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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 271

by Mj Fields

  ���Maddox, that���s enough,��� Emma looked at him, ���What is going on with you tonight?���

  ���Sorry, it���s just��� Harper, please,��� Maddox squeezed his eyes shut.

  ���Okay, but then I need to get back to them.���

  Maddox took her hand and started to walk towards the dressing room, she pulled it away slowly, and he stopped and looked at her.

  ���I���m following you, lead the way,��� Harper forced a smile.

  They walked into the room, and he shut the door behind her. He looked in the mirror quickly and noticed he was still shirtless, and his pants were undone. He took his hat off and put both hands on the counter and leaned down with his head hung in shame. ���Harper about tonight; I thought you were with the douche bag, making out with him in the audience,��� Maddox turned around and looked at her.

  Harper smiled, ���What he does is not my business, Maddox. He���s my friend. That���s it.���

  ���And then that song, Harper, I���m so sorry,��� Maddox looked up at her through his thick black eyelashes. ���What can I do to make it up to you?���

  Harper looked at him, and her voice was soft and sad. ���What you do is not my business either.���

  ���Bullshit, Harper!��� Maddox snapped and grabbed her face, ���I call bullshit!���

  She froze and looked at him, ���It���s not bull������

  He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly, and she moved her face quickly away.

  ���Please don���t do that again,��� Harper���s eyebrows crept up and he closed his eyes and pulled her into a hug, ���Maddox, please let go of me.���

  He stepped back and looked at her, ���Why did you even fucking come? I mean if I meant nothing to you why did you even bother?���

  Harper blinked rapidly fighting tears, ���I don���t know.���

  She turned for the door, and he quickly ran in front of it, blocking her exit, ���Don���t leave. Please don���t leave.���

  ���Maddox are you on something?���

  ���What���s that supposed to mean?���

  ���Your eyes are red. Are you on drugs, or have you been drinking?���

  ���What the hell does that have anything to do with?���

  ���If you���re not thinking clearly, you should just not say anything, Maddox. We���ve been through this.���

  ���Did you hear Stained, Harper?���

  ���Please Maddox,��� her voice shook, ���I really want to be your friend. I came here tonight as your friend.���

  Maddox���s heart began to beat hard and he panicked ���I smoked hash tonight. I drink every night before bed,��� he looked up at her. ���I have nightmares every night if I don���t.���

  Harper wiped tears off her cheek.

  ���I don���t deserve you in any form; friend or���I just don���t deserve you.���

  Harper squatted down in front of him. ���You need to tell Brody and Emma so they can find someone to������

  ���No, I don���t and neither do you!���

  ���What kind of friend would I be if I did not try to help you, Maddox?���

  ���Stay with me and watch my father. Stay tonight with us���please, Harper?���

  ���I don���t think������

  ���The bozo can stay too.���

  ���The bozo has a name.���

  ���Fine Blake can stay too.���

  ���His parents have a house about two hours away. That���s where we���re staying.���

  ���Harper please stay tonight���for London?���

  ���That���s pretty low, Maddox.���

  He shrugged, ���I���ll do whatever it takes and whatever you ask. Just please don���t walk away from me after what I just did. If you leave, I know I will never see you again. If you stay, I know that I still have my friend.���

  ���You have me as a friend Maddox, regardless of where I stay.���

  ���So you won’t stay with me? Just one night, Harper? Please.��� He looked into her eyes, and she looked incredibly sad and confused. He knew that look; he had seen it in several dozen girls before. He felt sick to his stomach. He had seen her angry and hurt before. But tonight he crossed a line. He was no better than the pig or Carter. The difference was he once had her love. He had her heart and her trust.

  ���If you promise me one thing, Maddox, just one thing.���


  ���You tell your father and Emma what you told me. You tell them you are having dreams and that you���re drinking and smoking things to get through it.���

  He saw hope in her eyes, ���Sure.���

  ���Alright let���s get out there and watch your dad.��� Harper stood and offered him her hand. She pulled him up and let go of his hand, ���Let’s go.���

  Matthew was less than excited about Harper staying with Maddox even though he knew how excited London would be. If it wasn���t for her, he would have dragged Harper out of there, and Maddox knew it. Matthew gave him a look, one meant for intimidation. Little did he know Maddox had faced worse looks in his lifetime, so he was not at all afraid of Matthew. He was only afraid of hurting Harper even more.

  Maddox was standing in front of the fireplace in his pajama pants when Harper walked down the stairs. He smiled at her, ���Can���t sleep?���

  ���I was thirsty, and London���s finally asleep,��� Harper looked at the fire.

  ���What would you like to drink, Harper?���

  ���Water, but I can get it,��� Harper started walking in the wrong direction, and he grabbed her hand and chuckled.

  She started to pull it away, but he held it tighter, ���You���re going the wrong way. And please, Harper, we have held hands since forever. Please don���t take that away from me.���

  Harper scowled at him, and he dropped her hand instantly. ���I am trying really hard here, Maddox.���

  ���I know.���

  ���Okay, show me to the kitchen.���

  Maddox poured two glasses of water and handed her one and leaned against the counter and drank his. He watched her the entire time. ���I am really sorry about the show, Harper. I thought you were with him, I thought you brought him to the concert and thoroughly disregarded how I may feel if I saw you making out with him.���

  ���I completely understand how that may be incredibly uncomfortable,��� she tried hide the sarcasm in her voice.

  He took a step toward her, ���I need to ask you for one thing, Harper. Please kiss me, like before. Just once. I screwed up. I never will again. Just please.���

  ���Maddox, you���re high.���

  ���No, actually— that shit wears off��� fast,��� Maddox grabbed her hand and walked back into the den.

  ���We don���t want this. We are too young and going in two different directions. Just let it go. That���s what you have told me for a year. That���s what you showed me tonight. Please don���t fight with me, please.���

  ���One kiss Harper, one of choice and desire. Like before, not what I did tonight. Your kiss, Harper.���

  ���Maddox, I���m going to bed.���

  ���No,��� he set his hands on the sides of the chair capturing her, ���One. Kiss.���

  ���Will it be enough then?���

  ���What do you mean?���

  ���Can I go to bed then?���

  ���If that���s what you want.���

  ���Go ahead,��� Harper closed her eyes and he held her face in his hands.

  ���This is home Harper, right here this close to you makes me feel like I am at home,��� he ran his nose up the side of her face slowly and then rubbed it across hers. He opened his eyes, and saw hers were not closed anymore. The desire he had not only seen but felt from her every time they were close was gone. Completely and utterly gone. He stepped towards her and grabbed her pulling her into him. He held her and rubbed her back. ���Please just relax, Harper.��� He stood back and looked at her and leaned in, kissing the top of her head. ���I���ll be right back��� please sit I won’t be long.���

  Maddox walked into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. He started to replace the cork and stopped. He lifted the bottle to his lips and drank from it. He took another drink, this time longer until the bottle was gone. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He returned to the den, and she was sitting on the edge of the couch.

  He knelt down in front of her, ���Here Harper, this will help you relax.���

  ���Maddox��� I���m eighteen,��� Harper sat back away from him.

  ���Perfect, that���s legal here,��� he smiled and took a drink from his glass, ���It���s very good.���

  ���I don���t drink,��� Harper forced herself to look away from him.

  ���Fine, I just thought������

  ���Thought what--- if I drank I would forget?���

  ���Maybe���maybe you���d forgive me. I don���t know, Harper. I just don���t like to see you so uptight,��� Maddox finished his glass and set it down.

  ���I forgive you,��� she scowled briefly, ���Maddox; it���s really not a big������

  ���Get pissed at me, Christ Harper! Yell at me!���


  She was too calm, and it infuriated him, ���That���s what you do Harper, when I am an ass or screw up you yell, and you get pissed off! Tell me you hate me!���

  ���Shh, you are going to wake everyone.���

  ���Then say it— say you hate me!���

  ���I don���t hate you Maddox. You can do whatever������

  ���I need you to hate me, damn it!���

  ���Why? Why do you need me to hate you?���


  Harper tried to stand, and he stood in front of her with his arms crossed. ���Please move.���

  ���NO, not until you act like you give a shit! You told me you loved me. You came tonight! I fucked up! TELL ME YOU HATE ME!���

  ���No, I don���t hate you, you jackass,��� Harper hissed at him.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  ���Please move!���


  Brody and Emma ran down the stairs and into the den, ���What the hell is going on?���

  Maddox glared at Harper, ���Tell me.���

  Harper looked at Emma her face turned red, ���Maddox, please move.���

  ���Not until you say it,��� he growled.

  ���Maddox move, let her by,��� Brody grabbed his arm, and he yanked it away.

  ���Have you been drinking?��� Emma picked up the glasses that sat on the floor next to Maddox feet.

  ���Nope,��� Maddox glared at Harper.

  Harper was angry, ���You said������

  ���Shut up, Harper,��� Maddox snapped.

  ���That���s enough, Maddox,��� Brody grabbed his arm and Maddox tried to pull it away again, but Brody held it tighter.

  ���Let go of my fucking arm, Brody!���


  ���That���s your name isn’t it?���

  Brody was crushed, ���Yes, it is, Maddox, I���m pretty sure you���re drunk. You need to get your ass upstairs and sleep it off.���

  ���Not until she says it!���

  ���Maddox, please don���t.��� Harper began to shake as she watched Maddox try to free his arm.

  ���Say it and I���ll leave you alone. Just FUCKING say it!���

  ���Say I hate you? That���s what you want?���


  ���Maddox stop. Just go to bed okay?��� Emma pleaded.

  ���Fuck you too!���

  ���And that���s enough!��� Brody dragged him out the back door.

  ���Leave me alone!���

  ���Maddox, I don���t know what has������

  ���She has! Why the hell did she come here?���

  Emma sat on the couch with Harper and held her hand. ���I am so sorry.���

  ���Its fine,��� Harpers voice cracked, and she began to cry.

  ���It is not fine, Harper. His behavior today has been unacceptable.��� Emma hugged her, and they sat on the couch quietly.

  ���He has nightmares every night,��� Harper whispered and wiped her face.

  Maddox laughed when he walked through the door with Brody. ���And there you go; should have never trusted a word you said.���

  Harper looked up at him sadly, ���I���m so sorry.���

  ���Is it true?��� Brody asked.

  ���No,��� Maddox laughed, ���All the love I have felt since you pulled me from hell has been all that I have needed to get over fifteen years of pain. And you all think I am fucked up! Well, you’re all delusional!���

  ���Brody, please just get Maddox to bed. He will feel better������

  ���And you win the crown, Queen of Butterflies and Rainbows.��� Maddox laughed, and Brody walked him to the stairs, ���Goodnight, Harper, my bewitching little vamp!���

  ���Enough,��� Brody snarled.

  ���Oh, is this where you throw me back to the wolves, Brody?���

  ���I would never do that Maddox, and you should know that at this point.���

  ���Emma, I���m fine, just go with them, please,��� Harper whispered, ���I���m going to go to bed.���

  ���You are sure you���re okay?���


  Maddox woke, and the room was still moving like it was before he blacked out. He looked around, and Brody was asleep in a chair in the corner of his room. He remembered O2, and that Harper was there. He crept out of his room. Everything was spinning— he was still drunk. He held his hand on the wall to steady himself as he staggered slowly down the hall until he came to her door. He opened it slowly and stumbled in, closing the door behind him. He crawled into bed next to her and pulled her back to his chest, and she woke, ���Please, Maddox.���

  ���Shh, shhh, shhh,��� he rubbed her back lightly, ���I am so sorry.���

  ���Stop saying that, it isn���t a big deal okay. You should������

  ���I am staying here,��� he spoke slowly and softly into her ear, ���I���ll make sure you feel safe tonight.��� He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly and let out a soft moan, ���See, it will be okay.���

  ���You should go back.���

  ���No, I should be right here.���

  Maddox woke confused. He sat up and
looked around. She was here���wasn���t she? He walked down the stairs, and Brody and Emma were sitting in the den. He looked at them, hung his head in shame, and walked into the kitchen. She wasn���t there���so he continued walking around until every room was searched.

  Maddox walked into the den and looked at Brody and Emma, ���I know I screwed up last night, I don���t remember everything, but I know I owe you both an apology. I know I owe Harper one as well. She leaves today, so if you could tell me where she is I could������

  ���Matthew picked her up a couple hours ago,��� Brody looked at him.

  ���Oh,��� Maddox sat down and held his head in his hands.

  No one said a word. His heart began to beat harder, and he finally looked up at them. ���Did she say anything?��� he whispered.

  ���Just that she wanted to leave. We offered to take her, and she wanted Matthew. She was upset.���

  ���What happened?��� Maddox scowled and clenched his fist as he looked down.

  ���You were drunk. You demanded that she tell you that she hated you,��� Brody sounded hurt, and Maddox looked up at him, ���Why do you want that and why the hell have you kept it a secret that you have dreams every night? You need to talk to someone Maddox; we obviously are not helping you.���

  ���How did I end up in there, in the bed?���

  ���I woke, and you were gone, Maddox.���

  ���Then what Dad?��� Maddox was getting upset.

  ���When I woke I found you in there. You were asleep she was not������

  ���Did I hurt her?���

  ���She was very upset,��� Brody began, and Maddox stood and ran up the stairs. He grabbed his phone and tried to call her.

  Brody walked in his room as Maddox threw his phone against the wall and it smashed into pieces. ���Maddox������

  ���Did I hurt her?���

  ���She didn���t say so.���

  ���I need to talk to her!���

  ���She is on a flight right now Maddox. And you don���t need to talk to her. You need to focus on getting help, getting better.���


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