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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 208

by Mj Fields

  ���Em what happened?���

  Emma said nothing and then finally swallowed hard, ���They were in an accident.���

  Brody called the hospital and put it on speaker, ���This is Brody Hines, I would like information on London and Troy Fields, London���s mother���s here.���

  The nurse told them that Troy was in critical condition and in surgery, they were doing everything they could to stop the internal bleeding. He had a serious head injuries that they would address if his surgery was successful. London had shattered the tibia bone in her leg and would be going into surgery as soon as her CAT scan was read, they hoped that Emma would be there before they took her in.

  ���We���re an hour away, please wait until we get there unless it is medically necessary to do otherwise,��� Brody ended the call and looked at Emma who appeared to be in shock.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her head, ���She���s going to be alright.���

  ���If she loses her father, she won���t be alright,��� Emma sat up.

  ���She���s strong like you Emma, and she has us, we can get her through whatever she may be facing,��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���Brody she has me. You and I������ Emma started.

  ���You and I are going to be fine Emma, I���m going to regain your trust. I love you. We���ll get her through this,��� Brody pulled her on his lap.

  ���Clive who has Emma���s bag?���

  ���It���s up here,��� Clive responded.

  Brody set Emma down and reached through the dividing window and grabbed it. He opened the bag and looked through it and set it down.

  ���What are you doing?���

  ���Making sure you have your brush and such, we are going to need to put you back together before you see London, you always look beautiful to me, but right now you���re a bit disheveled,��� he smiled and kissed her nose.

  Emma closed her eyes and sat back, ���I want an accident report.���

  ���Clive did you hear Emma?��� Brody snapped.

  ���Already on it,��� Clive answered.

  Emma looked at Brody, ���I don���t know what���s going on but I need you back, I need you back now.���

  Brody took a deep breath, ���That���s the plan.���

  ���No Brody, no more. If this turns out to NOT be an accident you and I are not going to be alright. You came back to me Brody, things were hard but going in the right direction and then you just���God ��� I can���t do this with you here.���

  ���Em, you can���t do it without me either. I never should have left back then. But again, trust me to fix this,��� Brody said sternly.

  ���Trust you?��� Emma asked.

  ���Let���s get through this. And yes Emma trust me. Clive������ Brody said through his teeth.

  ���One hour,��� he yelled back.

  ���You can do better,��� Brody ordered, ���And when we get there you get to work!���

  ���Alright,��� Clive said quietly.

  ���My rules now!��� Brody snapped.

  ���Yes sir,��� Clive answered.

  Emma looked at him confused. ���I���m not going anywhere, those fucking papers obviously aren���t making you safe, and that���s done.���

  ���Hines��� Clive said with warning in his voice.

  ���What!��� Brody said slamming back into the seat.

  ���You think it���s her?��� Emma whispered.

  ���Emma,��� he warned.

  ���Brody������ she started.

  ���I trust about a handful of people right now, you, me, Clive and our children. I won���t tell you anymore right now. But again Emma you need to fucking trust me, and when I argued about his visits���FUCK!��� he yelled.

  He held Emma tightly against him and stroked her head. Emma let out a breath and wrapped her arms around his neck. ���There you are Em,��� he whispered in her neck, ���Right where you need to be.���

  * * *

  Ann took Lexi from the car and Brody began to object, ���Brody,��� Emma said taking his hands, ���They���ll be in there with us.���

  ���Do you trust them?��� Brody asked his jaw tightening.

  ���With our lives,��� Emma said and he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her.

  ���God Emma, when you act like this, it makes me feel so small, it���s almost������ Brody started as they got in the elevator.

  ���Brody that���s not my intention,��� Emma said softly.

  They got off the elevator and were taken immediately to London.

  ���Mommy, Brody,��� she cried, ���You���re both here.���

  Emma kissed and hugged her and Brody smiled, ���Nowhere else I���d be London.���

  ���Mrs. Hines we have papers for you to sign at the nurse���s station please,��� Nurse Mary said, motioning her out the door.

  ���How���s Troy?��� Emma asked as soon as they were away from the room.

  * * *

  Brody climbed in bed next to London and she wrapped her arms around him trembling.

  ���You���re going to be alright London,��� Brody said kissing her head.

  ���Are you going to leave again?���

  ���Nope, not if I don���t have to,��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���Can I tell you what happened?��� London asked and her eyes widened, he nodded his head yes. ���Daddy was going to take me camping, not home, he had lots of phone calls and he seemed different. We got in the car and drove and he kept telling me jokes to make me laugh and I just knew…���

  ���You���re very smart, just like your Mom, go on London.���

  ���Well he started getting nervous, looking in the mirror on the windshield and he said shit, sorry but that���s what he said a lot like shit, shit, shit.���

  Brody smiled, ���Okay I understand, keep going.���

  London smiled and then her eyes changed, ���Then we got bumped and we were going fast. Then we spun in circles and then I think we hit a tree. Daddy was trying to help me and told me he loved me and that he loved Mommy and Lexi. I���m sorry if it hurts your feelings but he didn���t say it about you.���

  ���That���s okay, go on London,��� Brody pulled her hair away from her face.

  ���Then I remember lots of blood and that���s it. Is he going to be okay?���

  ���Well he���s in surgery and we���ll know soon. But you���re going to be fine, better than fine okay?���

  ���I don���t think we should worry Mommy,��� London said and looked up at him, ���She has a lot on her mind with you acting all stupid lately.���

  Brody laughed, ���Well then.���

  ���Just saying it like I see it, you���ve been a shit,��� London whispered.

  Brody sucked his cheeks in trying to mask his smile, ���Potty mouth.���

  ���Don���t tell Mommy,��� London warned.

  ���I wouldn���t dare,��� he said and faked a tremble.

  ���Oh and Daddy has a new phone and a new computer that he shuts every time I walk in the room.���

  ���Anything else?���

  ���Yes, kick the shit out of whoever did this,��� London cried.

  ���London we���r
e going to have to do something about that mouth,��� Brody said as sternly as he could to her.

  ���Sorry, don���t tell Mommy,��� London hugged him tightly.

  ���Don���t tell Mommy what London?��� Emma asked as she walked to the bed.

  ���Nothing,��� they both answered looking at each other.

  Brody stood up, ���You two want a minute?���

  ���Yes thank you,��� Emma said looking at London.

  Brody walked by and kissed Emma, ���I���m going to check on Lexington. She���s going to be fine Emma, quite full of it actually.���

  Emma looked at him and he hugged her and turned her around, ���What���s going on,��� he whispered in her ear.

  She smiled and he knew she was trying to be strong, ���Em, is he okay?���

  He felt her body release a breath and looked at her and she whispered, ���No.���

  ���Can you keep that from her?��� he said kissing her head.

  ���I have to for now,��� Emma whispered back.

  * * *

  Emma held London and Brody brought Lexi in, ���Where did Rupert go?���

  Emma looked at him, ���He had to go grab some things for me.���

  Brody looked at her suspiciously and Emma looked fiercely at him.

  * * *

  Brody bounced Lexington on his knee and was sending and receiving messages on his phone through the entire surgery. When Emma took Lexi to feed her and he walked out of the room. When Brody returned he looked agitated.

  ���Everything alright?��� Emma asked placing sleeping Lexington in the carrier.

  Brody looked at her, ���No. So I should tell you about London and my conversation while you were signing papers.���

  Emma smiled, ���I heard.���


  ���She said shit a lot, and you Brody, didn���t scold her.���

  ���He knew something.���

  ���I heard,��� Emma said looking down.

  ���Where���s Rupert Em? He has been gone awhile,��� Brody asked raising his eyebrow.

  Emma looked up at him expressionless, ���Maybe he got caught in traffic, did you need him for something?���

  ���Em,��� Brody glared.

  ���Brody,��� Emma glared back.

  ���So you���re becoming quite an expert marksman,��� Brody said raising an eyebrow.

  ���Yep ��� just waiting to get my license, then I���ll be a gun totting member of the NRA,��� Emma laughed. ���And you should do a reality show on speed dating or something, you know we each have our thing.���

  ���I���m not dating! God Emma,��� Brody snapped.

  ���Well I suppose not,��� Emma stood walking towards the door.

  ���They said another thirty minutes and she���ll be in recovery and then an hour until she wakes up, things are going very well,��� Brody walked up and hugged her, ���I love you, Em.���

  ���You better,��� Emma patted his back.

  ���What are you hiding?��� Brody asked.

  ���What are you hiding?��� Emma asked in return, ���No forget it. I need to be here and present, stop making my head spin.���

  Brody smiled, ���Well at least I can still do that,��� Emma kissed him, ���Wow ��� how long has it been since I haven���t had to initiate physical contact?���

  Emma looked down and shook her head, ���I guess I can take that, I did tell you I cry after you fuck me.���

  ���I���ve treated you like a possession and not a privilege. I literally feel like if I make you come, I���ve done my job,��� Brody said softly to himself.

  Emma looked up at him and started laughing.

  ���What?��� he asked.

  ���Nothing,��� Emma smiled, Brody���s brows creased, ���Stop pouting I was just thinking that…at least you take your job seriously. You could have maybe just reported to duty with less on your mind.���

  Brody looked at her and rolled his eyes, ���I���ve had a lot on my mind.���

  ���I���m aware of that and by the way multitasking should be left to women we���re way better at it.���

  She looked at his eyes and saw them filled with desire. Emma closed her eyes and sat down and he stood looking at her. She grabbed her phone and returned messages and felt him still looking at her, her face felt hot and she looked up.

  ���Stop it.��� Emma whispered.

  ���You started it,��� Brody walked towards her.

  ���Brody,��� she warned.

  He picked her up and sat her on his lap, ���I just want to hold you.���

  ���Really, then what���s this?��� she said while moving her bottom.

  ���Yours,��� Brody said and reached down and adjusted himself, ���just not right now,��� he said and chuckled gruffly.

  Emma took the hand he had just used to adjust himself and kissed each fingertip lightly and looked up at him. His mouth opened slightly and his breaths became shallow. She leaned into him and released his hand.

  Brody traced her lips with his fingers and she bit lightly on them, ���Keep still damn it,��� he whispered.

  Emma smiled and licked his fingertips lightly, ���Emma,��� he moaned and quickly stood up and went into the bathroom.

  When he returned Emma smiled smugly at him, ���You alright?���

  He shook his head, ���I am now, I literally made it in there just in time. It would have been quite embarrassing walking around with a mess on my pants.��� Emma giggled, ���Don���t laugh, it may happen again ��� you know how that makes me feel.���

  ���My laughing at you?���

  ���You being happy sends me to places I would rather not discuss right now,��� he said and turned away.

  ���I used to be happy a lot, so did you. I wish you could remember that,��� Emma said sadly.

  ���Em I remember, happiest times of my life. I just hope you���ll never forget, ever,��� Brody knelt in front of her.

  Emma grabbed his hair and pressed her forehead to his, ���You need to trust me, too.���

  He smiled, ���I do.���

  ���Not enough,��� Emma let go of him.

  He let out a breath and looked down and sat next to her, ���Come here please,��� he patted his lap, ���Get some rest.���

  Brody fell asleep before she did and Emma woke to Rupert standing in front of her, ���Did you get it?��� Emma whispered.

  ���Yes, it���ll be where we decided,��� Rupert said.

  ���He���s suspicious,��� Emma whispered.

  ���I know, I passed Clive when I was heading out of town, drove like a bat out of hell to get back here,��� Rupert smiled, ���Its password protected.���

  ���I���m sure I can figure it out,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Are you sure you want to do this alone?��� Rupert asked.

  ���Yes, just make sure Ann has tea when I need her,��� Emma said taking the bag he had put on the floor in front of her.

  ���She always does ma���am,��� he said and looked at his wife lovingly.

  Brody sat up, ���What���s in the bag Rupert?��� he said accusingly.

  ���The items your wife sent me after sir,��� he replied, ���Is that all ma���am?���

��Yes, thank you,��� Emma reached down for the bag.

  Brody snatched it up and raised his eyebrow, ���Brody,��� Emma warned.

  ���Em I want to see it first, okay,��� he said and glared at her.

  ���No actually, it���s not,��� she grabbed for it.

  ���I don���t think this is the appropriate place for this, I���ll tell you everything that I have so far but I don���t want you to see alright?��� Brody asked calmly.

  ���No, it���s not. I have a dead ex- husband and a daughter who could have died today. I���m just as deep in this as you are, more so if we count casualties so far. If you can���t handle that, I���m sorry. But you���ll have to figure it out just like I have,��� Emma said and opened the bag.

  ���I won���t hurt you anymore than I have damn it!��� he grabbed the bag and pulled out the iPad and opened it, ���What���s the password Em?���

  ���I don���t know you���ll have to ask London ��� it���s hers, to replace the one that was smashed up in the accident Brody,��� Emma said taking it back and trying to look angry.

  Lexi woke and Emma fed her, Brody pawed through the bag of pajamas and books that Rupert had stopped and picked up. There were three toothbrushes and three washcloths, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner. He looked up at Emma and scowled. ���This is all Rupert brought back Em?���

  ���Did you need something? I wasn���t sure if you would be staying, I thought maybe you would be returning with Clive,��� Emma answered as she held Lexington on her lap, ���Did he get the board book I asked him to?���

  ���This?��� he asked holding it up.

  ���Yes, come read with us?��� Emma smiled.

  Brody walked over to her and took Lexi, ���Your Momma thinks I���m stupid.���

  ���Tell Daddy I think he���s very smart and extremely handsome,��� Emma smiled at Lexi.

  ���Tell Mommy to stop treating me like a child,��� Brody smiled at Lexi.

  ���Tell Daddy he should go first,��� Emma laughed.


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