practitioner will be in momentarily,��� he said and left the room.

  * * *

  The NP came in and asked Tessa to take off her panties and sit on the table. Tessa did as she asked, but she was scared and angry. The nurse pulled out what looked like legs and Tessa gasped. What the hell was this thing, it looks like a damn robot, the Vagatron 5000? She told her to lay back and put her feet in the stirrups, and Tessa reluctantly did. She watched as she uncovered the tray on the wheeled cart next to her, her eyes widened when she saw the metal clamp looking thing, she told her to relax her knees and she put some cold slimy stuff between her legs. Tessa held her breath and the nurse put her fingers inside her. Tessa gasped and began to close her knees and the nurse asked her to relax again and poked around between her legs, she told her she was going to feel a slight pressure on her rectum and before Tessa knew it she had shoved her finger in her ass. She jolted up and looked terrified.

  ���Tessa we are almost done,��� she said. ���Lie back please.���

  Tessa laid back and tears flooded her eyes. She saw the nurse grab the clamp thing and she put a headlight on her head, holy fuck what was she going to do now she thought, she grabbed the side of the bed and dug her nails into the hard plastic and she began to cry. The nurse slowly put the cold object in her and Tessa heard a click sound and a very painful pressure and pinch. She took what looked like a large Q- tip and rubbed it around inside her. She placed it in a petri dish. Tessa could not imagine what was next. She didn���t want to know. She closed her eyes as the tears continued flowing down her cheeks. Tessa heard a click and the pressure was gone, and the clamp was removed.

  The nurse saw her tears, ���You can sit up now Tessa.��� She handed her a tissue and sat in her stool and put away the Vagatron’s cold metal legs. ���Everything looks good Tessa, the only issue is your uterus is slightly tipped but that isn���t a big deal, okay?��� she asked. ���Do you have any questions?���


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