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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

Page 138

by Faye Sonja

  Austin smiled. He’d known he’d got the job because he was Orlando’s brother, and he did believe that Orlando had made him the head of the Northeast division because he was good, and being good meant more to Austin than getting a job based on who he knew.

  Orlando was still talking. “June wanted her father to be present, so we had to go back to Michigan. It was really all done so quickly. You didn’t miss much.” Orlando had spoken quickly as if to distract Austin from his anger.

  It didn’t work.

  “I can’t believe you got married without me being there to see it. June had her family and I’m your only family.”

  Orlando sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Austin shook his head, but smiled. Orlando was a new man thanks to his bride, well, now wife. Because of work, Orlando had been fearful of leaving a family behind while he travelled, but June didn’t mind the travelling… so long as she could go, too. “Well, I’m happy for you both. Where are you off to next?”

  “Thank you. We’re heading to Texas. June doesn’t believe there’s a place in America that not only lacks snow, but is also extremely hot.”

  Austin grumbled. “Well, you can come here. The weather is almost too much for me.”

  Orlando laughed. “We just might. I’ll talk to you soon. Tell Harmony and Melody I said, ‘hello’.”

  “I will.”

  The brothers ended the call and Austin went to his room to prepare himself for his dinner with Melody and the Pitch family.

  * * *


  Chapter NINE








  “ … but she had to move on, and she couldn’t

  afford to let him ruin her heart again. ”


  Melody gave Austin a hug when he came to dinner the next night. They’d been having the dinners for two weeks now and this was their fourth. Austin had also been invited to the dinners after church, which always included their local friends, and Austin was getting along with everyone rather well.

  Melody pulled back from the hug and smiled at him. “Namaste.” She did a little bow.

  “Namaste.” Austin smiled and then handed Melody a wrapped gift.

  Melody’s eyes went wide. “What is this?”

  “A gift.”

  Melody took the gift, but didn’t open it. “Thank you.” Her smile was strained.

  Austin frowned. “It is too much?”

  Melody shook her head. She cleared her throat. “Harmony and Andrew won’t be joining us tonight.”

  Austin’s smile climbed higher. “So, it’s just us?”

  Melody looked away. “I didn’t say that.”


  Austin looked over Melody’s shoulder and she watched his eyes go wide before he took on a strained smile as well. “Father Tindol.” Austin walked around her to give the man a true greeting. A private dinner with Father Matthew Tindol had been Tindol’s idea, and Melody hadn’t been able to dissuade the man of anything else. He’d come to lunch last week and had seen the way Melody and Austin looked into each other’s eyes and walked together. After someone had told him of their situation, he’d made it clear that he intended to get involved.

  Willie appeared. “Dinner is ready.”

  Melody followed the men as they headed towards the formal dining hall. The table could fit an army, the trio would sit at one end. Father Tindol would sit at the head in the middle of the couple. Willie pulled out Melody’s chair and she slipped into it. The two men followed.

  Tindol smiled between the two. “So, Harmony tells me that you two have known one another since forever.” His excitement was plain, which only made Melody want to duck for cover. She still wasn’t sure about what Harmony had told the man and wasn’t ready to face the preacher.

  Austin on the other hand, seemed to have relaxed from Tindol’s comment and smiled. Tindol did have a look that said, ‘I offer comfort’. He was friendly and believed that God wanted people to love him out of friendship and not out of fear. The man filled his church on Sundays easily.

  Melody said, “Yes, we have.”

  “How’d you meet?”

  Austin said, “Grade school.”

  Melody smiled to herself.

  Tindol said, “What’s that smile about?”

  Melody shook her head. “I’m just had a memory of when I knew Austin was my true friend.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I was seven and our school had went into the woods to look at plants when I’d lost a bracelet.” She sighed. “It was my mother’s bracelet and I wasn’t suppose to be wearing her things, but I had that day.” The anxiety of that moment in her life returned as if she were going through it all over again. “I knew that if I didn’t bring the bracelet back home, I would get into a lot of trouble, so I asked everyone in the class to help me look for it.” Melody closed her eyes and the picture of the golden bracelet came to the forefront of her mind. “Austin was the one found it.” What Melody didn’t say was that after five minutes, Austin was the only one who continued to look. There were over twenty people on the small field trip and everyone and tired finding it, but had quickly given up, everyone by Austin.

  She looked up at him and tried to picture the young boy that he once was. His hair had been longer, but the eyes were the same. Their rare combination of blues and golds and their high pointed shape had always drawn attention to him. He’d spent the rest of the trip going over every step that Melody had taken until three hours later, finally finding the bracelet. Melody hadn’t worn her mother’s jewelry since.

  Austin stared at her and looked as though he were remembering the day as well. “I haven’t thought about that in a long time.”

  Neither had Melody, but now that she remembered it, she wondered when Austin had started to change in her eyes. Once, she’d believed that he’d do anything for her. Had she been wrong?

  “What are you thinking?” Tindol asked her.

  Melody decided to be honest. “I wish we could just go back.”

  Austin smiled. “Me too.”

  Tindol smiled. “Then let’s do that.”

  The couple frowned.

  Melody said. “What?”

  At the same time, Austin asked. “How?”

  Tindol shrugged. “By forgiving and forgetting.”

  “Impossible.” Melody leaned back in her chair.

  Austin looked away.

  Tindol said, “Melody, Austin is ready for your forgiveness, and even more, I believe he is deserving of it.”

  Melody frowned. “How would you know?”

  Tindol smiled, causing ceases to appear in his forehead and around his mouth. “Because, he’s been meeting with me every day for the last few weeks and I’ve lived long enough to see truth.”

  Melody’s eyes went wide. She turned to Austin. “You’ve been meeting with him?”

  Austin looked down at the table and swallowed. “I didn’t want you to know.”

  Tindol turned to Austin. “Yes, I wasn’t going to share that, but I felt like Melody deserved to know that you’re making some serious efforts to change.” He turned to Melody. “You also need to know that Austin is giving up his job to be here with you now.”

  Melody’s head whipped to Austin. “What!”

  Austin ran his hands down his face. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Melody shook her head. “Austin, you can’t afford to lose your job. No one can in this economy.”

  Austin stared at Melody. “You just don’t get it.”

  “What don’t I get?”

  Austin shook his head. “I’m sorry, Melody.” He placed a fist to his chest. “To realize how much pain I’ve caused you has been eating me up inside. It’s hard to breath or think, knowing that the only thing I’m good at doing is making you cry.”

  “That’s not true,” Melody’s heart ached hearing that he thoug
ht that of himself. “Yes, you’ve hurt me, but I wouldn’t be able to love you unless there was good in you.” She shook her head. “I didn’t even think about the fact that you being here is stopping you from working. And I know you don’t enjoy depending on people. How much money are you losing?”

  He shrugged, still staring at her. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “But, it does.”

  Austin shook his head. “I’m not going to guilt you into marrying me, Melody, and I’m not going to let you guilt yourself into it.”

  Melody stared at him. “You love me enough to give it all up?”

  Austin laughed. “Give it all up? You are my all. Don’t you get it, Melody?”

  Melody held her arms up. She frowned. “If I’m everything to you, then why did you hurt me?”

  “Because, I’m stupid. Can you forgive me?”


  Austin’s eye went wide. “Really?”

  Melody smiled. “Yes.”

  Austin stood and came around to kneel by her chair. Melody turned and their hands met, holding onto one another. Austin stared up into her eyes. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Yes.” And the moment the words left her lips, she felt like she could fly, as if gravity ceased to exist. She looked down into Austin’s smiling face and felt the world and all its cares fade away. Austin was willing to give up the security of his job to be with her. He was right. He was stupid, but she loved him.

  Austin’s face grew more serious. “Melody, I want to be able to give you everything I feel that you deserve, but if I’m going to do that, I do need to return to work.” His hold tightened on his arms. “I know you said you wanted us to take things slow, but I have to ask you. Will you marry me?”

  Melody opened her mouth, but Austin shook his head.

  He continued. “You don’t have to answer right now. You don’t have to say yes or no. But, I want you to know that no matter what, you will still be the only woman I’ll ever love and-”

  Melody cut in. “Yes.”

  Austin’s eyes went wide. “Yes?”


  “You’ll marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Austin turned to Tindol. “She said yes.”

  Tindol smiled. “I heard.”

  Austin stood, taking Melody up with him. They embraced and Melody felt another weight leave her shoulders. Austin pulled back to look at her. “Tomorrow.”

  Melody’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  “Let’s marry tomorrow and then we’ll leave.”

  Melody frowned. “I can’t leave. I’m planning Evita’s wedding. It’s next month.”

  Austin frowned. He’d met Evita. “Alright. We’ll marry when you can get some free time and then return to the east coast after Evita’s wedding.”

  Melody took on a grim expression. She liked her life here. She liked her church. She liked Father Tindol. She liked her friends Evita, Carlos, and even more so, she liked her relationship with her sister. Harmony was ten years older and up until their trip west had always treated Melody as a daughter more than she did a sister. But since Harmony’s marriage to Andrew, the sisters had began to share a bond that Melody couldn’t have dreamed possible.

  Austin lifted her chin. “What’s wrong?”

  “I like it here.” She shook her head. “But I choose life with you, Austin.”

  Austin smiled down at her, his cheeks rose making his eyes seem even more squinted. “Good.”

  Melody hugged Austin to her and told herself to just enjoy the moment. Austin was hers, and by tomorrow, would be hers completely. She didn’t need anything else, right?

  * * *


  Austin knew he’d never seen a more beautiful bride than Melody as she’d walked down the aisle of the church that morning. Her dress, because of the rush, had been simple, but for Austin, it only made her natural beauty stand out that much more. The wedding had been a larger affair than Austin had realized it would be. It seemed the entire town had attended and then everyone had come to the reception. That’s where they were now.

  He watched as Melody danced a group dance with Carlos and smiled. He was a good friend and had revealed to Austin that he’d been cheering the couple on the entire time. The group dance caused Melody to be swung from Carlos’ hands and into Danilo’s. His wife, Evita was now dancing with her brother. The swinging continued and the music carried on around the room.

  Austin watched, saw the happiness on Melody’s face, but also remembered every time she grew stiff when someone mentioned that they’d miss her. The prayers for a safe journey east had been received with strained smiles and false ‘thank you’s’. It became obvious to Austin that though Melody loved him, she didn’t want to leave.

  When the song ended, Melody came over to Austin. Her gray eyes held a genuine glee. She held out her hands. “Dance with me, my husband.”

  Austin smiled and took her hand. They went out onto the dance floor and watched as people made more room for the bride and groom. They stared into each other’s eyes and then danced a slow circle to the beat. Austin said, “I’ve never been more happy than I am right now.”

  Melody blushed. “We did it.”

  Austin nodded. “We did.”

  She turned her head and Austin saw some of the light leave her eyes.

  He said. “Let’s stay.”

  “What?” She turned back to him.

  Austin repeated himself.

  Melody’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

  Austin nodded and watched Melody’s entire face glow. She flung her hands around his neck and hugged him. Austin tightened his hold on her.

  Melody pulled back. “But Austin, what will we do for money?”

  He shrugged. “We’ll work it out.”

  Melody looked pain. “You really love me enough to give up everything?”

  Austin laughed. “I’ve already told you that you are everything.”

  Tears filled Melody’s eyes. Austin grabbed her face and kissed the tears that had begun to roll down her face. He said, “No crying on your wedding day, my love.”

  Melody pulled back to look at him. “I will never doubt your love for me again.”

  Austin smiled. “Then my sacrifice is worth even more.”

  Melody shook her head. “But, I can’t let you do it.”

  “It’s done.”

  “No, I won’t let you.”

  Austin lifted the tip of her nose.

  Melody slapped his hand away. “Stop it.”

  They laughed.

  “Austin,” Melody grabbed his face, forcing him to stare into her eyes. She smiled. “Yes, I was sad to leave all my friends and Harmony, but knowing that you’d be willing to do something as crazy as giving up your livelihood for me, makes me more than ready to go anywhere you lead.”

  Austin smiled, knowing that no one would ever be able to compare to the woman in his arms. He then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned. His eyes went wide. He smiled. “Orlando?”

  The two brother’s hugged.

  Orlando pulled back and said, “I’m sorry I missed the ceremony, but I couldn’t miss my only brother’s wedding day.” He back up and put an arm around his wife.

  June walked forward and gave Austin a hug. “Congratulations.”

  Austin smiled down at her. “Thanks, sis.”

  June laughed.

  Austin introduced Melody to June and the women hugged. Handshakes were for strangers, not family. Harmony and Andrew made their way over to the group and more greetings went around. The six moved off the dance floor and to a corner in the room.

  Harmony said to Melody, “I’m going to hate to see her go,” she looked at Austin. “But I know you’ll take care of my little sister.” She narrowed her eyes before giving him a wink.

  Austin smiled. “I will.”

  Orlando said. “Oh, where are you going?”

  Austin sighed. “Back to the east to resume my job.”

you’re not.”

  Austin frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I replaced you.” Orlando shrugged. “Sorry, brother, but I couldn’t wait, you know how these things go.”

  Austin stared at his brother and narrowed his eyes. “Thanks for the wedding gift.”

  Orlando frowned. “That wasn’t your gift.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper. “This is your gift.”

  Austin looked at the envelope, but didn’t take it. Instead, he put an arm around Melody. “We don’t need your money. I’d already decided before you came that we were going to stay on the west coast.”

  Harmony said. “You did?”

  Austin nodded. “Melody didn’t want to leave and I wanted her to be happy.” He turned to Orlando. “So, thanks, but no thanks, Orlando.”

  Orlando narrowed his eyes. “Take the gift, Austin.”


  June looked between the two. She put a hand over her mouth and then she said. “It’s the papers to the west coast office. You’re not fired. Orlando is transferring you here. That’s why he sent you to San Diego, so you can get a feel of business on the west coast.”

  Orlando frowned down at her. “You spoiled the surprise.”

  June hugged him. “I know honey, but let’s not tease Austin on his wedding day.”

  Orlando pouted. “But, he deserves to be teased after the way he teased me about you.”

  June laughed.

  Austin remembered what Orlando was referring to. He had tricked Orlando into realizing his love for June and now the couple was happy. He took a little credit in their happiness. He shook his head, not believing the gift he was being given. “You’re transferring me here?”

  Orlando nodded. “I’m switching you with the guy who use to run this side of the US. You told me how much Melody liked the west coast, so I didn’t want you to have to choose. You’re good at your job, Austin, and I’d be a fool to let you go.” He still held out the envelope.

  Austin took it and smiled. He didn’t know what to say and then decided to say nothing. Instead, he hugged Orlando and felt his older brother’s arms come around him.


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