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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 346

by Mj Fields

  She smiled sadly and looked towards the picture he had been admiring. Her lips curled up a bit more and he smiled knowing that she was telling him Collin accepted him in their lives even then. He took his hand off Harper���s shoulder and placed it on Tessa���s and she patted it and looked back towards the Pastor as she held onto his hand.

  Brody and Emma sat directly behind them. He squeezed Emma���s hand when he saw his son comforting Tessa. Emma smiled up at Brody and beamed with pride just as he did.

  Tomas walked up to the front of the church and smiled at Tessa and then the kids and read his very well prepared Eulogy. Harper looked over at her mother as they both wiped their eyes, ���Daddy.���

  Tessa���s lips curled up slightly, ���Without a doubt.���

  Harper sat back against Maddox���s shoulder and he looked down at her and kissed her head, ���Dad wrote his own eulogy.���

  He recognized sadness in her voice and nodded. He looked back at Brody and shook his head yes. Brody looked up at Tomas who was stepping away from the microphone and nodded. Tomas whispered to the Pastor and he smiled. Maddox kissed Harper and squeezed Tessa���s hand before he stood and stepped out of the pew into the aisle. Brody joined him and patted him on the shoulder.

  Harper watched them wondering what he would say about her father.

  Tomas handed them each a guitar and Maddox let out a deep breath and looked at Brody.

  When the music began Harper immediately knew the song by the notes he played. As Brody and Maddox sang Amazing Grace there was not a dry eye in the church. It was an acoustic rendition that filled the air.

  Harper smiled at Maddox as tears fell down her face. It was not haunting like it felt at other funeral services. It did not hang heavy over her making her pain worsen. It lifted her sorrow, elevated her pain, and gave her hope that time would not only heal the hurt inside her but that of her mother and her brothers and of all whose lives Collin Abraham had touched.

  When the song finished, Harper kissed her fingers and touched her heart and Maddox did the same in return. Maddox looked at Brody and Brody walked down the steps and sat next to Emma.

  Maddox began playing again, a song she didn���t recognize. She watched him as he began to sing a song of beautiful things. She smiled and cried happy tears when she realized what it meant to him and more importantly what it meant to them. Harper looked at Tessa and hugged her tightly as he sang.

  ���Daddy called you beautiful all the time,��� she whispered into her ear.

  ���He did,��� she smiled. ���He and I made three beautiful things,��� Tessa smiled as they both wiped tears off each other���s faces.

  Tessa sat back and leaned against CJ and reached beside him and held Matthew���s hand as Harper held her other hand.

  All around, hope is springing up from this old ground.

  Out of chaos life is being found in you.

  You make beautiful things; you make beautiful things out of the dust

  You make beautiful things you make beautiful things out of us.

  Maddox ended the song and looked up at Harper; he gave her a tiny little smile and looked around as he set the guitar down. The tears he saw on the congregation���s faces were falling down hopeful faces now. None of them mattered, it was Harper and her family that he had wished to give hope to.

  Maddox sat next to Harper and she grabbed his hand, ���Did you write that?���

  He shook his head no, ���A group called Gungor, it���s called Beautiful Things. Did you like it?���

  ���I loved it, so did she,��� Harper nodded towards Tessa, ���Dad used to������

  ���Call her beautiful all the time,��� Maddox smiled and held her hand, ���It was for all of you Harper, but for our angel too.���

  Harper���s eyes widened when she realized what he was saying, ���I love you.���

  He smiled, ���I love you too.���

  Tessa had heard what he had said and reached across and patted his back, ���Thank you.���

  He nodded and smiled softly.

  The service ended and Tessa waited for the people to exit the sanctuary. Following the service the women���s group had organized a dinner in the fellowship hall.

  The family walked around and looked at the pictures and Tessa stood looking at the ground hugging herself.

  Her father, John, walked up and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she looked up and held his hand, ���You���re doing real well Tessa.���

  ���Thanks Dad,��� she smiled, ���I have to be strong.���

  ���Not always,��� he kissed her head and pulled it to his shoulder. ���I know why you���re standing here, Tessa.���

  She smiled and looked up at him, ���Yeah?���

  ���This is where he proposed. You were wearing a blue dress, he told everyone what an ass he was and that you told him, he ���would be on one knee in front of God and his family before he had a chance���.��� Tessa smiled and shook her head yes, ���He kept his word to you from that point on. He loved you.���

  ���I loved him,��� Tessa smiled and tears began to fall.

  ���You going to keep your promise to him, Tessa?���

  ���What do you mean, Dad?��� Tessa scowled.

  ���I remember being at that one���s wedding in Jersey,��� John pointed to the enormous spray on the table before them of white Gerber daises and yellow roses.


  ���Yes. You thought you had lost Collin that day. You told Lucas to leave because he had a reception to get to and you had two little boys that needed you. I also remember a conversation where Collin made you promise that whatever happened, when he was away you would stay strong and live your life, you promised him you would.��� John looked at her, ���I���ll make you keep that promise, because it���s not only what you promised Collin, but I need you to also.���

  Tessa kissed her father���s cheek, ���I will be strong.���

  ���I know you will, but if I see you���re not, I���ll give you a swift kick in the right direction,��� John chuckled, ���Promise?���

  ���Yes Dad.���

  Maddox was standing in front of the picture he had noticed during the service when Harper finally made it back to him. She rubbed his back, ���You were even gorgeous then.���

  Maddox chuckled, ���I never saw him look at me that way. I always saw the warning in his eyes when he and I chatted back then.

  ���You���re just like him,��� Harper smiled sadly.

  ���You think so?���

  ���I do.���

  Maddox turned and looked at her, ���I do?���

  Harper smiled, ���I will.���


  ���After all this dies down,��� Harper said and then gasped, ���I said dies down.���

  Maddox smiled adoringly at her, ���I���m the only one who heard you and all I���m thinking is I do.���

  Harper blushed, the way he was looking at her melted her heart. The way her dad looked at the two of them in the photo made her certain he was up in heaven holding their angel, rooting for them. Just as he had rooted for her at every field hockey and softball game she had ever played. An overwhelming sense of acceptance rushed through her almost making her knees buckle.

  Maddox grabbed her quickly when he noticed, ���You need to rest, damn it. This has all been too much.���

  Harper hugged him and laughed loudly.

  The room went silent and everyone looked at Maddox���s shocked face, he
immediately lifted her so her feet were off the ground. She continued laughing into his shoulder as he walked out the emergency exit carrying her.

  Once outside he set her on the sidewalk, ���Sweetness, it���s going to be������

  Harper laughed even louder and raised both hands in the air, ���Going to be fine!���

  ���I think we need to get you home, today has been������

  Harper lunged towards him and grabbed his face. Maddox���s eyes widened, ���I felt it!���

  Maddox shook his head slowly agreeing with whatever it was she trying to say and then looked at her like she was crazy which made her laugh harder.

  ���Okay,��� Maddox put one arm around her, ���Let���s just take a drive������

  ���Maddox, my dad is holding our baby in heaven,��� Maddox looked sadly at the girl he loved like she was having some sort of psychotic breakdown. ���He wants you and I to be happy, he wants all of us to be happy,��� Harper raised her hands in the air again.

  Maddox took the opportunity to lift her up wanting to get her away from this place.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and arms tightly around his neck and leaned up and kissed him hard on the mouth.

  Maddox slowly pulled back, ���We really should get you somewhere.���

  Harper smiled and took his face in her hands again, ���I love you, I���m alright, better than alright.���

  Maddox glanced behind Harper and her whole family was standing watching them. Harper kissed him again.

  She heard a loud whistle and laughed against Maddox���s mouth, ���Ava?���

  Maddox peeked around them again and shook his head yes.

  Harper unwrapped her legs and he set her on the ground.

  ���I felt it Maddox, I felt my father when we were in there. Everything is going to be alright,��� she whispered as she smiled up at him.

  He shook his head yes, ���Your whole family and many others are watching us right now.���

  Harper giggled.

  Maddox tried not to smile, ���If you want we could leave for a while so that you can get yourself together and������

  ���Do you believe me?���

  ���I do. Something happened and I would prefer not to think that my future wife has gone mad, this early into our forever,��� Maddox smirked.

  Tessa walked up and looked at Harper, ���You alright?���

  ���I felt Dad here, Mom,��� she whispered.

  Tessa smiled, ���Yeah?���

  Harper shook her head quickly up and down.

  Tessa hugged her and whispered into her ear, ���Me too.���

  ���Everything is going to be alright, Mom.���

  ���I know.���

  Tessa smiled and looked at Maddox who was still a bit uneasy, ���You alright?���

  He looked at Harper and raised his eyebrows.

  She blushed and smiled, ���I���m not crazy.���

  ���It wouldn���t matter if you were,��� Maddox laughed when she pushed him.

  ���Shall we go in?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Yes,��� Harper held her hand and grabbed Maddox���s and they walked past everyone into the church.

  The women���s group was busy setting up the food and Tessa and the entire family stood in a procession line and one by one everyone came through and offered condolences, gave hugs, and some even kissed them. Harper and Maddox moved to the end of the line after many of her classmates stood and talked to Harper asking questions about her and Maddox holding up the line.

  Maddox stood with his arm around Harper supportively and protectively. Ava was one of the last people to come through.

  ���You all better now?��� She smiled as she hugged Harper.

  ���Yes I am,��� Harper laughed, quietly this time.

  ���We need a road trip,��� Ava smirked and looked at Maddox who looked at her and away quickly. ���What hot stuff, you can come too, maybe get the drummer on board, hit up Spring Break or Mardi Gras. You know whoop it up before the nuptials.���

  Maddox looked at Harper stone faced and she smiled at him, ���It might be fun you know.���

  Maddox opened his mouth, closed it and then forced a smile. ���If you would like to we can do that.���

  Ava clapped loudly and winked at Maddox. ���Perfect! Call S and have him join us.���

  ���You���re holding up the line,��� Lucas scowled at Ava and nudged her with his hip.

  Tessa laughed and looked back at Ashley, she stuck out her hand and Ashley smiled, ���I���m very sorry for your loss.���

  Tessa smiled, ���Thanks.���

  Lucas hugged her and whispered, ���Sorry Tessa, I really am, he was a great guy.���

  ���Thanks again, Lucas. Oh and the flowers were beautiful.���

  Lucas smiled and hugged Harper, ���Sorry about your dad and your child.���

  ���Thanks Lucas��� Harper hugged him back.

  Maddox smiled at Lucas and shook his hand, ���Big shoes to fill, Maddox.���

  ���Yes sir,��� Maddox smiled politely.

  ���From what I understand you fit the bill,��� Lucas smiled back.

  ���I���ll do whatever I can.���

  ���If you ever need anything feel free to call me,��� Lucas handed him his card and walked away.

  When everyone but close family had left Maddox pulled out a chair, ���Tired?���

  ���Yes actually,��� Harper sat.

  ���How is your belly?���

  ���Fat,��� she laughed.

  ���Is not,��� Maddox smiled as he knelt in front of her.

  Harper took his hand and placed it on her stomach and smiled sadly, ���It���s not hard anymore.���

  Maddox smiled and leaned forward and kissed it, ���It���s perfect, Sweetness.���

  ���I have an appointment in two days,��� Harper yawned.

  ���Yes we do,��� Maddox sat back on his heels and looked up at her.

  ���You don���t have to go, it���s not like you���ll miss anything like a heartbeat or������

  ���I���m going with you.���

  ���Luke!��� Tessa gasped and Harper looked up and smiled.

  ���Hey Aunt Tessa,��� Maddox watched the tall handsome dark haired man hug Tessa and he picked her up and swung her around.

  His hair was short, high and tight. He was not bulky but he had a nice build.

  Ava sat down next to Harper and moaned loudly and Harper laughed.

  ���That is one fine piece of US Army property,��� Ava rolled her eyes dramatically.

  Maddox looked at Harper curiously.

  ���My cousin Luke Lane. He is Jade���s first born son������

  ���And hot as hell,��� Ava growled.

  Harper rolled her eyes and looked back at Maddox, ���Moms��� and Lucas��� godson.���

  Lucas laughed out loud and walked up to him and hugged him, ���They let you come home?���

  ���Yes, I have two weeks leave,��� Luke patted him on the back.

  ���That���s it?��� Tessa asked.

  ���I have two more weeks this summer and then my time is up.��� Luke looked back at Tessa, ���I am so sorry. Mom told me what happened and I would have been here sooner, but��� you know.���

  ���You���re here now,���
�� she hugged him again.

  ���Where is Harper and the guys?���

  ���Harper is over there,��� Tessa pointed, ���The boys are helping put away the last of the chairs and tables.���

  ���Everyone going to your place after?���

  ���Everyone is more than welcome to, we have so much food up there that is going to get tossed if you all don���t come up,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Perfect, I���m going to go say hi to her.���

  Luke walked up to Harper, ���Hey there girl. I���m very sorry for your, fuck Harper, for all of it.���

  Harper stood and hugged him, ���Thanks, everything is getting better.���

  ���Alright then,��� Luke looked at Maddox and smiled, ���Maddox Hines.���

  Maddox shook his hand, ���Nice to meet you.���

  ���Yeah, you too. So you and Harper— huh?��� Luke smiled.

  ���Yes,��� Maddox nodded ���Harper and I are engaged to be married.���

  ���Do you have a date yet?���

  Maddox looked at Harper and they both smiled at each other, ���We need to come up with a new one.���

  ���I���ll be home on leave for two weeks starting July third.���

  Maddox looked at Harper, ���We can���t wait that long.���

  ���Awe come on,��� Luke goaded.

  ���We could do the reception at the Cape then,��� Harper offered and then looked at Maddox.

  ���We���ll be married before then,��� Maddox raised his eyebrow.

  ���Are you asking her or telling her?��� Ava leaned forward and looked at Maddox.

  ���Neither,��� Maddox gave Ava a look.

  ���Well maybe you should ASK her what she wants. Don���t just leave her waiting so you get to call all the shots!��� Ava stood up and stormed away.

  Luke looked at the ground and turned red.

  Harper laughed, ���I don���t think that was at all about us, Maddox.���


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