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Thug Passion 4

Page 8

by Mz. Lady P

  "What I'm I going to do if she don't wake up?" Dro put his head down in his hands I knew he was shedding tears.

  "That's actually why I came over here. Dro, you have to get up to that hospital and let her know that you're there. She needs to hear your voice. She's responding to me and the other girls. Sitting in this house feeling sorry for yourself is not going to change what happened. Those kids need you more than anything right now. Get it together for your family. I'll finishing cleaning the house. You go get ready to go sit with your wife. Dro headed towards the back of the house and went to the kitchen. At the same time, someone started to beat on the door. I ran into the hallway and Dro was standing there with his gun out to his side.

  "Shhh!" He put his finger up telling me to be quiet. I walked over towards him and he swung open the door. I couldn't believe Nico's mother Lisette was standing on Khia's doorstep. She looked just like Nico's ass. I stayed hidden from her because I didn't want her to see me. From where I was standing, I was able to see her though. She was clean and had picked up a lot of weight. I hated to admit it, but the bitch looked good.

  "May I help you with something?" Dro asked as he eased his gun into the back of his waistline.

  "As a matter fact you can't help me with shit. I'm here to see that lying bitch Khia. She was supposed to be at court yesterday and she never showed her face. I'm sick and tired of her keeping my grandson from me. I hear you think that you're his father. Let me enlighten you, his father is Nicario "Nico" Douglass."

  "I'm his father. Now get the fuck off my property before I send you where ever the fuck your bitch ass son is at." Dro slammed the door in her face never giving her a chance to respond. On the other side of the door, Lisette was screaming at the top of her lungs. Telling the whole block how the people in this house had something to do with the disappearance of Nico.

  "This shit ain't good for business, Dro. We have to do something about her ass. She's reckless and her running off at the mouth could be our downfall. You had nothing to do with Nico's disappearance, but the rest of us do. I'm not about to do time for killing his bitch ass. Fuck that shit."

  "What we going to do, Ta-Baby?" Dro asked he continued to peek out of the curtains to see if Lisette was still out there. It had gotten quiet, so we knew the bitch had finally left.

  "I'm a holler at Thug. All I want you to do is focus on Khia. I'll let you know what Thug says."

  After discussing the matter for another twenty minutes, we went our separate ways. My mind was all over the place. That bitch Lisette had me nervous. The way she was running off at the mouth at Dro's place, I knew she had been running off at the mouth about Nico to whoever would listen.


  "Hey Baby. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Thug was inside his man cave watching the Bears game with all of our sons. He loved to watch the game with them. It was their bonding time.

  "Of course, we can talk. Let me take the boys to the movie theater and cut on something for them to watch." I sat on the couch and I started to bite on my bottom lip. I was nervous as hell. I know for a fact Thug was going to snap the fuck out when I told him what I wanted to do.

  "What's up Wifey? Come here and give me a kiss?" Thug pulled me into his arms and we kissed each other with so much passion. I wanted to beat around the bush, but I decided against it. I was just going to put it all out there on the table. I would deal with his backlash afterwards.

  "I want to kill Nico's mother Lisette."

  "Come again. Why is that nigga even being mentioned in my presence? He is a dead ass issue, Tahari. Let's leave it that way. Please don't bring this shit up. It's bad enough I have the police all of a sudden questioning me about that fuck nigga."

  "Baby, you're missing the point. I'm not trying to bring him up. His mother showed up and Dro's house today. She acted a fool and she started yelling all loud and shit outside about us killing Nico. Baby, you have to let me off her ass. If we don't kill her, she's going to be our downfall. I bet she's the reason why the police was questioning us about Nico and Detective Grimes in the first place." Thug was now pacing back and forth. He did that when he was mad and thinking real hard about shit.

  "What the fuck were you doing over at Dro's?" My big mouth ass had forgotten just that fast that he told me not to go over there and to mind my business.

  "I'm sorry, Thug. I just had to go over there and talk to him about Khia."

  "You're so fucking hardheaded. I distinctly told you to mind your business." Thug was so mad at me, but I didn't care. I wanted to pop off and tell his ass he wasn't my father, but right now wasn't the time to be brave.

  "Damn! I said I was sorry. Can I kill Lisette or no?" I didn't come in here to argue and fight with his ass.

  "No. Let me and the crew handle the bitch. I don't want you to be a part of any bullshit. Do you hear me, Tahari? Leave the shit alone for now. I need to deal with this Gianelli beef first." Thug was staring my ass down letting me know he meant business.

  "Okay." I looked at my husband and lied to him with a straight fucking face. In my heart, I knew that I had to kill the bitch Lisette. I had every intention on murking that bitch sooner than later.

  Chapter Eighteen-Barbie

  Brokenhearted Reality

  Being married to Malik had been everything I dreamed it would be. He came home at a decent hour, he spent as much time with me and Londyn as he could, and our sex life was off the chain. We made love to one another at least twice a day. I couldn't even remember the last time we had an argument. I had no reasons to believe that he had reverted back to his old ways. That was until today when he left his cell phone in our bed while he took a shower.

  The buzzing of the phone woke me up. I looked around and I grabbed it. I noticed he had over ten missed calls and even more unread messages. I haven't been through his phone in a long time. Knowing that he hadn't been cheating on me, I didn't have a reason to snoop through his phone. As I held the phone, a text came through. I knew his lock code; it was our daughter's birthday. I entered the code and I clicked on the message. When I read it, I wished that I had never opened it. There was no name to the contact so only the number showed.

  (773)547-0096: Lil Malik wants to know can you come to his football game today at 1pm. Call me and let me know if you can make it. The game is going to be at Garfield Park.

  As I read the text, my heart started to hurt like I was going to have a heart attack. I felt so sick. I felt vomit rise up in my throat, but nothing came all the way up. The sound of the Malik turned the water off made me hurry up and put his phone back down. The tears were falling from my eyes, but I had to hurry up and wipe them away.

  I pulled the covers back over me and turned over so that I wasn't facing him. If I looked him in the eyes, I knew that I would burst in tears. I couldn't believe this shit. I had no clue this nigga had a son on me. I felt him lay in the bed next to me. The sound of him opening his phone made my heart started to beat so fast. I knew he was reading the message. I turned over in bed and now I facing him. He quickly replied and closed his phone.

  "Good Morning, Beautiful," Malik said as he kissed my lips. I wanted to fuck his ass straight up, but I had to hold my composure.

  "Good Morning. What you got going on today? I was thinking we could take Londyn to Sweet and Sassy to get her nails and feet did. Later we can go out to Red Lobster to eat."

  "I have an appointment with the realtor for our new house. You go ahead and take baby girl to get pampered. We can meet up at Red Lobster later." He kissed me on the forehead and started to get dressed. It pained my heart that he said fuck our daughter, so that he could go and be with his son. I wondered did his family know about the little boy. I couldn't believe he already had a son. A namesake at that. Every wife wanted to have her husband's first son. Last month we both agreed that I would stop taking my birth control pills, so that I could get pregnant and give him a son. I laid in bed and watched as he got dressed, before I finally got up and got my daughter dressed.

p; "I'm about to head out Bae. I'll hit you when I'm on my way to Red Lobster." Malik leaned down to kiss me and I grabbed the back of his head and slipped me tongue in his mouth. I kissed him deeply because I wanted to feel his lips and tongue for the last time.

  "Damn Barbie, you kissing me like I'm going off to do a bid or some shit. I love you baby," Malik said as he kissed me and Londyn before heading out the door. I hurried up and threw on a pair of Nike stretch pants and a hoodie. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and I stared in the mirror as I applied a light coating of makeup. Once I was satisfied with the way I looked, I went into Malik's closet and opened his safe. I took a couple of stacks of money. I didn't have to count it, I just took the shit. I had no plans on returning.

  I left the house with nothing that I owned besides the clothes on my back. I grabbed my keys and my daughter. We drove straight to the football game. I needed to see the little boy and his mother. I needed the proof in front of me. After years of his constant cheating, bringing home diseases, and his blatant disrespect for me, I was officially done with his ass. Having a baby on me was icing on the cake. Londyn shouldn't have to share her Daddy with a little boy that I didn't give birth to. I was so selfish when it came to Malik that I wanted him all to myself. I deserved to have him to myself. I'd held him down since I was fifteen years old.

  Damn near the whole relationship I had shared him with some random bitch with the exception of the last year and a half. As I pulled into the parking lot, I spotted Malik's black on black Audi. My blood started boiling and I was ready to tear some shit up, but I had to remain cool, calm, and collective. I had my daughter with me and I didn't want her to see me kill her daddy with my bare hands. I got out and headed towards the football field. I could hear Malik cheering the little boy on as he scored a touchdown.

  My eyes made contact with the female standing beside him. I had to blink to make sure I was looking at the bitch Diamond he had cheated on me with numerous times. She must liked getting her ass whooped because I tagged that ass every time I saw her. I was crushed as I watched them interact. He always acted like she was just a fuck. From where I was standing, she was way more than that. I had no intentions on coming here and acting an ass, but all that shit went out the window when I saw that bitch.

  Chapter Nineteen- Malik

  You Never Miss A Good Thing Until It's Gone

  I hated to lie to Barbie this morning. However, I knew that if she ever found out I had a five-year-old son our marriage would be over. I used to fuck with Diamond real hard a couple of years back. When Barbie caught me with her at the club, all hell broke loose. She beat me and Diamond's ass. Barbie went crazy. She busted all my windows out and put my tires on a flat and set all my clothes on fire. The crazy part about it was she burnt all my shit on Diamond's doorstep.

  I had to tell Diamond it was over in front of Barbie in order for her to take me back. Plus, I felt sorry for Diamond. Barbie beat the girl's ass every time she saw her. I still crept with Diamond from time to time. It was something about Diamond that I just couldn't resist. I had the total package at home, but being the nigga that I was back then, I continued to cheat. One day Diamond told me that she was pregnant and I told her ass to dead that shit. I couldn't risk Barbie finding out she was pregnant by me. I gave her money for an abortion and the bitch skipped town.

  When I never heard from her again, I assumed she was lying about the pregnancy just to get some money out of my ass. Six months ago, this bitch popped up on the block with the little boy. It took everything inside of me not to slap the shit out this bitch. Her ass was a distant fucking memory. Now here she was getting ready to wreak havoc on my marriage. To my surprise, she just wanted me to know that we had a son together.

  She assured me that she wanted nothing from me. All she wanted was for her son to know his father. She didn't even have to say anything because I knew he was mine. He looked exactly like my daughter and me. He definitely was a Kenneth. No one in my family knew about him. I had to prepare myself to tell my wife about Lil' Malik. Lately, she'd been talking about giving me a son, so I knew it was going to crush her knowing that I already had a son and he was my namesake. Every time I got ready to tell Barbie about him, I chickened out. I knew that sooner or later, I would have to tell her. Nothing prepared me for how soon that time would come.

  "Aren't we one big happy family?" Barbie said as she came and stood beside me. I hated that Londyn was with her. I was shocked as hell. How the fuck did she know I was here?

  "What the fuck are you doing here, Barbie?" I regretted coming at her reckless because she slapped me so hard she knocked my shades of my face. It took everything in me not to beat her ass. All eyes were on us and we were drawing a crowd. "Bring your ass on!" I grabbed her by the arm and tried to pull her away from the football field. Our daughter was now crying and I hated for her to see this shit. I picked Londyn up and tried to stop her from crying.

  "Let me go, Malik. I want to talk this bitch about her bastard ass child!" Barbie attempted to walk towards Diamond but I stopped her.

  "We're not doing this shit here, Barbie." I said through gritted teeth. I looked over at Diamond and I knew that she was scared shitless.

  "Daddy did you see my touchdown!" Lil Malik said as ran over and hugged me.

  "Yeah, Lil Man. I saw you do your thing." He took his helmet off and all of sudden Barbie stopped ranting and raving and just stared at him. I saw her eyes get glossy. I felt like shit at that moment. Diamond grabbed Lil Malik and she hurriedly walked away with him. She was in no mood to get her ass whooped today.

  "What the fuck you running for scary ass bitch? I would like to let everyone out here know that bitch right there fucked my husband and had a baby by him. She's a hoe ladies, so watch your husbands. She's a home wrecking bitch!" This shit was worse than being caught by the TV show Cheaters. All of the parents were staring at us.

  I hated that Barbie did this in front of the kids that were out there. I saw the coaches walking towards us, so I forcefully grabbed her and pushed her towards the parking a lot. Once we made it to the parking lot, she started fighting and kicking me. I was trying my best to block the blows. In the midst of us tussling, my daughter had got knocked to the ground and was now screaming and hollering. My reflexes made me slap fire out of Barbie's ass. It made her lose her balance and she fell to the ground.

  "You're a stupid ass bitch! Out here performing like this in front of my fucking daughter." I lifted my daughter up and she had cut the inside of her hand open on the gravel.

  "You're so damn right. I'm stupid over your black ass. I can't do this shit no more. I'm tired, Malik. I've taken everything you've done to me over the years in stride. Lord knows I fought for this relationship. I've forgiven you every time even when I knew you were still cheating I took you back." I lifted Barbie off the ground and sat her on the hood of my car next to my daughter.

  "I know baby and I'm sorry. Let's go home so I can tell you everything. I promise I haven't cheated on you since the last time. A nigga's been on the straight and narrow. I found out about him six months ago. I didn't know how to tell you. Come on Barbie you have to believe me." I held her chin up, so that I could look her in the eyes.

  "We've been planning on having a son and giving him your name. You played me, Malik. Why would you give me false hope and make promises you couldn't keep. That shit is wrong on so many levels. My heart is broken right now and you're the cause of it again. He looks just like you and I can't spend the rest of my life looking at him. He will be a constant reminder of your deceit. I want out of this marriage." Barbie took her wedding ring off and threw it at me. She grabbed Londyn and started walking away. I heard her crying and sniffling. That made me start shedding tears like a motherfucker.

  "Come on, Barbie. Don't leave like this. Please let me explain." She never even looked back or said a word. She got inside her car and sped away. At that moment, I totally understood the saying you don't miss a good thing until it was gone. She wasn't gone
a good minute and I felt like it had been forever. I didn't know what to do. There was only one person that I could talk to and that was Thug. I knew my mother was going to spazz out on my ass when she found this shit out.

  Chapter Twenty-Thug

  Up In Flames

  The sound of the smoke detectors going off throughout the house caused me to jump up from my sleep. I looked around the room and smoke was coming in underneath the door.

  "Oh, shit! Tahari, wake up! I think the house is on fire." I was shaking the shit out of her because she was knocked the hell out.

  "Oh, my God! My babies, Thug, please get my kids!" We both jumped out of bed and opened the door the hallway was filled up with smoke and we could barely see in front of us. Tahari was crying so badly and that caused her not to focus. If we were going to get our kids out of here alive, we needed to be focused.

  "Stop panicking, Tahari, and focus. We have to get the kids out of here." The sound of the kids crying made me rush to their bedrooms with Tahari right on my heels. We made it to Ka'Jairea's room first and that was where all the kids were huddled in the corner coughing and choking. It looked like they tried to come out of the room, but the smoke was too intense.

  "Come on babies. Momma and Daddy got y'all," Tahari said as we gathered the kids and exited the room as fast as we could.

  As soon as we made it downstairs, the sound of glass breaking let us know that the fire department was there. Our security company had alerted them. The firemen came into the house and grabbed us.

  "Is there anyone else in the house?" the fireman asked. We both shook our head no. When we made it outside, I noticed that our kitchen was engulfed in flames; it was a miracle it hadn't yet spread to other parts of the house. I was pissed the fuck off because I knew someone deliberately started that shit. It hurt my heart as my kids and my wife had to receive oxygen due to smoke inhalation. Once again bitch ass niggas felt the need to violate where the fuck I laid my head. This time this shit was more personal for me. My fucking kids could have died in that fucking house.


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