Book Read Free

The Contest

Page 24

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “Holy smokes,” Madi said as she looked up through the front windshield to see the top of the house. “Is this where you grew up?”

  “Sort of, we moved here about twelve years ago. I know, I’m a spoiled brat, right?”

  “I would never say that about you.”

  He pulled his sunglasses off and Madi could see the smile in his eyes. Jake continued up to the front of the house. “Do not move,” he said as he got out of the car.

  Madi sat still and wondered if he had to clear security or something as Jake came around and opened her door for her. “That’s why I had to stay still?”

  “Yes. I knew if I didn’t tell you to, you would have jumped out before I came around.”

  “You’re right,” Madi said with a grin.

  Jake beamed at her with such a heartfelt smile that Madi felt her knees start to go weak. She repeated her earlier mantra in her head.

  “Jake! So glad you’re here!” A tall, grey-haired man wearing khaki shorts, sandals and a green polo shirt came out and grabbed Jake into his arms, kissing his face.

  “Dad, this is Madi Ryan. Madi, this is my father, Mike Morgan.”

  Madi extended her hand. “Mr. Morgan, it’s so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for opening up your home to me.”

  Madi noticed right away that Jake and his father shared the same smile. “You have to call me Mike. If you can’t bear to do it then please, call me Captain Morgan instead.”

  “You’re a Captain?” Madi asked curiously.

  “I’m Captain of the bar,” he said with a laugh. “No really, call me Mike. I’ll accept Mikey as well but only from you because you’re a doll.”

  Madi smiled shyly as she looked down briefly. She liked him right away. He was an older version of Jake. When her eyes rose she saw Jake staring at her. Was that pride on his face? She shook her head as she realized she was reading into things yet again.

  “Please come in, Madi,” Mike said as he ushered her through French doors into a grand foyer. Jake unhooked Murphy’s leash and he took running off like he lived there.

  “Liz, Gina… Jake and Madi are here!”

  A dark-haired woman in her fifties came down the hall with a gigantic smile on her face and her arms open wide. “I’m so happy you came.” Jake kissed her cheek and she closed her eyes as she held him. It was very clear that she treasured him. “Who is this lovely girl?” she said as she motioned over Jake’s shoulder to Madi as she stood behind them. “You must be Madi!”

  “Mom, this is my new assistant, Madi Ryan. She’s here for the summer.”

  Jake’s mother reached out and pulled Madi into a hug. “Hello sweetheart. I’m so glad you could come today.” She released Madi and thoughtfully looked into her eyes. Madi smiled at her. She was graceful and elegant with a sincerity that made Madi instantly comfortable in her presence. “Mrs. Morgan, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “Call me Liz or Mom. Mrs. Morgan sounds too old!” Madi handed her the flowers and said, “These are for you.” Jake’s mother admired them lovingly, gently touching the petals and raising them to her nose. “These are marvelous! Thank you so much!”

  She linked her arm into Madi’s as they walked further inside. “So tell me, have you heard so much about me from Jake or from Ang?” She stopped as she ended her sentence, holding Madi at arm’s length and looking at her with a questioning smirk.

  “Um…” Madi glanced at Jake then to the floor, then back to Jake who was pointing to himself behind his mother.

  “That’s what I thought.” She smiled as she re-linked her arm with Madi’s and continued to walk in front of the others. “I like her, Jake. She has too much character to lie and enough grace to cover for you.”

  Madi could hear Jake chuckle behind her and could imagine the look on his face as he spoke. “Mom, I literally wake up every morning and say, ‘Oh, what a beautiful day. Did I ever tell you how gorgeous my mother is?’”


  “I love you, Mom,” Jake said as came up from behind and placed his arm around her, kissing her cheek.

  She laughed. “I love you too, Jake.”

  Madi couldn’t help but smile at the interaction. She took a deep breath and finally relaxed. His family was kind and accepting. She looked at Jake and repeated her mantra over and over in her head.

  “Madi! Yay, another girl!” Gina practically skipped into the room and hugged her.

  “So Gina tells us you went to a work event with her the other night?” Jake’s mom asked, as they walked toward the back of the house.

  “Yes, Gina was kind enough to let me tag along.”

  “Are you kidding?” Gina asked. “Madi had my boss eating out of the palm of her hand. He was like, ‘Who’s your friend?’ and all that.”

  Madi saw Jake’s head turn and glare at Gina. She wasn’t sure what it meant.

  “Madi makes a great first impression,” Gina continued. “Well, it was a second impression with me, but a first with everyone else.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Liz said. “Gina told us you thought she and Jake were dating when you first met.”

  Madi’s face blushed and she covered her eyes briefly before sucking it up and smiling. “Not one of my better moments.”

  Jake grinned at her from ear to ear as his father handed him a pitcher of lemonade to carry.

  “I’m sure, knowing Jake, he ate it up like a donut.” Liz added.

  “Yes, he was quite happy to put me in my place.” Madi smiled at Jake.

  Liz turned abruptly toward Jake as if he were about to be punished. “What did you do?”

  “Mom, I was nice. All I did was make sure Ang showed her my call list and that she saw Gina’s name.”

  “Is that true, Madi? Because if he was mean to you, I won’t let him have dessert.”

  “He was fine, really.” Madi couldn’t help but smile as Jake wiped invisible sweat off his forehead.

  “Let’s sit out back; it’s such a beautiful day.” Liz led the way through yet another set of French doors and onto an enormous patio.

  “So how do you like working as an assistant?” Jake’s father asked as he motioned toward an oval, ceramic table that could easily fit ten or more people.

  Jake pulled out a chair for Madi and held it. “It’s been an amazing experience,” Madi said as she scooted into the seat, noting both Jake and his father waited for all three women to be seated before they took their turn. “I’m so thankful for the opportunity.”

  “Gina tells us you’re from Illinois and still in school.” Mike grabbed a glass and began pouring lemonade.

  “Yes. I’m about to start my senior year.”

  “She’s a wiz at analyzing people, Mom. You should have her read Dad,” Jake said with a grin.

  “Really?” Liz leaned in toward Madi as she pleaded, “Yes, please tell me what’s going on in his head. It’s been twenty-nine years and I still haven’t figured him out.”

  Mike snickered as he said, “Darling, you don’t want to know everything. That’s how I’ve been able to keep you interested in me all these years.”

  “Oh I’m still interested, honey,” Liz said with a wink and a grin. Mike paraded around the table and gave Liz a loving kiss. She touched his face with her hand and looked at him like he was her everything.

  Madi raised her hand to her heart and sighed.

  Gina motioned her finger going into her mouth. “Excuse them, Madi. After a while you just get used to it and you’ll stop feeling like you’re going to puke every time.”

  “I think it’s touching and romantic. I would never get sick of it,” Madi turned her head to the side and gave them a heart-felt smile.

  Liz reached over and put her arm around Madi giving her a squeeze before gasping, “Oh dear, I forgot the appetizers. I’m going to put these in some water and I’ll be right back.”

  As she stood to move Madi asked, “Do you need some help?”

  “That would be lovely
, thank you.”

  Madi wasn’t sure, but she felt like Liz mouthed something to Jake before they went inside. They walked into a huge kitchen the likes of which Madi had only seen in magazines. “Your home is phenomenal!”

  “Thank you,” Liz said appreciatively. “I’m an executive at a consulting company here in LA. It’s taken many years to shape it into our dream home, but we just love it here.”

  “Jake told me you were in HR; that’s my field of study too.”

  “Really? Well, that explains why I like you. When you’re done with school you’ll have to give me a call. I’m sure I can get you an interview. That is, if you think you’d like to work in LA.”

  As Liz removed a tray from the refrigerator, Madi felt her heart soar, then sink. “That’s so kind of you. I actually haven’t given it any thought. I’ve been trying to remind myself that I have to go home eventually. Being here has been a dream.”

  “Is Jake treating you well?” Liz asked. “Please tell me the truth because he’d better be being nice to you or I’ll have a word or two with him.”

  Madi smiled. “Jake has been amazing to me. He’s kind, thoughtful, compassionate, sincere, appreciative and humble. I’ve never met anyone like him and I’m sure I never will again.”

  Liz looked at Madi and something seemed to register in her eyes. Madi was worried she’d said too much. “I’m glad to hear that. You have my number if he steps out of line. Ang told me you were a dream come true for her. I can see why she likes you.”

  “Thank you so much. Ang has been like a second mom to me. I’m fortunate to be working with her every day.”

  Liz handed Madi a plate of bruschetta and she carried a party tray of cheese, meat slices, and fancy crackers. They walked back outside and Jake was laughing loudly at something with his dad while Gina rolled her eyes.

  “What did we miss?” Liz asked.

  “Nothing, just Dad and Jake being immature and ridiculous as usual.”

  Both men stood as they approached and Madi realized where Jake had gotten his impeccable manners. When Madi sat down, Jake reached over and squeezed her hand briefly while looking at her. Madi felt her face blush as she looked down, but not before she saw Liz look at Gina and Gina smile through her sip of lemonade as she looked directly at Madi.

  “Madi, how about a swim before dinner?” Madi followed Gina’s pointing hand and saw the biggest pool she had ever seen in her life. They were on the balcony of the house and down below was a wonderland of water. There was a waterfall and what had to be an Olympic size pool.

  “Thanks Gina, but I didn’t bring a suit.”

  “You can borrow one of mine!” Gina replied with a wave of her hand as if not having a suit wasn’t a good reason.

  “Umm…” Madi could feel herself tense.

  “Oh yes!” Liz said. “We should all go for a swim. Mike, help me bring this down stairs and we’ll all change and go for a swim before dinner. It’ll be so relaxing. That is, if you’d like, Madi?”

  Madi glared at Jake. “You didn’t tell me to bring a suit.”

  Jake shrugged apologetically, “I didn’t know. You never know what to expect when you come here. I don’t have one either.”

  “Oh for Pete’s sake, Jake, half of your stuff is still in your room. I’m sure there are ten pairs of trunks in there,” his mom said with a chuckle.

  “What do you say, Madi?” Mike asked. Madi looked around and saw Mike, Liz, Gina and Jake waiting for her answer. What else could she say but, “Sure, why not?”

  Everyone animatedly jumped up from their seats. Mike and Jake helped Liz carry trays and Gina grabbed Madi’s hand and led her up the stairs. They went down a long hallway and Gina stopped in front of a door. She turned to Madi and said, “This is Jake’s room. Want to see it?” as she opened the door.

  Madi couldn’t help but smile. In the center of the room was a double bed adorned in red and blue plaid and to the right, bookcases filled with a combination of books and CDs. To the left was a large keyboard with headphones resting on the music stand. Posters of various musicians decorated the walls. It looked like the room of a teenage boy.

  “What are you two doing in here?” Jake asked as he pushed past them before flopping down on his bed and laying flat with his arms outspread. Murphy came bounding down the hall and jumped on his chest, causing Jake to yell in shock, or maybe pain.

  “I thought I’d show her little Jakie’s room so she could see what a nerd you are,” Gina said as she scrunched her nose.

  Jake turned on his side, still lying on the bed with his head propped up on one hand while rubbing Murphy’s belly with the other. It took everything in Madi’s power to look away from him. His body language said he could be a boy in a dorm room in college. His heart-stoppingly beautiful face said he was more like a model.

  “I’m not a nerd, you’re a nerd,” he said like he was ten again.

  “No, you’re a nerd,” she replied pointing at him with an outstretched arm.

  Madi laughed at the interaction, they were definitely siblings.

  “I’m a nerd, huh?” Jake slowly shifted and started to get up, moving toward Gina like a cougar stalking its prey.

  Gina backed away with her hands in the air smiling and laughing as she said, “No, no I take it back. You are not a nerd. You’re not.”

  The next thing Madi knew, Gina was screaming and running down the hall as Jake chased her to her room. Madi could hear Gina laughing as Jake apparently caught her.

  Madi stood in Jake’s room alone and took it all in. She walked over to his CD collection and saw Nirvana, N’Sync, Usher, Enya, Sinatra, Pearl Jam, and Dean Martin to name a few. What a variety.

  “Like anything?” Jake sauntered back in the room out of breath without Gina.

  Madi turned toward the sound of his voice as he entered before swiveling back to where her hand was placed on his CD collection. “You have interesting taste in music.”

  “I like almost everything.” Jake edged over to his stereo and pushed play. Frank Sinatra began to sing, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.”

  Jake removed a fedora from his bedpost, popping it on his forearm before placing on his head in a very Gene Kelly manner. He strutted toward Madi singing in almost perfect similarity to the voice permeating the room. Madi giggled as he held out his hand to her, pulling her in and twirling her around with amazing skill. Madi couldn’t stop smiling. Jake was a good dancer and he took control of her the same way he commanded every room he entered.

  As the song ended, they slowed but remained in an embrace. Jake’s smile faded into something else as the next song, “Someone to Watch Over Me,” began to play. Jake threw his hat to the bed and pulled Madi closer. This time she was inches away from his face. This felt intimate, not playful. He held her tightly, placing his hand on the small of her back and bending their arms to rest against his chest while swaying lightly. Madi could feel her heart begin to pick up speed as he sang in her ear. The smell of him made her dizzy.

  “Is that your heart pounding or mine?” he asked as he pulled back slightly.

  “I’m sure it’s yours,” Madi said with a confident smirk. “We both know how you get when you’re close to me.”

  Jake nodded and laughed out loud. “This is very true.”

  Madi pulled away before she began to confuse the moment in her mind. It was just Jake being his normal playful self. She repeated her mantra in her head and bowed gracefully in front of him as a thank you. “Which way to Gina’s room, Frank?”

  Jake smiled, “Two doors down to the left.”

  Madi was proud of herself for walking away before she felt the urge to put her face in his neck and kiss it. Then she realized she was thinking about it as she praised herself. Her body was tingly from his touch and she had to shake herself out of it before she knocked on Gina’s door. Gina opened the door and smiled.

  “I have two for you to choose from. Which one will it be?” Gina held up two tiny bikinis in her hands. Madi stared fr
om one to the next.



  Jake walked over and closed his door before turning off the music. What just happened there? He had tried to hide the fact that his heart rate increased the moment he pulled her close. He thought he could feel her heart racing too. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked over to a chest and pulled out a pair of trunks.

  He couldn’t believe how normal it felt to have her here with his family. He could tell his parents liked her from the start. He needed to set his mother straight on her though. When she got up with Madi to go get the food, she mouthed “I like her” to Jake with an excited look on her face. Jake needed for her to know there was nothing going on between them. They were just friends. Jake repeated friends to himself several times before he remembered looking at her bare shoulder and wanting to run small kisses along her collarbone. He tied his trunks, pulled on a t-shirt, and headed down stairs. He could hear muffled voices coming from Gina’s room as he descended.


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