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Races of Armis - Midnight Oasis

Page 5

by Deb Sartoris

  Ely told both of us to wait near a small alcove for a few minutes. He quickly gave Sofia a hug and I heard him whisper to her that he would return shortly and that he had a wonderful surprise for her to see. Ely left us and Sofia and I were alone in the alcove deep within the cave. Sofia came to me then and slid her arms around me. She stood at her new height which made our eyes at an even level now. She bent inward and kissed me as if we had not been around each other for some time. I returned her passion and I could sense that she was very nervous.

  I asked her why she was sad to see her brother. I could see the tears as they came into her eyes. I did not sense that she was sad because of something bad but more like she had been away from her family too long. Sofia spoke very quietly as if she did not wish to disturb anyone. She said that she had not realized that her brother traveled to this planet. She said that they had last seen each other a very long time ago when she left their planet to travel to this new world. I sensed that there was more to why she left her brother then what she was saying but decided that I would allow Sofia to tell me more when she was ready.

  Just then Ely arrived back to the alcove. He was smiling from ear to ear and his joyful behavior was filling the small area in the cave. Sofia became as joyful as Ely and it was as if Ely and Sofia were speaking to each other but no words were spoken out loud that I could hear. Ely asked Sofia about me then. I could sense from Ely that he was happy that his sister had found a mate – but he was holding his judgment about me until we could know each other better. Sofia told him that they could discuss that issue after he took us to the main cave area.

  Ely took his sister’s hand then and he turned to me and asked me to follow them. We only walked a short way and I could see the cave became lighter as we walked. I suddenly wondered if I might be making a mistake and stopped. Ely turned and asked if something was the matter and Sofia whispered something to him that even with my hearing I could not hear. After a short exchange of words – Sofia turned to me and explained that the light was not coming from the sun and that I did not need to worry. I trusted her judgment so I waved them on to continue.

  As we rounded the last of the hanging rocks I realized what the light was coming from. We came into a very large area. It was not like we were deep inside the earth but someplace altogether different. The room was filled with Mica’s. I could see their beings in their natural state. The brightness that I sensed was from their glowing bodies floating all around the cave. As we entered, one by one each of the Micas became human. Each shimmered and then lowered themselves to their knees. Sofia almost fainted. She took a deep breath and leaned heavily upon me.

  I told Ely that Sofia needed to sit down. Ely picked up his sister and suddenly they were transported to the center of the cave. I was left standing along the outer edge for only an instant. Ely returned to me and told me to trust him. He touched me then. I felt as if something electric had touched me. I saw the room fade to a dull gray. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was standing near the center of the cave next to Sofia.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 14:

  I lowered myself to Sofia. She was just coming around. Her eyes flew open and she smiled. She was no longer sad. She was so filled with joy that I could sense the pleasure coming from her. She allowed me to help her to stand and she turned to face the others in the cave. They were all still on their knees including her brother Ely.

  Sofia had told me after we first meet that she was a queen from her world but those words did not have full meaning to me until I saw all of the beings in the cave on their knees in front of my Sofia, my mate. Sofia spoke then. She asked everyone to please stand as they should not be bowing to her any longer. She told everyone that they are no longer living on their home planet so they did not need to treat her in such a manner.

  Instantly the room became alive with chatter. I could see that some Mica’s were hugging each other. Some had tears in their eyes. Others were just standing arm in arm. Ely spoke to everyone then. He told everyone that his sister had returned to her family and that she needed time to adjust to the fact that so many from her home planet had survived. The room settled down. I could see everyone sit down as if they were waiting to hear about how this miracle could have happened.

  I also was wondering what had just occurred. I could sense that Sofia was unaware of all the members of her kind so close to her home. She did not know about Ely nor did she know that so many of her own species had “survived”. I wanted to discuss this with Ely but now was not the time. Sofia took my hand and very loudly announced to the entire cave that she has indeed returned to her lost family and that she had found a mate for herself. The room cheered. As ancient as I am I was not accustomed to so much attention and if I could have blushed I would have at that instant. Sofia turned to me and whispered to me that she would explain why it was so important that she tell them that she had chosen a mate later when we were alone.

  Ely spoke and told everyone that his sister needed time to rest. He asked everyone to leave and go about their business and that he would call an assembly later after his sister had some time to adjust to her family again. In a few minutes the room was cleared out and Ely sat down next to his sister. They exchanged a hug and once again a few whispered words. Ely stood and took my hand and said to me that he was glad to have met me and was looking forward to hearing more on how our two species could co-exist together. Ely left us then.

  Sofia rose and took my hand and started to walk toward the rear of the main cave. It was as if she knew exactly where she was going. We did not speak but walked hand in hand for a few short minutes. We walked through a narrow hallway and up a few stairs. We entered a smaller room. It was lit with candles. I could see that the room was adorned with chairs, tables and other human needs like a very large bed in the center of the room. As we entered the room I could see that it was filled with things made from the earth. The floor was covered in a mossy green rug – as if it was alive. There were pictures on the walls almost alive with their color. I could smell the scent of the earth in the room and I could smell water. As I looked around I found the reason I could smell the water. Along one wall a very small waterfall was running down one side into the ground. It was not filling up the room so I assumed that the water must be pooling then running into another area.

  Sofia was just glowing. Sofia said that the waterfalls that she kept near her home must have been a reflection of this one here in the cave. She never understood why the waterfall held so much meaning until this very moment. She was more alive then I had ever seen her. She was so filled with joy from finding her family that she almost could not contain her human form. Her skin was glimmering and I could sense that she wanted to transform into her natural state. It was as if her inner being needed to blend in with her family and their surroundings. I was about to tell her to go and spend time with her brother when she reached for me and pressed into my arms. We fell backward onto the bed and she laughed out loud.

  She kissed me then. Not like before but with a passion that I had never felt before. Our kiss was long and hard and as always she took my breath away from me. I realized then that I had not fed in sometime. Sofia had found me early this evening at my rising time. Between the passionate kiss and the feeding that I needed I felt I knew that I would soon have to give into my instincts. Sofia looked into my eyes then. She told me to take her and feed so that I would be fully sated. She did not have to ask twice and my teeth dropped and plunged deeply into her neck.

  After what seemed like hours I realized that I had drank from my Sofia far longer then I should have. I indeed felt sated. Her skin was still glowing as my eyes wandered across her bare skin. She was still resting. Her eyes were closed and a slight breeze in the room was causing her hair to blow ever so lightly. I took my hand and traced my fingers along her mouth. I moved down to the curve of her breasts and along the top of her stomach. Her eyes flew op
en then. Her smile greeted me and her kiss was exactly what was on my mind then. I saw her skin glowing and in an instant she was in her natural form. I saw that she moved up from the bed to the waterfall that flowed down the cave wall.

  She moved into the water and it flowed over her form. I could see the water as it sparkled and ran down her body. Sofia has some unique markings. Her skin when in human form is smooth and without any unusual properties. Yet, when she is in her natural form you can just make out patterns along her skin. They are slightly darker and the patterns resemble ancient writings. The markings are scrolled in rounded patterns along her back and move up around and across her breasts and stomach. I had not realized just how extraordinary the markings were until I saw her under the waterfall with the candle light reflecting off her skin. It was as if her markings had become more eloquent since she had found her family.

  I moved from the bed then and followed her into the waterfall. The waterfall was not solid as I had originally thought but a deeply reset area in the cave. Sofia was still in her natural form yet with the water I could see her clearly as if she was in her human form.

  The coolness of the water combined with my sated feeling overwhelmed me at that moment. I knew that there were still many questions that needed asked and yet at this moment all I wanted to do was to kiss Sofia and allow the water to spill over our bodies for the rest of our existence.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 15:

  I knew exactly when the sun had set. Sofia and I had finished our shower and dressed. We were walking out into the main cave area when her brother Ely greeted us. Ely was not alone and standing at his side was a very beautiful woman. Ely introduced his mate as Wisteria. Sofia hugged Wisteria as if they had known each other for many years.

  As it turns out that was indeed the case. Wisteria was Sofia’s best friend from her home planet. Wisteria was not a tall person yet her stature was that of royalty. I could sense that she and Sofia had many things in common yet they were different in many other ways. Wisteria was swelled full at the waist. Sofia asked Wisteria when she would be expected to bring her new life into this world. It turns out that Ely and Wisteria were going to bring their child into this world very soon: no later then the next full moon cycle.

  A chill went across my chest at the thought of a child being born and Sofia seemed to also be intrigued with this. When a child is born in my species many things can go badly wrong and the mother and child are always separated not long after the birthing. Ely and Wisteria led us to a smaller area just off the main cave. It was a rounded room with large pillows on a very green mossy floor. Ely extended his hand and asked that we sit so that we could continue our conversation from earlier.

  Sofia asked the first question. How did so many of you survive the crashing of the transfer craft? Ely and Wisteria smiled. I do not believe that this was the first question they expected to have Sofia ask but Ely had a reply ready. It seems that when their craft was arriving close to our planet they had some equipment failures. Sofia and a few others were sent in an escape pod when the craft started to spiral uncontrolled toward our planet. Sofia saw a large explosion in the sky and had assumed that no one had survived.

  Ely explained that once they realized that the craft would not survive they changed into their natural forms and joined with each other in order to shield themselves until they could reach the planet surface. Sofia’s escape pod somehow had landed on the opposite side of the planet. No one knew of the other person’s survival until we had stumbled across the cave entrance yesterday.

  Ely was depressed that so much time had passed between them and that they had not found each other sooner. Seems that when everyone thought that the crafts had been destroyed neither sought the other out. Since they were not of this world they went into hiding. Ely and the rest of the craft’s survivors salvaged what they could of the ship and created the cave that we were now in. Sofia’s ship had landed safely with the few others aboard and they also went into hiding.

  Sofia and Ely had many questions for each other and the time passed quickly. I knew that I needed to feed again and I wanted to check on the horses that we had left outside the cave at daybreak. I started to stand and Sofia took my hand. I explained that I wanted to give her time with her family and that I needed to go hunting. Sofia kissed me and explained that I needed to leave the cave for a while. I turned to leave and I suddenly knew exactly how to exit the cave. It was as if Sofia had told me without any spoken words.

  Ely stood then also. He said that he would hunt with me. This would allow Sofia and Wisteria the time to get reacquainted with each other. Ely and I walked the distance from the main cave through the narrow tunnels until we came to the cave exit. I felt the night breeze on my face and saw that the sky was clear and the stars were out in their fullness. Ely turned his head toward the stars and spoke in a quiet voice. I could not understand what he said – not that I could not hear him but because he spoke in a language that I did not understand. After a brief moment Ely turned to me and said that the horses would arrive shortly as they were over the next ridge. I did not ask how Ely knew the whereabouts of the horses as I had already learned that Sofia somehow could also speak to the horses.

  In just a few minutes the horses arrived and to my surprise they were playing and nudging each other. Ely smiled at them and I just wondered what the joke was about. Ely and I mounted the horses and we headed off toward my villa near where I might find a herd of deer. I was unsure of how to explain to Ely what would happen once I located the deer but felt that perhaps words would not need to be spoken.

  Ely told me then that Sofia had explained generally what I was and how I needed to feed. He told me to not be ashamed of what I was or how I needed to survive as all species have their requirements. Ely explained that he would show me once we came across the deer. I sensed the deer then as we came around a section of trees. Ely must have also sensed the deer and he pulled his horse to a stop. We both dismounted.

  Ely did something that I did not expect then. He shimmered and changed into his natural form. I could see him and yet he was not there. Only a few seconds passed and he reappeared next to me. Ely turned back into himself and yet something was different. I walked closer to him and his scent had changed. He was different. I felt that I knew what had happened to him. Something in my distant memory was triggered. I was not afraid of Ely but yet I sensed that there was a difference within him.

  Ely must have noticed my confusion in that brief minute. He spoke to me then and what he said would change my world for the rest of my lifetime. Ely had turned into a Dhampir. I knew this without having to see him. I knew this by the way he smelled to me. I knew this by the way he moved. I was so overpowered by what just happened that I fell to my knees onto the floor of the forest. My hands flew to cover my eyes and I stopped breathing.

  Ely came to me then and touched me. His hands were as cold as I knew mine were to Sofia. His eyes were the bright red that I knew mine would be because of the lack of blood in my body. I could see that he was trying to comfort me. I removed my hands and slowly stood up. I was in shock. How could this have happened? How could Ely change into another being like me? I know of only one way that Dhampirs came into this world and yet ….

  * * * * *

  Chapter 16:

  Ely spoke to me then. “Brother, I am so sorry. I did not mean to frighten you so. I only wanted to change into your equal so that you would have a hunting partner and no longer feel ashamed of your species. Has Sofia not changed for you? I thought that she had already explained how we can adapt to your needs.” I remembered then that Sofia had changed for me. She was taller now. More suited to my needs. She could allow my feeding and yet not die or suffer any ill effects.

  Somehow all of this was more than I had expected. To watch Ely change into my species was something that would forever be remembered to me as the turning point in both our spec
ies’ lives. Ely asked me then if I was well enough to continue our hunt. Ely said he was feeling the desire to hunt as badly now as I was just a few minutes ago.

  Our hunt was fast and exhilerating. We both caught several deer and drained them in a matter of minutes. It was nice to have a hunting partner and I found myself thinking of my other brothers and sister back in the jungle.

  After some time had passed, we both had our fill and were sitting in the meadow watching the horses. I knew that the mare was one of Ely’s kin since Sofia had already told me this. What I didn’t know was that my horse had decided that he also needed a mate and the two animals were now paired for life. It was very relaxing watching the two horses play and chase each other in the meadow.

  It was a good time to talk with Ely about Sofia. As always with their species Ely somehow knew that I needed to talk. He was open and friendly with me as I asked my many questions. I was mostly concerned about Sofia. I wanted to know why they would send her off in the escape pod before the ship had crashed. Ely said that since she was their queen they wanted to make sure that she did not go down with the ship. It would be up to her to continue on with their species. Ely explained that was the reason why Sofia had spoke to all of the people at the assembly and announced to everyone that she had chosen a mate.


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