The First King of Hollywood
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ability to register with film audiences, 87
acting nuances, 177–178
acting performances as dance, 102, 110, 320
affairs of, 98–99, 140–144, 372–373, 411–412, 436, 439–440
athletic ability of (see athletic ability; stunt work)
attempt to enlist, 199
birth of, 8
business acumen, 62, 130–132
charm of, 128
childhood of, 10–13
as clotheshorse, 187, 439
criminal threats against, 340
death of, 480
Denver residences of, 13
desire for success, 40–41
desire to become an actor, 21
downward spiral of, 330
education of, 11, 13–14, 22–23
employment, non-acting, of, 30–31, 33–34, 46–47
enthusiasm for travel, 274, 400–401
entry into motion pictures, 73–74
essence of, 103–104
estrangement from mother, 138–139
fatherhood and, 54
first film appearance, 75
first speaking line, 25–26
first swashbuckler role, 172
as founding member of United Artists, 212–215, 216, 216n
friendship with Chaplin, 126–127, 183–184, 302–303, 359
injuries sustained by, 1–2, 67, 121, 227, 228–229, 255, 348, 371
jealousy of, 10, 138–139, 156–157, 230, 241, 241n, 291, 357, 373–374, 438, 475
marriages, 45–47, 467–469 (see also Fairbanks-Pickford marriage)
memorial services for, 481–482
mustache of, 262
mythology of, 8–10, 23
need for family, 107–108
personality traits, 45, 52, 303–304, 305
philanthropic endeavors, 155, 158, 179–181, 189, 201–202, 388–389
physical characteristics, 79
private nicknames of, 374, 374n, 442, 455, 461
professional debut, 22n, 24
and reading, 246n, 283
relationship with son, 96, 316–318, 461, 473–475, 474n, 478
reunion with father, 12
screenwriting of, 105
as a singer, 39, 417, 418
speaking voice of, 384–385, 392–393
stunt work by (see stunt work)
as teetotaler, 12–13, 13n, 410
travels (see Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., travels of)
wooing of Pickford, 96–98, 99, 117–119
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., travels of
by chartered airplane trip, 391
cross-country tours, 295
European vacations, 274–279, 378–379
to film documentary, 420–428, 430
to Greece, India, and the Far East, 400–405
to Hawaii, 405
honeymoon tours, 235–243, 468–469
publicity tour of Europe, 323–325
solo trips, 443
spurious, 34
with Sylvia Ashley, 460–464
to Tahiti, 433–436
through Europe and Russia, 352–357
as a young man, 27–28, 31, 31n, 38, 63, 67
Fairbanks, Ella (mother), 9, 13, 13n, 75
background, 4–5
changes family name back to Fairbanks, 13
death, 138
initial opposition to DF theatrical aspirations, 21–22
marriages, 6, 7–8, 12
tea with Pickford and her mother, 98
Fairbanks, John (half-brother), 5, 6n, 13–14, 107–108, 130, 136, 193, 205, 233n, 284, 304–305, 361
Fairbanks, John, III, 5, 5n, 9n
Fairbanks, Letitia, 10, 39, 61, 107, 346n, 469
on DF’s mischievousness, 11, 14, 21, 32–33
on Ella Fairbanks, 138–139
on stunt doubles, 295
Fairbanks, Robert (brother), 139, 232, 280, 312, 362, 426, 450, 479, 481
birth of, 8
childhood of, 2, 10, 11, 12, 14
confronts DF with travel expenses, 464
convinces DF to use stunt double, 294–295
DF bequeathal to, 6n
Fairbanks-Pickford marriage and, 444, 446, 450–451, 455, 466
as manager of DF’s finances and studio operations, 193
prearranged codes with, 465–466
on reconciliation rumors, 455
travels with DF, 275, 276, 278, 349, 391
United Artists stock plan and, 463
Fairbanks, Sylvia Ashley, 439, 444–446, 452, 454, 456, 460–461, 464, 470, 476
background of, 411
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and, 467, 474–475, 477
nicknames, 442
reaction to death of DF, 480
wedding and honeymoon with DF, 467–469
Fairbanks Trio, 319
Fairbanks-Pickford marriage
anniversary celebrations, 407, 426
divorce filings, 450–451, 460
early devotion in, 408
enthusiasm for travel in, 274, 400–401
honeymoon, 235–243
press coverage of separation rumors, 445–449
private note by Pickford about end of, 458–459
public infatuation with, 239–240
reconciliation attempts, 443–444, 451–455, 466–467
separation rumors, 409, 426–427, 433–434
wedding ceremony, 232–233
Famous Players–Lasky, 6n, 133, 135, 208, 256
fans and fan mail, 456–457
Fantana (1905), 38–40, 42, 418
Farnum, Dustin, 85
Farnum, William, 116, 433, 436
Faulkner, Ralph, 291n
Faust (1926), 314
Fawcett, George, 101
Fealy, Margaret, 15–16, 31
Fealy, Maude, 15–16, 44
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 265
Fenn, Arthur, 478–479
Ferber, Edna, 79n
Feud in the Kentucky Hills, A, 57n
Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Reserves, 3–4
fight scenes, 59–60, 66, 109, 263
Fildew, William, 84
Film Daily, 321
film study curriculum, 365–366
finances, personal, 470
Fine Arts, 77, 78–79, 82–84, 107, 110, 132
Fineman, Bernie, 308
Firefall Rock, 161
First National Exhibitors Circuit, 207–208, 209–211, 217
Charlie Chaplin and, 326, 328
Mary Pickford and, 215, 252
Fischer, Alice, 32
Fiske, Minnie Madden, 43
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 254n
Fitzmaurice, George, 145
Flagg, James Montgomery, 85
Fleming, Kid, 168
Fleming, Rhonda, 345n
Fleming, Victor, 102n, 114, 117, 124, 162, 165, 221, 426, 481
Around the World in Eighty Minutes and, 421, 422, 423, 424–425
contract arrangements with, 136
The Mollycoddle and, 227
returns from active duty, 220
serious illness of, 424, 425
When the Clouds Roll By and, 223–224
Flirting with Fate (1916), 112–113, 113n, 177–178
Florey, Robert, 283–284, 286–289, 291, 295, 367
DF suggests Roman story line to, 305–306
on DF’s French mannerisms, 31–32, 262
on DF’s preparations for Robin Hood, 284
Flynn, Emmett, 367
Flynn, Maurice Bennett “Lefty,” 290–291
Follies Bergère, 275
Ford, Henry, 215
Forest Lawn cemetery, 442, 481
Forever Yours. See Secrets (1933)
Fort Hamilton Division of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps, 38
Fort Worth Morning Register, 26
Fortnight Club, 180
Fox, William, 365n
Foy, Eddie, 77
freelance workers, 365
onry, 408
French mannerisms, 31–32, 262
Frenzied Finance. See Case of Frenzied Finance, A (1905)
Frin. See nicknames, private, of Pickford
Frohman, Charles, 61
FTC. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Furst, William, 85
Ga-Ga (monkey), 433n, 437, 437n
Garbo, Greta, 386
Gaucho, The (1927), 368, 369–370, 375–376
geisha girls, 404
Gem Collector, The (Wodehouse), 60
Gentleman from Mississippi, A (1908), 51–54
Gentleman of Leisure, A (1911), 57, 60–61, 62
Gentleman of Leisure, A (Wodehouse), 62
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos), 150, 169
George, Grace, 39, 44
George Eastman House, 345
Geraghty, Thomas “Tom,” 147, 225, 226–227, 229, 368, 433, 434, 447–449, 450, 453, 482
Gest, Morris, 321
gestures, trademark, 40
Giannini, Attilio Henry, 471–472, 476
Gibbons, Floyd, 354
Gibson, Hoot, 176
Giebler, A. H., 213
Gillette, William, 15, 18
Ginger (dog), 176
Gish, Lillian, 256
Glass, Montague, 269
Globe Theatre (New York City), 336
Glorious Adventure, The (1922), 343n
Goebbels, Joseph, 476
Goldwyn, Samuel, 76, 106, 134, 215, 349n, 358, 365n, 407, 437n, 463, 471–472, 476–477
buys rights to Marco Polo project, 469
on DF’s love for Pickford, 302
on founding of United Artists, 215
tears down sets at Pickford-Fairbanks lot, 471
United Artists and, 463, 476–477
Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, 134
golf, passion for, 406, 410, 426, 427–428, 439
Good Bad Man, The (1916), 105, 106, 151n
Goulding, Edmund, 416–417
Grand Opera House (Chicago), 65
Grauman, Sid, 474n, 482
Grauman’s Chinese Theatre (Hollywood), 375, 428, 474n
Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre (Hollywood), 428
Grauman’s Million Dollar Theatre (Los Angeles), 190–191
Great Train Robbery, The (1903), 35
Green, Walter, 107
Gregory, Jackson, 160, 368
Grey, Albert, 330
Griffith, D. W., 48–49, 57n, 76n, 78, 79–82, 84, 86n, 254, 256
animosity towards DF and Pickford, 326–327
Anita Loos scripts and, 169
as founding member of United Artists, 206, 216, 216n
growth of Hollywood and, 81
Joseph Schenck and, 330
Mary Pickford and, 94, 95
protests tearing down of sets, 471
relationship with DF, 74, 79–80, 100
signs deal with First National Exhibitors Circuit, 217
signs three-picture deal with Paramount, 325–328
on theatrical versus stock stars, 80
Triangle Film Corporation and, 77, 79n, 129
visits Exposition, 79–81
wooed away from Biograph, 76
Griffith, Raymond “Ray,” 367
Gulf Between, The (1917), 343n
Habit of Happiness, The (1916), 99, 100–101, 103
Hale, Alan, 291
Hale’s Tours, 35
Half Breed, The (1916), 111n, 113–116, 121
Hall, Frank, 14
Hampton Studio, 283, 284
Hand, Learned, 137n
Happy Pair, The (1898), 17
Hardrock (prospector), 11–12
Harrington, Tom, 303
Harris, Sam, 63. See also Cohan & Harris
Hart, William S., 181, 212, 213, 358, 358n
Harte, Bret, 113
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 311–313
Harvard University, myth of attendance at, 23, 52, 316
haunted residence, stay at, 434–435
Hawkes, Edith Louisa Sylvia. See Fairbanks, Sylvia Ashley
Hawks, Howard, 162, 429
Hawthorne of the U.S.A. (1912), 65–67, 129n
Hayakawa, Sessue, 310, 422
Hays, Will, 273, 298, 329, 364
He Comes Up Smiling (1914), 69–71
He Comes Up Smiling (1918), 194–196, 473
Headin’ South (1918), 175–177, 191, 268
Hearst, William Randolph, 85, 215, 450, 482
Heifetz, Jascha, 325
Hell’s Angels (1930), 400
Hemmer, Edward, 141, 143
Henabery, Joseph, 164, 192, 198
on Cabanne, 84n
His Majesty the American and, 220–224
The Man from Painted Post and, 160–163
reaction to marriage of DF and Pickford, 234–235
and Say! Young Fellow, 176–177, 189–191
turns over Reaching for the Moon to Loos and Emerson, 165
on Wild and Woolly, 151–152
as writer of The Man from Painted Post, 159n
Henrietta, The (1887), 68
Her Lord and Master (1901), 29–30
Herald Tribune, 375
Herndon, Booton, 171n, 227, 248, 347, 438n
Higby, Wilbur, 130
His Majesty the American (1919), 65, 220–224, 226, 327
His Picture in the Papers (1916), 88–89, 90, 169
Hitchcock, Raymond, 77, 85
Hodges, Graham Russell Gao, 311
Hollywood, 81–82, 428
Hollywood Hotel, 81
Holt, George, 345–346
Home, George, 337
Hoover, Herbert, 192n
Hopper, DeWolf, 77, 116
horoscope, 411–412, 452
House That Shadows Built, The, 175–176
Houseboat on the Styx, A (Bangs), 367
Howe, Herbert, 335
Hughes, Rupert, 269
Humberstone, Bruce “Lucky,” 284, 372, 374n, 381–382, 396, 398
Hume, Benita, 461
Hunne, Maude, 16
In Again, Out Again (1917), 144–146, 147, 149
“In the Carquinez Woods” (Harte), 113
In the Limelight (1914), 71
Ince, Thomas H., 77
Independent Motion Picture Company, 74, 95
India, 424–426
influenza, impact on motion picture industry, 199–200
Institute of the American Musical, 416n
International Film Service Company, 215
Intolerance (1915), 80n, 129n
Intrusion of Jimmy, The (Wodehouse), 60, 62
Invader (yacht), 433
Iron Mask, The (1929), 380–381, 386–387, 391, 392–393
Iron Strain, The (1915), 85
Iroquois Theatre fire, 36
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 388
Irving, Henry, 15, 393
Irving, Laurence, 385
Irwin, Will, 211–212
Isn’t Life Wonderful (1924), 328, 330
Jack Spurlock, Prodigal (1908), 61
Jacobs, Joe, 453
Jacobs, Lewis, 35
Janis, Elsie, 91–92, 97, 117, 118
Jarvis Hall Military Academy (Montclair, Colorado), 13, 14
Jazz Singer, The (1927), 376, 377
Jesse Hampton Studio, 283, 284
Jessup, Mrs., 11–12
Joan the Woman (1916), 342
Johnston, Julanne, 310, 312
Jolson, Al, 377, 383, 386
Jones, Aaron J., 207
Jones, Bobby, 410, 410n
Jones, Julia, 6
Julius Caesar (1916), 116
“Just My Style” (song), 39
juvenile jump, 79n
Kahanamoku, Duke, 405
Kahn, Robert, 251
Kalmus, Herbert Thomas, 342, 343
Kamiyama, Sôjin, 313, 422
Kane, Bob, 251
Kaufman, Al, 198
Keaton, Buster, 110–111, 191, 196, 329, 414
Kenneth Ridge (Watch
Hill, RI), 45, 122, 471
Keystone Kops, 81
Kiki (1931), 416
Kinemacolor, 75, 341–342
King of Kings (1927), 367–368
Kirkwood, James, 141
Kirmess (1897), 15
Kiss from Mary Pickford, A (1927), 356
Kitchen, Karl, 147, 197, 217, 351, 452
Klaw and Erlanger, 68, 69
Klein, Arthur, 63
Knickerbocker Buckaroo, The (1919), 204–206, 219
Knoblock, Edward, 148–149, 233n, 257, 259–260, 308, 383, 439n
Knocking Knockers (1919), 192
Kobe, Japan, crowd control in, 404
Korda, Alexander, 449, 456, 472
Koszarski, Richard, 89n
Krueger, Miles, 419
Kruger, “Stubby,” 345
Lackaye, Wilton, 37
Ladies’ Home Journal, 165
Laemmle, Carl, 209n
Lafayette Flying Corps, 205
Lahue, Kalton, 77
Lalor, Frank, 145
Lamb, The (1915), 78–79, 82–83, 84–85
Lambs Club, 27, 179
Lambs Gambol, 143
Lanvin, Jeanne, 278
Lasky, Jesse, 76, 124, 132, 133, 137, 208, 315–317, 323, 343, 364
Lasky, Jesse, Jr., 123–124, 315, 317
Laugh and Live (Fairbanks), 146
law career, 3n, 34
Lee, Lila, 97
Leisen, Mitchell, 291–292, 292n, 293
Leloir, Maurice, 380–381
Leni, Paul, 306
Less Than the Dust (1916), 117
Levy, Moe, 71n
Lewis, Chuck, 147, 295, 345, 401, 404, 421, 433, 444, 479
as pallbearer, 482
sliding down the sails stunt and, 347
Lewis, Ed “Strangler,” 168
Liberty Loan films, 191–192, 219
Liberty Loan tours, 181–188, 199–202
Liberty Theatre (New York City), 72
Lichtman, Al, 462, 463
Lieber, Robert, 207
Life of an American Fireman, The (1902), 35
Lights o’ London, The (1911), 57–60
Lion’s Mouth, The (1900), 27
Little Annie Rooney (1925), 332, 352, 353
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1921), 256, 326
Llewellyn J. Morse (vessel), 348–349
Lloyd, Harold, 252n, 335
Lockwood, Harold, 199
Loew, Marcus, 329
Loew’s Inc., 329
Lombardi, Frederic, 197, 288n
London Films, 449, 455
London Times, 351
Loos, Anita, 83, 101, 127, 128, 131
asked by DF about crowd cheering, 240n
compensation, 136
contract termination, 168–169
contribution to American Aristocracy, 125
on DF’s aversion to love scenes, 248
on DF’s vices, 98
on Eileen Percy, 149–150
first screenplay, 95
friction between DF and, 159–160, 163, 164–165
on making DF a star, 169–170
racism of, 90, 159