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What We're Meant to Be

Page 22

by P Nelson

  Pressing his body into Delaney’s again, Martin reached for Linkin’s lips. They kissed, and for the first time, Linkin just enjoyed the feel of Martin’s lips pressed against his own, the faint taste of Delaney on the back of his tongue. Suddenly, there was no need to try and dominate the other man. Linkin examined his head, his heart and realised he was at peace with himself and with the two people wrapped in his arms right now.

  “I love you.” This time he didn’t need to pull the words from his gut, dragged up through his throat making him feel bloody and exposed. The words were waiting on the surface this time, waiting for him to say them.

  “More than my own life,” Martin responded. They stared into each other’s eyes for a full minute. Delaney shifted between the two of them. They didn’t need to say it to one another. Linkin had no need to tell of his love for Delaney. Martin’s expression said it all. The three of them had found each other and come what may, they would ride out any storms together. “I’ll get the bath going.” Linkin watched as Martin reluctantly turned towards the full en suite.

  Keeping a steadying hand on Delaney, Linkin reached out and pulled the table they used earlier underneath her body. Martin came back out of the bathroom after he started the water for the bath and lowered Delaney onto the table for Linkin. She had gotten a bit more starch in her during the past few minutes, but her expression was as dreamy as ever as Linkin undid the rope bra Martin had made for her breasts. Her skin and flesh were sensitive from being in the restrictive garment, the ropes leaving a pattern on her torso that matched the ones on her arms. She slumped into his embrace once he had freed her thighs and body and let the ropes fall to her waist.

  “You did very well, little sub.” He placed a kiss on her cheek as he lifted her high into his arms.

  “You did very well too, big, bad Dom,” Delaney replied. Linkin stared down at her for a full minute before he started chuckling.

  “You’re going to make the rest of our lives very interesting,” Linkin walked towards the en suite where Martin was waiting for them. The large three-person bathtub was more like a small hot tub, and it was filling up fast. Martin held the door open to the walk-in shower, and Linkin strode inside with his precious burden.

  “Can you stand up?” He studied her half-closed eyes.

  “Yes, Master Linkin.” She gave him a faint smile. Linkin set her feet on the tiled floor as Martin gently sprayed them both with warm water. Linkin spent the next several minutes along with Martin caring for their sub. Aftercare had never really interested Linkin before. But there was an intimacy in caring for Delaney, wiping away his semen from her pussy and legs that felt good.

  Once they finished cleaning Delaney and one another. Martin shut off the spray. Delaney and Linkin followed him to the big tub and waited for him to climb inside. Sitting down, he held out his arms for Delaney, and she went to him without hesitation. Linkin liked the picture of contentment they made cuddling in the tub. He watched as Martin whispered to her, and Delaney responded quietly.

  Linkin stepped into the tub and sat next to Martin, he wrapped one of his arms around Martin’s shoulders, and the other he rested on Delaney’s breast from around her back. The three of them sat quietly luxuriating in the wet heat. His cock started to twitch at the sight of Delaney’s glistening skin, Martin’s slick shoulders moving under his arm.

  “Can we do this every night?” Delaney asked on a sigh.

  “I think our sub likes both our cocks filling up her pussy,” Martin nuzzled the side of her neck.

  “It felt too much at first, but then I thought I might die of pleasure,” Delaney sounded embarrassed to admit she liked both their dicks at once. Linkin reached under her body, between Martin’s thigh and her ass. He wiggled a finger over her asshole. Delaney half jumped in response.

  “We wouldn’t want your little asshole to get jealous.” He leaned forward and licked her ear. His dick was hardening again. Martin’s breathing had become deeper, and Linkin knew his cock must be hardening, too.

  “I have something to say before we start down this path again,” Delaney deliberately wiggled her bottom on Martin’s thigh causing Linkin’s finger to press a bit further inside her ass. “Please,” Linkin must have heard the seriousness in her voice because he withdrew his finger.

  Moving around on Martin’s lap, she tried to avoid pressing up against his thickening cock but as his expression hardened, Delaney knew she hadn’t done a great job. She tilted her head up and kissed his chin. He grunted in response. She tried to gather everything she wanted to say to the two men who had brought her such fulfilment. Right now, her heart felt like it was bursting in her chest.

  “Master Martin.” She looked up at him. “Master Linkin.” She shifted her gaze to him. “The last few weeks, bar last week, have been some of my most fulfilling experiences in my whole life. The feeling of submission I have when you’re with me, working me over.” She couldn’t help the shiver that went over her body. “It’s so amazing, maybe it scares me.”

  “It scares the shit out of me,” Martin admitted to her. “Why do you think I acted like a fucking moron last week. You bring out every caveman instinct I have inside me. From the first time I spanked a sub’s ass red, I knew I was a Dom. I just didn’t understand or fully appreciate the power exchange until you came into our lives. The electricity between us, the way you make me want to bundle you up and protect you from the world. I’ve never experienced that before.” Martin lifted her up for a searing kiss. Delaney’s heart raced at his admission. Was it possible they had never felt this way, either?

  “You’re my sub now, Delaney.” Linkin shrugged his shoulders. “Accept it or safe word out.” He leaned forward in the tub, their noses only inches apart. The bath water splashed around. Delaney laughed. The sound echoed off the bathroom walls, and it made Linkin’s mouth turn up into a grin, before he kissed the breath out of her.

  “I’m not ready to move in with you two yet,” Delaney spoke softly after Linkin had pulled away. “That doesn’t mean I won’t be ready soon, I just need some time and space when things get hectic between us to figure everything out. Martin’s arms tightened around her, and she waited. This was just as hard for them as it was for her. Delaney’s natural instincts were screaming at her to grab hold of them, move in. Even have their babies. She had never even wanted babies before.

  “Everything has happened really quickly,” Martin agreed, but Delaney could hear the reluctance in his voice.

  “If you follow the rules we set out as your Doms, you can have all the time you want.” Linkin’s fierce gaze pierced her heart. “But know this, Delaney. You’re the woman and sub for us. I expect you to come to terms with the fact that we’re the only Doms for you. Soon, you’ll move in with us.”

  “But until then. This dungeon is our dungeon, and I expect you to stay over every night you’re free.” Martin snuggled her closer. Delaney felt some of the weight she had been carrying this week lift. She still had one more thing to speak with them about. Her heart pounded because she knew this could be a deal breaker.

  “There’s something else you want to tell us, sub?” Linkin must have seen the nervous look in her eye. He could read her like a damn book she thought sourly. They both could.

  “Yes.” Delaney’s throat closed, and she felt panic wash through her system. Tonight had been so perfect; she had loved every moment of it. Even her punishment. If she closed her eyes, Delaney could still feel the falls of the flogger against her skin. The fullness of their cocks in her pussy. Being brave, she opened her eyes again but couldn’t lift her gaze from the water in front of her.

  “After what happened with Rex,” Delaney bit her lip. Dammit. She was probably going to get a punishment spanking for that.

  “Go on,” Martin demanded. “We can talk about whether or not you deserve a punishment for maligning that dick later.” His attempt at humour settled something in Delaney’s gut enough for her to get the next words out.

  “I can’t br
ing myself to play at the Feather Flogger again.” Delaney stilled in the tub. She felt as if some of the heat in the water had leached out.

  It only took a minute before Martin responded. “We thought you might feel that way.” He rubbed a soothing hand down her back. “And to be honest neither of us felt comfortable letting you play there again after the abduction attempt, even knowing Rex is leaving town.”

  “There are too many outside variables I can’t control.” Linkin shook his head, and Delaney realised they really had given this a lot of thought. “Even with the increased security I installed, there are too many people who visit The Feather Flogger only looking to score with subs or worse looking to victimise them in some way.” He shook his head. “I cannot allow you to be put in that position again.”

  “Neither can I,” Martin agreed. “A private club might be more to our liking.” She watched as the two men exchanged a glance. Something unspoken passed between them. “Until then however, I think we should introduce you to all the equipment available in our private dungeon.”

  “I would like that, Masters,” Delaney responded.

  “Good, let’s start with the bed. My cock maybe hard as a fucking rock, but my balls are seriously pruning.” Linkin stood up and Delaney admired the water sluicing off his body.

  “Did you just use the word pruning to describe your balls?” Martin asked with amusement as he shifted to unplug the tub. Linkin got out and walked over to the towel warmer. He held one out to Delaney as he winked.

  “First time for many things,” he said as Delaney let him wrap her in the soft material.

  Chapter Eighteen

  11 months later…

  “You look fine.” Martin watched as Linkin adjusted the front of the new leather pants they had bought for the occasion.

  “I know I look fine, but dammit. I like the feel of worn-in leather on my boys.” Linkin bent his knees a few times before he sighed. Martin walked up behind his boyfriend and stared at them both in the mirror. Linkin was not doing anything to hide the scowl on his face.

  “Perfect.” He murmured as he brushed a hand down Linkin’s broad chest covered by a black T-shirt. Martin was wearing the same T-shirt, but they wouldn’t have them on for long. Not for where they were heading.

  “I’m nervous.” Linkin finally let out a long breath, his blue gaze meeting Martin’s own dark eyes in the mirror. Electricity sparked between them, but the ignition switch to really get them going was missing.

  “She’s going to be surprised at first, but ultimately, tonight has been coming for a very long time.” Martin said to convince himself as well as Linkin. “Delaney was meant for us, and we were meant for her. I think the past year has taught us all about communication, expectations, and compromise.”

  “Compromise is for the weak.” Linkin turned away from the mirror with a fierce scowl.

  “Delaney would have left our asses months ago if we didn’t learn to bend a little for her,” Martin reminded Linkin. During the past year, Martin had slowly stopped topping Linkin. Thank god, the other man hadn’t realised that by trying to control everyone’s reactions to his no filter policy was really his attempt to dominate him. Or maybe he did understand and just never said anything. Either way, Martin had gotten much better at just letting Linkin figure his own shit out.

  There were times when he had to step in between Delaney and Linkin. Their relationship was much more fiery than the one Delaney and Martin shared. Sometimes their arguments got very heated, but that was point. For the most part Delaney was the calming influence juxtaposed to Linkin’s aggressive take no prisoner’s attitude.

  “Do you think she’s going to like it?” Linkin picked up the long black velvet case from the end of the bed. He opened it up to reveal a delicate chain necklace interspersed with diamonds. Martin and Linkin had worked with a jeweller to create a design with the initial of each of their first names. It was as unique and beautiful as their relationship.

  “She’s going to love it so much.” Martin reached a finger out to trace the small gold disc.

  “I’m going to get my cock sucked tonight,” Linkin stated before he snapped the lid closed.

  “When don’t you get your cock sucked?” Martin asked as he grabbed the kit bag they had put together for the evening’s festivities.

  “Anytime yours or Delaney’s lips are not wrapped around my cock are terrible times.” Linkin swept out of the bedroom and walked down the stairs to the dungeon. “And don’t side-track me. If we did a little less compromising and a bit more topping, Delaney would have moved in here by now.”

  “Or she would have left us,” Martin pointed out as they went down the stairs.

  “Our girlfriend loves us,” Linkin replied as they headed through the kitchen. His voice held the conviction of a man who was at peace with himself. Martin smiled in response. They had come a long fucking way since the night Robert had broken their contract, and they had convinced Delaney to take them for a spin.

  “Yes, she does. Hopefully, she won’t kill us for what we have planned for tonight,” Martin muttered. He was totally onboard for the big surprise. Whether or not she was going to agree to the scene he and Linkin had planned was another matter entirely.

  “We have been going back to the Feather Flogger,” Linkin held the kitchen door open for him, and Martin walked out of the house. The sky was cloudy, but it hadn’t started to rain yet. It would, though. This was Vancouver at its finest.

  “Just because we’ve got to socialise doesn’t mean Delaney is going to be ready for what we have planned.” Martin waited until Linkin had finished locking the house with the alarm code.

  “She can use her safe word,” Linkin reminded him as if he were an idiot Dom. Martin was silent as they went into the garage, and Linkin unlocked his black SUV. Some things never changed. Martin threw the kit bag into the back seat and got in. Linkin started the engine but didn’t pull out. He looked over at Martin forcing him to make eye contact.

  “You’re nervous because you’re afraid she’s going to reject our collar. Not because she’s afraid of a little spanking in front of a crowd. Delaney is ready to have a public scene. We’ve discussed it with her numerous times. She just isn’t comfortable doing it at the Feather Flogger. That’s why we waited until tonight.” Linkin stared at him hard.

  “This is a big night for you, too.” Martin reached out and cupped Linkin’s face. One of the side benefits of Delaney had been her open, affectionate nature. Gradually, both Linkin and Martin had learned to be more spontaneously loving with one another. “You have worked fucking hard to get your business to this point. I’m proud of you.”

  “Not bad for an old army grunt.” Linkin’s mouth pulled up in a rare half smile.

  “You were hardly an army grunt.” Martin leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Linkin’s lips. He was a tech genius who the military had been very sad to lose. Martin relished Linkin’s open response, but they both pulled away at the same time.

  “Let’s go pick up our girlfriend and make sure she knows who her Masters are.” Linkin shifted the SUV into gear, and they pulled out of the garage. It was going to be a night the three of them would never forget.

  Delaney paced in front of the mirror in her room and wished she were with her Masters. She would never admit it to them, but she had waited for them to ask her to move in with them in the past few weeks, and when they hadn’t made any moves to deepen their commitment, disappointment had turned into worry.

  Did they still love her? Were they looking at ending their contract? When they played together or just hung out together, everything felt real with a hint of magic. When they were apart, Delaney wanted nothing more than to call, text, and generally harass them. She was such an idiot for insisting on space after the whole Douchebag Rex incident. Inhaling deeply, she stopped and looked in the mirror at the confection Master Linkin had no doubt chosen. The bodysuit was nothing more than a collection of leather straps with silver hoops as decoration sewn into t
he junctures. There was a clever band that went across her nipples and another one that rode in between her legs, but neither left anything to the imagination.

  Her tits really were too big for something like this. She would have to tell Linkin. A smile spread across her face at the thought of how that conversation would go. She had a feeling they wanted her to do a public scene tonight. The outfit she was wearing certainly wasn’t appropriate for a mundane date. She wanted to do a public scene with them, and they had reintroduced her back into the fold of The Feather Flogger. But it didn’t feel right.

  Glancing at the clock she went over and picked up her long overcoat, happy the weather had taken a cold turn this evening. The problem with wearing fetware in the summer was it could be damn hot underneath the jackets needed to hide that she wasn’t wearing anything. There were no shoes included in the package, which was odd because normally Martin picked out some truly gorgeous footwear for her.

  Never in her life had she amassed such a collection of sexy high heels and fetware. Her Doms were so good to her and never expected anything in return. They just wanted her to be happy. Of course, they expected her submission, but she also expected their dominance in return. The relationship between the three of them was based on the true power exchange. Delaney understood now, after playing with Master Martin and Master Linkin how a true BDSM relationship was supposed to work. She would never settle for a pale imitation like what she had with Rex, who had fucked off to places unknown.

  Delaney knew Linkin kept tabs on her former Master and, if she asked, would tell her down to the second what the douchebag had been up to. But she didn’t care as long as he wasn’t filming girls without their knowledge and posting his ill-gotten footage on the internet. Dick.


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