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Zombie World

Page 12

by Ronald DuBois

  Tina ask what do you need?

  John told her that she was going to have to come with them out to the training place, because she had to pick her team and you are going to help.

  Tina said that as long as they can shoot and hit their target and do what I tell them to do, without questioning me on my orders.

  John said that is why you are coming out there with us to pick the ones that you would like to have on your team.

  Paul said that it’s time to go out the best group of trainees is out there now training. He also said that this group is the ones we want you to pick from.

  Tina asked. How many do I get to pick?

  John said that you only have room for five people that will fit in the helicopter, so your one you get to pick four more for your team. You will get more people for your team as soon we can find a bigger helicopter for you to fly.

  Paul, John, and Tina head down to the train area, on their way Emily Tina’s sister caught up with us and asked what we were doing?

  Tina told her that she was going down there to pick the people that I want on my team. Emily asked if she could be on her team?

  Tina told her sorry sis, but I just got you back and I am not going to take the chance to lose you like that again.

  Emily’s face went from happy to sad within seconds. It looked like she was about to cry.

  Tina looked at her and told it not your fault what happened to Dad, but I can’t take you out there, because if it happens again you might not come back like you did this time.

  Emily said I will show you.

  Emily walked down to the training area and grabbed a pistol and strapped it on and then grabbed an assault rifle. She stepped up to the line and got ready. Tina was going to go and stop her, but Paul grabbed Tina by the arm and said let she what she can do.

  We all stood there and watched Emily started to go through the course. Target on popped out she shot in the head, then target two and so on, she got them all in the head with one shot. We were all amazed she was the prefect weapon.

  Tina walked down to her and said I am sorry sis, but who taught you to shoot like that. Dad taught me, Emily told her sister.

  Why didn’t you two tell me Tina says to her sister.

  Emily told her that they were going to tell you, but we never got the chance before Dad died. I couldn’t tell you until now, and I am only telling you now sense you’re going out there and I want to be there with you.

  Tina said we then it looks like I am going to pick you before Paul and John pick you to go with them. At least this was we will be together.

  John and Paul go down to the training area; they could not believe what they seen. Tina told them she is on my team you can’t have her.

  Can’t we share her, from time to time, John says to Tina.

  Tina replied yes, but where she goes I go. So you get both of us.

  I am only joking, John says. She is all your Tina you two are going to be a great team. Paul spoke up Tina you still need three more people, now get up here so you can watch the rest of them.

  Tina went back to watch the rest of them go through the course. She told Paul and John the other three that she wanted.

  John went down and told the three to come to the office in the school. You are going to meet the person that is going to lead you out there.

  Paul told Emily to come to the office as well. So you all can get to know each other.

  They all went to the office in the school. They were called in one by one, John had them sitting at the table they used for maps.

  Paul got up and told them that there were pick to go with Tina. She is going to lead you, if she tells you to do something then you better do it. She is going to lead you into a place in Painted Post, your goal is to clear it to get it ready. We want to have this place ready to be a backup place just in case we lose this compound.

  Now her sister is going to be going with you as part of the team, you all seen her go through the course and she beat everyone’s score including mine and Johns. Paul walked over to Tina and said they are all yours to command.

  Tina got up and said we are going to be training for the next two weeks before we head to Painted Post. She also told them that she has one rule, you are to listen to every word I say and do what I say to do.

  Paul, John, Mike, Frank, and Willie in the school office going over where we were going to send them. John said that they should go to the town of Campbell, from there to Savona and in to the town of Bath. We told them to go through every building that is there.

  Willie knows where all the school building are.

  Paul told them that they should go into every house you find, get any of the food in these places.

  We also want you to make sure there is no survivors in any of these places, and if you do find some you need to bring them back to the market not the compound. We have Mark find a way for us to communicate with each other, and so we can let the compound know how many people we are bringing back.

  John said you know we should have Tina here so if she finds any survivors she knows what to do.

  Paul asked Willie if he would go and get her and have her come here? Willie got up and said that he will be right back.

  Mike was telling us that he would love to take Tina out on a date, but I can’t even take her to diner or a movie. This new world we have just sucks.

  Tina heard every word he said, she walks up behind him and said I would love to go out with you.

  Mike damn near falls out of his chair, he turns around and looks up at her and said REALY!

  Mikes face was red, we could actually see him sweat, it was funny to hear him speak. He was stumbling over his words.

  Mark came in and said that he found a way for us to communicate, but it will only be short range.

  John asked how short range are you talking about.

  Like 15 to 20 miles, Mark replied. I found some CB radios and that’s all we have. The sap phones won’t work anymore there is something wrong with the satellites said Mark.

  Jim came in and said the reason that is, is because there I no one to left to communicate with them and they were programed to fall back to earth. Mark said that is stupid why would someone do that?

  Jim replied, so no one in any other country could use them.

  John spoke up the CB radios will be fine we can contact the compound before we even get here.

  The meeting went on for hours, when they finally came up with a plan on where everyone was going and doing.

  Mike is going to take the air team to the larger cities and the others were going into the smaller cities and towns.

  Jim wants Mike to take the team to the white house in DC. before they go anywhere else. He wants Paul and John to bring back everything that they left behind there. Paul and John agreed that it would be for the best, only because their still might be more survivors that might still be there in the bunker that they have under the white house.

  Jim said that they have plenty of food and water to last them for years. Paul asked Jim about how many people to you think might still be there? Jim said that about ten people that he knows of, they might be a few more. John asked are we going to have enough room on the plane to get every one? Jim replied you might have to make two or three trips. I had them close the bunker door when we got over run.

  Jim gave us the code to open the door if it was still closed. He told us that the power to the door will still work only because there was very large battery in it that would last over 25 years.

  Jim blames himself for leaving those people behind, Paul whispered in Johns ear.

  Everything was going well moving people and thing in to the city of Corning. Most of the people were saying that they feel like they have more room to move around now being there in the city.

  Paul and John can see that the people look and seem happy to be moving into the city. They had a week left, before they were going to be going out from behind the safe wall that they have built to stay safe.

  John never thought that he would leave to safety of this place to go out there to look for more survivors.

  Paul and John were call to the front gate. When they got there, there was a man standing there asking to come in he was dirty and had blood all over him. John opened the gate and told the man to hand over his weapon.

  The man had his head down when he heard John speak he lifted his head, his face was covered in blood and he said John is that you.

  John could not believe it; it was his brother. Leroy is that you I thought you were dead?

  Yes, it’s me your brother, I found your note you left at the cabin, I stayed there until I ran out of food I was hoping that you would come back. I couldn’t stay there any longer I left and I was staying in a house in Savona. There were to many zombies so I had to leave there I have been out here for months. I heard a chopper one day I seen it come this way so I tried to follow it. I made it to Painted Post I hunkered down in the gas station across from the bank until I found a why in to the sewer system any found my way here. I just came up out of that hole right over there.

  John asked him if he was bitten?

  He said no, this is not my blood this is the blood from all the zombies I had to beat to death just to get here, said Leroy.

  Leroy said that there are no zombies in the sewer system I had to kill a few of them just to get in the one I found just outside of the gas station. I even closed it back up so they could not get down there with me. It was a clear shot from there to here.

  John took his brother Leroy to the clinic to get cleaned up and to get check out by Dr. Dave.

  Paul went and got him some food from the dining room and brought it back to him in the clinic. By the time he got back Leroy was out of the show and he was getting checked out by the doctor.

  Dr. Dave told John that his brother was ok, he just needs to eat.

  Paul said the food is here so he can eat.

  John had Leroy stay there until he was done eating, get some sleep. When you wake up I will show you around and tell you everything you need to know about this place. John and Paul walked out in to the hall way. They were talking about he got there. John told him I have an idea. My brother got here from Painted Post through the sewer system, we can us that to get there if we have to leave here in a hurry. He told me that there were no zombies in the sewer, now if that is true we could use it to help us get there without worrying about any zombies down there.

  Paul said that before we use that we need to go down there and map it out I but there is a lot of different pipes that would lead us in other places that we might not want to be.

  John said that would a good job for my brother he worked in the sewer system. He can go down there and map it out for us. We can send a couple of people with him to help. Paul said that sounds like a good plan, but we are going to be leaving here in a few days.

  I know John replied, we should be out there for only a week. That should give him time to rest up before he does that. Beside we have to wait until Tina and her team to clear that block in Painted Post ant way.

  Paul replied, we need to go and let the president know.

  John said he will talk to him before we leave.

  Chapter 9

  Mike and Paul were loading the plane. John was in the office talk to Jim about the white house.

  We had one of the Cols. Men that came from there going with us. He knew where everything was in the white house. When we get there he was going to lead us. Mike was telling Paul that when we get there at the airport in DC. that if there was a helicopter there that he would use it to fly us to the white house it would be faster. Paul told him that there was a military base that might have a chopper to us. Mike said if we can make it to the white house I bet the president’s chopper would still be there. Just hope that there isn’t a lot of zombies around it. It can hold a lot of people in it.

  Paul said to Mike too bad we didn’t have more people that could fly a chopper. John and myself would like to learn to fly a helicopter.

  Mike said that I can teach you two how to fly one. Wish you told me this sooner I could have taught you before we left here.

  John came to the plane with the rest of the team. They were loaded and ready to go. Mia and Pam came to the plane and kissed them good bye and told them to come back soon and to be careful out there.

  Paul and John said that they hope to be back by the end of the week.

  Tina ran down as we were getting on the plane, she yelled out Mike wait. Mike gets back off the plane.

  Mike went to ask her what she waited, but before he could say a word she grabbed him and kissed him and gave him a big hug.

  Tina whispered into Mikes ear and told him that when he got back that she would be waiting in him in her room that night to rock his world.

  Mike looked at her and said that’s a date I will not miss.

  Mike climb on board the plane and fires up the engines and we are off to the white house.

  Paul asked Mike what Tina wanted?

  Mike looks over at Paul, he had this big smile on his face.

  Paul said never mind I know what she said you don’t have to say a word. John was in the back telling the men that we should be in DC in about an hour when we land be ready there could be a lot of zombies that we are going to have to kill. We are going need to find vehicles to get to the white house.

  Paul came back and said we might not have to, if we can find a helicopter Mike said that he could fly us to the white house. He alsosaid that if the President’s chopper is still there we can use that to fly back to the airport.

  John asked and if there if a lot of survivors then what?

  Paul said that we are going to have to cross that bridge once we come to it.

  Frank and his team were in the town of Campbell; they were heading into the school. From what they could tell there were no one around and haven’t been around there sense the zombies took over.

  Willie took three men with him to clear the upstairs of the school. Frank to the rest of the men and check out the down stairs. The floors had dust all over it, there were no footsteps in the dust at all.

  Willie had the same thing upstairs, before they opened any doors to the class rooms they would knock on them to make sure there were no zombies in there. Willie radioed down to Frank and told him that the upstairs were clear. Frank told him to come down, I need you and your men to clear the kitchen. He also told him that if it was clear to grab whatever they could find in can food and take it to the trucks.

  Willie said will do, I will see you when we are done.

  Tina and her team were in Painted Post clearing the block that John and Paul told her to do.

  She landed the helicopter where Mike told her to land.

  She got out and told her team to walk around the roof and look down to see if there are any zombies down there. She told them not to shoot any of them until she said so. Emily told Tina that he side was clear.

  The rest of them told Tina that their sides were clear as well.

  Tina went to the hatch on the roof and opened it. She through a light stick down into the building. She laid down on her belly and stuck her head into the hole, to see if she could see any zombies wondering about.

  Tina see a few just walking around, she grabbed her pistol and climbed half way down the ladder. She made sure that her silencer was on nice and tight. She lined up her shots and took them out.

  Tina climbed down the rest of the way, she whistled up to the rest of her team to come down.

  Mike flew over the military base in DC. but there were no planes or chopper that they could see. Mike was going to fly to the next closed airport in DC. but he wanted to do a fly by the white house before he went to the airport. He wanted to see if the president’s c hopper was still there.

  As we flew over the white house we spotted the chopper, but there were a lot of zombies by it.

  Mike said that he could do what we did in Corning if there was a chopper at the airport.

John told him that sounded like a good plan, only because there were still a lot of zombies all over the place in the white house lawn.

  Mike said there is the airport and there is three chopper sitting right there waiting for us.

  We did not see any zombies down there, but that didn’t mean shit they could be in the hangers and as soon as we land they could come. They don’t move very fast but we are going to have to get off the plane and get to the chopper and Mike is going to have to start it up and make sure it has fuel in it to get us to the white house.

  Back in Campbell Willie as in the kitchen of the school.

  Frank came in and asked Willie how it was going?

  Willie told him that they found a ton of canned food, but no zombies. Frank told Willie that he only found one zombie, it had to be the principle. He was sitting at his desk and tried to get up, but I made him sit right back down for good. Willie told his men to hurry, we still have a few other places we need to clear before we call it a day.

  Frank asked Willie if there were any other place that we had to clear here in town. Willie said yes, there’s a store and a gas station with a mini mart. Not counting all the house that we can clear as well.

  Tina and her team were still in the first building, her and Emily were clearing one side of the building and the rest of her team were clearing the other side. So far they only had a few zombies that they had to take care of but they were taking their time and moving slowly.

  Tina said to Emily, you go around that way and I will come around this way I see one just over there. She told her to move slowly and don’t make a sound. I am going to see if I can get to him without him hear us coming. I can’t get a clear shot to his head, there is something blocking it.

  Emily did what she was told to do, as she came around she see her head it was a female zombie. Emily pulled up her weapon slowly so she would not make a sound. She lined up her shot just as she was going to pull the trigger she saw a whole lot of zombies.

  Emily tried to get her sisters attention, but Tina did not see her.

  Emily pulled her weapon and fire a shot and took out the one zombie, Tina looked over at Emily.


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