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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 270

by Mj Fields

���What the hell is going on, Harper?��� Matthew said from behind her.

  Maddox saw Harper lean forward and touch the computer screen. He watched as Matthew lifted her chin and the other guy knelt down next to her.

  ���It’s nothing, please just leave me alone,��� Harper wiped her face.

  ���Bullshit, Harper, who were you talking to?��� Matthew looked around.

  Maddox realized that she thought she had shut down their session. ���Leave it alone,��� Harper started to stand.

  Matthew stood in front of her.

  ���Let me leave, Matthew,��� Harper snapped at him.

  ���It’s either me or dad, you decide,��� Matthew snapped back.

  ���Fine! I was talking to Maddox on Skype,��� Harper said softly.

  ���And he made you cry like this? What is going on with you two?��� Matthew demanded.

  ���He thinks I like him,��� Harper snapped.

  ���Blake?��� Matthew laughed.

  ���Yes. I don’t— I love Maddox,��� Harper started to cry again.

  ���Do I know him, was he here?��� Blake asked.

  ���Isn’t he in England?��� Matthew asked.

  Maddox did not hear her reply.

  ���And you love him?��� Matthew laughed.

  ���Yes!��� Harper���s voice was loud and clear.

  ���So you love someone who makes you cry like this, Harper? And act like you did at the Cape?��� Matthew sounded shocked.

  Maddox saw her lip stick out and wanted so badly to say he was sorry, to take away what he had said.

  ���This is not love, Harper, this is sadness. He is a fucked up kid…���

  ���You don’t know him!���

  ���I know enough to know he has one hell of a road before him; he is hurting you, and making you act like a crazy person! Enough Harper! Don’t you see?���

  ���Leave me alone Matthew! Don’t worry about it! He doesn’t want me anyway! Now get out of my way!���

  ���No, you need to talk to someone about this shit.���

  ���I don’t need an audience, Matthew.���

  ���Oh, I apologize. I just… I���m sorry.���

  Maddox heard a door shut, goodbye chump.

  ���Harper that was rude,��� Matthew scolded her.

  ���So go console him and leave me alone. Why is he here anyway? If he wasn’t…���

  ���He is doing a summer internship with dad, trying to get ahead of his education.���

  ���If he didn’t come Maddox and I would be…���

  ���What Harper, what would you be? He is a kid who needs to deal with a lot of shit and you are probably the first girl he saw. You need to leave him alone ��� you���re smarter than this!���

  ���I. Love…���

  ���You���re seventeen and going off to college. He is in England, and has so much to deal with. You were the first girl he saw. Probably the first person who was kind to him aside from his family. That���s a bond, but it���s not love. If it was love it would not hurt you like this.���

  ���I hate you,��� Harper said softly.

  Maddox had never heard her say that to him before. He was shocked.

  ���I know you do. Because you know I am right and because I know you really love me I���ll let it slide. Please Harper, let this go.���

  ���I really don’t have a choice. I disgust him.���

  Matthew laughed, ���I doubt that, Harper.���

  ���Yes I do.���

  Maddox had heard enough, so he shut down the session and the computer. He shook in anger and grabbed his phone and typed ���mine,��� took a deep breath and threw his phone on the table. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. He pulled the cork and drank from the bottle and set it down. He placed the cork back in the bottle and went upstairs to bed.

  Maddox stood off stage looking at the crowd, holy shit, he thought. He looked at the VIP section hoping she had gotten his gift, and praying she found a way to convince her parents to let her come. He had not talked to her in weeks, not since the fight. He had busied himself with writing; there was no lack of inspiration. He wrote almost a song a day, it was healing. It helped release his pain. Not allowing himself to talk to her made him miss her more. It also made him realize how true his feelings were for her. Maddox had sent three tickets to his first big show to Harper as a graduation present. He knew she would show, she had to. She had not returned the gift, had not defriended him, and he had even liked some of her photos from South America with the dickhead in it. She did not reply, and he was sure she was giving both of them time to heal, to grow, to get to know who they were.

  He walked on stage with his guitar and waved at the crowd. He looked at T who was beaming, and they both smiled a smile as if to say, ���Holy shit we made it.��� Zach was playing bass, and he winked at Maddox as he walked to center stage.

  Maddox leaned into the mic, ���Thank you all for coming out tonight,��� he yelled and the crowd roared, ���I said, Thank you all for coming out tonight!��� They screamed louder, ���We are Burning Souls!���

  T tapped his sticks and the music began. And the crowd roared. Maddox wasn���t afraid to look at them like he had been at the waterfront. His fear was that the larger the venue the more anxiety he would feel, and that was absolutely not the case. It was less personal. The stage was elevated and security held back the crowd. The first song was Mad and Twisted a song he had wrote the night he slammed the bottle of wine, the night he fought with Harper. It was an angry ���screw you��� loud, fast, hard, rock song. The crowd was going crazy and cheering. He was having a great time dancing. Zach was moving as well, getting the crowd of screaming females even more worked up. The song ended, and Maddox winked at T.

  ���This next song was written a year ago, it���s called Stained. My sister the lovely London Fields will accompany us on keyboard, get out here girl.��� The crowd cheered.

  Waves crash of thunder I run. Inside my mind,

  I run.

  Seas grand reflection open the warmth,

  Undone, undone.

  Reflecting the love in my soul, burning inside of

  my soul.

  The sea whispers softly, no longer hide,

  Don���t hide, don���t hide, don���t hide, and don���t hide.

  Washed away by the seas calm,

  Nurtured by the wind, the sound of her song.

  Breeze gently holding me high,

  The weights lightly lifted up to the sky

  Elevated, raised, floating up high,

  What remains a stain, just a stain, a stain.

  Lips touching softly on mine, hidden desperations

  An Island of questions, my pride, my pride, my pride,

  my pride.

  Carried away by the beauty the wind and her tide. Blowing away the hurting, hurting inside.

  I lay back in comfort drifting I see the beauty the sea has given to me.

  The sea, the sea, the sea, the sea.

  Washed away by the seas calm.

  Nurtured by the wind, the sound of her song.

  Breeze gently holding me high.

  The weights lightly lifted up to the sky.

  Elevated, raised, floating up high,

  What remains, a stain

  Just a stain remains.

  Wash crash of thunder I run. Inside my mind I run. Elevated raised floating up high what remains a stain, just a stain a stain.

  ���Thank you very much. Now we are going to hand it over to Zach,��� Maddox smiled, and Zach took the mic.
r />   Maddox and T jammed, and Zach played a few songs he had written when he replaced Brody. Maddox was anxious to know if she had come and he tried to search her out in the crowd. He was pretty sure he saw Matthew and even waved in his direction and Matthew waved back, it has to be him. He saw a blonde that stood near Matthew, but he was not sure. Maddox took back the mic and sang two more songs ending their set. T did a drum solo and threw some sticks in the crowd.

  ���Thank you all for putting up with us tonight,��� the crowd started chanting his name and he laughed, ���That���s me. Up next is the reason you all actually came, the greatest band ever, with the coolest lead singer in the entire world, my Dad. We will take a short break, and then you can all enjoy The Brody Hines Band!��� The crowd chanted his name loudly, and he smiled and threw some guitar picks out. ���Hey lighting guy. It seems unfair that they know my name, and I can’t even see their faces, do me a favor shine your light down on them!���

  Maddox looked out into the crowd pretending to wave at the screaming masses. He saw Matthew clearly and that dick from the photos. He saw the blonde wrap her arms around Blake���s neck and kiss him as he rubbed her back.

  ���Fuck that, you all want some more?��� Maddox screamed and held the mic out to them, ���I can’t hear you!��� He gave T and Zach a smile, ���Give me just a minute I have to take a piss!��� Brody was standing off stage, ���You don���t mind do you, Dad?���

  ���No, they love you Maddox, you sure you have another one ready?���

  ���Yeah, where���s London?���

  ���She went back with Emma to wait in the dressing room.���

  ���Perfect, give me a minute,��� Maddox walked down the corridor to the bathroom and slammed the door when he went in.

  ���UNBELIEVABLE!��� he screamed.

  ���Dude you okay,��� one of the stage crew he had seen earlier asked him. Maddox began to piss in the urinal.

  ���What���re you smoking?���

  ���Dude, I am sorry.���

  ���No, is it harsh, I mean can you still function?���

  ���Just some hash, man. You want some?���

  ���Hell yes, but I have another song to do. How much can I smoke and still function?��� Maddox took the little black pipe.

  ���First time?���

  ���Yes, I don���t know man a few pulls?���

  ���Okay,��� Maddox said and lit it up.

  Maddox walked onstage, and the crowd went wild he whispered to T. ���You sure?���

  ���Hell yes, she���s here man,��� Maddox chuckled immediately feeling the effects of the hash.


  ���Right out there making out with the dick from the picture online.���

  ���No way!���

  ���Yeah, let’s do this, T,��� Maddox laughed.

  He whispered to Zach, and he looked confused, ���Just follow along.���

  ���Alright this is a song I am dedicating to all you girls out there who quickly fall in love. Don���t look for it on our upcoming record it won’t be on it,��� Maddox laughed and T started tapping his sticks.

  Hey little girl, yeah you right there, the one in the short skirt and the long blonde hair.

  I’m the one who you were moaning my name.

  Whose that dude, yeah what���s his name? You don���t know, what you mean he���s just a guy, the one who just had his hands rubbing up your thigh. Look at me girl; you remember this, the one who just left to take a piss.

  I remember you girl your ass so tight, pulling me down begging for just one night,

  Please Maddox please, you know how I feel, you feel it too so what���s your deal? I���ll never stop wanting you, I love you too, please don���t leave me Maddox boo hoo, hoo, hoo.

  So quick to forget, out of sight out of mind.

  I agree when those fools say love is blind

  Sit still little girl I got something for you, sit and watch me baby this shits for you.���

  T played the drums as Maddox pointed to a girl in the front row and curled his finger to her. She mouthed me? He winked and nodded his head yes.

  ���Hey make sure she’s of age and bring her up,��� Maddox yelled to the buff security guard.

  She stood in front of him and he breathed hard into the mic and started again.

  Look but don���t touch baby I wanna show you stuff,

  I promise once you see you���ll never get enough.

  He pulled his shirt off and the crowd screamed as T played a beat. He looked at the girl and winked as he ran his hands slowly down his hard defined abs.

  You like it girl see these abs do you feel the need; hey check the V baby girl, leading to my seed.

  He walked slowly to her and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, chewed the bottom of his lip, winked, and continued singing. He stood back just as she reached to touch him.

  Fuck you, I don���t think so. Fuck you, you, I don���t think so.

  You���re such a tease, dirty little -tease.

  Fuck you, I don���t think so. Fuck you, you I don���t think so.

  You���re such a tease, dirty little -tease.

  Get down on your knees, wanna hear you and groan- please.

  Fuck you, you I don���t think so. Fuck you I don���t think so.

  You���re such a tease, dirty little -tease.

  Fuck you, you I don���t think so.

  You���re such a tease, nothing but a -tease.

  Down on your knees

  Begging me please, please.

  He pulled the girl up off her knees, ���Thanks for playing along, I���ll make sure to get you an autograph.���

  ���I would settle for a kiss,��� she smiled.

  ���Alright then,��� Maddox pulled her up against him and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  ���We square?��� She nodded and screamed. The crowd went nuts. Maddox smiled at her and kissed her cheek, ���Thanks again.���

  ���Goodnight everyone!��� Maddox dropped the microphone and walked off stage. He turned and watched T laughing as he walked followed him.

  ���Holy shit, Maddox! That was awesome!��� T hugged him quickly.

  ���What the hell was that?��� Zach asked trying not to laugh.

  ���A new love song, you like it?��� Maddox patted his back.

  Maddox looked up, and Brody was standing with his arms crossed across his chest.

  ���What the hell was that, Maddox?��� Brody asked without expression.

  ���Did you like it?���

  ���Really a song called Fuck You?��� Brody raised his eyebrow. ���And making out with a fan onstage?���

  Maddox grabbed a ball cap and pulled it down low, ���I was pissed at������

  ���Harper?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes!��� Maddox snapped.

  ���Really because she is right over there,��� Brody pointed towards Emma. ���And I thought you were friends. It has been two months since you have even talked to her.���

  ���What���s it matter? She was out there sucking some dickheads face off at a show I was performing at! Kind of fucking rude!���

  ���She has been back here the whole time. Matthew and a couple of his friends were out there, Maddox,��� Brody quietly scolded him.

  Maddox was shocked, ���I saw her!���

  ���No, you didn���t. She and London have been back here the entire time. Regardless, as your friend I���m
sure it���s no big deal to her how you act, right Maddox? Wish me luck, I���m up.��� Brody smiled sadly.

  ���Good luck, Dad.���

  Brody walked on stage, and the crowd went wild. ���Hello, London!���

  T looked at Maddox and started laughing, ���You fucked up.���

  ���Shut up, T.���

  ���Maddox are you crying?��� T stopped laughing.

  ���No, why?��� Maddox laughed.

  ���Your eyes man���did you do something, like smoke pot?���

  ���Hash, one of the stage crew was in the bathroom smoking.���

  ���So you just smoked shit with him?���

  ���Yeah, I did,��� Maddox laughed, ���And then I made out with a fan.���

  ���Fucking Rock Stars,��� T laughed. ���Hey there���s a really hot blonde over there. Do you mind if I go try to get her on her knees?���

  ���You���re an asshole,��� Maddox looked towards Harper.

  Harper saw him look at her and turned to Emma, ���I���m going to say hello and then go find Matthew. It was nice seeing you.���

  ���Stay with us tonight. London would love it.��� Emma hugged her.

  ���I don���t think it���s a good idea,��� Harper smiled sadly.

  ���Hey Harper,��� Maddox walked up and stuck his hand out to shake hers.

  Harper smiled and shook his hand. ���Good show.���

  Maddox laughed and so did T.

  ���Maddox is that polite?��� Emma scolded him.

  ���Sorry. Harper this is T. He���s the drummer,��� Maddox shoved his hands in his pockets and slouched.

  ���You did a great job, T. Nice to meet you,��� Harper smiled and stuck her hand out to shake his hand.

  He pulled her in and hugged her tightly, ���Nice to put a face to the name.���

  ���Yeah, I bet,��� Harper whispered.

  ���He thought you were������

  ���Alright T let her go, Harper, can I have a moment alone?��� Maddox asked.

  ���I���m going to get going. Matthew and his friends are waiting,��� Harper smiled.

  ���They aren’t staying to watch dad, Harper? Just give me ten damn minutes,��� Maddox snapped.


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