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Stuff My Stocking

Page 8

by Blythe Reid

  “I know. I don’t know why things always have to be so hard. I guess I’m just not lucky.” I’d only been lucky once in my life; the day my mother had dropped me off at the front steps of Winter Land. Gramps wouldn’t even let her come inside, and as he took me into the kitchen, I heard Gram tell her to never come back. It was that moment I remembered thinking I was home. I’d hoped my life would take a turn for the better, and then Gram fell ill, and soon, it was just me and Gramps.

  There was so much history at the place for me, so many memories both good and bad, and I knew that agreeing to the deal would solidify that they’d continue.

  I looked up at him and took a deep breath. “I want to do it. The deal.”

  “Yeah? Don’t you need more time? I know it’s not something you want to take lightly, and I don’t want you to rush just because I’m leaving. The offer is going to stand. It’s not like you’re never going to hear from me again, and quite honestly, I’m already thinking of excuses to come back.”

  That was good to hear. I felt a huge weight leave me, knowing he wanted to stay. I tried to ignore the fact that he couldn’t.

  “No, I don’t need more time, but talking over the plans would be helpful. You don’t even know what you’re getting into, and once you figure it all out, if you’re not comfortable with the arrangement, then I’ll understand if you want to back out.” I just hoped he wouldn’t want to back away from me.

  “I won’t; I really think you have something here.”

  “We do.” I wanted him to know that we were in it together.

  “Right, we do. I think this location is going to be perfect for offering other things, like canoeing down the creek and fishing. People like to have something to do when they come and stay. That creek access is going to be a big selling point for customers in the spring and summer months, and the tree farm will be your selling point in the winter.”

  “I want to rename the place something that’s not so seasonal. Winter Land is okay for the tree business, but I want to brand the house differently.”

  His arms tightened, and he gave me a soft peck. “We should go back inside with Clara and Hunter. They were worried about you.”

  I wondered if it had been hard for them to see me leave upset and let him come after me. Clara usually did the consoling, and I was shocked she hadn’t come out to get me.

  When we walked inside, I could hear the two of them arguing. “She’s my best friend; I don’t think it would be bad for me to go and check on her.”

  “They’re coming back in; are you happy?” Hunter turned around in his seat to greet us. “I hope you two lovebirds got everything worked out. Clara was about to have a fit.”

  “Was not.” She stuck out her tongue and gave him the same dirty look she’d been giving people since grade school. “I was just worried about you, Mattie.”

  “I’m fine, and so is everything. I’ve agreed to take Tyler up on his offer, and—”

  “And we’re going to try and make a relationship work.” Tyler took my hand and led me to the loveseat with him. We sat close, and Clara and Hunter exchanged glances.

  “I told you so,” she mumbled with a nudge to his ribs.

  “Ouch! Okay.” He looked up at Tyler. “Good luck with that, man.” That earned him another nudge. “Seriously, what’s the plan for this place?”

  I turned and gave him the floor, and Tyler sat up straighter and cleared his throat. “Well, the first thing we’d do is get a clear title, which means paying off any liens and making sure that we’re not indebted to anyone. Then, we’ll get the place in top condition and start letting out rooms.”

  “Do you think it’s going to take a few months, a year?” Clara looked around the large living room. “It will be so strange to have other people staying here all the time.”

  “If there aren’t any serious issues—which from the looks of things, there’s not—we’re talking a matter of a few months. I have a feeling this place will stay booked.”

  “There are plenty of restaurants in the area, and there’s even a stable a mile up the road,” I said. “They don’t board people, but they have a few horses they let you take on rides, and Tyler said that we could offer fishing and canoeing.” I watched Hunter for a reaction, and he seemed to like the sound of things.

  He pointed toward my grandfather’s room at the end of the hall. “You might have to clear out Willie’s room for your own, so you can rent the upstairs. You don’t want to be sleeping up there with guests, and you need to have better access to the kitchen and your own personal space.”

  “I hadn’t really thought of that, but you’re right.” The thought of going through my grandfather’s things gave me a sinking feeling. I had been putting it off since his death.

  Hunter gave me a sympathetic smile. “I’ll help you out with that if you want. I know it won’t be easy.

  “Do you think he’d like all of this?” I knew no one knew him better than Hunter.

  He gave me a reassuring nod. “He’d love it. He once told me it was your grandmother’s dream, you know. To have a B&B. That’s what he used to call it. Once your mother and uncle left he’d thought it was time, but then your uncle died, and he said your Gram lost interest in everything.”

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. “You do have ownership of this place, don’t you?”

  I shrugged, and Hunter’s mouth popped open as his eyes narrowed. “I know Willie wanted her to have it.”

  “What happened to your mother, Mattie? Is she still living?”

  “I don’t know. The last I heard, she was in an institution, but I don’t know which one. Why?”

  “Because if I can’t prove she’s not entitled to her share, we can’t move forward.” He gave me an apologetic look. “We need to find your mother.”

  Chapter 17


  It hadn’t even dawned on me that she might not have the rights to the place. I hadn’t taken her family situation into consideration.

  “Find my mother? Are you serious?” Mattie folded her arms across her front and shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since the day she dumped me off, and I haven’t wanted to. She was a horrible person, and if I hadn’t come to live here, I’d probably be dead by now.” She suddenly looked like a frightened child, and I hadn’t considered that her mother had put her through hell. But there was nothing I could do about it.

  “We have to take the proper steps, Mattie. You know that.” She had to have known. “Do you have any paper where it states this place was left to you, and you’re the sole heir?”

  “No, I don’t have anything like that.” She shrugged, and her face was so full of sadness that I wished I could make it all better.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” I said. “I’ll have my lawyers look into it, and we’ll try to find her. If she’s dead, it will be easier. You’d be her heir anyway, but if not, you’re going to have to try and get her to sign this place over or buy out her share.”

  “Buy her out? I don’t have that kind of money, and I’m not about to let you deal with something like that. You’re doing enough already; more than I can ever repay, even if the place is a success.”

  “It’s an obstacle, but it has to be done if we want this place to be anything at all. It’s nothing we can’t handle.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Clara said. “Look at her. Does it look like she’s handling it well? All you’ve done is mention her mother, and I can see she’s terrified.” Clara’s tone was harsh, and Hunter stroked her back to calm her. I imagined that everything Mattie’s mother had done to her had been discussed with Clara a time or two.

  “I hoped I’d never have to see her again,” Mattie said. “Now you’re telling me I have to find her?”

  “If you want to do this deal, then yes. I can call my lawyers and talk to the banker who is holding the lien. We’ll get this straightened out. You don’t even have to see her if you don’t want to.” I suddenly felt very protective, too. I didn’t want to see her ups
et about reliving some awful past.

  “I don’t?”

  I stroked her back and then put my arm around her to pull her close. Her head rested on my shoulder, and I gave her a soft kiss. “No, I can hire people to deal with that for you. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. That goes for the deal and everything.”

  She exhaled a long breath. “Okay, then we do it that way. I can’t face her, not after all of these years.”

  “It’s she who can’t face you, Mattie,” Clara said. “You’ve grown into a good person, and you’re still too good for her. Your Grams and Gramps knew it.”

  “Thanks, Clara,” Mattie said.

  “Well, I think we’re going to go and let you all have a little time to talk about things.” Hunter stood up, and Clara followed, straightening out her jeans as she did.

  “Goodnight, guys.” Mattie got up, and the three of them exchanged hugs. Hunter shook my hand.

  When they were gone, Mattie turned and reached out her hand. “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Up to bed. I don’t want to think about my mother anymore. I need something to distract me, and you and I have to make sure we use the time we have.”

  I got up, and she led me slowly up the stairs, taking a quick look at me once she’d reached the middle step and then quickening her pace to the top. “I feel like a hot bath.”

  “That sounds good,” I said. “I’m sure that big clawfoot is big enough for two.”

  “I think we should try.” She gave me a playful look, and I was glad she wanted to get out of her dampened mood.

  “I’ll draw the water if you want to get some fresh towels.” I gave her a quick peck and pushed her bedroom door open. She fell into my arms and kissed me all the way to the bathroom. I set the temperature of the water, and she hurried back with some fresh towels.

  I was naked by the time she returned, and she smiled and stripped off her top. I walked over and massaged her breasts and kissed her lips before working my way down. Then I helped her into the tub and waited until she was settled before I climbed in behind her. My cock settled into her crack as she leaned back with me.

  I’d never had an experience quite like this one, and it was as if neither of us had to say a word to communicate. She turned her head, and I met her mouth to kiss her deeply as she reached down behind her and stroked my hard dick.

  We both rubbed and teased for a while, and I worked her through an orgasm. We stayed like that until the water turned cold, and then I ran some warm water to wash her back. We touched and kissed, and by the time I had her rinsed off and carried to the bed, my cock was aching to be inside her.

  I was damned near out of protection, and I made a mental note to go to the nearest pharmacy before I stayed another night. She sprawled on the bed and then trailed her hand down to stroke her clit as I sheathed my cock. Then she curled her fingers, calling me to her. The idea might have been late after our unprotected first time. I’d fucked up. I wasn’t fucking up again.

  I centered myself between her legs and pushed my hips forward to bury my cock, and she cried out when I hit her depths and ground against her.

  “You feel so good inside of me. Don’t stop.” She hitched her legs around me, and I gripped her behind her knees and brought her ankles up over my shoulders as I thrust deep inside of her, hitting a spot that made her cry out with pleasure.

  I brought my hand down and stroked her clit, which sent her into a frenzy as she orgasmed. Her slick pussy milked my cock, and it wasn’t long before I felt my balls tighten and my head swell. I couldn’t hold back, and I didn’t want to. I thrust deeply as my cock poured and poured.

  I leaned forward and found her mouth, but stayed buried deep inside of her. She was amazing, and the thought that we’d have something special together had me feeling a way I never had. Falling was a good feeling, and I knew that was what was happening. I was falling for her hard and fast, and that was when I knew I didn’t want to leave her, either.

  I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, and I dreaded packing up and going home. What if something changed when I was gone, and she came to her senses and realized she was far too good for me? For a moment, I thought that she should come along with me, but then that wasn’t going to work either. She couldn’t drop the farm to come back with me. I’d love for her to meet Bex, and I knew if my sister met her, she’d see just how special she was. She wasn’t the same as all the rest, and for the first time in my life, I could actually see myself with a woman for the long haul.

  I’d dreamed of making a difference, and I knew in my gut that this was not only my opportunity to have my dreams, but to give Mattie hers.

  Chapter 18


  My heart sank when I woke up to Tyler on the phone with his sister. I knew the two were not happy with one another, and he was probably making arrangements to go home. Hunter was in the kitchen when I went downstairs, and he shook his head at me as I joined him.

  “What?” I asked. I knew he had something on his mind.

  “Nothing, it’s just nice to see you moving too fast, said no big brother ever.” He poured his cereal into a bowl and then went to the fridge for the milk.

  “You’re the one who was just saying the other day how I needed a man in my life.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t expect things to get so serious so fast. Just make sure that guy is treating you right, or I’m going to give him a permanent limp.”

  “You wouldn’t do a thing, and you know it.” He gave me a look that let me know he begged to differ.

  “So where is he anyway? I wanted to tell him that his car is ready. He can make tracks whenever he’s ready. I know his sister wanted him back as soon as possible.”

  “Right, but I thought that part was going to take a while?” I glanced up and saw a strange look on Hunter’s face. It was the same face he’d make when he was trying to do something sneaky.

  “What’s that about?” I asked.

  He gave me a shrug, but I knew I was right. He’d done something. I knew him too well. Suddenly, the past few days fell into place.

  “You didn’t?” I asked.

  “I didn’t what? Just tell the guy his car is ready, okay?” He started to turn to leave, but I grabbed his shirttail.

  “What was wrong with his car?”

  He got a little too twitchy, and I knew he was scrambling. “It was just the battery cable, is all. I put on a new one, and he’s ready to go.”

  “But what about that part? He said you had to order a special one.”

  Hunter knew I was onto him. “It was just a battery cable. Easy peasy.”

  “You lied to him. Why?”

  He turned and motioned for me to keep it down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re lying to me. Were you running some kind of scam?” I couldn’t wrap my head around why he’d feel the need to change his story.

  “What do you take me for? I’m not a criminal, okay. I just saw the way you looked at him. I mean, damn Mattie, you don’t get many opportunities to meet men. I just thought that I’d buy you some time with him, is all.”

  I felt like he’d thrown ice water on me. “Are you kidding me? You scammed him because you thought you needed to help me land a man?”

  “I didn’t plan on scamming him. I just loosened the battery cables and prayed he didn’t know much about cars.”

  “Unbelievable,” I said. “Does Clara know what you did?”

  “She’s the one who made up the story about the parts. I snapped a picture of the guy while you two were walking out to the tree, and when she saw it, she said it would be a shame if he had car trouble. I just improvised while you were gone.” He shrugged and gave me his best apologetic look. “Don’t be mad. At least you do like the guy. Hell, you’re already in the fast lane, and my shenanigans led to the deal of the century. You got to keep the tree and the house.”

  “Hunter Garrett, miracle worker. What happens when he f
inds out? He’s going to feel duped. What if he thinks this was some elaborate plan to save my farm?”

  “I doubt he’s going to think that. He’s into you. He should be thanking me.”

  “Except for the fact that he’s leaving and his sister is way pissed at him,” I said. “You tampered with his business by doing this; I hope you know.” I had never been so disappointed in him. Not even when he’d pissed Clara off at prom by dancing with another girl.

  “I’m sorry, okay,” he said. “But when you end up with your happily ever after, I expect an apology and a thank you.”

  “You might get a hard slap and a swift kick in the ass.” I silenced when Tyler’s footsteps came down the stairs. The look on his face told me things were serious.

  “Hey, is everything okay with you and Rebecca?” I asked.

  “Yeah, the strangest thing happened. When I called her office, a man answered and then he told me that she would have to call me right back. She hasn’t. I called the lawyer, and I got him on the job already. He’s trying to find out what happened to your mother. I’ve asked him to send a letter explaining the situation.”

  “I don’t want to see her.” I didn’t have time to try and mend old wounds, and she didn’t deserve a second chance. It was far too late for that. I got a sick feeling in my stomach that if she did still own a part of my home, she’d want it. In which case, I’d let it go to the bank.

  “I was just telling Mattie that your car is ready,” Hunter said. “You can settle up with Clara. I’ll just leave you two alone.” He hurried out, and I knew it was so he didn’t have to explain himself to Tyler. I wasn’t sure if I should tell him and thought it would be better left for another time.

  “Are you going to leave as soon as you get your car?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I think I need to. I’m worried about my sister, and I don’t know who could be down in the office with her. She’s very private.”

  “Maybe she’s seeing someone?” He’d already admitted that she didn’t like to share details about her relationships.


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