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Second Chances

Page 28

by Younker, Tracy

  He has no idea how right this feels. I just lean in and wrap my arms tightly around his waist. The warmth of his body and the scent of him instantly relax me and I'm able to breathe easier.

  “I guess that means it's okay?” he whispers, his chin resting on the top of my head, his strong arms enveloping me.

  “It's better than okay,” I say quietly and lean back a bit to look up at him. His deep blue eyes are lit by the light from the TV and even though he's smiling, I can see the concern on his face. I reach down and take his hand in mine and have him follow me over to the bed. I slide over to the far side by the wall and he sits down beside me.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks softly, and I can tell that he is checking my bruises out in the dim, dancing light.

  “Okay. Tired,” I start. “I just want the bruises to disappear so that I can start to forget. I don't want the reminder.”

  “I know,” he whispers and lets his knuckles run gently along my cheekbone beneath the eye that is still black and blue. “They'll fade in time and so will the memories.”

  I close my eyes while his hand traces a path over my ear, back behind it, and then slowly down my neck. I just enjoy feeling safe now that he's here with me.

  “Listen, Hayles, I didn't come here expecting. . .“ his voice trails off and I open my eyes so that I can see his expression. “I just wanted to hold you tonight, if that's okay.”

  A warmth spreads from the center of my chest, outward in all directions throughout my body. I lay back on the pillow and pull his hand so that he gets the message and lays down beside me. He's on his back and I tuck myself tightly against his side with my arm draped across the hard muscles of his abdomen, my cheek resting against the softness of his t-shirt. “I actually couldn't sleep,” I admit softly. “I just keep thinking about last night, and seeing him whenever I close my eyes. And when I heard you at the window, it's stupid, but I was scared that it was him somehow.”

  I feel him tense a bit beside me, but he keeps his fingertips gliding softly up and down the length of my arm. “I'm sorry, Haylee. I'm so sorry that you had to go through any of that. I'm not gonna let him hurt you again, and I'm here now so you can sleep.”

  “I feel awful about the other day,” I whisper, a warm sensation beginning in the backs of my eyes. “I was so excited to see you there on the dock. I don't think I've ever been so happy. I was in your arms, I was kissing you, finally. And being with you again upstairs at Griff's, it was amazing, right out of a dream. So when I saw you with Lexi out the window, I felt like everything had been a lie and I felt like a fool. I shouldn't have run out of there. I should have given you the chance to explain. And I never should have played you the way I did at the club. I'm so, so sorry, Chase.” The tears are spilling from my eyes now, and I'm shaking in his arms.

  He pulls me tight to his side in an embrace as he kisses the top of my head. “Hayles, it's okay. I don't blame you for the way you reacted. I'm sure I'd have done the same thing. It was just really poor timing on Lexi's part. I hate that she ruined our evening. I had another surprise for you.”

  I pick my head up to look at him and he uses his thumb to wipe the tears from under my eyes. “What do you mean another surprise?”

  He chuckles softly at my reaction. “I planned to surprise you by just showing up without letting you know I was coming, but I had something else planned that night as well.”

  “What?” This is the first I have heard of all this and I hate Lexi even more for royally screwing everything up. I can't imagine what else he planned. Just having him back here is enough for me.

  “It's okay. I can show you when you're feeling better.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I'm feeling fine.”

  He laughs quietly again, his chest shaking me slightly. “Still no patience, huh, Hayles? I can't show you right now anyway; it's late and you're tired. Maybe I'll show you tomorrow if you get some sleep.”

  I hold his gaze for a moment, trying to figure out what he's up to. I finally give up with a sigh and let my cheek rest against his chest again.

  “And I'm sorry too, Hayles, for Lexi interfering in our lives. I don't think I've ever felt more hurt than when you looked at me as you were coming down the stairs like I was the devil himself and you told me not to touch you.” I cringe as I remember. “I'm sorry for losing it on the dance floor when you told me what was really going on. As soon as I cooled off and talked to Griff, I realized that I'd overreacted as well. You weren't trying to hurt me; you were trying to get rid of Lexi. Although I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about with me and her. I can't blame you for what you did. I'm actually kind of flattered that you went to all that trouble.”

  I prop up on my elbow again and shoot him a look of disdain. His smile lights a fire inside of me that I know will never burn out. It's moments like this when he looks at me that way that I know I will always just give him whatever he wants. It's the look he'd always had when he'd been up to his latest prank when we were kids.

  His expression grows serious again.“Most of all though, I'm so sorry for walking off on you and letting that bastard get a chance with you alone,” his voice is low and riddled with pain. “I've never felt fear as gripping as when I couldn't find you and I'd never felt pure anger and hatred like when I opened that door and found him on you.”

  I pull myself up, half on top of him to press my lips to his. We've said our piece and the whole incident is behind us. I just want to move forward and be happy again. He brings his hands up, framing my face as he lifts his head to deepen the kiss. That burning desire begins to unfurl inside of me. I don't feel the aches and pains that linger within me when he kisses me like this. I can just lose myself in his kisses until all these bruises heal. I'm not even aware that I'm doing it, but I slide myself up, completely covering his body. I desperately want to be closer to him. I want to feel his hands all over me. I let my legs fall on either side of him and lift my torso slightly as I trace his lower lip with my tongue. He groans as his hands slide down my sides and come around between us to get their fill of my breasts.

  I gasp, and suddenly his hands are down on my hips, sliding me back to break the kiss. He's panting for breath and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. “We gotta stop,” he sighs. “I didn't come here tonight to hurt you. I just wanted to sleep with you in my arms so that I could know you are safe.”

  “You're not hurting me,” I say softly. I sit back, straddling his legs and he props himself up on his elbows. His rejection stings me and I don't hide it quickly enough. He reaches over to grab the TV remote and hits the power button, darkening the room.

  “Don't take this the wrong way,” he whispers and lets his fingertips smooth over my thighs. “I would love nothing more than to be with you that way right now and I can't hide that fact.” With his hands on me, he slides my hips just a bit farther up his lap until I'm straddling the very rigid length of him right where I want it so desperately. I feel like I'm losing my mind with need. “But you need to rest tonight, and I'm not going to be the reason that you wake up looking more exhausted than when you went to bed.”

  The room is bathed in darkness now, but my eyes have begun to adjust and I can see the half smile on his face. I still feel. . .I don't know. . .lost in my desire for him. I try to put what I'm feeling into words. “I just. . .I want to feel your hands on me. I want to be close to you like this. I want to erase the feeling of his hands on me.” I don't even notice it, but tears are sliding down my cheeks and I feel ashamed of my wantonness.

  “I know, Hayles. . .I know,” he says softly as he pulls me down against him and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in the base of his neck as I cry. I hadn't even realized that I'd felt that way until I said it. I hadn't realized that what happened with Parker affected me so much emotionally. “We'll do that, Hayles. I'll help you erase every memory you have of him. Just not tonight. Just let me hold you tonight.”

  “Okay,” I whisper as I slide back down beside him and m
old myself to his body.

  “Get some sleep for me, and I'm here with you so think of happy things and not him. Don't give him any more power over you,” he says, his voice low and comforting. I close my eyes and remember the way I felt when I'd seen him waiting on that dock for me.

  Chapter 33 - Chase

  Waking up the next morning with Haylee's sleeping form curled up against me, our legs intertwined, makes me a feel a contentedness inside that I haven't felt since I lived in Wake Forest years ago. She is my rock, my anchor. I have no doubt that we belong together. Her breaths are still slow and deep, and I just take this time to watch her beautiful face, so peaceful in sleep. I'm grateful that she slept last night and she'd only jolted awake once in the night. I have no doubt she'd been dreaming about that bastard getting his hands on her. She breathed a sigh of relief at seeing me there with her and settled right down beside me again. I can appreciate that after all the mistakes I've made, I'm at least able to be here and help her now.

  I let my fingers glide along the satiny smooth skin of her arm and can't help but think about how I want to wake up like this every day. The thought slams me in the chest. I've never once thought about a future with any of the girls I've been with, but then again, I've never even given thought to a second time in the sack with them. Haylee is different. She always has been. I never before believed that it was possible to be with just one girl for the rest of your life, but I know now that it is. I don't even look at other girls anymore.

  She stirs a bit beside me and stretches her arm out all the way across my chest. I know that I will do anything for her. I will stand up for her, let her cry on my shoulder, celebrate with her, or just listen to her when she needs me to. Someday I know that I will ask her to be my wife. She's young yet though, and I guess I am as well. There's plenty of time for that. We need to just spend some time together without craziness, go on dates and whatever. That will be a new world for me, but knowing that it will be with Haylee, I look forward to it.

  I watch with a grin as her eyes flutter open slowly, her lids still heavy from sleep. Even with a black eye, black and blue throat, and sleep tossed hair, she still overwhelms every one of my senses.

  “Mornin',” I say softly as she props herself up on her elbow and looks up at me. She looks happy and that makes me feel so incredible.

  “How long have you been awake?” she whispers and brings her hand to cover her mouth as she yawns.

  “Maybe a half hour or so,” I reply.

  “You should have woken me.”

  “Nah, you needed the sleep and I got to lay here and look at your beautiful body curled up with me.” Her eyes widen and a sheepish grin breaks out on her face.

  There's a knock on her door then and her eyes get huge, and I feel her stiffen up with fear beside me. “Haylee, honey, are you awake?” her mom asks quietly through the door and I hear her jiggle the knob. I really couldn't care less if her mom sees us or not. I'm sure she can assume certain things, but I know Haylee would be mortified. The door is obviously locked anyway.

  “Yeah, Mom, I'm awake. I'm just still tired,” she calls, glancing back over at me. “I don't feel like getting up to unlock the door.” I throw my hand over my mouth as I chuckle at that one. Her mom will probably believe it though after all Haylee has been through.

  “I'm about to head into work, but if you want me to stay with you, . . .”

  “No!” she says a little too quickly. “I'll be fine and I'll probably sleep a little while longer anyway,” Haylee tells her and I reach up to smooth her hair back behind her ear. She turns and glares at me as though her mom has x-ray vision and can see us through the door. Would it really matter if her mom saw me touch her? I mean we are in bed together after all. I grin and let my hand travel slowly down her neck, making sure to stay away from the bruises, and over her collarbone.

  “If you need anything just call my cell phone,” her mom insists and I let my hand brush lightly over her nipple beneath the thin cotton of her tank. I smile as she sucks in a breath and bites down on her bottom lip.

  “Okay,” Haylee's voice cracks as she holds still, listening for her mom's retreating footsteps. Once she hears the front door close, she relaxes about getting caught and throws herself down to kiss me. Her hands dive beneath my head to weave into the hair at the nape of my neck and then she's completely on top of me. I moan as her tongue darts into my mouth. I guess it doesn't take much to turn her on. Her body feels so good pressed firmly against mine and her skin is on fire. It takes every ounce of willpower that I have to pull away from her kisses and capture her face in my hands. Damn if she doesn't look fucking incredible, all flushed and eyes heavy-lidded with desire.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “What are you trying to do to me, Hayles?” I sigh. She looks at me perplexed as though to ask me, um, don't you know? Oh, I know the answer; it was a rhetorical question. “I'm not gonna take advantage of you.”

  “How is this. . . ” she pauses, looking down at the fact that she is on top of me, “. . .taking advantage of me? You said last night that you just wanted me to get some sleep, and I slept like a baby beside you.” Her voice is still rough and husky from the swelling in her throat. Before I even know it, she leans forward and starts kissing and licking down the side of my neck.

  I groan and instead of doing what I want to do, I gently push her up with my body. Her eyes are wide as she now sits astride my lap. Damn, my little Haylee is a nympho. That makes me smile and I smooth her hair back again. “Let's get you some breakfast and a shower and then maybe. . .”

  She leaps off my lap and holds her hand out to me. I laugh at her eagerness and put my hand in hers as I stand up. “Breakfast then,” she says with a glance over her shoulder as she tows me down the stairs. I can't help but smile as I watch her hips move across the living room and into the kitchen. She has on another pair of those sinfully short shorts that I am quickly falling in love with. I'm going to have to find out where she gets them and go buy the store out of their stock in them.

  “Oatmeal okay?” she asks as she opens the door to the pantry. I nod and pull open the fridge to get some juice. I don't care what we eat at this point as long as I see her eat something. I'm stunned by the contents of the fridge. It looks like a bachelor lives here. There is an almost empty gallon of milk, some ketchup, a package of cheese slices and a bag of salad. My heart clenches as I understand how things have been for her these past few years with her mom basically checked out of everything mentally. I know she hung out at Griff's quite a bit, but still. She must have noticed that I'm staring into the fridge. “Sorry, I've gotta get some groceries later,” she tells me and I grab the milk and close the door. I want to do everything in my power to protect this girl and that includes making sure she eats properly. I want to drive her to the grocery store right now and buy a cartful for them, but I know she won't let me. Eventually though. . .

  She makes us each a bowl of oatmeal and we sit down at the table together. “Do you want me to make some coffee?” she asks and I just shake my head. I'm very much awake and don't need caffeine to get my blood pumping. Her little stunt upstairs has more than taken care of that. Sitting here eating breakfast with her, I can imagine doing this every morning. It's nice having the house to ourselves.

  “So what do you feel like doing today? Are you still real sore?” I ask.

  “I'm much better today,” she says as she absently raises a hand to her throat and trails her fingers along the darkening bruise. Just looking at it makes my blood boil. I don't know what made that asshole think he could put his hands on my Haylee like that. Saying it was the drugs just doesn't fly with me. I've been pretty messed up before and have never acted even close to the way he did. I suspect it was just something buried in Parker's psyche that has been hidden beneath the surface all this time. All the more reason to make sure he stays far away from Haylee. I haven't even noticed that she's taken the empty bowls and put them in the sink. She stands in front of me now with h
er hand out and those big blue eyes locked on me.

  Thoughts of Parker disappear as she leads me back upstairs and into her bathroom. “I'll wait back in your room,” I tell her as she turns the water on in the shower. I've just turned to leave when she snags the back of my t-shirt, stopping my retreat. “Shower with me,” she says and then her lips are on mine. Holy hell, she is insatiable and I know I'll never get enough of her. I kiss her like my life depends on it and then pull back just a bit.

  “We're only getting clean in there,” I tell her. “There's no way I'm gonna nail you in the shower with all those bruises.” It sure isn't from lack of wanting to though, but I watch as her eyes glance down and away from me then. “Hey,” I say, pulling her face back toward me. “I didn't mean it like that. The bruises don't bother me or make me want you any less. I just don't want to do anything that will hurt you.”

  She nods and then she reaches down and pulls her tank top over her head, letting it fall onto the floor. Next she wiggles her hips as she slides down her shorts and panties, all while keeping her eyes locked on mine. She has to be able to see what her body does to me. I reach back and yank my t-shirt off and gasp in surprise when her hands grab around my waist and pull my shorts and boxers down. She has all the evidence she needs now, and I see her cheeks flush. She pulls open the glass door and steps beneath the spray of hot water. Her heavy-lidded eyes beckon to me and I step in behind her putting my hands on the top swell of her hips. This is going to be the most difficult shower I've ever taken.

  We take turns scrubbing each other's bodies and I am sure I'm going to explode as I slowly let my soapy hands glide all over her perfect body. I'm ever careful of the many bruises though. Once we are clean, I turn the water off while I stand with my arms wrapped around her and reach out to grab two towels from the shelf. I wrap one around her before I cinch one around my waist.


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