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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 209

by Mj Fields

  ���Maybe we should ask Rupert who pays his wages?��� Brody said tickling Lexi���s chin.

  ���Tell Daddy that was rude, and child support would more than cover it,��� Emma smiled.

  ���No ma���am, I would work for you for free,��� Rupert said and Ann laughed.

  Brody scowled at them.

  The nurse walked in and told them they could go back. Ann took Lexi and Brody took Emma���s hand and kissed it, ���You ready?���

  When they walked in to recovery the first thing London asked about was her father.

  ���Let���s talk about that later okay?��� Emma said and kissed her.

  ���Brody is my Daddy dead?��� London demanded.

  ���Em,��� Brody whispered and searched her face.

  Emma closed her eyes and tears started flowing. She���d held it together so well until now, ���London,��� Emma whispered in her ear.

  ���Answer me!��� London yelled at Brody.

  Brody sat down and grabbed for her hand and she pulled it away, ���Is he?��� She yelled.

  ���London I���m so sorry, yes your father is gone,��� Brody said looking into her eyes.

  ���It���s because you brought her back here, she���s evil and you brought her here, I HATE YOU!��� London yelled and started crying.

  Emma looked at Brody shocked, ���London don���t you blame him, he loves you. Brody didn���t do this.���

  ���Stop sticking up for him, he hates you too. He leaves you all the time. He hates all of us,��� London yelled.

  ���London please������ Brody started and a tear fell from his eye, ���I love you and your mother very much.���

  ���Sometimes it doesn���t matter, you���ll leave again I know you will, that���s what you do,��� she snapped.

  ���London I won���t leave you again������ Brody sat on the bed next to her.

  ���Yes you will, I want you to leave now ��� GET OUT!��� She screamed.

  ���London that���s enough,��� Emma pleaded.

  ���No Mommy. I don���t want him here, I want him to leave now,��� London screamed.

  Brody kissed London���s head and stood up, ���I���m going to be right out there, if you need me I���ll be here just ask.���

  ���London I���m so sorry,��� Emma hugged her tightly.

  ���Me too Mom, but I hate Brody. He came into our lives and just keeps leaving,��� Emma let her talk, ���and he brought her back here and says it���s because he loved you,��� London sobbed. ���He didn���t like my Dad either, he���s probably glad he���s dead,��� London wiped her face on Emma���s shirt, ���He hated him because������

  ���London you should rest baby, we can talk later,��� Emma kissed her head.

  ���He hated him because of what happened at the beach,��� London said and looked up at Emma.

  ���I know, but I don���t think Brody hated him.���

  ���Well he certainly didn���t like him,��� London snapped.

  ���Why do you think that?��� Emma said.

  ���I…he left and you got cancer Mommy, he left and you were so sick,��� London cried.

  ���I���m good now, right?��� Emma kissed her.

  ���Yes Mommy, but then he left and he left for a long time, a very long time and SHE came back instead of him, and she���s mean and evil just evil,��� London cried.

  ���And then what happened?���

  ���He came back and loved us again and she stopped coming around and things were good,��� London cried.

  ���Okay, Shh��� Emma soothed.

  ���And then he left again Mommy and my Dad died, my daddy���s dead, Mommy,��� London cried harder, ���and now I told him to go away, and I know he will Mommy.���

  ���Well I don���t think������ Emma started.

  ���He can���t leave again Mommy I love him,��� London cried and started to close her eyes, ���He can���t fix this by coming back Mommy, he can���t bring Daddy back.���

  ���He would if he could London,��� Emma said and tears fell.

  ���I was so mean to him Mommy, and now he���s gone. I just want him to fix it like he always does and he can���t. I know it���s not his fault I love him Mommy and I love Dad and this is SHIT!��� London yelled.

  ���Okay. It IS sad, but your mouth London…��� Emma said softly.

  ���SHIT I���M SO SORRY, BRODY, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!��� London screamed.

  Brody cleared his throat when he walked in the door, ���London, you really need to stop saying that word, it literally means something that comes out of your fanny not out of the mouth of a beautiful girl,��� he smiled and she smiled back. ���By the way; I love you very much and wish I could fix this for you. I didn���t hate your father, how could I, he helped make you?��� Brody climbed in bed with her and held her as she fell asleep wrapped around him.

  ���Thank you,��� Emma said.

  ���No Em, you���re very good at this Mommy stuff. You listen to her and help her������ Brody stopped.

  ���I didn���t help her, I just gave her the opportunity to say what she wanted and explain to herself why she felt that way. God, she loves you,��� Emma said sitting with her hands in her hair.

  ���And that troubles you,��� Brody said sadly.

  ���More so now than ever Brody, damn it!��� Emma sat back.

  ���We���re going to be fine, all of us are going to be just fine,��� Brody said and reached over and grabbed her hand.


  Brody carried London into the house after they spent two nights in the hospital.

  ���Are you going to leave now?��� London asked.

  Brody smiled, ���Sick of me already?���

  ���No, I just want to know if you���re going to leave and for how long.���

  Emma took Lexi upstairs and laid her down.

  ���Hey London ��� let���s check out Netflix, were going to do nothing today but chill and watch ridiculously funny movies,��� Brody said making a silly face, ���here���s the remote, you surf the channels and I���m going to force your mother to make us those chocolate chip cookies we love.���

  Emma smiled as he slid across the floor in his socks, ���Already on it.���

  ���Good wench, your place is in the kitchen,��� he grabbed her ass, ���And the bedroom.���

  Emma jumped, ���Wow someone���s returned.���

  ���Are you prepared for what that brings?��� He asked. ���The good, the bad, and the hideous?���

  ���Yes Brody, for better or worse,��� Emma said turning around, he sat on the counter, Emma’s eyebrow raised remembering the last time he sat there and she closed her eyes and shook her head as if it were an etch- a- sketch and the image in her head would disappear.

  He laughed, ���What are you thinking love?���

  ���I���m making cookies, and you���re in my way.���

  ���Oh I see. Anything I can do to help you out?��� he asked cocking his head to the side.

  ���Go back and see if London needs anything,��� Emma said walking to the pantry. ���Seriously Emma what���s wrong with you, you have a funeral to help plan, a child with a broken leg and some
crazy ass out there after your family, and you���re thinking about…���

  ���About what love?��� Brody whispered in her ear and bit her lobe lightly.

  ���Cookies I���m thinking about cookies. Does she need anything?���

  ���She���s asleep, probably tired from the ride. So I was thinking,��� he spun her around, ���Maybe you and I could dance.���

  ���I have cookies to make,��� Emma gasped.

  ���I love your cookies, we should add M&M’s to them at the end, then they would be the best cookies ever,��� he laughed.

  Emma laughed and then she looked shocked, ���You can’t leave again.���

  ���I promise I won’t but after you hear everything you may want me too,��� Brody said and looked at the recipe card trying to forget.

  ���Our girls are asleep, talk as we bake?���

  ���Where���s the computer and the phone Rupert retrieved from Troy���s Em?��� Brody asked and looked at her. Emma scowled and looked at him, ���I want to see it.���

  ���I don���t know what you���re talking about,��� Emma said softly.

  Brody whispered back, ���Even if you say it quietly, it���s still a lie Em.���

  ���Let me ask you why you���re so interested.���

  ���Okay tit for tat, I have a video. It was delivered to our postal box, it���s of me while in captivity, getting my ass beat amongst other things. I had to pay two million dollars as a bribe to someone. We haven���t figured out who yet but we���re narrowing it down. I was contacted after the money was sent western union of all things so it was untraceable, saying if I didn���t return to my old ways, pre marriage, or BE, Before Emma, bad things would happen. After it was noticed that I continued spending a lot of time here I was contacted and told I needed to file papers. That was a few weeks ago. I refused and further threats were made, I decided to comply and well, I���m sure what happened was a result of it. I didn���t want to leave you, except the first week I was gone. That week was because of the dreams and was afraid I would hurt you or one of them,��� Emma looked at him and was angry.

  ���Why didn���t you just tell me Brody, this has been hell. My God Troy���s dead, London could have been. Why didn���t you go to the police or talk to my father?��� Emma asked quietly.

  ���Do you think I didn���t considered all of that?��� Brody asked looking hurt.

  ���I���m sorry, I just, this is all���okay I���m sorry,��� Emma said and started to grab for him and stopped.

  ���You won���t touch me?��� Brody asked heartbreakingly.

  ���I just don���t know if it���s alright with you Brody,��� Emma said, ���Is it?���

  ���Of course,��� he said and held his hand out to her, ���I���m yours Emma, how many times must I tell you that?���

  They held each other tightly, ���Okay Emma let���s go, it���s about twenty minutes of footage, do you think they���ll sleep that long?��� Brody asked leading her to the office.

  ���You don���t have to be in here when I watch it Brody,��� Emma swallowed hard.

  ���Oh yes I do,��� Brody said authoritatively, ���We could do this on the big screen if you���d like,��� he laughed uncomfortably and sat down.

  Emma sat next to him and held his hand. He clicked a few documents and entered a password and sat back rubbing his hand along his stubbly face.

  Emma watched as Brody was shackled to a wall fighting to get away and screaming for them to let him go, it took three men to pin him to it so that they could strip him and wrap him in some sort of loin cloth. He was left alone, the clock in the back ground was six hours later than in the first incident and he still stood tall with his arms cuffed in the air. He asked to be released and was whipped across the stomach he didn���t flinch. He repeated his request and the whipping continued for two hours. Next was two women fondling him which was very hard to watch but he didn���t react at all. Two men came in and backhanded him across his face repeatedly for being unresponsive to the women. He was poked with a needle and visibly relaxed immediately.

  A blond woman came in and un- cuffed him. He smiled when she took off her robe and sank into the bed. Emma recognized her, it was Elizabeth.

  ���Have you had enough Em?��� Brody asked.

  ���No,��� she answered quietly.

  Elizabeth held herself up above his head by a bar that appeared to be attached to the ceiling. She lowered herself onto his face and Emma looked away.

  Brody reached up and paused the computer, ���I know this is pretty difficult to watch Em but were more than half way through. You need to see this because if it gets leaked I want no surprises.���

  ���Are you alright Brody?��� Emma asked quietly.

  ���As long as you don���t end up fucking hating me I will be,��� Brody sat back.

  Emma looked up at him, ���They hurt you.���

  ���I���m fine now,��� Brody grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  Emma sat back and pulled her knees into her chest and he moved the curser to play.

  Elizabeth rocked her pelvis into his face and he turned his head away from her. She held his head between her knees and he was whipped again by someone else.

  Emma looked at the clock on the screen and it was seven and a half hours from when it started. She could feel Brody looking at her and she squeezed his hand and looked over at him.

  ���Em we���re almost done, but if you want to wait,��� he offered.

  It was a different scene but he was obviously drugged again and he was on his knees this time. His arms strung up above him, he had more marks across his body and Elizabeth stood in front of him with her foot on the bed behind him, his face was between her legs. When he pulled away from her, he was whipped and after three hours his arms were released and he was sitting on the end of the bed as she straddled him and fucked him. Emma looked down briefly. When she looked up Brody again appeared lethargic and Elizabeth was in a swing of some sort strapped up. He was in a chair and turned his head away from her and was whipped. Finally he wrapped his arms around her legs and began to satisfy her orally and her face when she came made Emma sick.

  Emma stood and walked out of the room and into the bathroom and threw up. She sat on the floor and cried.

  Brody walked in and knelt down in front of her and hugged her not saying anything.

  ���Brody you were obviously drugged and beat, and God…you must have been scared,��� Emma cried.

  ���And cold, it was really cold,��� he whispered, ���and it smelled literally like urine in that room. Okay let���s finish this up.���

  The next ten or so minutes he was beaten less and more submissive. He and Elizabeth must have had sex twenty times.

  ���We need to see what he has on that computer Em and I need a fucking shower,��� Brody said disgusted.

  Emma checked on London and Ann was in the kitchen finishing the cookies. Emma went upstairs and walked into the master bedroom, ���You need something Em?���

  ���Just to know you���re alright.���

  ���If you are, I am. What did you think, I mean do you have any questions?��� he asked uncomfortably.

  ���Observations, your face was cleanly shaved and by the end you had a full beard, so I���m sure it was over a week, maybe two that all that went on. When I saw your back there weren���t scars from the stab wounds, so I assume you tried to escape or something. Elizabeth looked sober, her pupils didn���t stay fixed like yours were the who
le time. She has a big ass and you didn���t look like you enjoyed it. You were fast ��� it wasn���t ambitious sex, you even looked pissed when you came,��� Emma finally looked up at him.

  ���I love you Em.���

  ���Well, I feel the same.���

  ���I should have given you more credit and avoided all this shit,��� Brody was irritated.

  ���Shut up Brody and get in the bath, I need to wash you,��� Emma ran water.

  He looked at her shocked, ���Ok���join me?���

  ���Yes,��� Emma took her clothes off slowly as he watched her and stepped in the bath.

  ���You���re beautiful,��� he pulled her onto him.

  ���I love you,��� Emma wrapped her arms and legs around him and melted into his arms.

  * * *

  Brody was downstairs with London when Clive walked in, ���Emma���s family is here to see London.���

  ���Alright,��� Brody sat up, ���You have company!���

  Henry, Caroline and Elizabeth came into the family room and London looked up at Brody apprehensively.

  ���I���m right here,��� he whispered in effort to comfort London.

  ���How are you feeling?��� Caroline sat next to London.

  ���I���m tired,��� London said softly.

  ���I bet you are,��� Henry smiled, ���Are you alright, London?���

  ���No,��� her lip quivered.

  Brody helped her sit up, ���What do you need London, can I get you a drink?���

  ���Please don���t leave,��� London whispered.

  ���We brought dinner,��� Caroline smiled.

  ���And gifts,��� Elizabeth sat next to Brody.

  Emma walked in with Lexi and froze.

  ���Em, your family brought dinner,��� Brody said trying to break her glare at them.

  ���We���ve got it,��� Emma snapped.

  ���Dada,��� Lexington smiled and reached towards Brody.

  He started to stand and London squeezed his hand tightly, ���Emma, could you bring her to me?���


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