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Races of Armis - Midnight Oasis

Page 7

by Deb Sartoris

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  Chapter 19:

  Ely was resting. The birth of his son had caused much excitement within their small community. As it turns out the Armis species find it hard to conceive except on their home planet. Not many children have been born to them since they had arrived on my planet and some were lost during the birth cycle. Their species requires a bonding of mother, father and spirit to bring the child into being. It appears that only a few special people had the skills necessary to call the child into the world.

  My Sofia is of royal blood – she is the female heir to their planet and species. The community speaks of Armis as a living thing and not as a hard rock in space as we think of our planet. This concept of species co-existing with their planet was difficult for me to comprehend. Sofia is considered the mother spirit of their planet and to find her in time for Ely and Wisteria’s child to be born was considered to be an omen or prophecy for them.

  Time had slipped into that state of flux that I was getting used to. Sofia accepted my marriage proposal and we sealed our agreement that night with such passion that I will not spend time in this journal to describe to you. Our love for each other grew with each passing moment.

  Ely and I hunted often as the girls were busy attending to the new child and his training. Each day that Sofia and I had to return to our villa she filled my ears full of how the child was growing and changing.

  I could tell that she was depressed by this at times but she would never tell me her thoughts on this matter. While out hunting one day with Ely we had stopped to rest and Ely discussed with me the reason he thought Sofia was upset by the birth of his son.

  He knew that Sofia loved his Steven like her own. When the spirit mother brings the child forth into being they are bonded. Not the same as the birth mother who carried the child but a blending of all 3 who were present during the birth occurs. There is much to the Armis species that I did not understand but Ely did his best to make me comprehend such differences.

  Ely went on to state that the birth of his son had reminded Sofia that she will most likely never conceive a child. She is of royal blood and a special bonding of Armis species must occur in order for a child from royal blood to be conceived. Sofia would not mate with another even to bring a child into her life as she had chosen me to live the last of her days with.

  Ely explained that Sofia wanted more then ever to conceive a child from me but understood that a miracle of this level would never occur.

  Now that I understood the reason behind my Sofia’s sadness I again saw the ugliness that my species is. I would give all that I have and my life to give to Sofia her child.

  Sofia and I never discussed our date of marriage as it seems that such a ritual was not necessary with her people. It was enough that she spoke to her community with her brother at her side and stated that she had chosen me as her mate.

  I did not tell Sofia that this was not the case with my people. Never had one of my species taken a mate for long term into their lives. I was considered to be the ruling leader of my species – even if I was in exile from them at this time. A ritual would need to occur in front of my elders in order for Sofia to be considered my mate.

  I was not worried or consumed by this as exile means that I no longer needed to comply with my species requirements anyway.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 20:

  Much time has lapsed since I could write in this journal. I will try and recount most of what has happened to us over the past years.

  Sofia and Ely spent much of their time with the community – Sofia had called or summoned her people that survived with her in the escape pod. She requested that they come to the cave site. Sofia’s spirit was calling them and each came with many stories of how they had survived their time on my planet. I made many notes on their journeys and someday will take the time to write down this information so that others may keep a record of their time here.

  Ely and some of the returning Armis people had been working in secret on something that they had kept from Sofia. Each day that passed and Ely did not reveal this to Sofia she grew more concerned. I tried my best to comfort her and tell her that Ely would tell her his secret when he believed the time was right.

  Sofia was always busy with Wisteria and Steven. Much effort was being placed on his training. With Sofia around the community so much the females in their group had started to conceive. There were many expectant mothers now in the community and Sofia was attending to each of them as their time progressed and their children needed to be brought into being.

  One night while Ely and I were out hunting – I had the strangest feeling that someone or something was watching us. Ely was also aware of this and both of us had stopped in an area where we could see for many miles through the trees.

  It had been a long time since a hunter had come looking for me – so long in fact that I had forgotten what it felt like to be hunted. I had lost my ability to sense such events after being with the Armis people for so long.

  As dawn was approaching and Ely and I had to return to the cave a stranger appeared out of the darkness. He was a hunter. I was suddenly distracted as this was not an event that I was expecting. My concern over this hunter’s arrival - and possible others - had me worried about the safety of my Sofia and all the others at the cave.

  Most hunters do not travel alone as they come to kill and their success depends upon the numbers that they travel with. The hunter appeared to be alone which was strange to me.

  I did not wish to have harm come to my brother Ely or anyone at the cave – I begged Ely to leave me with the hunter as this was my fight not his.

  Ely stood at my side – he said that we were not alone and he had already called for others to come help them. I did not understand what he was saying as I was focused on the dark creature that stood before us.

  I decided if this was my time to fight then I would at least have this foul creatures name so that my wife would know who had killed her mate.

  The hunter came forth out of the trees and to our surprise bowed at my feet. He knelt there for some time as if waiting on my approval for him to rise. I could have easily destroyed this creature as he had exposed his throat to me.

  Ely gave notice to me that we had friends near by and we should allow this creature to rise and tell us of his intentions.

  The hunter’s name was Mesquil. He was from my home tribe. He had come, not to kill me, but to ask that I return to our home village. He said our species was dying and, since my departure, a change in their habits had occurred. Many of the elders had died and no young ones had been born from the village women as was custom for my people. Many of the younger men had decided that I must be found at all costs and returned to the home village to become the leader of our species, as this was my birthright.

  Word had traveled that I had somehow found a mate and this had angered some of the remaining elders especially since I was expected to continue my species as their leader. Mesquil had been dispatched to search for me and informed me of the request to return back to the home of my birth in the jungle.

  Mesquil seemed sincere in his request and Ely did not believe that any danger from this creature would occur. It was near dawn now and I and Mesquil needed to be out of harms way and the coming of the sun soon or we would both perish.

  Ely suggested that we take Mesquil back to the cave – I did not like this idea but with limited time before the sun would rise I did not see any other alternative.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 21:

  We returned to the cave to find Sofia and many of the others in the community waiting for us at the mouth of the cave. My instinct as her mate was strong – I did not want this foul creature any where near her. I did not want to take a chance that all of this talk had been a game just to kill me and my mate.

  Much to my surprise Sofia came directly to Mesquil and bowed before him. My royal Sofia submitting herself to this crea
ture was almost more than I could stand. I was at her side in a split second and was between her and Mesquil.

  Sofia placed her hand on my chest and told me that I did not have any reason to be concerned. She knew that the intent of this man was good and she did not fear anything from him.

  He was welcomed into our cave just as the sun rose that day.

  Before I continue with this part of my journal I must write to you and state that many details of Mesquil’s travels have been saved. He has become part of our community now and he and his mate will always be close to us as my brother Ely and Wisteria are now.

  I will try and relay to you much of what happened after Mesquil arrived at our community as many of the details are too long to recount and have already been written down by Mesquil for his retelling of his life to his family.

  Mesquil told us that it was very important for me to return as soon as possible to our home land. There was but one elder left alive and his health was failing. It had taken Mesquil many years to locate me. He was unsure himself if the elder was still alive as he had not been in contact with our people since he had left to search for me.

  Mesquil could sense that something was different with Sofia and her people just as I had done when I met her. Many of the Armis people spent time with Mesquil trying to explain to him what they are and how they came to be on this planet. I have been with Sofia’s people for a long time and I still do not have a clear understanding of her people. It was not fair for me to expect Mesquil to absorb all of this knowledge in a short time period.

  Sofia informed me that she believed that the right decision was to travel to my home village and confront this elder. She wanted to bring along some of her people and she expected Mesquil to return with us in order to validate our statements.

  Mesquil had been with us long enough that he experienced how Ely changed to hunt like one of us. Mesquil had seen with his own eyes how an Armis child is brought into this world and how the mother and child are safe and born without loss of life to either one.

  It was a long journey back to my home village. It was not without concern on my part. I was the royal heir to my people. I was expected to fulfill that right and take over when the elder passes. It was not what I wanted to do nor was it something that I intended on doing once I arrived at the village. I had my own life with Sofia and the Armis people and I had no thoughts of returning back to my home village and becoming part of that foul life again.

  While on our journey Mesquil found what was to be his mate. She was Armis – her name was Qan. She was one of the eldest women of the Armis people and had been a loyal royal servant to Sofia’s family.

  She had traveled with us to ensure that Sofia was well cared for as was the custom of their people. During our journey back to my village Qan and Mesquil found in each other their soul mates. They were mated and paired off by the time we had reached my village.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22:

  How does one return home? I can not recall how much time had passed since I had left this place. For the village appeared to be the same.

  Much of the structures of the buildings were the same. Each was deeply hidden in the Amazon jungle. Lush green plants were wrapped around each of the buildings. Each building was old and made of rock and timber from the jungle. Large enclosed areas that created lots of dark corners were the main focus of each structure.

  There were hidden caves and stones that when pushed would reveal another area within. Pieces of animal bones were part of the structures and animal hides decorated both the inside and out of each structure. Ancient paintings were etched on each building in many different scripts. Blood of the animals was used as well as blood from birth mothers. It was a telling of a timeline of our species. Each elder had been tasked with keeping the story of our lives etched here. My birth was told as was my exile.

  Each century that had passed and each different elder had a unique style in their writings. Some were just symbols while others were worlds and pictures. I could see from the writings that much time and focus was spent in the search for me. I could see how many hunters had been dispatched and that none had returned.

  I could hear the large animals near the buildings. I noted to myself that I must take Ely out to hunt one of my favorite animals from the jungle. Perhaps maybe this time I would make my kill before Ely – since I had the home advantage.

  My people were standing waiting for us as we came into the center of the village. Some of the faces I knew while others were not familiar to me. I could see that concern was on their faces especially since I did not arrive alone. With me were close to 100 Armis people. They had all come to make their story known to our elder and also to ensure my protection as Ely told me later.

  Our group was tired. It was better that I face the elder if he was still alive after I had rested. One of my oldest friends came forth and approached us. He bowed as the hunter had and took his fist to his chest as was our greeting. He told me that a structure was built in the clearing for us and that we should take refuge for the day there. Food for the Armis was provided and Ely, myself and Mesquil hunted. I indeed took my kill first and the skin of that animal will be with me always.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23:

  The elder was alive. I was expected to meet with him when the sun set.

  During my exile I did not have any contact with my clan. I did not know what to expect or even who the elder in charge was at this time. No one was telling our group anything and even if we felt welcome there was an air of worry among the Armis people and mine.

  Mesquil and Ely were with me when I went to meet with our elder. Mesquil was very insistent that he be at my side. I thought at the time that this was something of an unusual request as normally the elder does not allow visitors.

  As Mesquil, Ely and I entered the dark musty cave I could see the elder as he lay upon his bed. Fresh leaves were placed over the fire giving off a scent of the jungle. Scattered on his walls were various trophies. Some were large animal heads, some were giant snake skins. Torch lights illuminated the small room. Strange writings were all along the wall. I did not recognize these writings and I could tell by the look on Mesquil’s face that he did not understand their meaning as well. Ely had yet another look on his face. I made a note to myself to discuss this with him at a later time.

  I bowed as was our custom to our elder and pulled my fist to my chest. I waited for the response from the elder. Mesquil did not salute the elder as I expected him to do so. Instead he was at the elders’ side touching his face with his hands. This was considered to be a wrongful act in our clans’ customs. Only direct family would be allowed to be this close to an elder.

  Finally, as if on cue the elder raised his hand and gave me the response to my welcome. I could see that Mesquil was relieved. It was good to see the elder able to sit up in his bed. Still to my surprise Mesquil sat so close to the elder. Mesquil spoke first.

  Mesquil’s face held a smile. Mesquil started his story by telling me that he wished to apologize to me. He had been keeping a secret for some time since our first meeting and now he was grateful to be relieved of that burden.

  Mesquil was the son of the elder and, as it turns out, also related to me. Mesquil is a descendant of one of my original family. A long time ago when it was still allowed this elder mated with a relative from one of my birth family. The resulting birth child was Mesquil. While this is difficult to explain he would be considered to be a brother to me.

  I could not believe my ears. I had a brother! I could also see that Mesquil was glad to have this secret told so that all could hear this news. A brother – but how could this be. I did not know that the village was still allowing the taking of their women for birthing of our species. Mesquil explained that this custom has been banned for a very long time. Mesquil was born as a result of the last mating between the village and my people. The death of the birt
h mother who was very close to our current elder caused this custom to be banned. Our current elder no longer wished for the human mothers to die and he could no longer bear to see a loved one lost to such a barbaric custom.

  The resulting effect of this banning of our pairing had radically caused a drop in the number of my species left alive. Mesquil was not yet ready to be the leader of our clan and he had begged his father to allow the search for my where-a-abouts to begin. In the time it took for Mesquil to locate me the number of our species had been reduced to the brink of extinction.

  Mesquil stated that based on the number of people left in our village and the known count of any others who travel this world, we as a species would be gone from this planet in a short time.

  Our elder, Vijay, spoke finally. He thanked his son for spending his life in search of finding his only known brother. Vijay was grateful that the search resulted in finding and returning me to our village.

  We sat for what only seemed a short time to me telling each other stories. Food was brought in for Ely many times. When I became hungry only then did I realize how much time had past. Ely and I left the cave so that Vijay and Mesquil could spend some time alone.


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