Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1) Page 10

by Jean Carroll

  “Let’s go up to your apartment, please. I can’t take this any longer,” she begged him.

  “No, wait.” His breathing sounded like a freight train. He rolled his hips around in a circle and pushed harder. She cried out when she came and he followed, hugging her tight until his breathing slowed.

  “God, Meg! I can’t control myself at all.” he said, still breathless.

  “Well, I wanted to go up to your apartment. Why didn’t we?” She asked, totally provoked with him.

  “Because when you said that, I was almost there and so were you.”

  “So we wind up doing this in the driveway!”

  “Nobody’s around. We’re out in the country,” he said, defensively.

  “That’s not the point! Are we ever going to make love, in a bed, naked?” She asked, getting more annoyed with him.

  “Of course we are. I’m sorry.” He pulled her close and kissed her again.

  “Crap!” She said, punching him on the arm, “What’s a woman got to do to get laid around here?”

  He burst out laughing. “Honey, that’s really funny. We’ll get there, I promise,” he said and hugged her.

  “Okay, I’m outta here.”


  One afternoon when they were finished working with the horses; Blackie suggested they go out on the weekend with Keary, Jill, Sean and his girlfriend, Katie. Meg thought it was a good idea but surprised because they always went out alone.

  “Okay, that sounds like fun. I’ll call Jen at the gallery and ask her to go.”

  “Good, I’ll mention it to Sean and Keary. Where should we go? You want to try a club where they have dancing or just a bar?” Blackie asked.

  “Hmm, dancing would be good. Do you like to dance?”

  “It depends on how much I’ve had to drink.”

  “I thought you weren’t drinking anymore,” she said a little sharper than she intended.

  “I’m not. I’m talking about the past and it was a joke, so don’t look so worried,” he said, “I’m not going to get drunk, okay.”

  “Okay,” she said and he pulled her over and kissed her. “I’m working hard on that old crap with Dr. Wahlman. I want to be better for you.” he kissed her again, lingering over the kiss this time. His kisses always took her breath away.

  “But I do worry about you, a lot,” she said and meant it.

  “Well, stop it because I’m good. Hey, ask Jill if she knows a cool place we can go.”

  * * *

  Meg went up to the house to talk to Jill about this new idea of his and found her in the kitchen going over some recipes.

  “Hi, Jill.”

  “Hey,” Jill smiled when she looked up. “How are you today? What’s my bad little brother up to?”

  “I’m good and he wants to go to a night club with all of us together and I thought I’d ask Jen from the gallery. Blackie met her when he visited me at work once. Just out of the blue, he said we should go.”

  “That’s unusual. I thought he wanted you all to himself? I don’t know, maybe he just wants to do more social stuff with you.”

  “Is there a nice place in Richmond?”

  “I’ve been hearing about this place called Rocks that’s supposed to be exciting. I’ll Google it. You call Jen and I’ll ask Keary and Sean. What about this Saturday night? Is that good? We could get Jeremy to drive us all in the limo.”

  “Limo? Who’s Jeremy?”

  “You’ve seen Jeremy around here, big guy, about six-six and muscular. He hangs out at the gym mostly. He’s Blackie’s bodyguard and we keep the limo in one of the garages for when we all go somewhere together.

  “Wait. Black has a bodyguard?” Meg said, wide-eyed.

  “He does, yes. Our parents insisted on it when Blackie turned eighteen. He was in trouble all the time and half the time, we couldn’t find him. Jeremy’s supposed to be his valet and Blackie hates the idea of personal servants, so Jeremy kind of stays in the background. Since the accident, it hasn’t been a problem. Jeremy’s very nice and he and Blackie kind of became friends and hang out once in awhile. He won’t let Jeremy do anything for him, though. So Jeremy helps Tim and does odd jobs around here.”

  “That’s just weird. I’ve seen him around, he looks like the Incredible Hulk. Going out in a limo, that’ll be soooo cool. What are you wearing?”

  “I guess some kind of slinky pants outfit. You want to go shopping?”

  “Oh, yes. Blackie’s not going to wear jeans is he?”

  “I doubt it. He has some cool clubby sort of clothes. He usually looks pretty hot when he goes out.”

  Jill and Meg had a ball shopping. Meg bought a pair of silky, black, skintight pants and a backless, halter top with sequins in gold and black. Jill bought the same pants in dark green and a silvery beaded top.

  On Saturday night, Jill said they would pick her up, so she went home early to get dressed.

  She saw this huge stretch limo pull up out front, Blackie got out and came up to her door. When she opened it, his mouth dropped open and she smiled.

  That’s exactly the reaction I was going for.

  “Wow, you look incredible! Turn around. God, Meg, I love it! Mmm, that top is sexy.” He hugged her and ran his hands down her bare back. He looked yummy himself. He had on black, tight pants, white silk shirt, an unstructured grey jacket and black boots.

  “You look pretty hot yourself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this duded up,” she said whistling at him.

  “Don’t get used to it, I’d rather have on jeans,” he said, smiling. “Let’s go.”

  They got in the limo and made introductions to Ted, Jen’s husband, and Katie, Sean’s girlfriend. She was very cute, blond and sweet looking.

  When they got to the club, it was enormous with a shiny dance floor you could see yourself in and an outside patio where couples were sitting with drinks. They got a table in between the bar and the dance floor, then ordered appetizers and drinks.

  Blackie was in a great mood. He kept lightly trailing his fingers up and down Meg’s bare back making her crazy. He asked her to dance on a slow song and she realized she had no idea if he could dance. His body felt hard and hot against hers and he had some smooth moves. The next dance was a sexy slow one and suddenly he had changed the way he was dancing. Now he was doing the dirty dancing thing with his leg between hers and a lot of slow pelvic rolls with both arms wrapped around her tight. Her knees went weak and she felt the heat right where he intended it to go. He dropped his hands to her butt and she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. The song ended, he slid his hand down her arm, taking her hand led her back to the table. He went up to the bar to get them more drinks and Jill leaned over and whispered.

  “How’d you like that last dance?”

  “Omigod, I thought I was going to spontaneously combust. Where did he learn that?” Meg panted.

  “I don’t know, but that was hot,” Jill said, fanning herself.

  “What kind of dance was that?” Keary asked laughing. “His hip seemed just fine doing that.”

  Blackie came back with drinks.

  “Hi, sweetie.” he said softly, his mouth against her ear. “How’d you like the dance?”

  “I loved it, but if you do more of it, I can’t take responsibility for what I might do to you on the dance floor.” Meg said, teasing him.

  “Hmm, sounds like fun to me,” he said nuzzling her hair.

  Sean, Katie, Ted and Jen were dancing. Jill was sitting with Blackie and Meg as Keary went and got more drinks. Meg looked at the crowded bar and saw an old girlfriend of hers from college. She told Blackie she was going to say hello to a girl she knew and would be right back.

  He whispered, “Hurry back,” and kissed her.

  She was talking to her friend when she felt someone up against her butt and turned. There next to her, too close to her, was Doug Hall, an old boyfriend. Doug was generally a jerk and she had only dated him a couple of months. He said how glad he was to see her
but was sort of hanging on her. She shrugged him off but he kept getting close.

  Blackie was at the table when Sean and the others came back from dancing, talking excitedly with flushed faces.

  Keary noticed that Blackie was frowning and asked him, “What’s up?”

  “What’s a jealous rage feel like, Keary?”

  Keary followed Blackie’s gaze and saw that he was watching Doug and Meg.

  “It feels like you’d like to kill the guy messing with Meg at the bar,” Keary said and laughed.

  Blackie jumped up and walked toward the bar.

  Keary snapped his fingers at Sean, “Sean, watch it! Blackie’s going after the creep bothering Meg at the bar.”

  Sean swiveled his head toward Blackie and said, “Oh, shit, this is trouble!”

  * * *

  “Excuse me, but do you mind keeping your leg off my girlfriend’s ass?” Blackie said, with a low growl.

  “Whoa, buddy, she and I are old friends. We used to date, didn’t we, Meggins.” Doug said, slurring his words.

  “Well she’s with me now and I don’t want you touching her!” Blackie said through clenched teeth.

  “Blackie, it’s okay, I’ve got this under control. I told him to get away from me.” Meg said, hoping to defuse the situation.

  “No, you don’t have it under control, Meggins. He keeps touching you and now he’s going to stop.” He said, turning to Doug. “Do you understand what I’m telling you? You are not going to touch her again.”

  “Blackie, don’t make a scene. Let’s go back to the table and forget it,” she said trying to placate him.

  “I’m not going to forget it and don’t tell me what to do, Meg. You’re with me and no jerk is going to put his hands on you, do you understand?”

  “Hey, you don’t own me. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I can take care of myself and I was until you butt in!” She shoved him and he grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the bar.

  “Let’s take this outside, Meg.” He went to move her past Doug and Doug stopped him and said, “Hey, Buddy, maybe she doesn’t want to go anywhere with you.” Blackie punched Doug in the gut with his left hand. Doug doubled over, gasped for air and started to vomit on his shoes.

  Blackie sat him on a bar stool and said to the bartender, “Give this guy some coffee he’s

  had too much to drink.”

  Blackie then dragged her outside and let go of her arm in the middle of the parking lot.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She yelled at him, feeling like she was going to erupt with anger.

  “I was trying to protect you and you start giving me a hard time,” he yelled back.

  “Protect me! Is that what you were doing? It seemed like you were pissed because some guy touched me and threatened your manhood, not that you were protecting me from some jerk. I told you I had it under control.”

  “No, you didn’t. I was watching you. You’d tell him to stop it, push him away and in two minutes he had his leg up against you again. Do you want him touching you?” He asked, scowling at her.

  “Blackie you know better than that; of course not,” she said trying to control her temper.

  “Did you sleep with him when you were dating?” He demanded.

  “No, I didn’t and besides that’s none of your damn business! You’ve got a lot of nerve asking me about my past.”

  He stared at her, startled. “You’re right. Who am I to ask you any questions? It’s just when I saw him touching you, I went insane. I wanted to kill him. I’ve never felt jealousy over a woman before, but I know one thing.” He got in her face, his eyes piercing hers and said, “If I ever see another man touch you again, I will kill him! I’m a very possessive male.”

  “What’s wrong with you? Why are you so jealous and upset over me?”

  “Because I ... because.” He turned and pounded his fist on the top of the nearest car.

  “You can’t say it, can you? You’re afraid to say it. Guess what, you can’t have me until you say it.” She yelled at him, her lips trembling.

  “Hey, I haven‘t heard you say it, so I don’t want you until I hear it from you.” He yelled back.

  “I love you! I love you, damn it. You idiot! I don’t want anyone else but you. You have no reason to be jealous,” she screamed at him.

  He stuffed his hands in his pockets and backed up against the car. They stood there glaring at each other.

  * * *

  Keary, Jill and the others had been watching the incident at the bar. When Blackie hit Doug, Sean sucked his breath in, “Ouch! He’s punched me in the gut before. It feels like a horse kicked you.”

  Ted said, “Is he always this violent?”

  “No, he’s just a little on edge right now about Meg.” Jill said.

  “I thought things were good between them,” Jen said, “Meg’s been so happy.”

  “He’s just unsure of where he stands with her and he’s not used to being jealous,”

  Jill said.

  “I don’t think he has anything to worry about. Meg’s mad about him. He’s all she talks about,” Jen offered.

  “Jill,” Keary said, “Sean and I are going outside to keep an eye on things. I’m going to call Jeremy to get ready to leave, just in case. You all better be ready to go if there’s a problem.”

  * * *

  After a few minutes, Blackie reached over, grabbed her arm and pulled Meg close to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

  “Meg, I’m scared. I’ve never felt anything like this for a woman before. I’m afraid I’m going to do something stupid and mess things up with you. I’m at a loss how to handle our relationship, but I’m trying hard. I know I screwed up tonight but I couldn’t control it. I’m sorry.”

  “I know you’re trying and this is new for you but you need to trust me. I don’t want anyone but you, Blackie. What do you care if he touches me? He’s pathetic. He’s a loser who can’t get his own woman, so he’s hitting on someone else’s.”

  “Are you my woman?”

  “I hope so,” she said looking into his eyes. He kissed her hard and deep and she could feel his frustration.

  Just then Doug staggered out of the club and made his way to his car.

  “Hey, buddy, she’ll go down on you, cause she gives good head,” Doug yelled.

  Blackie tensed and made a move to go after Doug. She could see the rage building in his eyes and she went pale with fear.

  She held his arms and told him, “Forget it, he’s trying to get in your head and mess with you. He’s lying.”

  Doug yelled again, “Hey, does she do ‘doggie style’ for you because she loves ‘doggie style’.”

  That was it. Blackie broke away from her, fast and went after Doug. Doug saw him and made a run for his car but Blackie caught him before he reached it. The first punch flattened Doug. Blackie picked him up; hit him in the belly and then an uppercut to the face. She heard the crunch of bone. She started back to get help and ran straight into Sean and Keary.

  “Go get in the limo, fast, we’ll get Blackie,” Keary yelled. She ran and jumped in the limo, followed by Jill, Ted, Katie and Jen.

  “What’s happening?” Ted asked.

  “There’re going to grab Blackie and then we’re out of here,” Jill said.

  Suddenly the door opened and Blackie landed on the floor of the limo with Sean on top of him. Keary jumped in last and yelled to Jeremy to take off. The limo sped away with Sean and Blackie still in a heap on the floor and trying to get untangled.

  “Get the fuck off me, Sean!” Blackie yelled, pushing at him.

  “I will when you calm down!” Sean yelled back.

  “Get off now!” Blackie pushed Sean and they both struggled into seats. Blackie was breathing hard, his hands were bleeding and he looked wild and scary. He glared at Sean, then slumped back in his seat and stared out the window. No one said anything.

  After about ten minutes, Blackie said quietly “I need t
o apologize to all of you for ruining the evening. I’m not good at controlling my temper and I don’t have the whole ‘boyfriend thing’ down yet.”

  Everyone except Meg mumbled, “That’s okay, we understand.”

  “No, it’s not okay.” Blackie said.

  After a few minutes, Ted quietly asked Keary why they had to leave so fast.

  Keary glanced at Blackie, hesitated, then said, “Well, chances are that guy’s going to call the police and would have charged Blackie with assault.”

  “Hell, that’s no big deal, I’ve been in bar fights before and when the judge knows everyone was drinking, charges are dropped and you pay court costs,” Ted said.

  “Unfortunately, Blackie is a martial arts instructor and it’s recorded on his driver’s license,” Keary explained.

  “Oh shit,” Ted said and gave Blackie an uneasy look.

  Blackie just kept staring out the window. Jill picked up one of his bloody hands but he gently pulled it away.

  Ted asked Sean, “Was the guy hurt badly?”

  “I couldn’t tell much but he didn’t look too good,” Sean answered.

  Meg’s stomach was in knots. What the hell was she going to do with him? She loved him but she didn’t know how to deal with this violent side of him. They had to talk about this more.

  Blackie looked at her and said, “Meg, I love you. I love you so much I can’t stand it. Our not sleeping together isn’t working. I’m going insane. I know it was my rule but we have to change it.”

  She couldn’t stand it. He looked so pathetic sitting there being miserable. She knew how frustrated he was because she was too. God, I love him, she thought. She quickly moved, sat on his lap and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck.

  They left Jen and Ted off and then Meg. She told him not to get out.

  “I love you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Everything’s good between us so don’t worry.” He nodded but still looked like a beaten dog. She let herself into her condo, pulled her clothes off, fell into bed and passed out.


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