Book Read Free

The Contest

Page 25

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Jake made his way out to the pool and put his sunglasses on. His dad was throwing a ball to Murphy in the backyard when Jake walked over to him.

  “Has mom come down yet?” he asked.

  “Nope, still getting ready. How are you doing?”

  “I’m good, Dad. Just busy getting ready for the tour. Remind me to give you your passes and tickets for the LA show before I leave. I have them in the car.”

  Jake’s dad nodded. “When I asked you how you were doing, I meant how are you doing?”

  Jake knew what his dad meant. “Really, Dad. I’m fine. Gina seems good. Her job is going well? No problems?”

  “None that I can see. She’s really pulled herself together these last few years. I’m so proud of her. I’m proud of the both of you.” Mike put his arm around Jake and pulled him close. Jake returned the side hug back.

  “My two favorite men; my heart’s full,” Jake’s mom gushed as she came over to them and joined in the hug.

  “Mom, I’m glad you’re here. I need to tell you something…”

  She raised her hands to stop him as she spoke. “You don’t have to tell me. I can see it. I know you better than anyone and I can see that you have feelings for her. I’m thrilled beyond words. She’s sweet and she adores you; it’s obvious.”

  As Jake tried to interrupt to correct her, he caught himself and did a retake at his mom as her words registered, “What do you mean she adores me?”

  “She was gushing about how wonderful you are and how she knows she’ll never meet anyone else like you.”

  Jake liked what he heard but refocused on what he needed to say. “Mom, the feelings I have for her are purely friendship and that’s it.”

  His mom smiled and cocked her head.

  “I’m serious. I have no romantic feelings for her. She’s a nice girl who’s alone in a new city. I didn’t want her to sit home alone so I invited her along.”

  Jake’s mom continued to smile at him as if she hadn’t heard a thing he said.

  “Honestly, Mom, I feel nothing toward her in the least. I’m not attracted to her and she’s not my type. So please, wipe that smile off your face and stop acting like I just brought my new girlfriend over. She is not now, nor will she ever be, my girlfriend. I don’t like her that way. I’m not interested in her, okay?”

  His mom sighed as her look turned more serious. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”

  Before Jake could respond, Gina and Madi returned. Gina looked proud of herself for some reason. Madi was wearing a pink cover up and Jake could see she felt uncomfortable. He walked over to her and whispered, “Is everything okay?”

  Madi nodded shyly.

  “What did my sister say to you?”

  “She was fine, it’s just…”

  Gina tossed her cover up on a chair and dove in the pool. Jake glanced toward her and saw she was wearing her typical, next to nothing suit. Gina had insisted it gave her a better tan. He refocused on Madi.

  He removed his sunglasses so he could look her in the eyes. “I can see something’s wrong. Please tell me.”

  “Madi, come on in! Don’t be shy!” Gina yelled from the pool.

  Liz walked over to them and asked, “Did Gina give you something tasteful, I hope?”

  Madi shrugged her shoulders and Jake knew why she was so uncomfortable.

  Jake pulled his white t-shirt over his head and handed it to Madi. “Here, just wear this over whatever tiny article of clothing she gave you.”

  Madi’s mood seemed to instantly brighten and Jake felt relieved.

  Madi walked back toward the house and as soon as she was out of earshot he said, “Really, Gina? Not everyone feels comfortable in nothing.”

  “Oh come on,” she replied. “I was doing it for you. I know you’re curious.”

  Jake shook his head and walked toward the area where Madi had gone. He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks. He felt his heart go into his throat. Madi was standing at a chair, turned toward the side. She had removed the cover-up and was wearing a small, pink bikini with tiny straps. Her breasts had more than filled out the cups and she looked like a goddess. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she pulled his t-shirt over her swimsuit and started to put her hair in a tie. She was oblivious to Jake’s presence.

  Jake was still staring when his mother came up from behind him. She looked at Madi and then turned her head to see Jake’s face. She smiled as she placed her hand on his back. “Not attracted to her at all, huh?” It took Jake a minute to pull his eyes away from Madi and look at his mom. He didn’t know what to say and she didn’t give him a chance before she spoke up. “Madi, you okay?”

  Madi turned and blushed as she saw Jake standing nearby with his mom. Jake wondered if she realized he’d been staring.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” She smiled and accepted Liz’s outstretched hand. They walked arm in arm back to the pool and Jake stood there at a loss for words. Madi looked up at Jake briefly before blushing and turning away. He looked up to the sky, ran his hands through his hair and thought to himself, She is just a friend. She will always be just a friend.

  As he rounded the corner he saw Madi sitting on the side of the pool, dangling her feet as Gina tossed her a ball. She was laughing as she threw it back to Gina before pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Jake was watching her as his mother approached him. “Um hmmm…” she said as she laughed and walked back toward the house. Jake knew he just gave himself away again.

  He sat down next to Madi and Gina threw the ball at him as he put his feet in the water. “Having a good time I hope?”

  “Yes, thank you. You’re family is wonderful. I can see where you get it from.”

  Jake smiled as he squinted from the sun. He slid his sunglasses on, one ear at a time, in a sexy flirty way as his smile turned into a tongue in cheek grin. His dad brought them more lemonade and then jumped in the pool too. “Come on in, Liz!”

  “I’ll be right there,” she yelled as she returned from the house with more food. “I’m just going to check on the marinade. You’ll need to start the grill soon, Mike.”

  “You got it, baby.” Mike grabbed Gina and pulled her around in a circle as she laughed.

  “Gina can be a little much at times,” Jake said to Madi with a nod.

  “She’s great. Her heart’s in the right place.”

  “Ready for a swim, Mads?” Jake stood up and pulled up his trunks. He tossed the ball to Gina and Madi glanced up at him through the glare of the sun. She looked at his chest and then back down at the pool before her face blushed. She tried to hide her grin.

  “What, you don’t like my suit?”

  Madi tried to look at him again and then covered her mouth. Jake was wearing an adult sized Ninja Turtles suit. He turned around in a circle like he was modeling it and Madi laughed.

  “It’s quite attractive.”

  “I know, right?” he said proudly. “Now come on, let’s go.”

  Madi stood up as she put her lemonade glass down. She adjusted her t-shirt and motioned to the water, “You go ahead.”

  Jake could see Gina waving her hands to Madi out of the corner of his eye.

  “Oh my gosh, Jake, look!” Madi sounded frightened. Jake turned his head to see what she was pointing toward as she pushed him with all her might. Jake could feel himself falling into the pool but he reached out his hand and was able to grab Madi’s shirt as he fell.

  Jake splashed first and Madi followed. She almost fell on top of him. He grabbed her and held her as she wiped the water from her eyes and laughed.

  “You thought you two had me, didn’t you?”

  Gina laughed hysterically and Jake’s dad shook his head with a smirk.

  Jake noticed that white was not much of a cover-up as water seeped into the wet shirt and turned pink. Her breasts poked through the material and Jake held his breath. She didn’t notice and he didn’t mention it. He liked her wet more than he cared to admit. She grabbed a hol
d of his bare arm as she regained her balance. Their eyes locked for a moment and he suddenly wanted to kiss her. He followed the line of her cheekbone to full, wet lips. The moment felt right and she was striking. Gina threw the ball and it hit Jake in the face, knocking him out of his stupor.

  “Stop staring at her. It’s rude,” Gina said with a giggle.

  Jake took off toward her and she struggled to get away from him. He picked her up and tossed her a few feet before looking back to see Madi watching him intently. Jake ran his hands through his hair and Madi looked away with a radiant smile.

  “What did I miss?” Liz asked as she returned with a tray full of meat for the grill.

  “Gina and Madi thought they could pull one over on Jake, but he was too smart for them,” Mike said.

  “How do you like the pool, Madi? Is the water okay?”

  “It’s fantastic!” Madi said as she went completely under water and pulled her hair back from her face, readjusting her ponytail.”

  Mike jumped out of the pool and walked toward Liz as if he was going to hug her. “Get away from me!” she yelped. “You’re all wet!” Mike kept going after her and hugged her from behind. Liz laughed as she kissed his cheek.

  Madi leaned on the edge of the pool and watched them admiringly.

  “They’re crazy,” Jake said as he leaned on the side next to her.

  Madi looked at him and smiled. “I think they’re perfect.” Jake couldn’t help but look at her looking at them, and smile. He turned back toward the pool and remembered Summer rolling her eyes at him and whispering, “Get a room,” the first time they gushed at each other in front of her. Madi seemed to be able to see it was just how they loved each other. It was always something Jake aspired to have someday.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Madi said, eyeing him.

  “Just trying to think how I might get you back for your little stunt.”

  “Oh I think you got me back.” Madi looked down to point out she was wet and noticed her shirt was not doing its job. She gasped and Jake grabbed her arm.

  “Madi, you’re stunning. You have nothing to worry about except the fact that I can’t keep my eyes off of you.”

  Madi’s face went from horror to shyness as she bit her lip. “You always did think I was hot.”

  Jake laughed and nodded as he grabbed her around the waist and took her deeper into the water. “Be nice to me, Jake, or no dessert. Your mom said!”

  “I don’t need dessert.” He picked Madi up and tossed her in the air.

  Madi landed and laughed. She and Gina came over to him and both tried to pick him up. Jake put his arms out as if he were a willing participant. “Come on Geens, put your back into it.”

  Madi and Gina couldn’t move him an inch. Mike and Liz laughed from the grill as Gina splashed Jake in the face. As Jake was being hit with water from both sides he declared, “Okay, okay, you win!” He dove under the water and grabbed Madi’s legs, pulling her under with him. Under water, their arms and legs interlocked and they came back up to the surface in each other’s arms. Madi’s face was inches from Jake’s and he couldn’t help but put his cheek up against hers and pull her in to him. Madi held on tight as Jake ran his hand up her back. He wanted to grab her ponytail and pull her head back so he could kiss her neck, but he stopped himself and realized how close he was coming to breaking his own rule. He let Madi go and swam toward Gina, pulling her under as well.

  “Madi, do you like fish or would you prefer chicken?” Liz asked.

  “Either is fine, thank you. I’m not picky.”

  “Obviously,” Gina chimed in as she pointed toward Jake. Gina climbed out of the pool and wrapped herself in a towel. She tossed one toward Madi. Madi swam to the side and pulled herself up. Jake was careful to look away as if he were not interested. Madi wrapped herself in the towel and sat down next to Gina. Jake floated across the pool to the other side before going to the waterfall and standing under it.

  He was trying to wash away his thoughts. What were all these feelings jumbled around inside him? He stuck his head under the water, but it wasn’t strong enough to make him forget the way she felt in his arms.

  Chapter 31


  She climbed the stairs with Gina to change out of their wet clothes before dinner. Gina took off her towel and started to dry her hair. That’s when Madi saw the scar on her wrist. Madi’s eyes grew as she studied it and then she looked away quickly to not draw attention. Gina’s head shot up and she caught Madi looking at her then looking away.

  “You saw it, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Saw what?” Madi tried to play innocent.

  “The scar, on my wrist.” Gina held it up and pointed to it, giving Madi a clear view.

  Madi examined Gina’s face trying to decide what her answer should be.

  “It’s okay. You can ask me about it. I’m surprised Jake hasn’t told you.”

  “Told me what?”

  “That I tried to kill myself.” Gina studied Madi’s face, waiting for a response, but Madi remained reactionless.

  At school, Madi had dealt with a couple of students who had talked about trying to take their lives. She listened and tried to help as best she could with her limited experience, ultimately calling her director to get advice. One student had shot himself on campus and Madi and the rest of the team had spent days talking to students who needed help trying to understand why he did it.

  “No, Jake didn’t say a thing.” Madi replied. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She smiled sincerely, trying to be considerate and respectful of whatever Gina had been through.

  Gina sat on the corner of her bed and sighed as she gripped her towel in her hands, staring at it intently. “You’re a counselor at school, right?

  “Sort of. I’m more of an advisor, but I’m a pretty good listener and I think I’ve helped a few people.” Madi laid her towel down on the floor and sat next to Gina on the bed.

  “Did anyone there ever try to kill themselves?” Gina asked.

  “A couple of people talked about it, but they got help and got better.”

  “I got help too,” she said with a shy smile. “I’m fine now. I just had a hard time after everything.”

  Madi nodded but didn’t know what to say.

  “Jake really didn’t tell you?”

  “Nope,” Madi said as she shook her head. “Jake has never spoken to me about anything like this.”

  “Do you want to know why I did it?” Gina asked, eyeing Madi cautiously.

  “If you want to tell me.”

  Gina sighed and scooted down to the floor near Madi. “My therapist said it’s good for me to talk about it. She said it helps me realize I have the power over it and not it over me.”

  “Gina, I’m always here if you want to talk. We’re friends.”

  Gina smiled as Madi took her hand. Gina took a deep breath. Her eyes found Madi’s then lowered back down to the floor. “Okay, give me a sec and bear with me.” She took a steadying breath and smiled briefly, although the smile didn’t touch her eyes. “When I was nine, almost ten, we lived in a close-knit neighborhood. You know, the kind where everyone knows everyone?”

  Madi nodded.

  “My family knew and hung out with almost every other family on our block. The kids played together and the adults would come over for dinner and drinks.” She swallowed hard before she continued.

  “One summer day, Jake was leaving to go play baseball with his friends and I begged to come along. He didn’t want his annoying little sister tagging along, and believe me, I was annoying, so he told me I should find something else to do. He was adamant that I was not coming with him this time. I was riding my bike when I saw our neighbor, Mr. Ferguson, outside washing his BMW. He asked me if I wanted to help him. We knew the Ferguson’s and I played with his daughter all the time. She had gone to the store with her mom and he said they’d be back in a little while. He said that I should help him while I waited fo
r her and that it would be fun. I was bored so I said yes. We were washing his car and he was asking me questions about how I liked school and if I had a boyfriend. I was only nine, of course I didn’t have a boyfriend. He sprayed me a couple of times with the hose and I laughed. Before I knew it I was soaking wet. He invited me in to get a towel. I stood in the kitchen while he got one for me. I started to dry my hair and he offered to help.”


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