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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

Page 137

by Faye Sonja

  Evita’s green-gold eyes shimmered as she stood on the platform in Mr. and Mrs. Douglas’ shop. Their daughter, Diana, who would be starting school in New York next fall, was knelt by the hem of the long train, taking measurements. The wedding wouldn’t be for another few months, which left plenty of time for things to get done. “What do you think, Melody?” She asked.

  “I absolutely love it,” Melody replied, her eye sweeping over the dress again. “I’ll make sure the church and reception hall are both beautiful, but nothing will outshine you.” The fluttering in her stomach was followed by the sweep of a flame. Jealousy. She pushed it away as she closed her eyes. It seemed everyone around her was getting married, except for her.

  Diana turned to Melody. “Everyone else was sized a few days ago. You’re the only one left, so let’s get you into a dress.”

  Melody frowned. Because of the holiday dinner she’d planned, she had missed the fitting. Evita made sure that the dresses, though plain, would also all be white, like a normal wedding party, but was letting each girl wear a style that flattered her own figure, which Melody thought was nice, but Melody really didn’t feel like putting a dress on at the moment. Part of it was that her brown pants and beige blouse were much more comfortable. The other part of it was that seeing the green didn’t make her want to try a dress on unless it was for her own wedding. She stood, knowing now that she had to fight the urge to ruin a moment that wasn’t hers. This was Evita’s event and Melody could pout in her own time.

  She went to the back and looked at the dresses that were set out. A silk number in bright green with fluffy sleeves and made Melody want to gag. Another dark blue dress had a black ribbon going around the bust in a box shape, had short sleeves, and seemed to stop just below the knee. Melody passed. The last dress was in a light pink. The sleeves were short, but cut up the arm, leaving them to flow around the shoulders. It had a short V-neck and the dress swept straight down her body until it stopped a few inches under the knee. It was a style that Melody liked much more, so she chose that one.

  She came out of the dressing room moments later to find Carlos there. Her eye went wide. “What are you doing here?”

  Diana pushed Melody towards the platform so that she could put pins in the dress.

  Carlos smiled.

  Melody looked around the room to find that everyone else was smiling at her as well. She narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on?”

  The door chimed as someone else entered the shop.

  A moment later, Austin appeared from around a stack of rolled material. He looked at her and stopped in his tracks. His suit jacket lay over his arm. His blond hair and clothes looked disheveled. His skin was turning red and he looked as though he was not taking to the California heat very well, but still, he was beautiful. His eyes, which were bluer than gold at the moment, held hers. He frowned, scanning the dress she wore and looked away.

  Melody’s heart sped up. She glanced around the room. The women who were present didn’t say anything and wouldn’t meet her eyes, which led Melody to believe that perhaps she’d been set up.

  Austin turned and started for the door.

  Melody was down from the platform and chasing after him before she knew what she was doing. She caught up with him right outside the door. It closed behind her. She grabbed his arm and felt his body go rigid under her touch. She wanted to turn him around, but was afraid of what she’d see in his eyes, but knew she had to.

  Austin turned around and there was water in his eyes and the look of sorrow in the depth of his eyes cut like a blade to her heart. He shook his head. ”It’s over, isn’t it?”

  Melody could feel her entire body pulsing with anxiety. This was her chance. She knew it. She could send him away and never hear from him again. It would be easy. All she had to do was confirm that what he’d just said was true. It was over. They would move on and she would never have to look into those beautiful eyes again.

  Austin closed his eyes and let out a breath that looked to take everything out of him. He opened his eyes and looked down at Melody. “Alright.”

  Melody swallowed. “Alright?”

  Austin nodded repeatedly and then he shook his head. “I’m so sorry.”


  He nodded his head again. He seemed jittery. He ran his hands over his face. “You look beautiful.”

  Melody looked away. “Thank you.”

  “And happy.”

  Melody’s head came up. “What?”

  Austin was shaking his head again. “I’m so selfish. I still just think about myself.” His hands went threw his hair. “But seeing you in that dress. I can see the true...”

  “What’s the truth?”

  Austin smiled, sadly. “You’re better off without me.”

  Yes, Melody thought. I am. She crossed her arms and looked down at the sidewalk.

  Austin walked up to her and placed a hand under her cheek. She watched his Adam’s apple bob before he chuckled with a lack of humor. “You know, I wish we had waited as well.”

  Melody looked away.

  Austin continued. “Because, maybe that’s part of my obsession with you.”

  Melody eyes flew back to him. “What do you mean?”

  Austin eyes went wide before they softened. He shook his head. “Don’t you know, Melody? You are the only woman I’ve ever loved in my entire life.” He looked pained when he said, ever.

  Melody’s eyes went wide. She’d never thought about it like that. She’d always been taught that men didn’t care about those things, but here stood a man confessing something to her that she was sure most men didn’t. A heaviness in her chest began to sink to her stomach.

  Austin dropped his hand and his face went serious. “I may have never married you, but you will always be the only woman I have ever and will ever love” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her head. “Be happy, Melody.” She felt a tear hit her cheek. Then he turned and started walking down the street.

  Melody watched Austin walk down the street and felt as though her heart was being taken from her with his every step. The vision of his back began to blur and she found it hard to see him. She quickly realized that it was because she was crying. She stood there on the sidewalk watching him walk out of her life and felt weak. Her knees tried to give way from under her. The only man she’d ever loved was leaving and this was their last chance at forever.

  She choked on a sob. Austin, the guy who’d taught her how to ride a two wheel bike, the man who’d introduced her to all her favorite authors and musicians and had taken her to her first dance would make no more memories with her and the thought of existence without him seemed so bleak, yet with all the pain he’d caused, Melody knew that what she felt for this man didn’t make sense. Over the years, she’d had plenty of men interested in her, men that went on to be wonder husbands to other women. Even during her time here, Melody had been asked time and time again if she’d like to go on a date, and she’d turned every one of them down at every turn. Why? Because she knew that deep down inside, she no longer held her own heart. Austin held it and he’d been holding it since they were young.

  But he’d hurt her, badly. She shook her head. It was insane. Her need to have his every smile and every laugh directed at her. To need to be the only woman to hold his hand, the need to be the only woman to ever be called Mrs. Austin Bakely, sent Melody’s feet running in the direction that Austin had gone. No, Austin wasn’t perfect, but who was? She didn’t want perfect. She wanted him. She wanted the only man who’d loved her and that was that.

  Swaying on her feet, Melody took one step and then another. “Austin,” she whispered. Her breath came hard as she picked up her skirts and ran. “Austin!” She could no longer see him. She’d let him get too far and didn’t know where he’d gone, but Melody kept running as she scanned the crowded sidewalk. “Austin!”

  Up ahead, she saw a blond head turn and looked at her with wide eyes. Austin’s almond shaped eyes narrowed at her in confu
sion. Melody tripped a foot away from him and Austin caught her, holding her in his arms. “Melody?” He asked. “What’s wrong?”

  Melody closed her eyes, and let herself feel what it was like to be in his arms again. “I love you.” She opened her eyes. “I love you.”

  Austin smiled and swallowed. “I love you too, Melody. I’m so sorry.” His hold on her tightened. “I wish I could take back everything. I wish we could go back. I’d give anything to change our past.”

  Melody nodded. “Then, let’s do it right this time.”

  Austin frowned. “But what about Carlos?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not marrying Carlos.”

  Austin frowned. “Are you sure?”

  Melody sighed. “I was never going to marry Carlos.”

  “Does he know that?”


  “I don’t understand.”

  “It was all a lie.”

  Austin forehead bunched together. “What? I don’t understand.”

  “We set you up to believe that I was marrying him.”


  Melody shook her head. “I’m not sure. For many reasons I suppose, I wanted to make you jealous. I wanted you to leave me alone. I wanted you gone and I wanted you to leave just as hurt as you’d made me feel over the years.” Melody narrowed her eyes. “I wanted you to see what it was like to feel unwanted; to feel like you’re not good enough and never would be.” Melody covered her face with her hands as the crying began again, this time the sob racked her body and her knees got weak. “You hurt me so bad, Austin, but I love you and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  * * *


  Chapter EIGHT








  “ … but she had to move on, and she couldn’t

  afford to let him ruin her heart again. ”


  Melody’s words slashed his heart and soon, Austin was no longer able to keep her up more than himself. They both ended up kneeling on the sidewalk, people continued to rush past them, as if oblivious of the emotional battle that was taking place.

  Austin held Melody as she cried, cried the tears that it seemed only he could cause. He felt tears begin to leave his own eyes as he held her to himself, unsure of what to do or say. What could he say that he hadn’t already said? The tears were not new to Austin, but a new sense of breaking took place within himself. “I want to be better for you, Melody. Help me be better.”

  Melody looked up, her eyes red. A warm wind picked up, sweeping her hair across her face. Austin tucked the loose strands behind her ears. Melody leaned into his chest and sighed. “I can’t let you hurt me again, Austin.” She hiccupped. “I can’t-”

  Austin shook his head. “Then, let’s just get married, Melody. Let’s get married right now.”

  Melody looked up at Austin. “No.”

  Austin stiffened. He searched her eyes. “No?”

  Melody shook her head and peeled herself away from him. “It’s too soon.” She got to her feet.

  Austin stood as well. “What do you mean?”

  Melody shook the wrinkles out of her skirt and swiped at the back in an attempt to remove the dirt. “I mean that we should wait”

  Austin closed his eyes to fight the rush of terror that tried to crawl it’s way up his body. The words Melody was feeding him right now reminded him of his own. He’d told her it was too soon. He’d told her that they should wait. Austin opened his eyes and grabbed her hands, bringing her attention back to him. “How long do you want to wait?” At this point, he was willing to throw his pride away. Anything to win Melody’s good graces again. He was getting another chance and would do everything he could to make it right this time. No more mistakes. No more selfish behavior. He said a silent prayer of thanks to God for this opportunity to start again. He would remember the golden rule this time, making sure to put Melody’s needs first.

  He stared at her and waited for her answer.

  Melody said. “I’m not sure. Let’s just see how it goes.”

  He frowned. “Are we engaged then?”

  Melody frowned. “No, I wouldn’t say that. Let’s just say we’re seeing how it goes.”

  Austin didn’t like that. “I don’t understand. What are we to each other?”

  Melody looked away for a moment. She then placed her hands on Austin’s shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. “Right now, nothing. We’re just going to take it slow and start over. Start fresh.”

  He sighed. “Like, friends?”

  Melody smiled. “Yes. Friends.” She dropped her hands and held out a hand, offering to shake his.

  Austin stared at her hand and took it. He held it tight. “Can I get some kind of timeline on this… friendship?”

  Melody shook her head. “No,” she said. She lifted her chin. “I need time to get to know you again, Austin. If you’ve really changed or really want to change, I have to see that first.” She took her hand back. “I also need to see whether or not you still want me, because I’m not the girl you left back in Michigan.”

  Austin reached for her, but when Melody took a step back, he stopped. He placed his hands at his side. “I’ll always want you, Melody. You’re everything to me. Nothing can change that.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Austin shook his head. “No, you’ll see. I know what I want and that’s you.”

  Melody laced her fingers together in front of her. “Alright.”

  Austin let out a breath. “Thank you.”

  Melody gave Austin a small smile, but didn’t respond.

  Austin said, “Can I take you out tomorrow?”

  Melody shook her head. “No, but you can come to dinner at the house tomorrow. We’ll eat with Andrew and Harmony.”

  Austin frowned, realizing exactly what Melody meant by ‘friendship’. There would be no privacy between them, which was probably for the best. They were really starting over and Austin couldn’t afford to mess up. “Dinner then.”

  Once he’d parted with Melody, Austin headed for his hotel. He entered the lobby and asked for his messages. He got one from his brother to call him back. Austin headed for the concierge phone lines in the business office for the guests to use. He grabbed a booth and dialed the number that Orlando had left for him to call.

  Orlando picked up on the third ring. “Bakely speaking.”

  “It’s Austin.”

  “Ah yes, how was the meeting in Sacramento? Did the client give you a hard time?”

  Austin sighed. “Yes, he did. He didn’t like the fact that we were requiring him to verify his income. He thought that to be private information, but I eventually got a look at his paperwork and his estate. He’s legitimately wealthy and requested one of our most beautiful and youngest brides.”

  Orlando laughed. “The man is over seventy years old, he’ll be better matched with a more mature woman.”

  “I told him so, he didn’t believe me, but agreed to meet with them.”

  “Everyone deserves love.”


  Silence floated over the line.

  Orlando asked. “How is your pursuit of Melody?” The disapproval came through the line. Orlando had been for Austin’s search for Melody, but had wanted his younger brother to back off when Austin had told him that Melody was getting married.

  Austin told Orlando the entire scene that happened only an hour ago, including the part about the fake engagement. “It was all staged. Melody is free and I plan to make her mine, officially.”

  Orlando asked. “How’d did it feel to find out that she pulled one over on you?”

  Austin told the truth. “I felt like I deserved anything and everything she could do to me. After what I’ve put her through, she gets a pass. I’ll just take whatever she’s willing to give at the moment and trying to earn back her trust.”

  “Very wise of you. Perhaps, y
ou’re growing up, little brother.”

  Austin smiled. “She’s agreed to see me, but only as a friend for a while.”

  Orlando was quiet for a moment. “How long is a while?”

  Austin closed his eyes. “I have no idea.”

  Another silence. “That doesn’t work for me, Austin.”

  Austin sighed. “I know.”

  “I have a business to run and I can’t afford for you to simply stay out on the west coast indefinitely. You’re my brother, and I’ll always care for you, but I can’t allow for my business to fail. Your territory on the east is very important. New York, Boston, Pittsburg.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?”

  Austin leaned an elbow up on the desk and rested his head in his hand. “Orlando, I told you before, Melody is more important, so do what you have to do.”

  “I can give you a few more weeks, a month perhaps, but no more.”

  Austin felt the panic rise. “I’ll do what I can.”

  Orlando chuckled. “But it does serve you right for Melody to leave you hanging,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. “You know what you have to do, right? You must use everything in your arsenal to win her back. No more games. Honesty is best. Make her fall in love with you again. You know her better than anyone else. You have to use that to your advantage.”

  Austin sighed as he listened to his brother speak, fully understanding how he’d gotten the nickname Cupid. “I know.”

  There was whispering on Orlando’s end of the phone. Then Orlando’s laugh came through. He said, “June says hello.”

  Austin smiled. “Have you two picked a date yet?

  When Orlando didn’t answer Austin said, “Are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “When’s the wedding.”

  “We already had it.”

  Austin’s face fell. “What? You got married without me?”

  Orlando sighed. “Yes, we decided to get married on New Years. It’s why I asked you go to the San Diego meeting. I couldn’t make it, but I knew a Bakely could get the job done. You’re very good at your job, Austin. I wouldn’t have hired you if you weren’t.”


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