The First King of Hollywood
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and Reaching for the Moon, 165–166, 168
on split from DF, 170–171
writes script for Down to Earth, 157, 159
writes script for His Picture in the Papers, 88–90
writes script for The Matrimaniac, 126
Love, Bessie, 97–98, 104, 108, 111, 112, 115, 420
Love Flower, The (1920), 253, 326–327
Love in a Cottage. See Reaching for the Moon (1930)
love scenes, aversion to, 248
Lubitsch, Ernst, 314–315, 394
Lyle, Eugene P., 128, 171n
Lyric Theatre (New York City), 264, 296–297
MacDonald, Katherine, 175
MacGrath, Harold, 226
MacKern, Helen, 192
MacWilliams, Glen, 123, 149, 168, 189
Madame DuBarry (1919), 247
magic tricks, 250–251n
Maid Marian (fictional character), 282
Majestic Motion Picture Company, 95, 104, 135
makeup, 82–83, 83n, 216n
Man Bait (1927), 346
Man from Painted Post, The (1917), 159n, 160–164
Man from the Mountain, The (1896), 14
Man of the Hour, The (1906), 44–45, 47
Manhattan Madness (1916), 116–117, 119–121, 172n
Manhattan Theatre, 44
Mantle, Burns, 11, 66
Marco Polo (dog), 176n, 480
Marco Polo project, 469
Margaret Mary (niece), 478
Marion, Frances, 117n, 194–195, 199, 240, 445
Mark of Zorro, The (1920), 247–248, 250–253, 275, 356
box office receipts, 252
production costs, 250n
rights sold to Zanuck, 470
Marsh, Belle. See Rowe, Belle Marsh
Marsh, Ella Adelaide. See Fairbanks, Ella (mother)
Marshall, Herbert, 449
Marshall, Tully, 116, 192
Martyrs of the Alamo, The (1915), 79
Marvin, Arthur, 49
Mason, Elizabeth, 319n
Matrimaniac, The (1916), 126, 127, 130
Maxwell, Elsa, 473
Mayer, David, 64
Mayer, Louis B., 134, 134n, 358n, 364
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 181–182, 191, 200, 214–215, 216n, 254
McAvoy, May, 432
McCarron, Mary, 15
McCarthy, Neil, 476
McClellan, George B., 267
McCoy, Kid, 189
McCutcheon, George Barr, 221n
McCutcheon, Wallace, 48
McGovern, Patrick, 10
McGovern, Terry, 89
McKim, Robert, 251
McLaren. See Fairbanks, Sylvia Ashley
McNab, Gavin, 234
Mei Lanfang, 423
Melancholiac, The (proposed movie title), 256
Méliès, Georges, 35
Men and Women (1903), 33
Menjou, Adolphe, 100, 146, 259–260, 261, 263, 290–291
Menzies, William Cameron, 306
Mephistopheles (fictional character), 314
Merritt, Greg, 273n
Merritt, Russell, 83n, 86n, 110, 487
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The (Pyle), 283
Merwin, Samuel, 269
“Message to Garcia,” 198, 219–220
Methodist Episcopal Church (Los Angeles), 235
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 329
Metro Pictures, 324
Mickey Mouse, 423–424
Miller, Arthur, 145
Million Dollar Theatre (Los Angeles). See Grauman’s Million Dollar Theatre (Los Angeles)
Mills, A. B., 15
Miltern, John, 65
Minter, Mary Miles, 298
Miracle, The (1924), 368, 394
Mix, Tom, 340n
Miyajima, Japan, 422–423
Modern Musketeer, A (1917), 171–174
Mollycoddle, The (1920), 226–229
money, inability to remember to carry, 274, 324
Monsieur Beaucaire, 280n, 305
Montana, Luigi “Bull,” 146–147, 154, 168, 192, 198, 481
Moore, Owen, 91, 94–95, 155–156, 165, 171, 186, 188, 230, 233–234, 234n
Moore, Thomas, 264
morale films, 219
Morey Mercantile Company, 13, 107–108
Morgan, J. P., 215
Morning Telegraph, 41
Morris, Clara, 120
Mother and the Law, The (film), 80
Motion Picture Country House and Hospital, 310
Motion Picture Magazine, 446–449
Motion Picture News, 85, 86–87, 114, 150n, 159, 177, 196, 202, 223
on DF in The Taming of the Shrew, 399
on Down to Earth, 159
on His Majesty the American, 223
on The Mystery of the Leaping Fish, 111–112
Motion Picture Patents Trust, 81
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), 273
Motion Picture Relief Organization, 188–189
motion pictures
costumed, 257
impact of influenza on industry, 199–200
as recreation for American troops, 189
theatrical release schedules for, 217–218
Mountbatten, Lady, 407, 414
Mountbatten, Lord, 257, 322
Moving Picture World, 125, 155, 186, 202
Mr. Fixit (1918), 116n, 177–178, 206, 250n
Mr. Robinson Crusoe (1932), 432–436
Mrs. Jack (1902), 32, 33n
Muriel (vessel), 348n
Murnau, F. W., 434
Museum of Modern Art, 473
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912), 83n
Mussolini, Benito, 352–353
Mutual Film Corporation, 76
Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio, 267n
My Best Girl (1927), 372, 447
My Valet (1915), 85
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The (1916), 109–112
Nagel, Conrad, 364
Naoki, 186–187
Nast, Condé, 350
Neale, Berniece, 319n
Neff, Wallace, 300, 363, 363n
Negri, Pola, 302
Neilan, Marshall “Mickey,” 142, 310, 412
Nestor Studios, 81
New Amsterdam Theatre, 42, 53
New Garrick Theater, 36
New Henrietta, The (1913), 68, 69
New National Theater (Washington, DC), 52
New York Board of Censorship of Programs of Motion Picture Shows, 267, 268
New York Clipper, 50
New York Dramatic Mirror, 18, 38, 53, 158
New York Graphic, 375
New York Hat, The (1912), 95
New York State Motion Picture Commission, 299
New York Sun, 45
New York Times, 44–45, 50, 53, 70, 106, 107, 108, 115, 125
Newsboy’s Union Masquerade and Entertainment, 17
Niblo, Fred, 248n, 251, 364
nicknames, private
of DF, 374, 374n, 442, 455, 461
of Pickford, 374, 374n, 442, 458, 483
Non-sense of Censorship, The (1921), 269
Normand, Mabel, 298, 407
Norris, Frank, 37
North Mimms Park (Hertfordshire, England), 453
Northcliffe, Lord, 240
nudity, comfort with public, 285, 285n, 421
Nut, The (1921), 254–255
O’Brien, Dennis “Cap,” 132, 134, 136, 214n, 229, 248, 265, 298, 309, 414
O’Brien, Paul, 438
Officer 666 (1912), 64–65
O’Hara, Maureen, 345n
On the Bowery (1896), 15
opium party, 423n
O’Ryan, Father, 14, 21
Osuna, Don Juan María, 362
Our Mutual Girl (series), 76
Our Mutual Girl Sees the Yale-Princeton Game (short), 76
Owen, “Little,” 31
Paderewski, Ignace, 85
Pajama Parlor, 473
Palace Thea
tre (New York City), 70
Palisades Amusement Park, 329
Palme d’Or, 324
Parade’s Gone By, The (Brownlow), 287
Paragon Film Laboratory, 163
Paramount (distributors), 132, 208, 271
Paramount Pictures, 132, 317
Parker, Albert, 148, 202, 204, 346, 348n, 401, 402, 421
Parker, Dorothy, 268
Parker, Mr. (investor), 129–130
Parrish, Robert, 347
Parsons, Louella, 408, 445–446, 457, 460
Parthenon, 401
“People’s League Tickets,” 72
Percy, Eileen, 149–150, 176
performance reviews, 44, 45, 370–371
All for a Girl, 49–50
Arizona (1918), 202–203
Case of Frenzied Finance, 41
The Cub, 56
Don Q, Son of Zorro, 336
The Gaucho, 375
Gentleman from Mississippi, 53
The Good Bad Man, 106
The Habit of Happiness, 101
Hawthorne of the U.S.A., 66
He Comes Up Smiling, 70
His Picture in the Papers (1916), 89–90
The Lamb, 85, 86–87
Man from Painted Post, 163
New Henrietta, 69
Reaching for the Moon (1917), 168
Robin Hood, 300
Taming of the Shrew, 399
The Three Musketeers, 266–267
Pete. See nicknames, private, of DF
Peter Pan (1924), 322–323, 325
Photoplay, 101, 115, 125, 133, 155, 165, 177, 235, 248–249, 335
Pickfair, 229n, 233, 257–259, 349–351, 437, 450
Pickford, Charlotte Smith, 143, 156, 182, 193, 232, 235, 278, 351, 352
accompanies Mary Pickford to Nevada, 230–231
adopts granddaughter, 261
death of, 378
dislike of Owen Moore, 94–95, 264
hires Hemmer as fixer, 141
illness of, 350–352
tea with Ella Fairbanks, 98
testifies in support of daughter, 287
Pickford, Jack, 93, 193, 233n, 260–261, 319–320, 401, 407, 432, 441
Pickford, Lottie, 93, 193, 261, 441–442
Pickford, Mary, 57n, 75, 77, 82, 87, 91–92, 136, 344, 379
ability to register with film audiences, 94, 96
Adolph Zukor and, 96, 132–133, 155–156, 209, 325
alcohol use by, 432
attraction to DF, 96–97
birth of, 93
block booking practices and, 132–133
Buddy Rogers and, 372–373, 438, 444, 447, 449, 454, 471
buys special rodeo section for children, 180–181
cameo as Virgin Mary, 369
consoles DF after death of his mother, 139–140
D. W. Griffith and, 94, 95
downward spiral of, 330
early acting roles, 93–94
encourages DF to resume filmmaking in US, 464–465
enthusiasm for travel, 274, 400–401
Ernst Lubitsch and, 314–315
European vacations, 274–279
first impression of DF, 95
First National Exhibitors Circuit and, 208, 209–210, 215, 252
on Follies Bergère dancers, 275
influence on selection of DF’s leading ladies, 309
on jealousy, 241
kidnapping conspiracy targeting, 337–340
lawsuit against, 286–287
letter from DF, 156–157
love affair with DF, 140–144
Majorie Daws and, 175
marriage to DF (see Fairbanks-Pickford marriage)
Owen Moore and, 94–95, 96, 230–231, 233–234, 264
physical characteristics, 94
portraying children, 155–156
pregnancy and, 263
private nicknames of, 374, 374n, 442, 458, 483
reaction to death of her mother, 378
reaction to DF’s death, 481
reports on DF’s corneal burn, 121
response to news of Fairbanks’ separation, 188
signs on to Liberty Bonds tour, 182
sources of support for, 192–193
United Artists and, 208, 216, 216n, 463
wooing of, by DF, 96–98, 99, 117–119
Pickford-Fairbanks Studios, 284–286, 463, 471
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 210
Pit, The (1903), 34, 35–38
Pitts, ZaSu, 173
Plaza Hotel (New York City), 167–168
Plunkett, Lady and Lord, 472–473
Pollyanna (1920), 126n, 252
Porter, Edwin S., 35, 180
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1936), 467
Powell, Paul, 126
Power, Tyrone, 43, 116
practical jokes, love of, 22–23, 33, 58–59, 172–173, 197, 237, 292–293, 325, 435
pregnancies, unwanted, 264, 445
Price, Oscar, 214, 254
Prichard, Hesketh, 332
Prisoner of Zenda, The (1937), 474
Private Life of Don Juan, The (1934), 449, 451, 453, 456–457
Private Life of Henry VIII, The (1933), 449
Prizma Color, 343n
Professor Jones’ Mandolin Club, 16
Pyle, Howard, 283
“Quiet Family, The” (skit), 18
racism, 90, 111n, 159
Rack, The (1911), 61
radio broadcasts, 382–383
Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO) Pictures, 463
Rancho Santa Fe, 362
Rancho Zorro, 361–363
Randolf, Anders, 348
Rappe, Virginia, 270–271
Ray, Charles, 390
Reaching for the Moon (1917), 165–168
Reaching for the Moon (1930), 40, 90n, 414–418, 428, 429
Red Cross. See American Red Cross
Reed, Ted, 205, 348, 362, 368
Reggie Mixes In (1916), 108–109, 115–116
registering, concept of, 87
Regular Businessman, A (vaudeville sketch), 64, 70, 71
Regular Guy, A. See Wild and Woolly (1917)
Reid, Wallace, 109, 235, 304
Reinhardt, Max, 368, 394
reissues, 265
Rescued from an Eagle’s Nest (1908), 48
reviews. See performance reviews
revolving room innovation, 224n
Rex (dog), 176n, 224
Rhodes, Harrison, 51
Rialto Theatre (New York City), 106–107, 126, 149, 164
Richard III (1912), 25–26
Richman, Charles, 59, 60
Rising Sun (bronze), 258–259, 259n
Riverside Ranch (Wyoming), 160n
Rivoli Theatre (New York City), 391–392, 430
RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) Pictures, 463
road-show presentations, 129n, 217, 296, 321
robberies and burglaries, 469
Roberts, Theodore, 116
Robin (dog), 176n
Robin Hood (1922)
censorship of, 299–300
costumes for, 291–292
DF’s reaction to sets, 287–288
filming of, 292
movie tie-ins for, 296
outtakes, 293–294
premiere tour for, 295–296
resistance by DF to making, 281–283
set building for, 286
wig choice for DF’s role in, 291
Robinson, David, 211, 359
Robinson, Spike, 147, 168
Robson, Stuart, 68–69
Rocher (valet), 258, 320, 475
rodeos, 180–181
Rogers, Charles “Buddy,” 372–373, 438, 444, 447, 449, 454, 471
Rogers, Will, 383, 413
Romance (1920), 253
Rooney (dog), 176n, 433
Rooney (nickname), 442
Rooney, Pat, 389
Roosevelt, Franklin, 183
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 52–53, 157,
Roper, Bob, 345
Rose, David, 469
Rose o’ Plymouth-Town, A (1902), 32
Rosita (1923), 314, 315
Rosson, Arthur, 176, 221
Rosson, Richard, 290
Rothafel, Sam, 169n
Rowe, Adelaide, 5
Rowe, Belle Marsh, 5, 13
Rowe, Edward, 5
Roxy Theatre, 169
royalty, associations with, 350–351, 429, 437
Rubens, Alma, 108, 114–115
Rules of the Censor, The (Hughes), 269
Rupp, Gwynne, 261, 279, 320, 349, 391, 480–481
Russell, Charles, 153–154
Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company, 33
Rutherford, New Jersey, 145n
Sally of the Sawdust (1925), 330
Salvation Hunters, The (1925), 355
Sam (extra), 318
Sampson, J. P., 479, 480
San Diego Exposition, 129
San Francisco Silent Film Festival, 345n
Sandhurst, George, 45
Saturday Evening Post, 226
Say! Young Fellow (1918), 55n, 176, 189, 473n
Scarlet Pimpernel, The (Orczy), 251
Schenck, Joseph, 328–330, 343, 349, 358, 395, 414–415, 418, 452–453, 462, 482
Schenck, Nicholas, 329
Schickel, Richard, 76, 113, 122, 255, 330
Schulberg, Benjamin “B. P.,” 211–212, 214, 214n
Schulberg, Budd, 212
Schwalbe, Harry, 207
screen tests, 74–75
Screenland, 308–309
Secrets (1933), 408, 416, 439
Seldes, Gilbert, 78
self-help books, 147
Seligman, Abraham, 297
Selwyn Theater (New York City), 351
Selznick, David O., 463
Sennett, Mack, 77, 110, 253, 407
Serrano, Vincent, 47
set musicians, 319
Seven Deadly Sins, The, 110
Seyffertitz, Gustav von, 192
Sharp, Henry, 421
Shea, William (Billy), 162, 198
Sherman, Lowell, 270
Sherwood, Robert, 351, 351n
Show Shop, The (1914), 71, 72
Shubert, Lee, 38–39
Shuster, Joe, 252
Sic ’em Sam (1918), 192, 202
“Silver Slippers” (Gregory), 160
Silverstone, Murray, 476
Silverstone Plan, 477n
Sing, Wong Sam, 311
Sixty Club, 180
sliding down the sails stunt, 347
smile, power of the famous Fairbanks, 1, 50–51, 168–169, 249, 454
“Smileage” campaign, 189
Smiles (horse), 151
Smith, Charlotte (Pickford’s mother). See Pickford, Charlotte Smith
Smith, George Washington, 363
Smith, Gladys Marie. See Pickford, Mary
Smith, Jack. See Pickford, Jack
Smith, Lottie. See Pickford, Lottie
Smith, Winchell, 66, 83, 229
Smutzer, Mrs. Frederick C., 15
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), 463
Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 366