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Sweet Sound of Silence

Page 23

by Melanie Dawn

  “It’s not cold,” her swim instructor said from the pool, splashing her with water. She giggled, kicking her legs in retaliation. Before long, the instructor had her in the water, floating on her back.

  “Look, daddy!” she called, stiffening like a board.

  Chris clapped his hands. “You’re doing great, baby!”

  “I’m gonna let go,” her coach told her. “Just relax.”

  “No!” her panic-filled voice echoed in the indoor facility.

  He leaned down, soothing her with a soft tone. “It’s okay, Zoe. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Okay,” she sounded unsure of herself. “You stay right here,” she commanded.

  “I promise,” he said, releasing her head.

  She lay perfectly still, floating on the top of the water. “I’m doing it!” But the minute the words were out of her mouth, she started to sink.

  The coach grabbed her up, and she came out of the water, coughing and sputtering. Instead of crying and begging to get out of the water, like I assumed she would, she shouted, “I did it! I floated!”

  “That’s right,” he said, giving her a fist bump. “Great job! Now, let’s see if you can dog paddle to the edge from here.”

  It was only about ten feet, but to a four-year-old who didn’t know how to swim very well, it probably looked like a mile.

  “No. I can’t. Don’t let me go!” She clung to the coach with all her might, squeezing her legs around his waist.

  He smiled patiently. “Remember my promise. I’ll be right here beside you the whole way.”

  She gazed at him, trusting that he was telling her the truth. “Okay,” she said hesitantly.

  He lowered her into the water. “On your mark. Get set. Go!” He released her and she was off, kicking and paddling as fast as her legs and arms would take her.

  “I can’t do it!” she said, her voice panic-stricken.

  “You’re doing it!” he said simultaneously.

  “I can’t,” she repeated, starting to sink. “Help me!”

  “Kick faster, Zoe. You can do this!” His faith in her caused her to try harder, and he smiled. “See! You’re doing it!”

  She sounded so pitiful. “I’m scared. Please, get me.”

  Chris sat anxiously beside me, looking like he might jump in after her. He reassured her, but didn’t sound too sure himself, “You’re doing great, sweetie.”

  “Not much farther,” I encouraged her, putting my hand on Chris’s knee to comfort him.

  Zoe’s little legs kicked a mile a minute. She huffed and puffed, gasping for breath. She was almost there, and my heart was bursting with pride for her. But about two feet from the wall, she started to give up. Her head sank lower into the water, and she bobbed up, choking on the pool water.

  “Don’t give up now, Zoe. Look how close you are,” her coach pushed her. “I’m right here, but you’ve got this.”

  More determined than ever, she reached out, kicking as hard as she could. Just then, her fingers grazed the wall. She grabbed it, holding on to it for dear life.

  Reaching down to give her a hug, her coach whispered, “You did it. I’m so proud of you.”

  Zoe grinned. She climbed out of the pool and ran toward Chris. “I did it, Daddy! I did it all by myself! Did you see me?”

  Chris hugged her, soaking wet, but he didn’t care. “I saw it! I’m so proud of you, baby!”

  She pulled back, throwing a sidelong glance toward her coach. Then, looking earnestly at Chris, she boasted, “And Ryder was right there the whole time to save me if I needed him… just like a superhero.”

  I smiled. That’s right. He was a superhero. He was my superhero. He’d come so far since the night I’d walked away in the darkness. The universe interceded for him that night because the words he’d whispered were carried by the wind, breezing straight through my soul. The moment I’d heard the beautiful sound of his truth in my heart, I ran back to him, barreling into his arms.

  “I’m here,” I breathed, enveloping him in my arms.

  He released a deep, staggering breath, causing his shoulders to sag with relief. Glancing toward the sky, he mouthed a silent ‘thank you.’

  I sighed into the crook of his neck, whispering, “I’m right here, Ryder. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I… love you… so much,” he murmured against my hair.

  Peering up at him, I locked my eyes on his glassy gaze. “I love you, too,” I confessed. “Thank you so much for finding the courage to tell me.”

  He wiped a tear off my cheek with his thumb. “I didn’t… want to lose you,” he stammered, pulling me closer.

  I shook my head. “Even if I’d left tonight, you would have always had my heart. You can’t just untangle a love like this.”

  Leaning down, he gently kissed my forehead and whispered, “Tangled up in you is the only place I want to be.”

  In the months that followed, Ryder had spent many more hours in counseling. After Thanksgiving break, I’d attended a few therapy sessions with him and had gotten to know Leslie pretty well. She encouraged Ryder to go home for a weekend. Hearing Ryder speak for the first time in years caused Mr. Hawkley to break down in tears—something that probably hadn’t happened since Chloe’s funeral. He begged Ryder to forgive him for how he’d been treating him. Ryder invited me to his family’s house to visit over Christmas Break. Things were a little tense between Mr. Hawkley and me at first, considering the way we’d met, but he slowly warmed up to me and eventually apologized for his behavior. By the end of the visit, his parents couldn’t stop hugging us both as we were leaving.

  Week after week, Ryder had become more and more social on campus. He’d taken me to Cagney’s to introduce me to Vivian. We’d even hung out with Fletcher and the guys a few times. No one could believe the progress Ryder was making.

  Nona G. had been thrilled to hear Ryder’s voice. We’d stood by her bedside, holding her hand, as Ryder told her everything he’d been holding back the past two years—how much he loved her, how much he admired her steadfast spirit, and how much he wanted to strive to be just like his grandfather.

  Nona G. burst with pride, grinning from ear to ear. “I love you, my precious,” she’d whispered, her voice raspy. “God has blessed you with this life. Live it.”

  A few short days later, she took her last breath. While our hearts mourned her loss, we’d tried to do exactly as she’d instructed to honor her memory.

  One afternoon, after we’d left a particularly emotional therapy session, Ryder had announced to me that he wanted to become a lifeguard and teach swimming lessons. He’d thought it might be good therapy for him. He hadn’t taught his sister, but he could teach other little ones how to swim. He’d be doing his part to teach them safety in and around the water. And in doing so, maybe—just maybe—he would inadvertently save the life of another child. He was such a natural. He could take the most frightened child and help them feel comfortable in the water in just a matter of a few lessons. He amazed me with his patience, his kindness, and his love for children.

  Every day Ryder got a little bit stronger. Every day he healed just a little bit more. And every day I fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

  Now, I looked at Ryder, who’d folded his arms on the edge of the pool, watching his little swimmer and bursting with pride. He called to Zoe, “And Lucy was cheering you on the whole way, too!”

  Zoe glanced at the stuffed elephant that sat beside me on another chair. Lucy still wore her Parkway State cheerleading uniform. “Lucy’s a good cheerleader,” Zoe said, grinning.

  Ryder glanced at me, smiling, and the joy I knew he felt in his heart reached all the way up to his eyes.

  I mouthed the words, “I love you,” but he didn’t have to say it back. I already knew it. I felt it. We were so deeply connected that the words almost seemed unnecessary. In the months since I’d known him, he had taught me an important lesson. I’d learned to listen, not with my ears, but with my
heart instead.

  His grin grew wider while his love for me radiated from it. I held his gaze, and for a brief moment, we were caught up in the sweet sound of silence.

  Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton

  In the Arms of an Angel by Sarah McLauclan

  More than Words by Extreme

  Picture Perfect by Escape the Fate

  Silent Words by Scars of Life

  Snuff by Slipknot

  Silent Lucidity by Queensryche

  Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit

  Darkness by Disturbed

  Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me the Horizon

  Gotta Get Through This (Acoustic Version) by Daniel Bedingfield

  Runaway Train by Oleander

  Silence by Sarah McLauchlan

  Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode

  Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon

  All of Me by John Legend

  Open Arms by Journey

  When You Say Nothing At All by Alison Krauss

  We Found Love by Rhianna (Sam Tsui Cover)

  The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars

  Breathe by Paramore

  Silent Words by Scars of Life

  Tangled Up in You by Staind

  Smile by Sixx Am

  Say Something by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera

  A Little Bit Stronger by Sara Evans

  Better Than Me by Hinder

  Let Her Go by Passenger

  Pieces by Red

  Listen to Your Heart by Roxette

  To my readers: THANK YOU! Words cannot express my gratitude. I couldn’t do this without the support of my readers and fans! You make this whole process worth every minute!

  To my husband: Thank you for always supporting me. Thank you for being such a good sport about listening to me drone on and on about my story even though you have no interest whatsoever in romance novels. Thank you for your patience when I locked myself up in our bedroom all day to write. Thank you most of all, for three beautiful children, thirteen amazing years, and your unconditional love! I love you!

  To my parents who have always been there for me: Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement throughout my life. Whether it was at the bowling alley, the Soap Box Derby hills, the recital stage, or watching from the stands while I cheered, you have always encouraged me to reach for the stars. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to attend college and get my degrees. Thank you for supporting me when I made the decision to stay home with my children. Thank you for being the best parents a girl could ask for, and the best grandparents to your grandchildren! No matter what, you have always been there for us. I love you both so much!

  Thank you to the ones in my life who inspired my characters for this story. I truly believe you were each placed in my life for a reason, and I’ll always be grateful for that. You have all touched my life in one way or another. I have been thoroughly blessed with love, friendship, and guidance through the years. While some of you might never cross my path again, the influence you had in my life will forever remain in my heart.

  Thank you to my girls who lift me up when I need encouragement and keep me grounded when my head is in the clouds. You girls are the truest of true friends. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you! You know who you are!

  Thank you to Saki Galaxidis for sharing your experience with selective mutism on YouTube. Through my research, I was able to find you! Thank you for being so open and honest in helping me to understand someone like Ryder. I wish you all the happiness in the world as you travel around it!

  To one kick-ass content-beta, Tbird, you are simply amazing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! Without you, this book would still not be finished. I can’t thank you enough for whipping me into shape. You pushed me and challenged me to make this book so much better! Thank you!

  Thank you to my beta readers: Bayli, Debi, Danielle, Elle, Heather, Jennie, Kristy, Liv, Lynetta, and Mo. I couldn’t have done it without you girls!!! You kept me motivated!

  Thank you to my Chixx. You’ve all been there from the start. I love you all! Thank you for your infinite support and love. You know who you are!

  Thank you to Script Easer Editing, who spent time combing through my manuscript for every misplaced comma and grammatical error. Maybe, just maybe, I might have added a few things after you did my final edit. So if there are any mistakes, they’re not your fault. After all, I’m a tweakaholic who just can’t stop!

  Thank you to my cover model, Nicholas Arce, otherwise known as Nico from Qdoba. Thank you for not calling the cops when I semi-stalked you to ask you to model for my cover! ;) I’m just glad I had a business card to make me legit. You did a phenomenal job in the freezing temperatures! Thank you for being the perfect Ryder! Thanks also to your mom for supporting your decision!

  Thank you to my photographer, Tina Smith of Eyes on Fire Photography. You rock, and I had a blast! The photos are gorgeous!

  Thank you to my cover designer, Najla Qamber Designs. You took time to really listen to my ideas and worked hard to create my vision. The cover is beautiful!

  Thank you Angela McLaurin of Fictional Formats for making the interior of Sweet Sound of Silence so incredibly stunning! You have a gift for creating beautiful masterpieces. I’m so thankful for your friendship, also!

  Thank you to all the bloggers who have shared my stuff and have helped me get the word out there about my books. I’m so thankful for everything you all have done and continue to do for indie authors! We appreciate you!

  Last, but certainly not least, thank you so much to my children, whom I adore with every fiber of my being (most of the time). They had to put up with a lot of pizza and takeout, which I don’t think they minded much. They were very patient with me when I holed myself up in my bedroom writing with that ‘Mama’s got crazy eyes’ look. They didn’t tear the house up… too much. And, while sometimes they drive me BSC, I still love them more than life!!! (Psssst… if any of my kids ask, BSC stands for Banana Split Crazy) ;)

  Melanie Dawn is a thinker, a dreamer, and a hopeless romantic. When her head isn’t in the clouds, she spends her time as a jack of all trades to her family. Melanie resides in the hills of North Carolina with her husband, her three children, and her cat. She enjoys lazy summer afternoons cruising around the lake on the pontoon boat with her family.

  Melanie graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a BA in Psychology and earned her MA in School Counseling from Appalachian State University. She spent the first six years after graduate school as a middle school counselor. Those were years she deems as some of the best years of her life. That is, until she had children of her own. The last seven years have been spent as a stay-at-home mom. She has learned some tough life lessons, like what the inner absorbent pellets of a diaper look like scattered in the washing machine. She has also learned the strength of the willpower of a two year old lacking a nap. Through it all, Melanie has learned how to roll with the punches and appreciate the time she has been able to spend at home with her children.

  Now that all of her children are in school, Melanie has added a new chapter in her life—becoming an author.

  Let’s stay in touch:


  Twitter: @MelanieDawn1





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