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Thug Passion 4

Page 9

by Mz. Lady P

  "Baby, who would set our house on fire?" Tahari cried as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I just hugged her back and held her because once again I really had no idea where it had come from.

  "The kids are all fine, but we're going to take them to the hospital to get them checked out just to be on the safe side," the female paramedic said as she got ready to take them to the hospital.

  "I'll meet you at the hospital. I need to stay here and talk with the Fire Marshall. I'm going to grab all of us some items and get a suite for us to stay in."

  "Please hurry up, Ka'Jaire," Tahari said as she kissed me.

  Once I spoke with the Fire Marshall, he confirmed that it was indeed arson. As much as I loved this house, I knew that I couldn't bring my family back there. Their lives meant more to me than anything in this world. I had a pretty good idea that the Gianelli Crime Family was behind the shit, but I didn't have any concrete evidence. I had every intention of getting to the bottom of the shit. I had put my beef with The Gianelli's on the backburner due to the issues with the family, but now I was moving full speed ahead at getting at them motherfuckers.

  I put my crew up on what had happened and I wanted them to meet me at the warehouse later on the next day. First, I had to make sure my wife and kids were straight and out of harm's way.


  "What if we never would have woke up?" Tahari said as she laid her head on my chest.

  "Don't even think like that. We all made it out safe and sound. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with the crew to see if we can find out who the fuck is behind the bullshit. I'm sorry we didn't go to a hotel, but my momma insisted that we come and stay here with her. With Vinny still being out of town she's a little lonely.

  "It's okay baby. I actually feel safe here with her. I called Marta to let her know what had happened and she had a fit. She told me she was ending her vacation early. She should be here sometime tomorrow."

  "I miss Marta. She's the best."

  "I do too, but we have to continue doing what we're doing as far as the kids go. I don't want to put our kids off on her. We have to raise our own kids."

  "I totally agree baby. Get you some rest I'm going to go check on the kids." All the kids were asleep except for Ka'Jairea. She was sitting up in the bed watching Frozen. That was her favorite movie and she would watch it over and over.

  "What's up babygirl? You should be sleeping." I laid in bed next to her. She looked just like my sister, but I was starting to see features of Kelis in her. It was hard for me to look at her sometimes, especially since I had offed that bitch.

  "I can't sleep, Daddy. I'm scared that lady is going to try and hurt us again." She sounded like she was about to cry.

  "What lady baby girl?" I took the remote out of her hand and cut the TV off.

  "The lady that was in our house. I heard Ka'Jaiyah crying, so I got up to check on her. When I went in her room, the lady had a pillow over her face. I asked her who she was and she said that she was a friend of you and Mommy's. She told me not to tell you that she was there because it was a surprise and that y'all couldn't know. After that, she left. I got my sister and the twins and took them into my room. I woke up Ka'Jaire and told him to come in my room with us. That's when I smelled the smoke. I was so scared Daddy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and Mommy sooner. Are you mad at me?"

  "Of course not. I'm proud of you Baby girl. You saved your sisters and brothers. You're such a good big sister. I'm going to take you to the mall later and buy you something really nice."

  "Just me and you right? I don't want Ka'Jaiyah to go, she will cry all day." I held back my laughter because none of the kids wanted to be bothered with her. She was so bossy and territorial when it came to her Daddy.

  "Just us. I need you to promise me that you won't tell Mommy about the lady being in the house. It has to be our little secret."

  "I promise, Daddy." She hugged me and turned the TV back on. I was livid because I knew the only bitch that overstepped her boundaries was that hoe Yoshi. All week she had been throwing shots on Facebook and threatening me on my voicemail. That bitch just signed her Death Certificate. I couldn't believe this bitch was getting ready to smother my fucking daughter. I couldn't let Tahari know that she was behind it or I would never hear the end of it. I wanted to kill that bitch myself. Just when I thought shit couldn't get worse, it did.

  Chapter Twenty-One- Tahari

  Bitches and More Bullshit

  I couldn't believe what I overheard my daughter and Thug talking about as I headed to the bathroom. I hated that I had to eavesdrop on their conversation. When I heard my daughter say that the bitch put a pillow over my baby's face all I had was murder on my fucking mind. How could Thug even think that it was okay to keep some shit like that from me? I forgot all about having to use the bathroom. I went right back in the room and laid down in the bed. He wasn't even ready for the tongue lashing I was about to give his ass.

  "I thought you was sleep."

  "So, your bitch tried to kill us, huh?" Thug was looking like a deer in headlights as I stared his ass down.

  "What are you talking about, Ta-Baby?" he asked with the goofiest look on his face. I wanted to slap the shit out of him for trying to play on my fucking intelligence.

  "Don't fucking play with me, Ka'Jaire Kenneth. I heard what Baby girl told you. What pisses me off is the fact that you told her not to tell me. Let me find out you trying to protect that sideline hoe. I will shoot you in more than your ass this time around. I play many fucking games, but when it comes to my kids I will kill a bitch dead."

  "Calm down and lower your voice. I don't want to wake my kids or my mother up," Thug said as he sat down on the side of the bed.

  "Please don't tell me to calm down. Are you fucking serious right now? I don't have a calm bone in my fucking body. It's your fault why this shit happened anyway. It's always some bullshit with these psychotic ass bitches you be fucking. If you learned how to keep your dick in your pants we wouldn't have to go through all these fucking changes."

  "Pipe the fuck down, Tahari, and watch your mouth! I can't believe that you would blame me for some shit like this. You know I would never intentionally put you or my kids in harm's way. That's real fucked up that you would let some shit like that come out your mouth."

  "I'll tell you what's fucked up nigga, you keeping this shit from me. It's cool though because I'm going to handle that bitch myself. If I wait for you to do some shit we'll all be dead."

  "I wasn't going to keep it from you, Ta-Baby. I just wanted to check the shit out first. You know I don't act on impulse. If I did, we wouldn't still have our freedom or our lives."

  "Whatever, Thug, I'm not trying to hear that whack shit you saying." I watched as Thug balled his fist up and clenched his jaws. He started to rub his temples like he was trying to calm down. He jumped up from the bed and got in my face.

  "I see why that nigga Nico used to beat your ass. You talk too fucking much. No matter what the situation is you just keep talking and talking. Shut the fuck up sometimes. I really don't appreciate the shit that you're saying to me. Your ass lucky I don't be laying hands on your ass because I would have been reached out and popped you in the mouth."

  "I can't believe you would say some fucked up shit liked that to me." That shit really hurt that he would throw Nico up in my face like that. The ass whoopings I received from him was something I hated to even think about. For Thug to say he would pop me in my mouth had me on the verge of tears.

  "You can't believe I would say some shit like that, yet you talking reckless about me. Like I'm not a good ass nigga or I can't protect my fucking family. Not once did I bring up how your crazy ass mother and father was shooting my fucking house up and you running around here fucking a nigga that was gunning for me. I could say my life has been hell since I met your ass and the only good thing that came out of it was my kids, but that shit wouldn't be right because I love your ass."

  "You don't love me, Thug. Fuck this shit. The only good t
hing that came out of it was our kids and we gone keep it that way; strictly Baby Momma and Baby Daddy going forward. You can believe that shit."

  I laid down in the bed and pulled the covers up over me. I turned my back to his ass. I refused to cry because he said what he said. It hurt my feelings, but I had to admit we both said things to each other that we shouldn't have said. He basically said this relationship wasn't shit. He probably didn't mean it, but there was certain shit that you couldn't take back once it was said. I was not about to fight or argue with him anymore.

  I was going to show him better than I could tell him. If our kids were the only good thing that came out of our relationship then that was the only level we needed to be on. Fuck that husband and wife shit. I'm going to show his black ass better than I can tell him.

  The next morning, I got up and got dressed. I had received a call from Dro saying that Khia had finally woke up from her coma. I needed to go see her and then go to the Doubletree Hotel and check on Barbie. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying to me.

  "Thanks, Momma Peaches, for keeping the kids for me. I'll be back as soon as I can." I kissed each one of my kids on the forehead. I past right by Thug's ass.

  "No, kiss for your husband."

  "What husband? Last I heard nothing good came out of this, but our kids. See you later Baby Daddy."

  "Both of y'all really need to stop this childish ass shit," Peaches said as she put her cigarette out in the ashtray. I kept walking towards the door. I wasn't trying to hear shit. I said what I said and I meant it.

  Thug was blowing my phone up and texting me. I didn't answer or respond to his text. I had better shit to do besides hear him talk shit to me. I knew that he was pissed off about me calling him Baby Daddy. I couldn't help but laugh as I pictured his face in my head when I called him that. He was gon' learn today.

  Once I arrived at the hospital, I went inside the gift shop to get Khia some Get Well balloons and some flowers. As I rode the elevator, all I could do was think about how I was going to kill the bitch Yoshi. I wasn't going to hide from Thug or sneak and do it behind his back. I just refused to wait for him to handle it.


  "Hey Boo. I'm so happy that you're awake. How are you feeling?" I said as I walked into Khia's room and kissed her on the forehead. I noticed that she was just staring off into space and her eyes looked glossy like she was about to cry. "Khia, talk to me. What's wrong?"

  "I'm so fucking mad at Dro right now. I don't even want to see or hear his ass." Khia wiped the tears from her face that had fallen.

  "Don't be like that, Khia. He has really been going through it since all this shit happened. He almost lost his life as well. That crazy ass baby momma of his better be lucky she killed her damn self because I would have killed her myself."

  "What are you talking about, Tahari?" Me and my big ass mouth. Dro hadn't told her about all of the events that had unfolded while she was in coma.

  "Nothing. Don't worry about it. Let's just focus on you getting better and coming home to Khiandre." The look on Khia's face let me know that she wasn't buying the way I tried to cover up my tracks. For the rest of the visit, I caught Khia up on all the other shit that was going on within the family. It was imperative I let her in on my plans with Lisette.

  After giving it much thought, I knew that she needed to handle that bitch with my help of course. It was good to see Khia get up and walk around. Her doctor said that her stomach was healing just fine. It was a miracle she didn't have to wear a colostomy bag. During the whole visit, I could tell that Khia's mind was a million miles away. This shit had really traumatized her. Hopefully when she was released from the hospital she would get better. Dro was going to need for her to be in her right state of mind because they now had four kids to raise.

  After visiting with Khia, I made sure to call Dro. I told him that he needed to tell Khia about the shit that went down with his Baby Momma. Once I handled that, I headed over to the Double Tree Hotel to meet up with Barbie. I didn't know what the hell was going on with her and Malik. The way she was crying on the phone I knew that the shit wasn't good at all.

  I sent her a text and she gave me her room information. When I arrived, she opened the door and she looked a hot mess. Entering the room, I sat down on the bed with Londyn and watched her as she combed her American Girl Doll's hair. Barbie was sitting in a chair by the window staring out of it. I could tell that she was in deep thought. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I just decided to wait it out until she was ready to talk.

  While I waited, I got up and started cleaning the room. There were potato chip and candy wrappers everywhere. Not to mention, the numerous amount of old bags of takeout. The room was a hot mess. I looked over at Barbie and she was smoking a cigarette and that was a shocker because I never knew that she smoked.

  "Malik has a five year old son. I went through his phone and that's how I found out. I saw the little boy and he is the splitting image of Londyn and Malik. I can't believe this shit, Tahari. All the shit I have put up with from him. We haven't even been married a year and it's over already." Barbie was crying so hard that she had me crying. Since I met her, she had rarely shown any emotion behind Malik's bullshit. So, to see her in such a fucked up state had me hurting for her.

  "Are you serious? Do you know who the bitch is he has a baby by?"

  "Yeah. He used to fuck with her a couple of years back. I caught them together and he promised me the shit was over. He claims he didn't know about Lil Malik until about six months ago. He carried this shit around all this time. He straight played my stupid ass. This nigga had me thinking we were working on giving him a namesake and he knew that he already had one. I have been nothing but good to Malik. Why does he continue to hurt me like this?" Barbie cried on my shoulder and I just held her. I was speechless because I really didn't know what to say. I just wanted to console her.

  "What do you plan on doing, Barbie? We both know that you can't stay up in this hotel forever. Get your stuff, we can go over to Momma Peaches' house. That's where Thug and me are since that crazy bitch Yoshi broke in our house last night and tried to kill us."

  "Are you fucking serious? I know that bitch is not still breathing?"

  "Her ass won't be breathing for long. I got something for that hoe."

  "I'm not going to Momma Peaches' house. If I go there Malik will come and try to talk me out of getting a divorce. Plus, I don't even want to see his deceitful, lying ass face. Don't tell Momma Peaches either she will try and contact me. The last thing I want to hear is that Malik getting molested is what causes him to do the foul shit he does. That excuse has ran the fuck out."

  "You can go stay at my old house. No one will think to find you out there. Thug doesn't even know I still have that house. It's paid in full. I just make sure I pay all the bills every month. I promise I won't tell anybody you're there. You can stay there as long as you want."

  "Okay, but you have to let me pay you rent." Barbie got up and started gathering all her belongings, which wasn't much.

  "You don't have to pay me anything, Barbie. We're a family, remember? Let's just hit the mall up and go grocery shopping. I can't have you feeding my niece all this damn restaurant food." We both laughed and checked out of the hotel.

  For a brief moment, I was able to get Barbie to laugh. Once we finished shopping and I dropped her off, she was right back to being sad. I helped her get settled in and I gave her my set of keys. I was so worried about her. Knowing that she was in safe environment with Londyn made me feel one hundred percent better.

  As I headed to my next destination I couldn't help but to shake my head at the bullshit Thug, Malik, Dro, and Sarge put us through. Their asses needed to get it together and stop engaging in all of this foolishness. They're married men with children. It was time they started acting like it before it was too late.


  It had been two hours since I had been sitting outside of Gentleman's Paradise wai
ting for the bitch Yoshi to come out. I needed to keep a low profile because the last thing I needed was for Markese to see me and tell Thug on my ass. He was already pissed off at me because I hadn't answered for him all day. I had already hit Trish up and she told me her schedule. I told her what was up and made her promise not to tell Markese. The pyromaniac ass bitch should be leaving out of the club at any minute now.

  About twenty minutes later, I observed the bitch leaving the club. I was surprised to see her leaving out of the side entrance of the club. I had to do a double take just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. Yoshi was not alone; she was with Quaadir. Everything inside of told me to call Keesha on his sneaky ass, but curiosity got the best of me.

  As soon as he pulled off, I followed his ass. I stayed far behind him so that he wouldn't notice someone following him. The route he was taking was all so familiar to me. It was the route we took to get to the warehouse. Quaadir pulled into the warehouse and that was when I saw Thug's Bugatti parked in his parking spot. Those sneaky motherfuckers was trying to kill that bitch without me. Thug knew what I was on all this time.

  I watched as Quaadir pulled Yoshi out of the car and threw her over his shoulder. He must have drugged her ass because she was conscious and all smiles when she walked out of the club. I sat in my car and waited a couple of minutes before I went inside. If Thug thought he was going to kill that bitch without me he was sadly mistaken. She tried to hurt my babies and that was the ultimate no-no. It was time for me to join the party and I gave less than a fuck about not being invited.

  Chapter Twenty-Two- Thug

  Taking Out The Trash

  I had thought long and hard about everything Tahari had said during our argument. I agree with her in regards to me telling Baby girl to keep it a secret from her mother. That should have been something I told her immediately. I was trying to be deceitful by not telling her. I knew if she knew she would go out and do the very thing she was doing now. My wife thought that she was so slick with her sexy ass. But, she forgot I taught her everything she knew. Our argument didn't have to go as far as it did. She actually escalated the argument so that she could come out and be on some bullshit. In her frame of mind, she was thinking if we were into it then I wouldn't bother her or try to keep tabs on her. I was onto her ass the minute she walked out the door with that whack ass Baby Daddy shit.


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