Book Read Free

Pure Will

Page 6

by Kristi Pelton

  Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “I couldn’t stay here, I’d attack you, I think!”

  Reminding myself that I couldn’t pressure her, I backed down. She just said she’d attack me and I was smiling wide. She wasn’t going anywhere. I could tell…as long as I could be patient and not scare her away.

  “I’ll drive you back to your car,” I proposed. “But one last question.”


  “What’s your cell phone number?”

  She grinned and her eyes begged for another kiss and who was I to deny her? There was nothing I wanted more. The kiss was soft, short and sweet. Rough would never be something I was with her.

  On the way back to campus, we held hands and there had never been a time in my life where I held hands with a girl in my truck. This was new for both of us.

  “I wonder what happened,” she said looking at the bright red and blue flashing lights of a police car.

  “They’re by your car.”

  “OH God! There’s Kate! What’s happened?”

  She opened the truck door before it came to a stop so I hit the breaks harder.

  “CAMDEN!” Kate yelled.

  “What’s wrong?” Cam asked as I got out of the truck and around to where everyone stood. “What’s happened?”

  Ham was there and he grabbed Cam and lifted her off the ground in a firm hug. Every fiber of my body stiffened as I watched him embrace her.

  “Where have you been?” Kate shouted. “You’re phone was laying in your car. I couldn’t reach you. Ham didn’t know where you were. Eli didn’t.”

  Eli was there too and he rubbed Cam’s head like she was a dog.

  Two of Lawrence’s finest came over to her.

  “Are you Camden Biggs?” the heavier officer asked and she nodded.

  That’s when the entire group’s eyes rested on me.


  The officer spoke into his police radio on his shoulder strap. “Cancel the missing person.”

  All the pieces fell into place. They thought I was missing!

  “Cam. We were so worried,” Kate said hugging me. And for my friend who always looked nothing less than perfectly put together, it was clear she was stressed. “You were with Will?”

  I nodded and my eyes darted between her and Will.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I wanted to talk to her,” Will interjected.

  “About what? About me?” Kate asked poking him in the abdomen and I felt sick. What do we say? What do I say? What was he going to say? I’m sure I had a deer in the headlights look.

  “You, silly,” I said quickly, trying to save Will.

  Will took a deep breath and stared at the ground.

  Kate laid her head on Will’s shoulder. “Why don’t you come over and we can talk about this,” she said nuzzling up against him. The first time in forever, I wanted to shove her. My face melted and I wanted to cry.

  Even with her leaning in to him, Will stayed stiffly upright with his hands in the pockets of his khakis. “I can’t Kate.”

  “You really OK?” Ham asked from behind me, and I nodded up at him and loved him more for worrying.

  This was completely out of character for me. Always where I needed to be when I needed to be there. That was me.

  “I need you. Don’t go running off on me again,” Eli winked, then he and Ham trotted off together.

  When I spun back around, Will was pulling out of the parking lot in his truck leaving me there with Kate and the two cops. The cops cautioned me on going with men I didn’t really know and especially without my cell. I quietly listened to their instructions and warnings then Kate and I headed back to our place.

  Back at the apartment, I plugged my dead phone in to charge it and it dinged for a text almost immediately. I didn’t recognize the number and it wasn’t a contact in my phone, so I was hoping it was Will.

  YOU TOLD HER WE TALKED ABOUT HER??? WTF! tell me exactly when that was…maybe when your tongue was in my mouth because I couldn’t understand you if that was the case!

  I giggled and my entire body scrunched up with excitement.

  I’m sorry! I froze. I told you I wasn’t good at this. How was I supposed to know the FBI would be looking for me? Send

  Kate walked into the room in a short t-shirt and her thong…God what did he see in me? She plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. She was acting weird. Something was wrong. My phone dinged.

  Screw the FBI. Ham and Eli are like Navy Seals when it comes to you. I think I can take one…but both may be difficult.

  An irremovable smile was plastered on my face. I texted back.

  They are just my friends. They’ve never met my tongue. Send

  “You OK?” I asked Kate who had settled on watching a Friends rerun.

  “I suppose. Just was really worried.”

  I felt bad, but my phone dinged again and I couldn’t help but grin.

  Did you feel that? The earth shake. That was me growling from my house. They better go nowhere near your tongue. Or meet any other part of you. If they do, my fist will meet their lip…and their eyes and their kidneys and in a not gay way, possibly their nuts.

  Unable to contain my giddiness, I walked out of the room for a minute and sprawled across my bed.

  No nut tapping or peeing required. My tongue will remain exclusive. Send

  “Cam?” Kate yelled from the other room. I left my phone on my bed knowing it would be a HUGE distraction.

  “Yeah?” I sat next to her.

  She raked her fingers through her blonde locks and seemed upset. “Did he say anything about who he likes?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, my heart cracking slowly as she spoke.

  “He told me he was sort of seeing someone,” she explained, and I bit my lip. “I mean it’s been a week and no doubt the sex is good. So, wondering when he met this girl.”

  I shrugged. “Well, it’s not like you were exclusive to him.”

  Her eyes snapped up to mine. “True, but he didn’t know that.”

  God, I wanted to tell her. I didn’t want him just for sex. He made me laugh and giggle and I wanted to be with him. He made me smile. He made me…wet. I could still feel what he’d done to me between my legs and that was simply from his kiss. The best kiss I’d ever had. I wanted it again. His soft lips and gentle tongue.

  Kate curled into a ball with her ipad and started reading so I gave her space. Plus I felt like shit. Plus I wanted to get back to my phone.

  Four new messages!! I’d never really texted a guy before. Not like this. I was nearly shaking with enthusiasm as I read them.

  Oh I’ll pee if needed. I’ve already made that clear. It won’t be a nut tap. More like a nut punch

  I know it’s late but don’t go to sleep yet

  OK. I won’t really tear off the dumb guys nuts

  Cam. You’re making me turn serious here and I’m very uncomfortable with that! :) I don’t usually text girls and I’m holding my breath until it buzzes again. Better hurry.

  That last text was 12 minutes ago! So I texted back.

  I’m sorry. Was talking to Kate. YOU TOLD HER YOU LIKE SOMEONE?????????????????????? Send

  I’m sorry you’ve reached a person that is so ridiculously crazy about a girl that he has now passed out….

  I covered my face and laughed even though I was the only person in the room. He was embarrassing me. I didn’t understand what I had done to attract him. My phone buzzed again.

  I do btw—like someone that is

  My heart expanded fully in my chest. This was crazy. My phone buzzed again.

  Do you like anyone?

  I kind of like this guy send

  Does his name rhyme with Filliam Penton?

  Oddly…yes I wonder though how many times he’s lured girls to his home, swept them up in his arms, showered them with mind blowing kisses and then broken their hearts. Send

  Unknowingly, I gripped the part of my shirt coveri
ng my heart.

  Mind blowing kisses eh? Truth be told, I couldn’t give you a number. Oh Wait! Yes, I can. ZERO! I meant what I said. And I won’t lie. No girl has ever been in my house. Let alone on my sofa or in my kitchen or looking at pictures of my ugly body.

  This made me breathe easier.

  You make me smile. Your body makes me…I don’t know what! :) send

  Want to know what you just saying that-- did to my body? Grrr Speaking of bodies. Why don’t you send me a pic of yours. :)

  My phone buzzed again before I could respond

  Did I just text grrrr? Shoot me now

  With my phone camera I took a pic of my painted toe nails and hit send. A minute later he responded.

  Excellent. That should get me through the night.

  God…he so got me.

  How is it that I know nothing about you but yet I feel I know you better than I know myself? This is crazy, Will. Scary. Send

  Four of the longest minutes of my life went by before my phone buzzed again.

  Don’t be scared baby. I won’t hurt you. This feeling inside of me is one of happiness and excitement and maybe I’ve pushed you tonight. This is foreign to me too. I’m sorry.

  No! You haven’t pushed! What was I saying? I suck at this! He responded again before I could.

  I tell you what. I’m going to go to bed but I want you to think about three things. 1. Telling Kate. I don’t want to hide you or us. 2. Promise you’ll kiss me tomorrow at some point. I’ve decided it’s like a daily vitamin. 3. Text me 10 things you believe in. I’ll do the same.

  I took in a long slow deep breath. Will Denton was perfect in almost every way I could imagine. I responded…

  1. OK. Let’s do it. 2. I promise (I’d prefer tonight but if you’re going to make me wait) 3. Starting now? If so, I believe dreams can come true. Goodnight Will.

  I lay in bed for 22 minutes waiting for something…anything…nothing. He must have fallen asleep. Trying to let the adrenaline leave my body, I nestled into my bed with the ceiling fan blowing down and closed my eyes. Then it buzzed. I sprung upright and read the text.

  If Kate’s asleep, I left you something on your front porch.

  I leapt out of bed, quietly opened my door, saw that Kate’s door was closed and opened the apartment door. There he was in a pair of sweat shorts and a bro tank with the biggest smile I’d seen him wear.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey!” I whispered and my smile matched his.

  “You mentioned that you’d prefer another kiss tonight so…here I am.”

  He opened his arms, and I was truly embarrassed by the elation firing off in my body. With his thumb, he lifted my chin and his lips came down meeting mine. It was even better than earlier. His tongue so soft and tender as it roamed my mouth. A soft whimper escaped my throat as his hands rummaged through my hair, massaging my scalp and holding my head firmly in place. His other hand rested at the small of my back, and I leaned in to him. He broke the kiss slowly.

  “Get your ass inside before I go against what I said earlier about nothing more happening,” he said smiling and pushing my hair behind my ears.

  I raised my brows. “And what if I lured you in to my bedroom?”

  “I wouldn’t resist even for a second.”

  He pecked me on my forehead and started walking down the stairs.

  “I can see your window from the parking lot. Lock the door, go to your window then wave at me,” he directed going down a few more steps. “Oh and Camden. I’m starting to believe in love at first sight. Your turn,” he said and walked to his truck.

  Doing exactly as he said, I waved from the window, climbed back in bed and decided as much as I wanted to use my toy…I wasn’t going to. I was waiting to be touched by him…and a part of me hoped it would be soon.


  When I woke the following morning, the covers were tented due to my thinking about Cam before going to bed and instantly upon awakening. Immediately, I reached for my phone.

  I believe in supporting soldiers even if you don’t support what they may be doing.

  Damn…I was going to marry this girl. There was no way she could have understood what this meant to me. If only Matty could have seen her. Met her. I hated the war he fought in but supported him with every part of me. Wrote him. Skyped him. In December it would be a full year. My phone buzzed again.

  I smiled when her full name flashed across the screen: Camden

  I believe in getting up early to see the sun rise even if I go back to sleep. WAKE UP!

  I texted her back.

  I’m awake. Watched the sunrise then went back to bed. Send

  Really?? :)

  No… Send


  Ah hell no! My girl wasn’t going to frown.

  Starting tomorrow I will be getting up for every sunrise. Hell, I just won’t go to bed. Send


  Since it’s Saturday I was thinking we could do breakfast Send


  I smiled and texted again.

  And lunch Send


  Another smile.

  And dinner Send


  God I loved exclamations points! The covers were tented again. Damn…at this point, the way I was acting was pathetic. I’m glad the covers were tented; at least it proved I still had my dick. I’d only kissed this girl. I couldn’t imagine how whipped I’d be once she had that part of me too. I chuckled and then decided to call. She answered almost immediately.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Have you told her?”

  She giggled. “Well, good morning to you too.”

  “Cam. A good morning would be me waking you up and I can’t do that until you tell her, sweet pea.”

  A quiet sigh echoed over the phone.

  “I’m not trying to push you. I promise. You do what you think is best,” I said.

  “Will, I want to tell her. But last night she brought it up and she’s struggling a little bit.”

  Shit. I didn’t realize Cam was struggling too but I heard it in her voice.

  “Struggling with what?”

  “Just how. Since you. I think that. Not understanding. God, I don’t know…”

  Wow. This girl of mine was always quick on her feet and witty. Whatever was happening there made her speechless.

  “Understanding what, Cam? Talk to me.”

  She sat silent for a little bit so I let her. Finally she spoke. “She doesn’t understand how you can like someone when things were good?”

  “Things were good? We never had a date and we never talked! We hadn’t talked in a week!” I’d raised my voice without intending to.

  “She was talking about the…being together,” she spoke softly and I wanted to hold her so badly.

  “Being together? As in…”

  “Yes,” she said before I could finish. “Apparently that was pretty incredible,” she whispered.

  Hearing the slightest inflection of pain in her voice crushed me. I had no right to be angry but I would fix this. Her hurting would never be right in my world.

  “Cam. I’m taking a shower. I’m coming over. I’ll be there in one hour. We are telling her together.”


  “No buts. I’ll see you soon baby.”

  Camden hadn’t called or texted so even though I was pretty direct with her about what was going down, she hopefully understood and was ready. I parked the truck and headed up the stairs. She met me at the door.

  “She isn’t here right now,” she said not meeting my eyes.

  “Don’t look down. Look at me. This is right. This is what we should do,” I explained as we walked into her apartment.

  She nodded. Once the door was closed, I took her in my arms and she melded her body into mine. My heart overflowed with…love?

  “I’m nervous,” she said softly.

  I pushed the hair from her face and brushed a peck over her lips.

/>   “I know and I understand. I’m going to be right here with you. As long as that’s what you want. You want me to stay, don’t you?”

  Her unsure green eyes slowly found mine. “Please stay.”

  Hugging her again, I said, “You got it.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Cam stiffened and said, “I hear her coming up the stairs.”

  With my hands, I gently rubbed her back. She suddenly stood and said, “Let’s go in the kitchen. Let’s make…”

  “Sit,” I said holding her in place. “It’s going to be OK.”

  That’s when the front door opened and Kate walked in carrying a couple of Dillons sacks.

  “Hey, Will. Cam. What’s up?”

  Cam barely smiled. This was going to be up to me.

  “Need help?” I asked and took a couple of bags.

  We carried the bags into the kitchen and at least Cam followed. She helped empty the bags and put the groceries away. Once everything was in its place, Kate turned to me and asked, “Did you want to come into my room?” she asked. “I know what you said last night but...”

  “I’m not here for you Kate.” I just said it. Flat out. No screwing around. Cam looked down, and I reached for her hand and with that gesture she smiled and glanced up at me. I winked at her.


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