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Zombie World

Page 13

by Ronald DuBois

  Emily pointed as the zombies heard that shot and they all started to come out. Tina and Emily both started to shoot as fast asthey could. The rest of Tina’s team came and opened fire.

  Emily was backing up as she was shooting. She didn’t the chair as she fell backward, she hit her head on the floor it knocked her out. Tina was trying to get to her, but she had her hands full. One of their team members got to her and helped to protected her.

  Mike landed the plane, he got it close to the choppers. John opened to the door to see if it was clear. He didn’t see any zombies, John got out of the plane. Paul was the next one to get out.

  We were looking to make sure that there were no zombies coming. The rest of the men got off the plane. Paul had them spread out to keep an eye out for any zombies. Paul ordered Ken that he was going to stay with the plane until we get back. I need you to be ready for us when we come back.

  Mike hopped in to the helicopter and waved us to come, that meant that it had plenty of fuel.

  Paul told his men to get into the chopper. Paul singled to John to go and get into the chopper.

  Paul was the last one to get in. With all the noise we were making, there were no zombies coming out of anywhere. As Mike flew up we saw that the airport was fenced in and there were a lot of zombies around the fence. We

  We were hoping that they would not get in until we go back and got in to the plane and flew out. Paul radioed down to Ken and told him to find any trucks that might have fuel in it, and to refuel the plane. He also told him that he was safe for now, but to be careful there could be zombies in there someplace.

  Ken radioed back and said will do sir.

  Paul told him also to keep an eye on the inner fence, there is a lot of zombies on the outer one.

  Ken replied will do sir.

  Back in Painted Post, Tina’s team was now safe. Tina went to check on her sister Emily to see how she was doing.

  Emily was awake, she said that her head hurts.

  Tina took a look at her head and told her that she has a bump and that she should be ok. She also told her that when they get back to the compound we can have Dr. Dave take a look to make sure that you are going to be ok.

  Emily said that she is okay just need something for the pain.

  Tina told everyone that we need to get this done I want to be out of here in two hours, so let’s move it now. She added let’s to it as safe as we can.

  Frank and Willie are heading in to the small town of Savona, there were going to the school first.

  They filled half of a truck with food from the school, store’s and most of the houses they hit.

  Willie told Frank that the school that they are going to is for elementary. Frank said that he hopes that the is clear like the high school was, I would hate to see a bunch of dead kids running around wanting to eat me.

  I know what you mean I would hate to shoot a bunch of little kids, Willie said.

  Mike flew low over the white house, he was trying to lead to zombies out of the white house lawn. Mike led them to the opening that they come in at.

  Paul had Mike hover over a truck, Paul said that he was going to jump on top of it so he could climb into it and drive it to the open part of the fence to block the hole so they can’t get back in.

  Paul told him men to kill the ones that didn’t get out.

  Mike did what Paul wanted him to do.

  Paul jumped out onto the truck he was having a hard time trying to get into it there were a lot of zombies that was following us. Once Paul got onto the truck a lot of them stayed to get him.

  John had Mike fly back to the truck after he got most of the zombies out, but we had to hurry before they came back in.

  Mike said that once he gets them out that he would fly just outside the fence so that the zombies would be on the outside. He told me that when he got back to the truck where Paul was that he would then fly back over the fence. He said that the zombies are too damn dumb to go back to the opening. That should give you plenty of time to help Paul to get into the truck.

  Willie and Frank pulled into the school parking lot there were a few cars parked down by the main doors.

  Frank said he was going to park over by the side door. He said that if there is anyone in there they might be down in to the lower half of the school.

  Willie went to the door and banged on the glass. After waiting for about ten minutes he pulled on the door it was unlocked.

  They moved in slowly, Willie smelled the air to see if he could smell any zombies. Frank did that same, but they couldn’t smell anything rotting. They all headed to the main doors, as they moved they would stop and smell the air. Sense they didn’t smell anything they would move a little further. About ten feet they would stop, the closer they got they could smell something rotting. The main door in the hall were closed. Frank stuck his noise to the crack of the door and the smell was coming from there. Willie looked through the little window in the door to see if he could see anything, but there was nothing.

  Frank took the butt of his rifle and bumped it on to the door a few time. Willie kept looking through glass to see if anything was coming, after a few minutes Willie didn’t see anything they tried to opened the door, but it was chained from the other side.

  Frank said that he would take to men with him and come around into the main doors and would remove the chains.

  Willie suggest that they all go and leave the doors alone, so if there are any zombies in there we can leave them contained in this part of the building.

  Paul and John were trying to move a truck in front of the brake in the fence so the zombies could not get back in. John and Paul were shooting the zombies from the top of the truck, but there were a lot of zombies it was taking too long and they were running low on ammo.

  Mike landed the chopper about fifty feet away, so the rest of the team could get out and help John and Paul kill the zombies, so that Paul could get into the truck. Twenty minutes later Paul got into the truck and got it running and drive it to the hole in the fence and backed the truck right into the hole it would have to do for now it. The wheels dropped down just enough to block it so they could not climb up under the truck.

  John and Paul headed to the white house Paul had his men cleaning up the rest of the undead so they could get into the white house.

  The man that came with us that was going to show us how to get to the bunker where the survivors were.

  Paul told him to lead the way, the place smelled bad we knew that there were dead inside but we didn’t know where they were.

  John and Paul told everyone to move slowly they are zombies in here somewhere. The smell was over whelming there had to be a lot or there were a lot of them ready dead. One of the men said that it might be the survivors that are no longer alive. Paul said that you might be right, it was kind of dark in here. It was hard to see anything moving.

  John pulled out a flash light and turned it on. There was body part all over the place. Paul even found an arm that had a brief case still attached to it.

  The man that came with said that, that was the football that has the code for the president to use to launch the nuclear missiles.

  Paul said it won’t work now that the satellite is not working anymore.

  Tina was doing good they cleared three building, she had two more to go. The last two building were the outer ones. They were larger clothing and a shoe store, and if they were open then there is going to be zombies in them. Just like the first one was a bar and there were a lot of zombies in there. Emily almost died there when she fell. Tina told her team to have their shit ready, this place and the last one are going to be the hardest one that we have to do. She also told them that if the places were open when the world fell then there is going to be a lot of undead in there so be ready and let’s move very slow, I need for you to put your silencer on before we go in. Tina said with them on we should not make a whole lot of noise. They should not here us and we can clear this place fast. We are going into the shoe
store first, then we will clear the clothing store last.

  Willie and Frank were just inside of the main doors of the school. The smell was a whole lot stronger, they knew that the people that came here must have died. They were just hoping that they were not zombies.

  Frank told two of his men to go down one side of the hall, Willie and I will go down the other side. The doors that are closed to the class rooms leave the that way. Once we know how many rooms are in here we can clear one at a time. The doors that are open check and make sure that there are no dead inside of it. Only count the doors that are closed.

  Willie told them to move slow, we don’t want to lose anyone.

  Frank told the other two men to stay there and watch are backs.

  Willie told Frank that he hopes the two men that are walking down the hall are new to all this; I hope they know what they are doing.

  Back in DC. Paul and John were heading down to the bunker to see if the survivors were still in there.

  The man that the president sent with them was leading them told John and Paul sorry but sense there in no power they would have to take the stairs and it along why down there.

  John asked Gary how much further before we get there?

  We are almost there, Gary Said.

  It was very dark there were no lights but the flash lights that they were carrying with them. As they got to the bottom, Gary took them over the door.

  Paul asked wants in the other door?

  Gary said that, that room is where we kept all of the supplies, but they put it all in the bunker just before the shit hit the fan.

  John opened the panel to put in the code in.

  Paul said the number so that John put them in, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 3, 1, 9, the door made a noise. We all jumped back, guns ready Paul yells out.

  The opens all the way, we stood they ready just in case. The lights came on and there were four people standing there.

  Gary yelled out DON’T SHOOT there not the undead. There were three women and one guy, the spoke Gary is that you.

  Gary responded yes it’s me. Gary introduced them, this is my Dad Tony, then we have Donna, Mandy, and Tammy.

  Gary asked them if everyone was okay?

  Tony replied we are fine where did everyone go?

  Paul spoke up everyone that made it are in New York now.

  Gary did the president make it out, Tony asked?

  Gary replied yes Dad he is also in New York, we got some of the people out of here, but we lost a lot of good men here.

  Back in Painted Post, Tina and her team were just about done in the shoe store. They were heading in to the back room.

  Tina banged on the door with the butt her gun to see if there were any undead back there. They were getting ready to open the door when the door flew open. Five undead came, Tina jumped back pulled up her rifle.

  One of the dead leaped at her, another one jumped at Dale and took him down. It was too late Dale was down. Tina shot the one that came at her, she pulled up her gun and shot three more. By the time she got to the one that took down Dale, it had Dale chest ripped open and was eating his heart. Emily came around and shot it in the head. Tina walked over to Dale and said sorry I give you mercy and shot him into the head. Emily asked what happened?

  Tina told her that they were going to go into the back room, when they pushed their way through the door.

  Tina looked up and said this sucks, now I have to go and tell his wife and kids that he was killed.

  Emily told her that it’s not your fault, this world is not what we are used to. We can be killed at any time. We just have to make do with what we have and hope that we survive.

  Tina said I know, but this is going to crush his family.

  They will be fine they have a bunch of people at the compound to help them get through this, Emily said.

  Tina got up and said okay we need to get this done, we still have one more store to clear before we head back.

  Frank and willie were still clearing the school. The two men that were clearing the other side of the hall walked into a class room. Frank and Willie heard a lot of screaming and shooting going on, they ran down the hall to see what was going on, but it was too late. The two men were dead and Frank started to shoot the zombies that were on top of the two men. The zombies had them ripped a part.

  Willie said to Frank that they are going to have go back to the compound there is no way we can go on with just four of us. The next town is as big as Campbell and Savona put together.

  Frank agreed with Willie and said that maybe if Tina is back we can get her team to come and help us.

  As they stood there they heard noises coming from the class room next door to them. Willie and Frank both moved toward the room slowly. The door to the class room was barley closed.

  Frank reached for the door handle push the door fully close before what as ever in there was going to stay in there.

  Just as he started to push on the door, whatever was on the other side started to push open the door. Willie leaped forward and slammed his body into the door and got it closed. They heard the noise of zombies make like a growling noise. They did not sound happy they started to bang and scratch at the door.

  Willie and Frank left the room as fast as they could.

  Frank said to Willie we are going to have to go back in there and get the bodies of are team to take back so we can bury them.

  Willie told him I know we are going to need help.

  Frank said that he would go and get the other two to get the bodies and we can finish clearing this end of the school. Instead of going in to the rooms that have their doors open we will close them so we can get the hell out of here.

  Willie agreed with him, Frank stepped out into the hall way to wave the other two men to us. He told them to get the bodies and take them out to the truck so we can take them back with us. As soon as we are done we are going to leave and head back to the compound to get help before we head to the town of Bath.

  John and Paul were going through the supplies that were in the bunker to see what they could take back with them.

  Gary told them the weapon room was upstairs just off from the kitchen. I have the code to get in it.

  Paul told him to load up and we would head there next.

  They all grabbed what they could and headed back up. Sense the door to the bunker was open the elevator had power to run it.

  Mike was getting the President’s chopper ready to head back to the airport. The other two men were killing zombies that were left on the white house lawn. The zombies that were on the outside of the fence were trying to get back in. Mike had no clue how much longer that the fence would hold them. He was hurrying to get the chopper ready to fly. There were plenty of fuel in the chopper.

  Paul and John were standing there waiting for the elevator to come back down. Gary told them that there could be zombies in it.

  They all stepped back, guns ready as to elevator doors open. There were a lot of zombies in it, as the dead bastards walked out of the elevator they would shot them. There were ten zombies that were in the elevator. Paul and Gary pulled all of the dead out of the elevator. It stunk so bad everyone was gagging as they rode it back up to the main floor. They were ready just in case there were zombies that they missed when they came into the white house.

  When the doors on the elevator opened it was clear. They slowly moved out of the elevator, looking around the best they could to make sure it was clear. John walked around the corner heading to the kitchen it the weapon room that Gary told him about.

  As he gets around the corner there was a zombie that he did not see until it was too late. The zombies knocked him down to the floor, his gun flew out of his hand. Paul jumped in to action and ran into the kitchen, he jumped over the counter and as he was in the air he pulls out his pistol and in a blink of an eye he shoots the zombies right between the eyes. As he lands on his feet he slides his pistol back into his holster. John got up and said to Paul that was amazing and thank you fo
r saving my life. Paul looks at him and said you would do the same thing for me.

  John replied I would, but I don’t think I could do it the way you did.

  Frank and Willie were on their way back to the compound, when they got into Painted Post they radioed Tina to see if she was still there.

  Tina radioed back and said yes we are what can I help you with.

  Frank said we are close and we wondering if you need some help.

  Yes, I could use your help, Tina said. We are about to going into the clothing store and we are a man down.

  Frank told her that they were down two men, but we will come and give you hand. Tina told that she would be in the parking lot waiting for them to get there. Willie told her that they would be there in about two minutes.

  Back in DC. Gary was opening the weapons room so they could clear it and take everything back with them.

  Paul drops his clip from his hand gun and beings to reload it. Paul said that he was glad that there were no more zombies in the kitchen because he was out of ammo. John told him that he only had two bullet left as well, but my rifle is out of ammo. Gary and his Dad Tony started to unload the gun racks and putting them in to a large bag. Paul had the three women putting all the ammo into another bag.

  Mike had one of the guy that was out there with him come and get us. He told him to tell us that the fence wasn’t going to hold much longer.

  Billy was the guy that Mike sent in to tell us. He came and told us what Mike told him to tell us.

  Paul told him to grab the bag that the women had and to take out to the chopper now, and that we would be right out.

  Donna one of the women that was down in the bunker got up and Said that she was going with him out to the chopper.

  Before Paul could say a word she was gone. All Paul could say was damn she is fast. We heard gun shots coming from just out the door that they just went out of. Gary and his Dad grabbed the bag of guns and we all headed out the same door. When we got outthere, Donna wasn’t as fast as we thought, two zombies had her down and were ripping her a part Billy was also down he had three undead on him. As we ran by Paul shot the one that had Billy as he grabbed the bag of ammo he shot Billy in the head and kept right on going.


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