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Pure Will

Page 16

by Kristi Pelton

  “Come on,” I said softly, watching the stage.

  Max stopped singing and I wasn’t sure if it was because the song ended or if he saw me taking Will’s treasure away.

  The fall, outside air was chilly and I heard someone yell, “Cam!” as the door closed. Without saying a word, I flipped her up cradling her in my arms and ran toward my truck. Within a short second, she was inside. I tossed her the keys.

  “Start the truck. Lock the doors. And for no reason do you unlock them unless I say. Understood?”

  She nodded.

  By the time I turned around, Kate and this Ham guy were running toward us.

  “Who are you? Where is Cam?”

  I held up my hand and pointed in the truck. “Kate, I’m Will’s dad. He asked me to get her out of there.”

  Kate nodded. “Good call.”

  Metal slamming against stone drew all of our attention, and Max stood with his chest puffed out and began walking in our direction.

  “Kate. Get in the truck,” I said beneath my breath. “Ham. I may need your help.”

  “I got you,” Ham said from behind my back.

  Dave was off to the side in perfect positioning.

  “Look grandpa. I just want to talk to her,” Max said sounding calm.

  “After that little stunt, you’re getting nowhere near her!” Ham spoke up.

  My phone started ringing in my pocket. I lifted it out and saw William’s name.


  “Did you get her out?” Will shouted.

  “Fuck you fat boy!” Max spit at Ham.

  I put my hand up trying to keep Ham back.

  “DAD!” Will yelled.

  “I did. Working on some other things right now. I’ll call you back.”

  “Dad. Wait!” he shouted in desperation. “Don’t take her to my house. Keep her with you.”

  “You got it,” I said ending the call and sliding the phone back into my pocket.

  “Listen Max. I am taking Cam with me and you will not speak to her again,” I said threateningly.

  “Fuck off gramps!”

  I chuckled out loud, then lunged toward his legs, taking him down and pinning him to the ground.

  “Listen to me you little punk. I am indeed older than you. I probably got about twenty-five years on you. But let me make one thing clear. You will not touch her or even talk to her again. Not now. Not ever. Or you will deal with me. You got that?”

  Max lay against the black top parking lot silent.

  “You don’t have to answer. Let’s just say I hope you live and learn and not just live. The only reason I’m letting you walk away is because gramps really doesn’t want to fight.”

  I stood up brushing my jeans off and taking stock of what was in the truck.

  “Ham. You need a ride?”

  Ham shook his head. “Naw. I’ll stick around here a little longer.”

  Keeping Max in my view, I motioned for Cam to roll down the window.

  “Your keys?”

  She retrieved them from her purse and handed them to me through the window.

  “Dave, take her car.”

  Dave caught the keys when I tossed them; Max was listening to his buddy and back stepping away from us. Smarter than I thought. Having Ham on my side didn’t hurt. Needed to tell Will about this guy.

  After I hopped up in my truck, I found a tearful Camden.

  “Are you hurt?” Damn I was going to be in trouble.

  She shook her head. “I’m embarrassed and I’m sorry that you saw any of that.”

  “Clearly you are worth fighting for, darlin’,” I said giving her a wink.

  “But Mr. Denton. I…”

  “Mr. Denton?” I shouted. “You say that and I look for my old man, Cam. It’s Drew.”

  She nodded.

  “You are awesome Drew, and I thank you! I’m Kate by the way. Though you already know that because you apparently hauled my booty out of a strip bar not long ago. Now that I won’t apologize for. That was fun!”

  Wow. Will had his hands full with her as a best friend to his girl. Poor guy.

  “Kate,” Cam whispered, shushing her friend.

  “Kate. Where do you want to go? You’re more than welcome to stay with us too,” I said.

  Cam’s eyes met mine and I turned my attention back to the road. I had a feeling they were eyeballing each other. I was unsure how forceful Will had ever been with her, but I vowed to keep her safe.

  “Take me home please. I have a friend meeting me there,” she answered.

  “Who?” Cam asked her.

  “Liam,” Kate whispered.

  Once Cam and I were alone, I stopped by Will’s so she could grab some stuff and we were back out the door. Wrigley took his position in the bed of the truck.

  “Why am I not staying here?” she quietly asked.

  “Will wants you with me. Plus Abby will love having a girl in the house.”

  She simply nodded.


  Oh My God! This house was bigger than my father’s mansion back in Plano. Two words kept ricocheting through my mind…Hoch Oil! Holy crap! I couldn’t wrap my head around the size of this place. This was two times the size of my dad’s place. The cement drive up to the house alone would cost a fortune. The lights lining the drive. The stone fountain in the middle of the yard. The gigantic staircase leading up to the…castle. A slow grin crossed my face as I thought about Mr. Denton’s…Drew’s trailer. Why would you want to get away from this? Go hide in a bathroom or closet or garage or…

  The trip here took about ten minutes and was awkwardly quiet. Someone stood at the top of the stairs by the front door. As we got closer and Drew parked the truck in front of the house, Abby descended the stairs in break-neck-speed, in her sweats and Jayhawks sweatshirt.

  She flung open my door alarming me a bit.

  “Are you ok sweetheart?” she asked, taking me into her arms then pushing me back so she could look over my face.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Give her some space Abs,” Drew said lifting my bag from the bed of the truck.

  “You hush mister. This is a girl matter. Take her stuff to William’s room and she and I are going to go chat.”

  Drew shook his head chuckling. “I’ll give you about an hour. Then I want my wife in bed.”

  Abby rolled her eyes at me as we made our way up the Gone with the Wind looking staircase.

  Will’s room was perfect. All different colors of blue throughout and red splattered around. Trophies on shelves. Books scattered around. Pictures of him and Matty everywhere. Drew set my bag at the foot of the bed, patted Abby’s butt and left us. She plopped down on the bed.

  “Would you like to talk?” she asked.

  What did she mean? I wish I knew how to do this. I tried to think back about me and my mom chatting about guys while I was in fifth grade. Sadness flooded through me…I could barely remember.

  Abby’s hand covered mine. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  I stared at her and realized she had Will’s eyes, then nodded.

  “Max is someone that hurt me a few years back and he kinda likes to think he can still tell me what to do. When he doesn’t get his way, he’s gets mean, I guess. That’s what Mr. Denton saw.”

  “Well, I’m glad Drew was there. And more than that, I’m sorry that this boy hurt you. You don’t deserve to be hurt. You deserve to be loved.”

  Blood rushed to my face as tears pooled in my eyes. That is exactly what my mother would have said. I just know it. She would have said that it wasn’t my fault and she would have taken my side. Just like Abby.

  “Thank you,” I whispered as a tear spilled over.

  She grabbed my shoulders. “Do you know how much trouble I’m in if William finds out that I made you cry!” She smiled. “And may I add that not only do you deserve to be loved…but you deserve to be loved by the most brilliant, most handsome, most thoughtful man in the world who will fiercely l
ove you and protect you with his life. And I can put in a good word with this guy because I know him!” she winked and encompassed me in a breathtaking hug.

  “Abby!” Drew shouted from outside the room.

  She rolled her eyes. “He will never stop loving you or wanting you either.” Going up to the top of Will’s bed, she pulled down the sheets and fluffed the pillow. “William slept right here most of his life. He loved this ceiling fan blowing down on him. If it get’s to be too much, here is the remote. Bathroom is down the hall. If you forgot anything, I’m sure I have something you can borrow. The only thing I’ve shared in this house is an occasional sweatshirt, so please ask.”

  “Abby. Come on,” Drew’s voice echoed down the hall.

  She threw open the door, popped her hip out with her hand planted firmly on it, and stared down the hall.

  “Andrew James Denton. Do you know how much fun this is for me? Cam and I are going to have our own pajama party if you don’t knock it off. You’re being rude.”

  I couldn’t see the look she was getting, but a slow smile spread across her face and she pointed at him.

  She shook her head and darted back over to me. Wrigley followed her to my bed.

  “Good night sweetheart. If you need anything…please. Wrigley is used to sleeping on William’s bed here. Will that bother you?”


  Then she hugged me; and my heart swelled.

  “Goodnight. Thank you for everything.”

  I dug through my bag until I found Will’s t-shirt. Undressed. Slid that on and climbed into bed. Grabbed my phone from my purse and called Kate. No answer. I didn’t like that. I called again. No answer. So, I dialed Will. Through all of this…we hadn’t spoken. Suddenly, the strongest, most overpowering need to hear his voice overcame me.

  “It’s Will. Leave a message,” his voicemail said and just hearing his voice made me smile.

  “Hey Will-i-am. I need you. Your Mom and Dad are great…but I need you. Please call me. I don’t care what time. Please.”

  I tried Kate one more time. Laid my phone right next to me and closed my eyes. Behind my lids, I kept seeing Drew take Max to the ground. Max deserved it, no doubt—but Mr. Denton defending me like that. Never…never had I been defended, except by Kate. That was what I wished my father had done all those years ago. To Max. To Tracy.

  I felt more a part of a family at this moment than I had in twelve years. There was no hesitation about accepting me. They didn’t care who I was or where I came from or what I had to offer. They liked me because their son did. They liked me regardless of any flaw and they were willing to fight for me. As much as this delighted me, I was scared to death of ever losing Will…but now I had a family to lose too and that scared me even more.


  The adrenaline pumping through my body hadn’t slowed at all when we landed at KCI. I didn’t give two fucks that it was 4:30am. I’d never asked Grandpa once if I could use his jet and he didn’t blink an eye this time…the pilot left Wichita straight away after my desperate call.

  My truck was where I’d parked it and I loaded my bag and started hauling ass. The house was not quite an hour from Kansas City. I turned on my phone after getting off the jet and it vibrated with two new voicemails. One from dad and one from Camden. I listened to hers first.

  “Hi Will-i-am. I need you. Your Mom and Dad are great…but I need you. Please call me. I don’t care what time. Please.”

  Shit! Hopefully, feeling my arms wrap around her when I get there, will make up for me missing the call.

  “Son. It’s dad. She’s tucked in your bed. I’m worried. Your mother is growing attached. I’m pretty sure you are too but cut her loose if not. I don’t want your mother hurt.” He cleared his throat. “I like her too, William. I don’t know. This Max character was ready to fight me. Anyway, we need to talk.”

  After pounding the steering wheel three times, I hit the cruise button once I realized I was driving 95. Hearing my dad say he liked her brought me unimaginable joy but in the same breath the mere mention of the douche bag—knowing he was within driving distance from me—was like Pavlov’s dogs hearing the bell; I was salivating like a Mastiff.

  I’d never asked his size and frankly it didn’t matter if he was Hercules. I would take him out. He would never come near her again.

  The house was dark and I parked next to the garage and used the keypad to open it. I left my bag at the door as I hurried to the beeping security pad. I disarmed then rearmed it. I was a floor away but almost sure I could smell her. Half way down the hall, my dad stepped into the hallway.

  “How about you tell me you’re coming next time so I don’t take a shot at you, son.”

  I eyed the glock in his hand when he wrapped me up in a hug.

  “William! Is that you?” Mom nearly yelled from their room.

  “Sshhh,” I said putting my finger to my lip and I was in her arms before I could move further down the hall.

  “How did you get here?”

  I glanced down at the wood floor. “I called Poppy,” I said embarrassed. I’m sure the cost of the fuel alone was outrageous.

  “Your grandfather sent the jet?” my father scolded. “William!”

  But Mom smiled. “Poppy could have said no, Drew. I’ll call him in the morning. She’ll be excited to see you I’m sure.”

  I grinned and started down the hall, but my dad grabbed my arm. What the hell now?

  “We need to talk about Max.”

  God, I needed to touch her first. Smell her. See those halos around her eyes.

  “Can’t this wait?”


  He said no in such a way that I knew he meant it. I followed him into their sitting area.

  “Who is he?” he asked sitting down resting his ankle on his knee. Mom stood behind him.

  “He was her step brother?”

  Mom swatted Dad in the shoulder. “You said they’d slept together.”

  I swallowed. “They have,” I said not believing I was having this conversation with both parents.

  “Camden was 15. 16ish. He was 19. He had just moved in with them. He had her drink vodka. She had never been with anyone. The son of a bitch knew exactly what he was doing.”

  Mom gasped. “Honey. Did he rape her?”

  Simply the thought of that drew my hands into fists. “No. If that were the case, I’d kill him outright. She believes she was willing. She saw it as a relationship,” I said getting to my feet and staring out the window. “He took…what he wanted when she had barely turned 16. And not just that but…he hurt her. He was rough with her.” I hit my forehead against the glass.

  “William. Don’t hurt yourself,” my mother begged. “She needs you as much you need her.”

  I lifted my eyes to hers. “Mom. I need her so much more and I’m scared of losing her. I love her,” I whispered.

  Dad stood up smiling. “She’s a fiery little thing. She didn’t take his shit.”

  “What happened?”

  “He came straight up to the table. He and that Kate girl went at it at first. Ham asked who he was and Camden said and I quote ‘I could tell you about his dick but it would be a really short story,’” Dad laughed.

  That was my girl and, under normal circumstances, her little witty ass would make me laugh too but not when it comes to him.

  “Then the fucker went up on stage and started singing to her.”

  Mom popped him again. “Watch your mouth.”

  “Singing what?” I asked.

  Dad shrugged. “Some Buckcherry song. When I dream, I’m doing you all night…you fuck so good I’m on top of it…some sort of shit like that.”

  Dad darted away before Mom could smack him.

  “It’s in the song,” he defended.

  “William. She was hurt. I don’t think the poor girl has anyone to talk to really. She needs you,” Mom added.

  “Why don’t you get your ass in there to her.”

  Dad di
dn’t have to ask twice.

  My damn door creaked just a little like it always had, which typically blew my chances of sneaking in. The ceiling fan blew and her smell wafted over the room and up my nose. I felt myself hardening in my jeans. Quietly, I closed the door and allowed my eyes to adjust to the darkness. A thud, thud, thud echoed in the room. What the hell…oh, Wrigleys tail. I snapped for him to get down.

  I heard her breathing and this steadied my heartbeat. After unfastening my jeans and sliding them off, I took off my t-shirt and flung it onto the floor. Then I lifted the covers and crawled in next to her. Her body was like a miniature furnace…warm and toasty.

  She startled awake and shoved away from me, her eyes wide.

  “Baby, it’s me,” I whispered.

  “Will?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

  “Huh uh, it’s that other guy that crawls into your bed. Yes it’s me goofy. And I swear to God no other guy better be in your bed.”

  She giggled and snuggled into me. “How are you here? Am I dreaming?”

  I took her hand and pressed her palm against my growing pecker. “Does that feel like a dream?” I nuzzled into her.

  “The best dream ever…”


  The smell of the turkey when we walked into the house was delicious. Baseball season was always over by Thanksgiving so that was the one holiday we celebrated together…except Dad always catered in. This would be my first real Thanksgiving since my mother died and I was already emotional.

  When we walked into the kitchen, I spotted Drew kissing Abby on top of the head and she shooed him away. As he turned around, both Will and I saw the apron he was wearing. Both of us giggled.

  “Not one word Will or I swear you’ll be wearing one too. Your mother made me put it on since I was cooking,” he snarled.

  Will pulled out his phone and snapped a picture.

  “Perfect for Twitter,” Will joked.


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