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Stuff My Stocking

Page 7

by Blythe Reid

  I hadn’t done anything like that since I’d been with Kevin, and the guy had left me broken and bitter, believing I’d never be with another man ever again. But I was hungry for Tyler; hungry in a way I’d never been. Perhaps I was just hungry to believe that life could be good, and that not every man would hurt me.

  His flesh was warm and hot on my tongue, and when I closed my lips around him, he hissed through his teeth. “Fuck, yeah.”

  His words encouraged me, and I wanted nothing more than to make him feel as good as he’d made me feel. I bobbed my head up and down and let my tongue roll along his veiny shaft, but before he found his release, he lifted me up.

  “You’re going to make me come inside that pretty mouth if you’re not careful.”

  “I don’t mind.” I smiled, and his eyes narrowed as he moaned.

  “That’s a hot thought. We can keep it slow if you want, but I’d really like to be inside of you, Mattie. Do you want that, too?” He kissed my jawline and then down my neck to my collarbone and back.

  “Yes.” I fell against him, and he slid his arm around me and flipped us over.

  His body rose up, and he reached for his wallet. I felt better that he had protection, and once he was ready, he centered himself between my thighs, and I felt the head of his cock press against my center. He entered me slowly, inch by intense inch, spreading and filling me until I thought I might split wide open.

  “You feel amazing,” he said in a breathy voice. As he ground against me, fully entered, he paused and kissed me deeply.

  I ground my hips upward, and he began to thrust slowly, causing me to moan so loudly I was afraid Hunter might hear us out in the barn.

  “I want you to ride me, Mattie.”

  He slipped his arm around my bottom and rolled us over, and I straddled him. His cock seemed to grow even more as his thick base spread me wider. I ground my clit against him and then leaned forward, moving my hips to ride him slowly.

  He leaned up and kissed my breasts, pulling my nipples into his mouth and giving them a tug. The feeling was so intense that I felt a pinch deep in my core and then my whole body came apart as my release erupted from me, and I cried out.

  He lifted me up and scooted us to the edge of the bed where he flipped me over and moved inside me from behind. His cock seemed to always manage to go deeper with every position, and he pumped his hips rapidly. Just when I thought my weak knees couldn’t take any more, he pulled me close and turned my head to kiss me as his cock twitched inside of me.

  He kissed my shoulder and then pulled himself free. While he made a quick trip to the bathroom, I crawled up in the bed and slipped under the covers. He joined me and wrapped his arms around me, snuggling close.

  “That was amazing,” I said, with a smile in my voice.

  “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that. It’s been a wild twenty-four hours for sure.” He closed his eyes and softly stroked my shoulder.

  It was nice being held and having someone there with me for a change. I fell asleep before I knew it, and I woke to him stirring beside me hours later when he climbed back into bed.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” He stretched out beneath the covers and brought his arms around me. “I’m pretty sure I heard someone downstairs.”

  “That’s probably Hunter looking for something to eat.”

  “Should we go down?” He tightened his hold as if he didn’t want to budge from the warmth of me and the covers.

  “No, he’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.” I stretched my neck to kiss his cheek, and he turned and found my mouth.

  As he deepened the kiss, he pushed his hips forward, and I felt the brush of his hard erection on my hip.

  “I want more of you, Mattie.” The words made me tingle in all the right places, and I hitched my leg up over his hip. With our hips lined up, he rubbed against me, his cock’s shaft stroking my center.

  It was then that the uncertainty crept in. It came with a warm, tingly feeling in my chest that I had often recognized as the tender feelings of love, but I’d also learned that heartbreak and longing felt the same way, only more intense.

  There was no way I could love this man in such a short time, and I knew he didn’t love me, either. He couldn’t. What I had was a whole lot of lust and mixed feelings about where this would go. The problem was, I could see myself with Tyler. I could see all of the things he’d suggested, and I could see us doing them together. I had a feeling he had a much clearer image of his future, and in another day or so, he’d be leaving. He’d go back to his life, and I’d be nothing more than a business venture. Assuming he’d want to continue seeing one another, could it really work long distance?

  Even if we did get together and try for something long distance, the pressures of the business could take their toll.

  Did I want to put myself through more agony?

  “Do you want this?” He nudged against me even harder, his hips pushing forward, teasing my tender slit.

  “I do, but I’m scared, I guess. Last night was a bit more special than I’d expected it to be.” I realized how wrong it was to say, but I got a clear idea of how it made him feel when he stopped stroking himself against me and met my eyes. “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

  I tried to stop him from turning away, but he pulled back a little and rolled over to his back. He stared at the ceiling and seemed to search for something to say.

  “I mean that I really like you,” I said. “I can imagine things happening, but you’re not here, and that’s silly, right? I mean, the last thing you wanted out of this was a girlfriend.”

  “I don’t see why we have to decide to declare ourselves over the next few days,” Tyler said. “This is great, but in all honesty, it doesn’t change that I like you. When I say that I want more of you, Mattie, I’m not only meaning this, the sexy part. I mean more time, more conversations, more everything.”

  “We’ve only just met, so how could you know that?” I asked.

  “It’s fast, sure. But I feel it. I feel you.” He turned over, and this time, I took his cock into my hand and stroked it.

  “Then yes, Tyler. I do want this.” His mouth crashed down on mine, and suddenly, all was right in the world. At least, for the moment.

  Chapter 15


  Things were going great with me and Mattie by the next afternoon, and she’d even had a small rush of customers that held steady for a few hours around midday. She didn’t mention the deal again, and we’d spent a late morning in bed getting to know one another better.

  She’d even taught me to use the chainsaw, and I’d cut down a few of the trees as she sold them. For a moment, it was easy to get lost in the thought that I somehow belonged there. That the farm was not only her home, but mine too.

  Hunter and Clara called around lunch and promised they’d show up for dinner. Just as the sun was setting, they showed up, both smiling and holding hands like nothing else mattered in the world but them and the love between them.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t come out early to help,” Hunter said. “Clara’s father had me clean out the entire back room. Total nightmare.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” Clara said with a smile.

  “That’s because you got to stand behind the counter and watch all day.” He came over to join me in the small office. “How’s it going?”

  “It’s going great,” I said. “I talked to her about my little business proposition, and I think it went well.”

  Mattie grinned. “I didn’t flip out like you thought I would, but I had my concerns, as usual.”

  “Good man. I know you’ll do what’s best for the place, Mattie.” Hunter gave her a reassuring smile and then placed his hand on his stomach. “I’m starving.”

  Mattie’s laughter made me feel warm inside. “Me too. I actually did some work today and built up an appetite.” She turned her attention to me. “And you did, too. Nice work with the saw.”

  “I had a wonderful teacher,”
I said.

  That made her smile, and she gave me a playful nudge. “The best teacher?”

  “The best.” I chuckled, noticing there was a whole lot of glances being exchanged between Hunter and Clara.

  “So, what’s up with you two?” Clara glanced back and forth at me and Mattie.

  Mattie cleared her throat. “We’re taking things slow and thinking maybes. We can’t ask for much more at the moment.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with maybes.” Clara walked over and poured Hunter a cup of coffee and then went to sit in his lap.

  He held his arm tightly around her as she perched on his knee. I wanted that kind of familiarity but knew it would take time. The happy couple had been together for years now, and I was jumping the gun if I thought that it would go any faster between Mattie and me. Of course, it wasn’t just wishful thinking, not when I knew she might want the same.

  Mattie looked at her watch and then at the window. “It’s getting late. Why don’t I go ahead and lock the office, and we’ll get dinner started.”

  Hunter patted Clara’s bottom as she stood, and then she took his hand to pull him up from the seat. “My stomach agrees with that idea,” he said.

  He turned and took the keys from Mattie, and she took my hand as we walked out and headed to the house.

  Clara smiled when she noticed but didn’t remark. Once inside, she helped Mattie start dinner, and Hunter and I pitched in a little. Clara was a pro in the kitchen, and in a short time, the food was ready.

  I went to the table and made sure to pull out Mattie’s chair. Then I took the one next to her.

  Hunter’s fork clinked against his plate. “So, tell us. What kind of idea did you have for this place?”

  “I haven’t really thought that far ahead,” Mattie said. “But Tyler thought you and Clara might want to stay here when you’re married and maybe become part of the staff?”

  “Yeah?” Hunter asked. “That might be good. What kind of stuff would I be doing?”

  “Probably a lot of the same,” Mattie said with a shrug. “Helping with the business and keeping up the grounds. A caretaker of sorts. I’ll be dealing with so much inside the house, I’d need someone who could upkeep the outside.”

  “What about you, Tyler? Are you going to move down here and manage with her?” He took a bite of his food, and my eyes widened at the thought of staying for good.

  “There’s no way,” I said. “I have to help my sister with Premier Palace. She doesn’t have anyone else.”

  “She’s not married?” Hunter asked.

  “No, she’s not. She’s not even seeing anyone as far as I know. But then, she’d probably never tell me if she was.” I knew my sister was good about keeping her interests close, and she’d never let me know about a guy until she was serious about them.

  “She keeps her boyfriends from you?” Clara gave me a wide-eyed stare. “Are you that protective?”

  “She wouldn’t even let me know who asked her to our senior prom until the guy showed up at the door with a corsage. I knew if I bloodied him up in that suit, she’d never forgive me, but it cost me my best friend. Once he was done with her, I was done with him.”

  “Wow, so did you beat the guy’s ass?” Clara asked.

  “It got pretty ugly.”

  “Poor sister.” Clara shook her head.

  “Yeah, she didn’t speak to me for days. Even though it was his fault.” I looked at Hunter and shrugged.

  He belted out a laugh. “You sound like me when it comes to this one. Only I wish she’d find a man.” He gave Mattie a teasing grin, and she bounced a piece of her roll across his plate. He chased it down and ate it while staring her right in the face.

  “So, what you’re saying is, you won’t be around,” Hunter said.

  “No, I’m sorry.” I turned to look at Mattie, and my heart stopped. Her expression was blank, but the red around her eyes told me everything about how she felt.

  “Again,” Mattie said. “If it happens. We’ll have to wait and see.” Mattie was done with the subject. She turned to Clara and smiled. “This chicken is amazing.”

  My phone rang, and I glanced down to see my sister’s beautiful face. I had a feeling she wasn’t in that great of a mood. If only I could program a mood detector on my phone. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.” I pushed my chair out and walked into the next room. “Hey, sis.”

  “Don’t you ‘hey sis’ me! You said the tree was thirty-feet tall! This thing they brought in this morning isn’t even twenty-three feet, which is what I told you I needed.”

  “Look, Bex, it’s a gorgeous tree, right?”

  “Yes, it’s beautiful, but it doesn’t go up tall enough. The people upstairs won’t have the lovely view. That’s the reason the size mattered.”

  “I’m sorry, but the tree I found had a sentimental connection to the owner. I couldn’t let her sell it. It would have broken her heart.”

  My sister made a sound of frustration. “And that’s another thing. Billy said there was a hot little blonde down there who had your attention.”

  I knew the guy was going to rat me out, and the only reason he had was that he’d been trying to get in my sister’s pants for a decade.

  “As I said before, I can’t help it if she’s beautiful.” I knew I must be talking loudly because Hunter cleared his throat as if warning me they could hear everything I said.

  “I swear you’d let your dick lead you to slaughter.”

  “It’s not like that,” I said.

  “Tell me you haven’t slept with her already, and I’ll apologize. Otherwise, I’m going to murder you.”

  I couldn’t lie to her, not when she was ready to do bodily harm. “Bex, come on.”

  “Oh my God, you’re pathetic.” She was overreacting, and I wasn’t going to stand for it.

  “One more insult, and I’m hanging up. I don’t need this shit, Rebecca.”

  “You don’t need it? You know what I don’t need? A brother who checks out of the responsibility at every opportunity.”

  “My car broke down, Rebecca! You act like I had some control over it.”

  “I never said that, but you could have come home! Your stupid car means more to you than me and the business. And because of your poor decisions, now I not only have to find a way to fix this disaster of a tree, but I have to do it all by myself.” Her voice was trembling, and I felt like a real asshole.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see you here. I asked you to do one thing, and because of some woman’s sentimental bullshit—”

  “Hey, Rebecca. Stop right there. You don’t even know what’s going on, so I’d hold my tongue until you do. The tree had been planted to honor someone, so forgive me if I’m not so caught up in my own fucking needs to chop it down. And you’re not alone. You have a whole crew of people to do your shit for you.”

  “Not the person who counts.” She slammed down the phone, and the line went dead. I turned to see Mattie standing behind me at the door.

  Chapter 16


  I could hear Tyler’s heated discussion from the table, and when he turned around and saw me there, the look on his face told me that the fun was over. “I guess she was upset about the tree.”

  “She’ll get over it,” he said. “The tree we sent was beautiful, and it will look great once the team is done with it. She’s just been under a lot of pressure and needed to vent. It’s not the first time I’ve been her punching bag, and it won’t be the last.”

  I didn’t know what to say, knowing the phone call had probably reminded him of how much he was needed back home and our time would soon end.

  “Let’s finish dinner before it gets cold.” He stepped past me, and I followed him back to the table where Hunter was finishing his last few bites.

  “I can check on that part when I get back.” Hunter gave him a strange look like some exchange was going on between them.

nbsp; I looked to Tyler, who after helping me with my seat, took his own. “That would be great. I should be getting back.”

  I felt the stain hit my cheeks, and the overwhelming feeling of emotion brought tears to my eyes. As I got to my feet, my chair made a scraping sound, and I was out the door before I could register anything else.

  A moment later, I heard someone behind me. “Are you okay?” Tyler’s voice was soft, and I looked up as he stepped over and joined me at the railing.

  “I guess it just hit me that you’re going to leave. I really wish you could stay longer.” I wanted him to stay forever, but it was unrealistic. He had a big, exciting life to get back to. Why would he want to stay there with me?

  “I’m sorry. I’ll stay in touch, and this doesn’t change the offer. Besides, it’s not like I can’t come back.”

  I met his eyes, and I knew mine were much too hopeful. “You’d want to?”

  He stepped closer, cupped my face, and brought his lips to mine for a moment. “Of course, I do. I thought I made that clear earlier.”

  “Do you think it’s going to work out like that? And I don’t mean the business, but with me and you. I mean, what kind of a relationship would you want us to have?”

  “It can be whatever we want.”

  “I know that, but what would you want it to be? Because honestly, I thought I could handle letting go of my inhibitions for a fling, but that’s not me. Now, I can’t even imagine you leaving and how it’s going to hurt.” I tried to turn away, but he pulled me close, and I rested my head on his chest. I breathed in his scent as he kissed my forehead.

  “I didn’t do things with the intent of it being a one-night stand, Mattie. But I also didn’t come here with the intent of staying forever. I have a business to run, a sister to help run it, and a whole boatload of responsibility that comes with that. I’m not even sorry my car broke down, but at the same time, what’s become a great adventure for me is hurting my sister. She needs me, Mattie. I can’t be selfish about this. It’s not fair to her.”


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