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Races of Armis - Midnight Oasis

Page 6

by Deb Sartoris

  It seems that the reason why they left their home planet was because Sofia was being forced into an arranged mating with another species in order to placate a pending fight over their home planet. Sofia did not like being forced into this issue and many of her family and friends felt there were other options available without giving up their queen to this other race. So Sofia and her followers left the planet in secret, hoping to find another place where they could live in peace.

  As the time passed – Ely and I asked and answered many questions of each other. It was good to have someone that I could talk with. I had not wanted to press Sofia about her past as I could sense that she wanted to leave her prior life as something I did not need to know about.

  Our horses returned to us and it was time that we left our hunt and return to the cave. I was concerned about how to handle all of Sofia’s family now that we knew they existed.

  Ely and I traveled back to the cave. It was nearing sunrise once again and neither Sofia nor I had returned home to our villas in two nights. I did not want our staff to be concerned and send out a search party and find the cave. I explained this to Ely and he also felt that for appearances we should return back to our homes.

  Ely and I found the women still sitting in the same room that we had left them in. Both were full of smiles and joy upon our return. Ely shimmered back into his original form and we sat down with the women.

  Ely and I explained about our theory about returning home and both women felt that was a good idea. We had plenty of time to be with each other and discuss what, if anything, we needed to do in the future for both our species. Sofia and I said our goodbyes to our new family. We left the cave and mounted our horses for our ride home to our villas.

  We decided that it would be best to visit Sofia’s home first and make sure that her staff knew she would be staying with me for a while. After a brief stay at Sofia’s home we traveled to my villa.

  It was becoming light and it was time for my rest period. We left our horses in the barn and greeted my staff. We explained that we had traveled over night to another town nearby and that was why we were gone overnight. Sofia and I both agreed it was best to not let them think we had stayed out in the woods overnight.

  In the past day many things in both our lives had changed. Sofia and I were both tired and excited to have had such a change of events to think about. It was good to be home. While the cave was a nice place to visit it was always good to be back in your home environment.

  As we laid in each others arms with the sun rising, I had many thoughts on my mind. It was time that I made Sofia my official mate. In the old world just having her at my side was enough. In the modern world many things had to be made public if we were to share our lives together. I did not wish to discuss this with Sofia just yet as I thought it would be best to give her time to adjust to her new family.

  As I’m from the old world it was important for me to discuss the official mating to Sofia with her brother Ely. I was not sure what traditions would need to be observed with her people and what this might mean to how Sofia’s people treated her.

  But there would be another time to work out these details – in the mean time I could smell the flower scent in Sofia’s hair and I could feel her body next to mine. Her pleasure and sense of joy was making her skin shine more then normal. I ran my hand across her cheek and down her arm. She was the most beautiful creature to me at that moment. Her lips were moist and greeted me with eagerness. Her hands touched my chest and I traced my hands down the curve of her waist across her stomach and down to her legs. As the sun rose for another day we lost ourselves to the pleasure of each others company.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 17:

  The time passed quickly and we spent most of it with Sofia’s family. We were all trying to figure out what could be done to help them out and what needed to be done in order to keep them hidden and safe.

  Sofia and I had come back to my villa after another long night with her family. She was tired and yet very excited. She told me that it was almost time for the birth of her brother’s child. Wisteria would not be waiting much longer to bring her child into this world. It was not the first time that a child from their species had been born on this planet but it was the first child to her brother.

  Sofia could sense that this news made me sad. So many times I had been part of births of my species – all of which ended in such tragedies. I was expecting the same with this birth. Sofia explained to me that not all births had to be dreadful and that the birth’s of their species was always a magical experience.

  I had not spoken to Ely or Sofia about my wish to make her my official mate yet. So much of our time was spent updating the cave and equipment. I was trying to lend my scientific knowledge to the repair work as much as possible. Some of their equipment was broken beyond repair while other pieces were fixable. Much of the equipment was more advanced then anything I had ever seen. If Sofia and her people were ever to leave this planet they would need to find a way to repair their ship.

  My long life on this planet left me with the financial means to purchase some of the necessary items for repairing the equipment. I also had many connections within the scientific community and purchasing items that were somewhat experimental was not unusual for me. The time was drawing nearer to move Ely and the rest of Sofia’s family out of the cave and into more suitable housing.

  Ely and I were out looking at suitable properties and facilities when we received a call from Sofia. It was time for the baby to arrive into this world. Ely was very excited and he decided to change into my species in order to make the travel back to his wife more quickly. We were not far from home but the distance would be traveled faster with my species’ speed and agility.

  We arrived at the cave entrance. You could sense the excitement from within. I could hear voices as we arrived at the mouth of the cave. No one was waiting for us – which I thought was unusual. I expected someone to be waiting for Ely to return and escort him to his wife. I did not know what to expect and found myself extremely edgy and unsure of what was to happen next. I was about to leave and return home when Sofia arrived.

  Sofia informed me that it was very important that I be part of the birth of her brother’s child. It was their custom to have the queen and other key family members present to witness the birth. Since Ely was the second in line to the throne of their planet. She promised me that I would not be witness to a horrific scene as I was use to in my past.

  Sofia led me down the narrow passage of the cave entrance. The walls of the cave seemed to sparkle more then normal. I noticed that the water as it slowly dripped down the cave walls was glowing. The smell within the cave was also different. I could not find the words to explain this to myself. Everyone and everything within the cave was expressing themselves as only they could. We made our way back through the large gathering area. Many if not all of Sofia’s people were waiting there when we arrived. Many were greeting Ely and me with such joy. Ely spoke to many people as we passed through the large area. We were headed toward the smaller resting caves near the back.

  Time seemed to slow the farther into the cave we went. I noticed this but decided it was something that I was only imagining. Perhaps my fear of this birth was causing the time to slow. I was so worried about how Sofia would handle the loss of Wisteria or the baby.

  We arrived at Ely and Wisteria’s resting chambers. Wisteria was resting in their bed. Myself, Ely and Sofia were the only ones in her room. No others were present. No doctors. No nurses. I was becoming very concerned with the potential outcome of this birth. Always there were midwives present and many others to help with births.

  Wisteria expressed her happiness that we had finally arrived. Ely greeted her with a warm hug and smile. Sofia asked me to sit in the chair near the rear of the resting chamber. She asked me to promise to have an open mind. She kissed me and moved over to sit
with Ely and Wisteria on her bed.

  It was very quiet now. I had not noticed before. Their cave also had a running waterfall near where I was sitting. The water was flowing down the wall but at an odd pace. I could see the water yet it seemed not to be moving. I could hear the water as it splashed into the exit basin but I could not see it as it flowed downward. The room itself was glowing. At first I thought this was from Wisteria or Sofia. Sometimes when they are very excited their bodies put off a strange glow. I was wrong – this time it was the cave. It was glowing all along the walls. Small spots sparkled all along the surface. If I did not know better I would have guessed the walls were also alive or moving.

  Sofia spoke then – she asked Wisteria if she was ready to bring her child into the world. She spoke very quietly almost beyond my hearing abilities. Ely and Sofia laid their hands upon Wisteria swollen belly. I braced myself for the screaming to begin. I knew at any moment one or both of their lives would be lost.

  The room began to shimmer – not just the walls. Ely, Sofia and Wisteria were transforming into their natural states. I watched as they grew fainter and more transparent. Time passed. I did not know if something had gone wrong. I had not expected Sofia to be so involved or so near Wisteria during the birth. I was becoming distraught. What if something also happened to Sofia? I was not prepared to lose her.

  Suddenly the room changed. The water from the waterfall started to tumble at a more natural speed. The walls of the room started to return back to their gray damp state. I turned to the people on the bed. I could see shapes now – but not fully. Wisteria, Ely and Sofia were returning back to their forms. As the figures became more solid I could see that Ely was holding something.

  In a matter of minutes Wisteria, Ely and Sofia had returned back to normal. Ely was holding his son in his hands and the crying of the child was proof that the birth had occurred. As the sound of the crying child spread through the cave you could hear all the cheers erupting. I found myself with tears of joy running down my cheeks. I had never in my long life witnessed such a joyful birth. I could see that Wisteria was alive. She was smiling. Her face was streaked with tears as was Sofia. Ely sat up from the bed and walked over to me. In his arms was a crying infant. Ely asked me to walk with him to the main cave as he wanted me to be by his side as he presented his son to the rest of the families waiting in the gathering area.

  We walked the short distance to the main area. Ely held the child up in the air for all to see. The room exploded with cheers. The sudden noise made the child cry once again. Ely did not say anything when he presented his son. Words did not seem to be of importance only that the child had arrived and was safe.

  We stayed only for a few minutes out in the main area. Ely asked me to return with him back to the resting chamber. We found Wisteria and Sofia sitting near the waterfall. Their laughter filled the air as we returned. The child in Ely’s hands squirmed as if he knew he was near his mother. Ely placed the child in his wife’s waiting arms. Ely asked us to stay with them a while. Sofia was looking at the child with such loving eyes. In my heart, I knew now was the time to discuss her marriage to me.

  I asked Ely and Wisteria if they had a name for their child yet. Both of them including Sofia gave me such a look. I thought perhaps that I had said or done something wrong. Then they all laughed at me. Sofia said that she keeps forgetting that I’m not one of them. As it turns out their species names are born with them the same time that their bodies are brought into this world. The child was born with his name and it was known already to everyone except me. The child’s name was Steven. I must confess that all of the events that had just occurred were strange to say the least.

  I asked Ely if he would walk with me for a few minutes. He agreed. We left the cave and went for a stroll along the small stream near the cave entrance. Ely was quiet as if he knew that I was the one who needed to talk. I began by congratulating Ely on his son. Ely touched my shoulder and told me that he wanted me to witness the birth so that all of my past experiences with child birth would become just memories. He wanted me to see how the birth of a child could occur. Sofia had explained to him how my species was born into this world and Ely wanted to show me how wonderful births could be.

  We sat down on a nearby ledge overlooking a small pond. There were fish swimming and I could see that a beaver had built a structure to hold the water in. The night air was fresh and clean just like the cave had been. The sky was clear and the stars were shining brightly. The sounds of the night creatures were present – I could hear the owl up in the tree and the mouse running under the leaves near a fallen branch. My senses were stronger then ever tonight and I wondered if the events that occurred had somehow changed how I was feeling tonight.

  I never expected to be so nervous but after being in this world for so long alone it was taking me a while to ask Ely for his sister’s hand in marriage. Finally I asked. Ely was overjoyed. He hugged me and answered simply “Yes – if she will have you – of course I have no doubt that will happen”. All of my fears were set aside. Ely asked me if I would enjoy a good hunt and I agreed. Ely shimmered and we were both off running into the night air.

  We returned after some time and entered the cave. It was time for Sofia and I to leave and return back to my villa. I thought the hard part of this evening was over after speaking to Ely. But somewhere deep inside me I had a feeling that tomorrow would be more difficult – as I planned on asking Sofia to marry me.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18:

  I woke to find Sofia sitting up in our resting chamber. She was combing her long hair while looking out the window. I walked the distance between us and touched her shoulder. She was smiling at something or someone - I was sure of it. When I asked what she was so intrigued with she simply said that she was sure that this evening would bring both of them such happiness. Sofia had already dressed and she had on one of my very favorite dresses. The dress was blue with lace and ruffles running along the sleeves and neck line. The front of the dress was drawn tight with a darker blue ribbon that offset the rest of the dress. Red buttons ran down the back from her shoulders to her waist and I found myself wanting to unbutton each one of them as I had the night before.

  I was not hungry as Ely and I had a successful hunt the evening before. But I wanted to find the right moment and place to ask Sofia for her hand in marriage. It was as if Sofia was reading my mind. Sofia asked if we could spend time this evening together with the horses. She said that Ely and Wisteria needed time to adjust to their new baby and I agreed without any hesitation.

  I dressed and we walked down to the stables and to my surprise both of our horses were waiting near their riding equipment. I should have been getting use to how everyone and everything around me knows in advance what is going to happen but it still caught me off guard. We got the horses ready and were off in no time.

  The ride was nice – at a steady pace. The trees in the forest were alive with wildlife. The birds were all nesting and talking at each other. The smaller animals on the ground were busy searching for their next meal. We talked about lot’s of general things and commented on how the horses seem to have someplace in mind they were heading for. We rode for a while before we finally came to a stop. The horses had indeed found a wonderful place to rest. The night air was tingly tonight. There was a storm off in the distance and you could see the lightning as it jumped across the night sky. The air was full of electrical current and my nerves were on edge. I felt like walking and asked Sofia to take a walk with me. It was my way of working up the courage to ask her the most important question of my lifetime.

  We walked for a short time – exploring the forest. A storm was rumbling off in the distance and you could smell a hint of rain in the air. We found a nice resting stop near a large rock. If my heart could race like a herd of horses then I could explain how I was feeling. My hair on the back of my neck
was standing on edge. I’m not sure why I felt this way. Perhaps it was the idea that I had finally found my true soul mate.

  Sofia slid her hand in mine and I could no longer wait. The time was right and I did not feel as nervous as I was just minutes before. I realized just then that Sofia’s hand was still holding mine. My eyes met hers. I saw beauty and wonder in how they sparkled with the reflection of the moon. I raised her hand to my lips and kiss her gently.

  My words began slowly, “Sofia – my life has changed since I met you. Everything that was before in my past is no longer worthy of my thoughts. I have watched you with your people and the love that your species shares with all the living creatures that you come into contact with. I did not ever think that in my many centuries of life that I would find someone with whom I could be normal: someone who would only see me as their consort and not this foul hideous creature that I exist as.” I looked into her eyes then. “Sofia I would like to share the rest of my existence with you – would you consent to becoming my mate?”


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