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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “How long do you think this glass can withstand the pressure from all of this water? Angie asked to no one in particular keeping her eyes on the school of fish still circling the tank.

  “This is close enough.” The guard warned stopping us before I could make out the silhouettes on the thrones. “Now bow to the rulers of Sapphire Kingdom.”

  Following Prince Leev’s lead I bowed and prayed silently that Angie did not say or do anything to offend the King and Queen.

  “Come closer” a woman’s voice commanded from one of the thrones.

  My knees trembled making my steps even more difficult. It was like the air had become thinner, and my breaths were coming faster. It was too late to turn around as the lighting highlighted the features of the King and Queen.

  The bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, narrow nose, petite features, and pouty lips were something I saw every time I looked into a mirror. Despite the obvious age different, there was no doubt that I could clearly pass as one of her family members, maybe even her daughter.

  I knew everyone eyes were on me, but I couldn’t force myself to say anything intelligible or look away from the older version of myself. What if she really is my mother?

  Painfully I took my gaze away from the Queen to look at the King, he was very large with kind eyes that seemed to take in everything as he silently sat on his throne gazing down at us.

  “Dragon Warriors, state your name and Kingdom of origin.” The Queen demanded.

  Not wanting to upset her we all introduced ourselves and the Kingdom we represented, while her eyes never left mine the entire time.

  “Your majesties, I am honored to be able to meet you. I am-” Prince Leev was silenced by a wave from the Queen hand, before he could properly introduce himself.

  The Queen gradually stood up from her throne and made her way toward us, or rather toward me.

  “So you are the Dragon Warrior of the Sapphire Kingdom.” The Queen asked as she framed my face in her hands.

  Not trusting my voice I just nodded as she pulled me into a tight hug, rendering me incompetent to use my brain to speak or move my body.

  “I have waited a long time for your return…My daughter.” The Queen smiled, revealing to me in words, what my heart knew the moment I saw her.

  “Excuse me, your majesty I would like to thank you for allowing us to tread on your hospitality until Ashley can claim her dragon.” Prince Leev said calling me by my name for the first time since I helped his father, the Inner Kingdom king when he was sick.

  “I no longer want my child to think about such things now. She is now home and safe,” the Queen replied keeping her eyes on me. “At least that crazy old man kept his promise in returning you to me.”

  “As the Inner Kingdom’s captain of the guard, your daughter and the other two dragon warriors are needed to destroy Queen Jewel. She has awakened and will stop at nothing to continue what she started so long ago.” Leo informed stepping closer to the Queen.

  “Do you take me for a fool? I realize all of what you speak, can’t a mother express her heart?” The Queen retorted becoming visibly upset by the truth of Leo’s words. “I only need four days. I do not believe that would be too much time to ask for, to spend with my daughter I haven’t seen since infancy.”

  I could feel the love coming from her as well as the distain in her eyes, when she looked at Angie and April. I remember Nolin explaining to us that the other kingdoms has a very flimsy alliance.

  “Prince Leev of the Inner Kingdom. I know why you are here and in regards of the matter, I will let my daughter respond.” The king announced. His voice was surprisingly not overbearing, but soft and soothing.

  The sounds of heels grabbed my attention, bringing my gaze to a young woman with long blonde hair in a long flowing pink dress coming toward us.

  I don’t know how much more I can take, if I thought the Queen looked like me, it would be best to say that the young woman now standing before me was me.

  “Hi, my name is Nerissa. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Cordelia.”

  “Your sister no longer goes by that name, while on Earth she was given another. She is now known as Ashley.” The Queen corrected her. “Ashley meet your older twin sister Nerissa, I believe she was more excited than me for this day."

  Accepting Nerissa’s extended hand something felt strange, although I couldn’t quite place what it was.

  Letting go of my hand Nerissa turned her attention toward Prince Leev. “I humbly thank you for making the trip to Sapphire Kingdom to personally listen to my quest.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” He replied kissing her outstretched hand.

  For some reason I found myself grinding my teeth as I watched them flirt before me.

  “I hope what I have to say doesn’t reflect negatively on my way of thinking, be it this is not my answer I have to speak my true feelings.” Nerissa softly spoke. “I feel as if a union between us will only benefit the Inner Kingdom.”

  “I understand the thought behind your words.”

  “With that being said I will use the time that you are here to get to know you more, and will give you my official answer before your return to your kingdom.”

  “I respect your decision.” Bowing once more he took a step back as Nerissa walked back toward me.

  I wish I knew what was going on, Nerissa couldn’t possibly be talking about a marriage between her and Prince Leev. I decided to put that out of my mind and focus solely on the reason I came here.

  “In honor of the return of my daughter, a ball will be thrown in two days’ time. Prepare the Kingdom for a splendid celebration.” The king announced clapping his hand twice as he stood.

  I wondered who he was talking to, suspecting him to be a little on the crazy side, until I saw men appearing out of nowhere lining the sides of the room. They looked almost identical the first guy who led us to this room.

  Walking toward where I was standing, the King grabbed the Queen hand, while placing his other hand comfortably upon my right shoulder. “Welcome home my daughter.”

  I have always dreamt of meeting my real parents, even though I was told they were no longer alive, I knew that they were and that the moment we are reunited would be perfect. One thing I did not count on was for them to actually be royalty.

  “Nerissa you can use this time to show your sister to where you two will be residing. Oh, and do show the others to their sleeping quarters as well.” The Queen instructed kissing me and Nerissa on the cheek before exiting the room with half the men leaving us behind.

  “You. Us. Talk. Now,” Angie whispered fiercely pulling me away from Nerissa, and into a huddle with her and April.

  “I know what you want to say, but you don’t have to worry about me there is nothing between Prince Leev and myself.”

  “Okay, first of all that was not what I wanted to talk to you about, and secondly I will store that conversation away for later.”

  “Than what is so important we had to huddle away from everyone?”

  “I am happy that you have found your family, I truly am, but I also want you to remember why we are here,” Angie whispered so only we could hear. “Do you understand? No matter how nice it is here, we will have to leave to continue finding the dragons.”

  I fully understood Angie’s concern, I once turned my back on them when they needed me, and I will not do it again.

  Grabbing Angie and April’s hand I wished that I could take back how I treated them before. “Listen, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Do you mind introducing me to your friends?” Nerissa asked suddenly appearing beside me.

  Nerissa’s unexpected presence startled me so much that I dropped April and Angie’s hand.

  “Sure, Nerissa meet April and Angie, also known as the Dragon Warriors of nature and fire.”

  Bowing her head slightly, Nerissa barely acknowledge them. “If you would follow me I will show all of you where you will be staying during the duration of your

  Nerissa began to walk toward the throne room exit, without so much of a word to them; as I turned to apologize to them for Nerissa’s actions I was met with stony glares.

  “Come on April, we wouldn’t want to do anything to shame our fellow Dragon Warrior.” Angie sarcastically muttered brushing pass me with April fast on her heels.

  I know it was rude of how Nerissa acknowledge them, or rather her lack of acknowledgement; but why are they mad at me?

  Following behind them I realized that our stay in Sapphire Kingdom will not be an easy one.


  Location: Nerissa’s Room

  ◑ Ashley (Cordelia) ◐

  There was only the sound of footsteps as we followed Nerissa.

  “What seems to be ailing your sisters?” Prince Leev whispered, slowing his stride to match my snail pace.

  “Why are you curious?”

  “I just wanted to make polite conversation.” Prince Leev stated looking straight ahead toward Nerissa.

  “If you want to talk, why didn’t you tell us your prior engagement, was actually about an engagement?”

  “The proposal of my engagement, was all done by my father, and I do not believe the Dragon Warriors should be privy to such personal information.” He smiled, making him look even more arrogant. “Don’t tell me that you are jealous.”

  His question caught me off guard almost making me choke on air. “I am not jealous, I just pity the person who has to put up with you for the rest of their life.”

  My feet couldn’t take me away from him fast enough as I caught up with Nerissa just in time, as she stopped in the middle of a small circular room with six large column placed around us.

  The pillars surrounding us were filled with the most bluest of water that swirled around as we entered the room, and strangely inside of the liquid were men, clutching what looked to be a triton in their hands. In between each column was a hall leading to some unknown part of Sapphire Kingdom.

  “This is where we will all part until dinner.” Nerissa announced. “Prince Leev, you and your companions, will find your room down the hall to your right, and Dragon Warriors you will find your room to the left, Turk and Olé will guide you.”

  The liquid in the pillars near the right and left hall began to swirl really fast, as the muscled guys stepped from inside of the liquid without an ounce of water on Them; Both of the men had very similar features to the guy who led us to the King and Queen’s throne room, the only difference was that their hair was cut extremely low.

  In my astonishment, I noticed for the first time that Rṓgaire was not with us, it figures he inherited his father’s cowardly ability to disappear. I wanted to ask Leo, but I did not want Nerissa to overhear. I don’t believe she would take the news lightly of a strange visitor wandering throughout Sapphire Kingdom.

  Angie followed the guard without a second glance my way, April was a little more hesitant opening her mouth, as if to say something only to quickly close it without saying a word to catch up with Angie.

  “I guess this leaves just us.” I joked trying to laugh away the hurt I was feeling, I guess this was just a little taste of how they must have felt back on Earth.

  “Yes, our room is straight ahead. I hope you like it.” Nerissa said, while never changing her pace. “Mom, redecorated the entire room just for you.”

  “I thought I was going to be rooming with you in your room.” I asked feeling a little confused.

  “It is no longer my room, since you have returned it is our room.” Nerissa stated sounding a little strange, as she suddenly stopped at the end of the hall.

  “Are you okay? I can just sleep in the same room with Angie and April. I don’t want to intrude.”

  “Don’t be foolish,” Nerissa laughed turning around grabbing my hands. “I have waited a long time to meet my younger sister, the Dragon Warrior.”

  “Okay, as long as you are all right with it.”

  I don’t know what is wrong with me, all I have ever wanted was to belong somewhere, and now that I have found my real family; why am I so hesitant about sharing a room with my real sister?

  Letting go of my hand she put her hand on the door in front of us causing it to ripple like water as it swallowed her hand, soon after there was a click and the door opened.

  I couldn’t stay in awe at the way Nerissa opened the door, once I saw the view inside. The room was twice as big as the one my sisters and I shared in the Inner Kingdom. It was decorated a beautiful pearl color with a conch shell border. The floor was covered in beautiful soft spongey corals.

  To the right of me there were two giant canopy beds, the same colors as the walls and border. The only thing separating them were four small steps leading up to a large platform that showcased a giant twin mirror dresser.

  “You haven’t seen the most amazing feature yet,” Nerissa said leading me across the room to a pair of long stringy fluorescent curtains, pushing pass the curtains led us to an enclosed glass balcony giving me a spectacular view of Sapphire Kingdom. It was like a network of tall buildings connected by tubes that stretched far off in the distance.

  “It is so beautiful,” I muttered unable to look away.

  “This is my favorite view of the Kingdom.” Nerissa stated, sounding lost in thought.

  “My lady we are here for your fitting,” A short plump woman with bright blue eyes, and short blonde hair exclaimed, stepping from behind the curtain. “First, let us tend to your bath.”

  “That is okay, if you can just point me in the direction of the bathing area, I am perfectly capable of tending to my own bath.” I explained remembering the way I was treated when I first entered the Inner Kingdom.

  “It seems as if my sister is a bit modest. Don’t worry, I will show her to our bathing area, and you can come back with the others in about an hour for her fitting.” Nerissa assured the woman.

  Bowing without hesitation, she departed as fast as she had appeared before us.

  “You now have an hour to relax,” Nerissa laughed, motioning me to follow her back inside the room.

  “Where do I have to go to wash?” I asked after she stopped outside the empty wall.

  Nerissa laughed, “In here.”

  “There’s nothing there, but a wall.”

  “Of course, I did say that it was in there.” Nerissa continued to laugh as she pulled me through the wall into what I can only describe a world class spa. “You will find you essentials over on the far wall. Enjoy.”

  The bath was wonderful once I figured out how to work the faucets. Everything I needed was waiting for me on the far wall like Nerissa said, Even a lovely pale pink silk rob.

  I walked out of the room feeling refreshed and wondering what April and Angie was doing. My thoughts were interrupted when I found Nerissa sitting down at the twin mirrors brushing her hair.

  She smiled once she caught my gaze in the mirror. “Feeling better?”

  “Yes, much better.”

  “Would you like me to brush your hair?” Nerissa offered standing up from her porcelain chair.

  I was a more than a little hesitant, because for some reason it brought back memories of my stepmom, and how she used brushing my hair as an excuse to cheer me up.


  It was freaky how much we looked alike, if it wasn’t for the fact that her hair was more of a strawberry blonder, and a lot curlier, no one would be able to tell us apart.

  “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Nerissa murmured as she gently brushed my hair, accepting my subtle nod as permission to continue. “What can you tell me about Prince Leev?”

  I fought the urge to stand up, as I tensed letting her question sink in. “What do you want know?”

  “I would just like to no more about him, since the proposition of our marriage was put forward by our parents, I know not of Prince Leev’s true character.”

  My mouth suddenly became dry as I tried to think about Prince Leev. “Well, when we first met he was
very snobbish.”

  “Snobbish? That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

  “No, it’s not.” I laughed thinking about the way he welcomed the Dragon Warriors. “It means he was very belittling.”

  “Oh,” Nerissa muttered very lowly.

  “Then I got a chance to get to know him more and found him very narcissistic and arrogant.”

  “So far I don’t see him being marriage material.” Nerissa stated making me laugh harder.

  “Yeah, but even though he can be all of those things, he has a brave and noble side to him. He sticks to his principles, and doesn’t yield for no one, once his mind is made up.” I rambled on becoming lost in thought, until a pain in the back of my head brought me back to reality. “Ouch!”

  “Sorry, I was trying to comb out a tiny knot. Did I hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” I assured her, as I rubbed the back of my head.

  “It sounds like you know the Prince very well.” Nerissa continued the conversation.

  “Not really, I actually just met him almost two weeks ago.” I chuckled to myself remembering how my life was a lot different two weeks ago.

  “What causes you laughter?” Nerissa questioned, as she continued to section off my hair and brush it.

  “It’s just that two weeks ago, I was on Earth with my sisters.”

  “Sisters?” Nerissa stopped brushing my hair, causing me to look in the mirror at her puzzled expression.

  “Yeah, on Earth the other dragon warriors and I would call each other sisters, even though I didn’t treat them like siblings in certain situations. I feel really bad about that now, since they never failed in being there for me.” Talking about them was just making me miss them more, although we just departed.

  Once again Nerissa brushing began to turn painful, as she dragged the brush deep into my scalp causing a stingy burning sensation.

  “Okay, you can stop brushing my hair now.” I stood up quickly, only to have Nerissa grab a clump of my hair, bringing me back down hard into the chair.

  “What is wrong with you?” I cried as tears stung my eyes, in disbelief to what was actually happening.


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