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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 347

by Mj Fields

Luke looked up at her and back down quickly, ���Hey, I um���will see you at your place in a little bit okay?���

  ���Of course,��� Harper laughed as he walked away.



  Harper���s doctor appointment had gone very well. Her doctor was not as concerned about the amount of bleeding as Maddox was. Harper was slightly amused at the amount of questions that Maddox asked and even more amused that he actually took notes. Her doctor was very patient with Maddox even when Harper was fully dressed and standing next to the door the conversation continued. Just as Harper was about to tell Maddox that was enough the doctor asked for his autograph and Harper smiled to herself now realizing why he had been so patient, he was a fan.

  When they got into the Jeep, Harper laughed at Maddox, ���What?��� he asked.

  Harper laughed and looked away.

  ���Fine, maybe I did ask a lot of questions. I just want to be sure you’re alright.��� He smiled as he started the Jeep and backed out of the parking spot, ���You know--- I kind of love you and stuff.���

  Harper laughed, ���I kind of love you and stuff too.���

  ���Cool, so in two weeks you go back, and if all is well������ Maddox smirked as he pulled onto the road.

  Harper smiled, ���If all goes well what?���

  He glanced out of the corner of his eye, ���I get to,��� Maddox stopped and smiled and winked at her, ���Do you, and stuff.���

  ���Like what kind of stuff?��� Harper whispered.

  ���All kinds of stuff,��� Maddox swallowed.

  ���Come on, tell me what you���ll do first,��� Harper rested her chin on her hand.

  ���Well first of all I���m just about starving,��� he grinned, ���I miss tasting you.���

  ���I miss tasting you too,��� Harper grinned.

  ���Oh yeah?���

  ���Yeah,��� Harper laughed.

  It was quiet for a few minutes, ���Sweetness, do you have a dentist appointment in the morning?���

  ���No why?��� Harper was confused as to why he would ask such a thing and she looked down.

  ���Just wondering.���

  ���Does Thumper want kisses?���

  Maddox laughed, ���You are a naughty girl what would even make you think that������

  Harper unbuttoned his pants and reached down and felt the slick tip of his rock hard erection.

  ���Hey there, Thumper,��� Harper whispered.

  ���He says hey back,��� Maddox groaned as she unzipped him and pulled his cock free of his pants.

  ���I have missed you,��� she bent over the console and kissed him lightly. He twitched in her hand.

  ���Harper I was just kidding about the���FUCK!��� he roared when she licked the pre cum off of him, ���I can���t give back Sweetness��� you should just,��� he hissed loudly when she took more of him in her mouth.

  His hips lunged forward and she moaned, ���Listen, you need to…���

  Harper took him into her mouth as far as she could; ���Stop now before, Harper damn,��� his hips thrust forward again and he started to slow the vehicle down. Harper moved faster and he cried out her name and his hand reached between her and the console she was leaning over and grabbed her breast.

  ���Fuck Harper, I���m going to cum so fucking hard.���

  Harper moaned with him in her mouth and he growled loudly between clenched teeth as he slowly tried to pull over.

  A horn blew loudly as it passed them and she didn���t stop, ���Sweetness, I need you to stop so I can pull the fuck over���damn, damn, damn!���

  Harper laughed as she moved up and down his length hollowing her cheeks at his tip and another car passed them and blew their horn.

  Unsure if they were still driving down the road or pulled over Harper moved faster and when the first hot thick burst shot into her mouth she tried to swallow the next one came and as she licked him savagely another car honked as it passed. The third burst gagged her and spilled out of her mouth as she tried to swallow it. Harper was panting as she moved up and down on him licking and sucking until she knew he was empty.

  Harper sat up and Maddox looked at her. His face was red and he was breathless and panting, ���Thank���you���Sweetness.���

  Harper licked his cum from her lips and smirked, ���The least I could do for the man who saved my life.��� Maddox pulled over and a line of cars past them honking; some even had passengers hanging out the window flipping them off.

  Harper laughed as she opened the glove box and grabbed a package of tissues. She started to wipe him clean and he laughed, ���I wouldn���t do that if I were you.��� Maddox looked down at the mess and laughed, ���T would be proud. I just got a sloppy blow job,��� Maddox took the tissues and cleaned up the best he could. He looked at Harper and winked, ���You are fucking amazing.���

  ���I know,��� she smiled and they both laughed.

  ���But seriously, Harper, you don���t have to do that for me. I can���t do a damn thing for you right now.���

  ���You just did,��� Harper smiled at him.

  ���Oh yeah?���

  ���Uh huh.���

  Maddox pulled back out onto the road with a huge smile across his face, ���I owe you big.���

  ���Yeah you do,��� Harper laughed, ���Maddox, don���t you like, take care of yourself in the shower?���

  ���Sometimes,��� Maddox laughed uncomfortably.


  ���Oh? No way��� spill it,��� he laughed.

  ���Well that was a lot of���stuff.���

  Maddox laughed, ���It���s different.���

  ���What do you mean?��� Harper asked looking over at him.

  ���Well, I don���t know how to say this without potentially pissing you off so that doesn���t happen as often as I would like.���

  ���Just tell me,��� Harper rolled her eyes and took a drink of water.

  ���Alright. When I used to be a very bad boy, you know������

  ���Guitar or drums?���

  Maddox wanted to laugh but he didn���t, ���Yeah. Basically cumming is cumming and an orgasm is an orgasm.���

  ���So every time you have an orgasm it doesn���t feel the same?���

  ���No, Harper.���

  ���Oh,��� Harper sat back and looked at him with a question in her eyes and then looked out the window.

  ���Jerking off in the shower is a chore, seriously I just wanted the release. But with you I don���t want the release I want to be inside of you whenever I can be, to enjoy you. When I finally know I have satisfied you, I can really let go.���

  Harper smiled and nodded her head.

  They heard sirens and Maddox looked into the rearview mirror, ���Shit.���

  He looked down at the speedometer and it said eighty miles per hour.

  He pulled off to the side of the road and continued buttoning himself up.

  The cop asked for his license and registration and Maddox handed it to him.

  When the officer walked back he handed him his belongings back, ���You���re Maddox Hines?���

  ���I am.���

  ���Slow it down and uh, could I have your autograph?���

  Maddox smiled and handed him the empty citation with the autograph and then pulled back out onto the road.

  ���Maddox Hines, your stardom is so cool. You better not stop being a rock star.���

  ���I already promised we would be done with all of that.���

  ���Well after all that has happened in the past���Maddox, what happened was my fault not you or your music or������

  ���What happened is not your fault, Harper,��� Maddox grabbed her hand.

  ���Well neither was everything that happened to you,��� Harper whispered, ���I���m so sorry I ever made you feel that way.���

  ���Well look at us, Harper,��� Maddox squeezed her hand, ���I think both of us are growing up and I think it has a lot to do with our angel.���

  Harper leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder and sighed, ���Maddox, I really think you are amazing. You���re talented, and so damn perfect.���

  Maddox chuckled, ���Perfect is a little much.���

  ���No Maddox, it���s not enough,��� she whispered.

  ���Well do keep going, I get a blow job driving down the road and I���m amazing and perfect, don���t stop there Sweetness, keep it coming.��� Maddox kissed her head.

  ���I love watching you perform,��� Harper giggled.

  ���Oh yeah?���

  ���Uh huh. It���s very sexy.���


  ���Uh huh, it���s like hours��� worth of foreplay,��� Harper whispered.

  ���Jesus Harper!��� Maddox groaned as she stroked him over his jeans.

  ���You said keep it coming,��� Harper laughed as she undid his pants again.

  ���You���re insatiable.���

  ���I want you to still sing in the band,��� Harper pulled him free from his pants.

  ���I already quit and I like performing for an audience of one much better,��� he hissed as her grip tightened.

  ���Do the US stops you have lined up with Burning Souls and then make up your mind. You said you���d start school in the fall. What would you do until then?���

  ���You, I would fucking do you,��� his jaw tightened and her hand moved faster. ���We are going to make a mess again, Sweetness.���

  ���You can still do me,��� Harper kissed his neck and moved up to his ear.

  ���You have to ���do we have to talk about this right now?���

  ���Promise me you���ll stick with it,��� Harper licked his earlobe.

  ���Promise me you���ll come with me?��� Maddox growled.

  Harper���s hand moved faster and she bent over again and kissed his head, ���Not this time, but we���ll discuss the tour later.���

  Harper took him in her mouth and slowly moved up and down the rest of the way home.

  They pulled into the driveway right after his release, ���Un-fucking-real.���

  Harper smiled proudly and he laughed, ���Good?���

  ���Perfect Sweetness, you just made love to Thumper with your mouth.���

  ���Not a sloppy blow job?��� Harper laughed.

  ���No Sweetness, I���m going to have to come up with a name for what you just did to me soon though,��� Maddox laughed as he put the Jeep in park and kissed her.

  Harper laughed and they kissed again.

  She opened her door and saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

  Maddox looked at her curiously and she shrugged her shoulders. He grabbed her hand and walked towards the house.

  They walked in and two men sat at the large dining room table with Tessa, Tomas, John, and Brody.

  Maddox looked at his father���s face and knew he was on edge.

  Tessa stood up quickly and went to Harper and hugged her, ���Everything alright?���

  Harper nodded yes, ���She���s doing great,��� Maddox smiled quickly and nodded to the table, ���Everything alright here?���

  ���These men work for Harrison Dunlop,��� Tessa looked at Harper, ���Your dad���s biological father.���

  Harper immediately tensed up and Maddox pulled her into his side, wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulder, ���You���re fine, I have got you.���

  ���Brody mentioned he called Collin before, before he passed,��� Tessa whispered.

  Harper shook her head up and down and looked nervously into Tessa���s eyes.

  ���Your brothers are on their way back from helping Grandma and then I want you all to come sit down and hear what these men have to say.���

  Tessa sat down at the table and Harper and Maddox sat next to her.

  ���Is this Harper?��� one of the men asked.

  Maddox answered a stern, ���Yes.���

  ���Harrison would like to meet you,��� he began.

  ���You���ll wait for her brothers to continue this conversation. She only needs to hear your plea one time,��� Brody looked at him coldly.

  The man nodded once and sat back.

  Matthew and CJ came in and sat near their mother and sister. Tessa tried to smile at them but failed, ���What���s going on, Mom?��� CJ looked at the men.

  ���We work for a man named Harrison Dunlop������

  ���As in Atticus Dunlop���s father?��� Matthew snapped.

  ���Yes, and Collin���s father,��� the smaller of the two men relayed with sincerity in his voice.

  The other man cleared his throat, ���Harrison asked that he meet you all.���

  ���That���s not going to happen,��� Maddox sputtered.

  The man looked at him, ���He���s dying. Against medical advice he and his medical team have flown to Syracuse. This is probably the last time he will travel and he did so wanting to meet his grandchildren.���

  ���Waste of a������ Harper squeezed his hand stopping him. Maddox looked at her with concern.

  ���This is up to the three of you, I will support any decision you make,��� Tessa looked between her three grown children.

  ���We ask that you make the decision based on who Harrison is; he is nothing like Atticus, he is a good man,��� he pulled four plastic covered booklets out of his bag and sat them in front of Tessa. ���We���ll wait in the car for you to talk this over. I would like you to keep in mind that the issue is extremely time sensitive.���

  With that the men left the house and Tessa looked down at the bound reports. ���Do you three want to meet him, if not we don���t have to bother with these.���

  ���Do you, Mom?���

  ���I don���t know, Matthew. I really don���t know, whatever you all decide is fine with me,��� Tessa sat and waited.

  CJ grabbed a report, ���You know what they say about curiosity?���

  Matthew chuckled and took one, ���Yeah but we aren���t damn cats are we, Harper?���

  Maddox felt her tremble slightly, ���She���s not ready for this.���

  ���Why don���t you let her make up her own���?���

  ���You need to back off of her,��� Maddox growled.

  ���It���s fine, Maddox,��� Harper let out a deep breath and sat up.

  ���You���re not fine, Harper, you were shaking,��� Maddox snapped as he looked at her brothers. ���Do you two know what she has been through?!���

  Both of her brothers looked up at him. Matthew was visibly angry and CJ looked confused, ���Of course we do.���

ddox it���s fine,��� Harper opened the folder and felt his hand on her knee tighten a bit, ���Maddox, come with me for a minute.���

  She stood and he followed her into the bathroom. She shut the door and looked at him. His jaw muscles tightened and flexed and his eyes were dark and worried. She sat on the counter and curled her finger towards her asking him to come.

  She put her hands behind his neck and gently ran her fingernails through his hair, ���Please relax.���

  ���You trembled,��� he closed his eyes.

  ���I was cold,��� she whispered.

  His eyes opened and he looked at her with concern, ���Harper, what you have been through.���

  ���Less than twenty minutes ago we were laughing,��� Maddox tried to interrupt her and she closed his lips with her fingers and smiled, ���I was thinking that���I wished my dad could have met his father. I want to know if,��� Harper paused, ���Maddox he was brought up a lot like you. His childhood was awful too. You met Brody, and well, what if Harrison is like him. What if������

  ���If he was like Brody he would not have raised a monster like Atticus. If you need this Harper, I���m going with you.���

  Harper smiled, ���Of course you are.���

  Maddox watched her eyes and she seemed to have made up her mind, ���Alright then.���

  Harper hugged him and let out a deep cleansing breath against his neck.

  Maddox closed his eyes and his fingers gently ran up and down her spine, he felt her body relax with each upward motion.

  He kissed her head and ran his nose across it as he held her.

  After several minutes she sat up and smiled, ���The calm to my storm.���

  ���I don���t want the damn storm for you anymore,��� he looked down sadly, ���I want Switzerland.���

  Harper smiled and he looked up and gave her a small smile back.

  ���We get through this and ������

  ���Then you want me to go on tour,��� Maddox looked at her nervously.

  ���I will go too, just let me������

  ���You will?���

  Harper smiled at his surprise, ���Did you think I wouldn���t?���


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