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Pure Will

Page 5

by Kristi Pelton

  “You ready for question time?” I asked as she sipped her drink.

  She nodded. “I suppose. You’ve already asked four.”

  My eyes widened. She had been keeping track as well. “I HAVE NOT!” I shouted.

  She nodded again insisting I have.

  “Asking if you’re 21 isn’t a question.”

  “Yes, it is,” she giggled. “So is ‘what’s your poison.’”

  I felt myself inching closer to her. If only I could simply hold her.

  “Forget the ten questions. You go first,” I finally said.

  “Do you like Kate at all?” she asked with no hesitation, so obviously this had been on her mind.

  “No. I mean I guess as a friend. You two are cute together.”


  I nodded. “Yes. Your interactions.”

  She smiled. “The last time you were with her, did you think of me?”

  “By with her, you mean sex?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  My eyes held hers. “Yes.”

  The corners of her mouth turned upward.

  “That makes you happy?” I asked and my heart pounded in my throat as I waited for her response.

  “Maybe. I saw it in your eyes,” she said and I closed the distance between us on the sofa. I lifted her hair with the back of my hand and took a big swallow of beer and relished her honesty.

  “Is Landon really dangerous?”

  I fought a smile. “I don’t know. I asked someone in the strength center his name before I followed you out. All I knew is you weren’t leaving with him.”

  She seemed to lose her oxygen for a minute and I don’t know what that meant.

  “You go,” she whispered.

  I knew my first one. “When was the last time you kissed a guy?”

  “Last week.”

  The reverberating growl reared its ugly head again. “Explain that.”

  She bit down on her lip then grinned wide. “Strip poker Blake. He sort of kissed me in the kitchen that night.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, tell me because that was NOT a kiss.”

  “What do you mean by kiss?”

  “Tell me.”

  She shook her head. “It’s been a while,” she said so softly I barely heard.

  “Was it with your brother?”

  Her eyes closed and she was taking deep breaths. “I don’t even know your last name.” The vodka and water she drank slid down too easily for my liking.

  “It’s Denton. Will-i-am Denton.”

  She smiled but it faded quickly. “Anyone who has ever known this has turned on me. No one in Kansas knows but Kate.”

  I couldn’t turn my back on this girl ever and that scared the shit out of me. She’d been hurt and I wanted to make a vow to her that she’d never hurt like that again. But Jesus, my thoughts frightened me. I put my fears of loss onto her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Promise you won’t go.”

  “I’m right here.”

  After a long sip, which finished her drink in record time, she said, “Max wasn’t my brother. He was my stepbrother.”

  I knew before she said any more that I hated Max and I would destroy him if I ever saw him.

  “I was 15 when my dad remarried. I’d never met Max because he lived with his father. He’d gotten arrested for possession of marijuana and his dad kicked him out and sent him to live with us to get away from the crowd he was in there. He was 18 when he came and on probation.”

  She sloshed around the ice in her drink and I took the glass from her and went and made another drink.

  “OK…” I said when I got back.

  “Max was beautiful and all the girls were crazy about him. There he was under my roof. I had this horrendous crush on him and he was pissed off all the time. At his parents. At life. When he turned 19, he went out and got some tattoos and one of them was a ‘C’ and I dreamed it was my initial,” she said still sounding disappointed. “And he was everything I wasn’t at 16. He was strong and courageous or so I thought. I wanted him so badly.”

  She stopped and stared at her twiddling fingers. Every instinct inside of me wanted to pull her into my chest and hold her. That instinct had never been a part of my disposition and the desire was overwhelmingly strong.

  The part of my disposition that had always been alive and present—was wanting to obliterate Max.

  “Max drank vodka so that Tracy and my dad couldn’t smell it, and after getting a DUI, he was grounded and home for a month even though he was 19. He came in to my room one night while I was studying.”

  I finished my beer and wanted to throw the bottle into the closest wall. Predator!

  “So, we drank together and got to know each other. I wanted to look cool to him. Probably why vodka is my poison. We would stay up and talk for hours. He wanted to know about my sex life and who I had kissed and there was ZERO to tell. But I lied and told him I had kissed a couple of guys. I’m not sure he believed me. Then one night he kissed me and I think he knew then because he would tell me to open my mouth or to do something differently. And Kate and I talked about it and neither of us thought it was wrong. We weren’t related. Believe it or not, she hadn’t had sex yet and so I shared all the gory details.”

  She shook her head trying to ward off thoughts. I needed to know those thoughts. Finally, I reached for her hand; it was half the size of mine.

  “Someone must have thought it was wrong,” I said but meant it as a question.

  “We took turns going to each other’s room. But he mainly made me come to his. The house was huge. Things…sexually…went further each night. And some people thought he forced me. But he didn’t. I wanted it too. When he touched me, I had never felt like that before, and he made me feel like we were ok. He taught me things. Things to do. Things not to do. Then one night when I was in his room, Tracy walked in. Suddenly it was my entire fault. I was a disturbed little girl according to her. How could you possibly have sex with your stepbrother? Everything that I thought was ok and felt right was demonized. And as quick as that, he was sent back to live with his father. Tracy divorced my dad because my dad took my side.”

  I made a mental note to thank her father…buy that guy a beer.

  “But after she left, he started treating me differently. I think he was angry at me for allowing it to happen…maybe not blaming me but… He was lonely after she left and I think he really loved her. So then I started blaming myself for the ripple effect that my actions caused. ”

  Fuck the beer. He wasn’t getting jack shit from me.

  “Kate was there through it all. The medication she referred to the other day—an antianxiety/antidepressant.” She rolled her eyes and nibbled on her thumbnail. “I was a basket of nerves after. Being judged by people that knew. I was the girl who had sex with her brother,” she said and her little chin quivered and gigantic teardrops rolled down her cheeks, but it was as if she wasn’t crying. She seemed detached. “I’ve gotten off of it before but sometimes I get back on it if I’m struggling. I haven’t taken it since that morning you came by.”

  No longer able to resist, I slowly pulled her into my chest. Elation flooded through me when she didn’t resist.

  “Do you think he was in the wrong?” I asked softly.

  She shrugged. “My therapist for a year asked me that over and over. I don’t think I thought so at the time, but he was…” She lowered her head and shook her head.

  “He was what?” I asked.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m going to say this and I don’t want to talk about it any further, kay?”

  I nodded and prayed I could hold up to this.

  “He was…rough,” she whispered. “And I didn’t really know another way. He was my first and, well, I just didn’t know.”

  Old Faithful spewing forcefully out of the ground was what I thought my head was going to do. That was the last thing I expected her to say. So, he had hurt her. Muther Fucker! Control. Comp
osure. Hurt him…not her. My foot started wagging while resting on my other ankle to release the building tension.

  “And even now, you don’t see that he was in the wrong?” I asked.

  She shrugged and teetered her head back and forth like she was considering it.

  “He was 19 Camden. You were 15,” I said quietly not wanting to rock the boat.

  She sat upright, away from me, and I hated that distance.

  “I know, Will. I had turned 16.”

  “Do you ever talk to him now?”

  “Before his mother changed his cell number, I texted him and asked what happens now? He texted back and said,” her voice broke and she covered her face with her hands. “I’d like for you to wait and not be with others so maybe someday we could try again. So...”

  “You waited…” I said and contemplated in my head if I would actually kill Max or just cripple him.

  She nodded. “When I came to KU, that was my fresh start. No one knew. Kate was going to help find me a man. But every guy I dated, I froze when he touched me. I became this frigid cold bitch. I couldn’t trust. How do you believe what someone is saying? Then Max showed up.”


  “Yes. Usually makes a semi-annual appearance.”

  I shot upright while a roar festered deep inside me. I was ready to piss on her to stake my claim. Trying to maintain even an ounce of composure, I got myself another beer.

  “What does he want?”

  “He wants to know if I’ve been with anyone. Last time he kissed me, but when he tried more I stopped him. I wasn’t that same little girl anymore. He got angry and started yelling at me. Asked what my point was in not having sex for the past four years if he couldn’t have me.”

  Kate heard him yelling at me from the stairs and when she walked in the apartment she pulled up 911 on her phone. Told him he had exactly thirty seconds to get out or she was calling the cops. Told him to never come back.”

  “Did he leave?”

  She nodded. “Turned and said remember our agreement then he walked out.” After blowing out a long breath. “Pretty effed up, huh?”

  I found it cute she didn’t just say fuck because I sure as fuck wanted to.

  “Naw” I smiled. “He is, for doing that to you. Do you…still want him? Still love him?”


  “No. I see what he’s done now. And I’ve watched movies and read books and when he and I were together…I mean like sex…it was nothing like it was in those movies or books. I know that some of the things he did…the rough stuff. Well, he hurt me. And he got in my head.”

  “He’s still in your head,” I said taking a risk.

  She reached up and touched my face and that was my undoing. I think I melted beneath her touch.

  “Help me get him out,” she begged.

  And suddenly this was my sole purpose in life.


  We finished our drinks and sat in silence for a while listening to the music. To me, it wasn’t an awkward silence…just silence. And I wondered why she chose me to trust, but I was ecstatic.

  “How much do I owe you?” She asked.

  I finished that beer and shrugged. “Well now it depends if you’re talking about the cab back from here when I refuse to let you leave or the cost of your clothes when I rip them off?”

  She giggled and I could listen to THAT sound all day…and night.

  “You want to rip off my clothes right now?”

  “Pretty much every second since you threw powdered sugar in my face. But yes, right now in particular.” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Now that you know the extent of my extensive sex life. Tell me about yours.”

  I chuckled only to cover my nerves. There was no way in hell I would out myself for the man whore that I was. “Cam you don’t want to hear about that. There have been others. Let’s just leave it at that. OK?” God, if she thought she was dirty after letting Max have his way with her, she’d never understand the countless, nameless, faceless girls I’d been with. I went out on a limb taking her hand again and kissed her knuckles.

  “Well. You are sexy as hell and have an awesome body so I’m sure there have been ‘others.’ But I kinda dig you because you’re kind and on occasion you’re funny.”

  “On occasion??” I shouted. “ I am damn funny, all the time! In fact, let’s go back to the sexy as hell comment. You think I’m sexy?”

  She rolled her eyes and started to get up. I yanked her arm back and she fell closer to me.

  “Did you ride the short bus or do you just need a self-esteem boost?” she asked.

  “Remember Cam…you’re trying to be nice. Give some effort.”

  “Shut-up! You know you are sexy.”

  “Maybe but when the woman you’re crushin’ on thinks you’re sexy, it makes your world complete.” I needed to feel my junk to make sure I was still a dude. I could only imagine if my old man heard this shit coming out of my mouth.

  She threw her head back in laughter. “You’re crushin’ on me?”

  “Clearly! Ask Landon back at the strength center. My guess is he realized I was pissing all around you…marking my spot,” I chuckled.

  Her green eyes bore into my blues. “No peeing required.”

  “I’m just saying. I drink loads of water. I’ll pee wherever I need to pee.”

  Her laughter made me laugh and when her forehead rested on my shoulder, my body froze. Reading most girls was easy. A flip of the hair. Batting their eyelashes. Giggling incessantly. But Cam was different. More reserved. More genuine. I’ll be damned if I was going to miss a cue from her.

  Wrigley was enjoying a female in the house as well. Her chin rested on the sofa right next to her.

  She pulled her little legs up to her chest keeping her forehead on my shoulder, then her breathtaking greens stared up at me again.

  My words came out before I meant for them to. “Have you ever been sick and like vomited for days and you start feeling better but haven’t eaten because you’re nervous you might vomit again,” I whispered.

  She nodded.

  “So you’re laying there watching TV and an IHOP commercial comes on showing French toast with butter melting on top and hot syrup being poured over it. Or a KFC commercial and you see those mashed potatoes and gravy. Or…”

  She pinched my leg. “I get what your saying. It’s… like torture. You want it so badly,” she said understanding me perfectly.

  I lifted her chin just a bit to force her to look into my eyes. “That’s how I feel right now about kissing you. Your lips being two inches from mine. I want them. And it’s like torture not having them.”

  “So are my lips in this scenario, the French toast or the mashed potatoes and gravy?”

  I grinned down at her. “My guess is they are sweet. More crepes or pancakes than either of those. But I’d be happy to get syrup if you’d like.”

  She smiled. “Why don’t you stop torturing yourself?”

  I think that was the cue I didn’t want to miss so I leaned toward her stopping about an inch away. Her breath blew over me and our eyes were still engaged. “Camden. I’m not just going to peck your lips. I’m going to kiss you fully and with intent to make you want more. But nothing more is going to happen so you don’t need to worry. Just a kiss. And when I’m done kissing you…it will be me you think of now when you think of kissing. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she hissed out.

  And in that moment, I moistened my lips and brushed mine over hers. First in a soft slow rhythm, allowing our mouths to introduce themselves. I wasn’t wrong about her being sweet. When I felt the tip of her tongue touch my lip, I went in for the kill. Molding my mouth to hers, our tongues slow danced together to a tempo all their own. And when she whimpered and fully relaxed into me, a guttural moan came from within me that I had never experienced. My arms held her as close as our bodies would allow and she was so small they nearly wrapped her twice.

  Wrigley wasn�
�t allowed on the furniture but he nuzzled his nose between our bodies. Without stopping the kiss, I grabbed his collar and pushed him away.

  In that moment when you can tell a kiss is coming to an end, I ached…but also wanted her to navigate things a bit. She rested her forehead against my chin, panting.

  “Sorry. He’s jealous,” I smiled as Wrigley continued to pester her.

  Then she glanced at me, grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me into her again, her lips even sweeter the second time around. My insides were spiraling out of control that she wanted to kiss me again. Not simply kiss me either, she straddled my lap as we kissed and I literally giggled like a little girl. I quickly did a check for my man card but it was gone! Toast….

  Wrigley barked and Camden’s entire body jerked. With her in my arms, I stood and walked to Wrigley’s bed.

  “Wrigley! Pillow!” I shouted and he lay down. “Stay!”

  “Poor guy,” she said. “He wants some love too.”

  I pecked her lips. “I’ll get another dog.”

  She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder.

  “There was nothing rough about that kiss, Will,” she said her eyes barely at half-mast. Damn she was sexy and had no idea.

  “I would never be rough with you.”

  “Why nothing more?” she asked breathless, desire burning in her eyes.

  I smiled at her, pushing her hair away from her face. “Caaam… It would take about a half a second for you to change my mind. But, I want to do this right. You’ve tried on your own to get this douche bag out of your head and haven’t been totally successful. I want to succeed.”

  She glanced down.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to,” I added.

  Grinding herself down against my hardness, she grinned. “I can tell.” Obviously, she embarrassed herself because she chuckled and leaned into me for a hug.

  “I should go,” she said.

  I threw both hands out to the side. “I say no to more than kissing and she wants to leave.”

  “I don’t want to leave,” she whispered.

  “Then don’t. Stay with me.” I wanted full access to this girl and Kate would limit that.


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