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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Gibbs, S. R.

“My have you all grown. It seems as if I have been waiting an eternity to meet the new dragon warriors again.”


  Location: Estelle Forest

  ◑ April ◐

  It can’t be, it just can’t be the same voice that has haunted my nightmares for years; but there was no denying that menacing, yet compelling voice.

  “I know that voice.” I whispered. I can never forget it no matter how hard I tried.

  “I am so happy that someone here remembers me.” The voice echoed throughout the woods.

  “Show yourself!” Leo bellowed.

  “Since you know her, who is she?” Ashley asked, as she frantically searched for the owner of the voice.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean? I thought you said you knew the voice?” Angie exclaimed never taking her eyes off of the trees around us.

  “I do, but she never told me her name when she appeared in my dreams.” I admitted reluctantly hoping that what I said didn’t sound as crazy as it sounded in my head.

  Suddenly the forest became eerily quiet as I could only hear the sound of my breathing in my ears.

  “Where did she go?” I asked more afraid of the owner of the voice, than whether or not I was going insane.

  “Are you looking for me?” The voice said appearing to be a lot closer.

  There was no mistaken the person I saw when I looked up. Standing on top of the fallen tree in the road, was the girl who appears to me in my nightmares.

  “What are you doing here? You are not real?” My voice came out shaky and broken, conveying the feeling that were deep inside of me.

  “Dear April, you hurt my feelings, as you can see I am very much alive and real.” The girl said vanishing from the fallen tree to appear right in front of me.

  Dressed in a long white gown, with her long silver hair and pale skin, she appeared to be a princess from a fairy tale, but her eyes told all; this was no innocent princess, I was made immobile by soullessness and cruelty exuding from them.

  Straining my eyes I was able to see that I was not the only one paralyzed by the unknown girl.

  “Who are you?” Leo spat, I could make out the vessels protruding on his neck as he ineffectively tried to move.

  Everyone seemed to be froze, forming a circle around the one holding us captive.

  “Dear Leo, I am hurt that you don’t recognize me. How about you mighty prince Leev?” The girl asked sounding genuinely upset. “Nevertheless, I know all about every last one of you.”

  “What do you want from us?” Angie yelled as she stared down the evil stranger.

  “Where are my manners?” The girl proclaimed dramatically turning back towards my sisters and myself. “April, Angie, and Ashley. Do you know how long I have waited to be able to play with you again?”

  “Leave them alone!” Leo and Prince Leev yelled.

  With a wave of her hand, she silenced them both taking away their voices, which left them opening their mouths with no audible release.

  “That is much better, tis very rude to interrupt a conversation.”

  “How do you know us?” Ashley asked staring wide-eyed at the fact that she knew our names.

  “I see your temper has not diminished.” The girl teased, focusing only on Angie.

  The tone of her voice sounded as if we were her long lost friends, but her eyes were cold and emotionless. This fact alone left me riddled with goose bumps.

  As I stared at her the scenery around me began to change as I saw my sisters and I seven years ago. The day Angie fell out of the tree in our backyard.

  This has got to be a dream, I must have passed out, and now I am dreaming. I thought as I looked around franticly.

  There was no denying the feel of the wind and the scent of mom cooking drifting in the air, mixing in with the scent from the pine trees surrounding our home… This is all too real!

  We were all so dirty, as we played with the fallen pine cones that littered our backyard. I began to remember how competitive we all were, as I stood and stared at all of us trying to see who could throw the pine cones the farthest.

  The air was becoming cooler as the sun looked as if it was preparing to go down. This should be around the time Ashley and I went inside. I thought to myself remembering every single detail of that frightful day.

  I watched as Ashley ran into our house that was half painted yellow, since dad had ran out of paint earlier that day.

  As I waited for my younger self to follow, I was shocked to see myself stay with Angie near the tall oak tree. That can’t be true, on that day I followed Ashley inside.

  I began to step carefully toward the younger Angie and myself, not because I was afraid they would hear or see me, but because I felt conflicted on whether I should try to stop what was obviously going to happen. But do I really know what happened that day

  As I began to move closer I saw myself running toward the tree with Ashley. A tiny buzzing sound started in my ears getting louder as I tried to move even closer.

  My vision slowly blurred, as I found myself face to face with the strange girl. Without any warning she placed the palm of her hand on my head. Her hand was so cold it burned, even though she only kept it there for a few seconds.

  “Nanina and Machen, thinks themselves to be very clever.” The girl hissed as she quickly removed her hand from my head, as if I was the one that was hurting her.

  “Speak your name!” Rṓgaire demanded, the veins on his arms and neck protruded as he struggled to break free from our paralysis.

  “Why are you in such a hurry to identify me Rṓgaire son of Raven?” Her voice was now deathly cold, stretching her arms toward Rṓgaire. “You are quite resilient, I may have failed in destroying you seven days ago, but hear me, you and that crazy old bat will not succeed.

  The color of Rṓgaire’s face was now changing to an unnatural blue color, as if she was really strangling him. I don’t know how, but I knew somehow she was doing this without touching him.

  “Jewels Stop!” I yelled before I had a chance to process the words coming out of my mouth, but they felt right. Somehow I already knew who she was when she first appeared before us.

  Jewel suddenly released Rṓgaire leaving him gasping for air. “You finally remember me.”

  I could feel my pulse quicken as she now focused all of her attention on me. “What do you want from us?”

  “Are you really that naïve, what do you believe me too want? After all, you were only born to destroy me.” She laughed humorlessly. “Poor little April, being chosen to stop the inevitable.”

  If I wasn’t frozen in place, I knew my legs would have no longer be able to support my body. The evil intent in her words traveled straight into my bones.

  “Stop it!” Ashley screamed taking the wrath of Queen Jewels glare.

  To my surprise she Queen Jewel began to clap, turning toward Ashley. “Are you actually trying to protect her? This is new from a girl who could stomach her persecution in front of your so called friends, all for the purpose of obtaining some form of normality.”

  Pushing pass the pain, I manage to catch a glimpse of Angie straining her eyes at something in the tree above. Once the scent of smoke wafted in the air, I realized what she was trying to do. Focusing my energy on the large branch above Jewels head, we managed to bring it down with a loud thud.

  Staring wide-eyed I watched Queen Jewel remain standing as the limb fell right through her.

  “I will be awaiting your arrival in Diamond Kingdom, if you can survive your journey.” Queen Jewel cackled as her image shimmered and disappeared, releasing all of us from our binds.

  “I thought you said she was weak.” Angie turned her anger toward Leo. “I don’t know your definition of the word, but what she just displayed was more along the lines of strength.”

  “What she just demonstrated is just a taste of what she can do.” Rṓgaire admitted as he rubbed the discolored hand prints left around his neck.

��What do you expect us to do against someone like that?” Ashley threw up her hands in frustration.

  “If you start to think that way than she has succeeded in her purpose for revealing herself.” Prince Leev stated looking on the ground where the branch landed.

  Due to my training I found it easy to move the now charred branch off to the side, making it easier for Prince Leev and Leo as they searched the ground for something.

  “What are you looking for?” Ashley asked walking closer to them.

  “This.” Leo stated holding up a round rock with a strange symbol written on it.

  “What is that?” I asked studying the strange rock.

  “It is how she was able to just appear here. This stone acts as a guide to help people temporarily transport their energy anywhere they want.”

  “If that is how she got here, how did that celta stone get here?” I asked, as I watched the stone slowly turn into sand in Leo hand.

  “It must mean she has an accomplice helping her.” Rṓgaire deduced heading back toward the carriage. “This changes nothing, we have lost time, and we will need to make haste if we are to reach Sapphire Kingdom in time.”

  “So, that is it? We just forget about the powerful weak Queen who wants us dead?” Angie asked while walking toward the carriage. “Well I guess that makes much sense as everything else that has happened so far.”

  After I removed the fallen tree off of the path, we all continued our journey onward.

  This time the ride was not as smooth, I felt every tree root and pothole as Rṓgaire continued at full speed unfazed.

  “As soon as we can, we need to contact Nolin.” Angie yelled over the sounds of the horse gallops.

  “Do you really think he will tell us anything?” Ashley responded. “I mean we already knew she had to be strong and dangerous, or else this matter would have been solved with the previous Dragon Warriors.”

  What she said made sense, we all knew there would be risks involved, but I see I am not the only one who never expected the risk to be so great.

  Out of nowhere the entire carriage jolted sending Ashley and I flying into Angie on the opposite side.

  “I am guessing we are here.” Ashley muttered opening the small window, only to reveal sand.

  As far as I could see was white sand. “Are we stopping for a break?”

  “Let’s get out and see.” Angie led the way onto the hot white sand, revealing ahead of us a large beach. There was water as far as the eyes could see.

  “Where are we?” The words escaped my lips without me knowing as I took in the beautiful scene before me.

  “We are finally here.” Prince Leev announced coming up from behind us with the other guys.

  “Are you sure? There is nothing here.” Ashley sighed with disappointment.

  “You are looking with the wrong things.” Rṓgaire explained. “Only a person from Sapphire Kingdom can guide us to the entrance.”

  “Okay, why don’t we have a guide? I have never been here before, at least not that I can remember.”

  “There is no other guide but you, after you were born and your care was given to Nolin, no one has been able to enter or exit Sapphire Kingdom. They have completely closed themselves away from the world.

  Ever since starting this quest it has been one problem after another and it is still day one. I wonder if we bit off more than we can chew. Maybe we should turn around. I thought as I watched Ashley stare at the small waves clawing at the white sand.

  “There is no turning back.” Rṓgaire stated, reading my mind. “You need to close your eyes and see with your energy and heart.”

  Ashley eyebrow lifted in doubt, but she did what he instructed. “It is not working.”

  “Try harder.”

  Ashley’s skin began to radiate a blue hue, as a blue dragon tattoo wrapped around her upper right arm.

  “I see something.” Ashley smiled following something only she could see. “I can see a path, it leads out into the water.”

  Ashley did not stop surprising everyone when she stepped right off of the sand and on top of the water, like she was on a bridge only she could see.

  “Do you see where I am standing? Do not go pass these points.” Ashley displayed by using the tip of her feet to show us the width of the path. “I don’t know what will happen, but I will advise you to not step off of the path. I have a bad feeling about it.”

  One by one we followed Ashley off land, as the water moved below us, we stayed upright walking as if we were on land.

  Mesmerized by the genius behind whoever invented this, I wondered if maybe there was a thin layer of glass beneath us, but there was nothing. Testing the width with my feet to see the difference of the path and the water, I could tell no difference. Moving a little closer to the edge, I slowly placed me foot off of the path. The water quickly acted as quicksand pulling me into the water.

  Before I could scream, Rṓgaire was there grabbing me around the waist pulling me from the water. “You were warned to stay away from the water.” Rṓgaire whispered in my ear still clutching my waist.

  I knew he was whispering because he didn’t want to alert the others of what I had done; but it was more than a little uncomfortable having him so close to me.

  “This entire body of water is called the Abaven Sea, meaning it protects the Sapphire Kingdom.” Rṓgaire explained releasing me. “That is why the Sapphire Kingdom is so indestructible, and good kingdom to have an alliance with.”

  “Thank you for helping me.”

  “Think before indulging in your curiosity next time.” He admonished leaving me behind to catch up with the others.

  “April, what are you doing back there?” Angie called out, bringing me back to the quest at hand.

  Catching up to the others, I found everyone stopped and the blue haze around Ashley gone. “What’s going on?”

  “This is where the path ends.” Ashley answered a little out of breathe.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “What do we do now?” Angie exclaimed glaring at Rṓgaire.

  “We wait.” He replied, not even bothering to look at the now seething Angie.

  “Calm down, just be grateful that we are above the water and not below it.” Leo joked.

  Noticing the nervous expression on Ashley’s face, I wanted to let her know that we are in it together, only to discover myself unable to move my legs. Looking down I realized that I was now ankle deep in the water and slowly sinking more.

  “What were you saying about being above the water?” Angie hissed at Leo.

  “Let’s just remain calm and don’t panic.” Prince Leev stated, I believe more for himself than for the rest of us.

  The pace of our descent into the water quickened, within two seconds I was up to my neck and Ashley had completely disappeared underneath the water. “Is it okay to panic now?”


  Location: Sapphire Kingdom

  ◑ Ashley ◐

  Expecting my lungs to fill with water, I instinctively closed my eyes and held my breath. When the pressure of water never came I opened my eyes to find myself in an empty room alone.

  A few seconds later I was joined by everyone, as they started appearing beside me one after the other.

  “Why is nothing ordinary in this world?” Angie fumed.

  “At least we are alive.” I teased Angie feeling anything but optimistic. What if I am unable to find my dragon or the ruler of the Sapphire Kingdom is a tyrant and is not willing to help us. Worst of all what if I am not what my parents are expecting.

  “Honored guests of the Sapphire Kingdom, our esteemed Queen and King are awaiting your presence. Follow me.” A tall man with long blonde hair wearing a scaly armor suit, bellowed from a door way that appeared out of nowhere with him.

  Not giving us anytime to respond he turned around and started to leave, expecting us to follow.

  Without discussing it, we followed him into a long co
rridor, which brought me back to the first time I had entered the Inner Kingdom.

  “News seems to travel fast in this Kingdom.” Angie muttered loud enough behind me that everyone could hear. If the guy guiding us heard her, he did not show it.

  I hope that the King and Queen are accepting of me, and tell me where my parents are. If no one has left the Kingdom since the day I left, hopefully that means my parents are still here, and nothing bad has happened to them.

  “Still yourself.” Prince Leev whispered from beside me, motioning to my hands.

  I hadn’t realized that I was visibly shaking, but the further we walk the more I feel like running away.

  “I know you must find this task to be difficult, but do not be afraid and try not show your fear.”

  “That’s funny that is almost the exact same thing Mina told me and my sisters, right before we walked into a room with a glass floor, and a woman who wanted to feed us to ravenous snakes.”

  Causing Prince Leev to actually laugh out loud before trying to stifle it with his hand. Listening to him laugh actually made me feel a lot better for a reason I do not want to dwell on.

  As we continued walking it felt as if someone was watching me, turning around I found Angie squinting her eyes in a way that meant I will be hearing about this later.

  The sound of water took my attention away from Angie, to find a giant wall of water flowing downward from above. Our guide did not seem to be bothered by it as he put his palm to the water causing it to pull apart down the middle, revealing another room.

  After stepping into the room I found it hard to remain upright due to the fact the entire room was made of glass. It was like being inside of an upside down fish bowl inside of a lake. It was beautiful, but at the same time frightening; large schools of florescent fish swam around the glass like they were curious of who we were.

  Above us there were several tubes coming from the center of the ceiling stretching along the top that illuminated a dim blue light, which quickly became brighter the longer we stood in the room.

  “Come, the King and Queen are not ones you would like to keep waiting.” The guard warned, continuing to lead us toward two thrones at the back of the room.


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