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What We're Meant to Be

Page 23

by P Nelson

  The sound of a car pulling into the drive had Delaney tying up her jacket quickly and slipping on a pair of canvas shoes. Grabbing her bag as she rushed out of her bedroom, Delaney made it to the front door just as the bell rang. She opened it up to see Martin staring down at her. His expression made her belly melt and her heart flutter. This always happened when she finally saw her Doms after an absence. Could be a few days or a few hours. It didn’t matter. Her body reacted to her Masters just as they had trained it to do.

  “Hello, little sub.” Martin’s deep voice flowed over her senses. Immediately her nipples perked up at his presence. Her pussy longing for his cock to fill her.

  “Hello, Master Martin.” She smiled up at him, her sense of belonging increasing in his presence.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” His gaze probed her features looking for any sign that she was nervous or didn’t want to go with him. Unfortunately, she was nervous, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

  “I think so.” Delaney steeled her nerves. She wanted to be ready at any rate. The best part about this whole night was knowing her Doms would never push her into doing something she wasn’t ready for. He held out a large hand, and Delaney laid her fingers on his warm skin.

  “The evening awaits.” He pulled her outside and hugged her. The abrasion of her jacket felt rough against her exposed skin. She wanted to devour him and call to Linkin who was probably waiting impatiently in the SUV to come join them. Martin let go of her, and she turned and pressed in the code for the alarm and locked the door.

  Climbing into the back of the SUV a minute later, she felt Linkin watching her in the rearview mirror. “Good evening, little sub.”

  “Good evening, Master Linkin.” Delaney’s seatbelt clicked into place, and she stared up at him in the mirror. Her heart constricted as he surveyed her features.

  “You’re nervous,” Linkin pointed out in his not-so-subtle manner.

  “Yes, Master,” Delaney replied, never even thinking of lying to him about her feelings. Honesty could be a bitch sometimes, but there was no place for lying or skirting issues in a Dom/sub relationship, especially when there were three people in the relationship. Linkin nodded in approval, and a warm, fuzzy sensation went through her veins. Her inner sub was such a sucker for her Masters’ approval.

  “No matter what happens tonight, all you have to do is say your safe word,” Linkin reminded her.

  “Yes, Master.” Delaney sat back in the familiar leather seats of Linkin’s SUV and let the peace of the moment steal over her senses. They had obviously gone to a great deal of trouble to put this evening together, and Delaney needed to respect that; even if she didn’t like it, they had done everything with her in mind.

  Looking out the windows, Delaney noticed they were driving towards the Vancouver CBD, but they were not taking the usual route to The Feather Flogger. She watched as Linkin continued to manoeuvre the SUV deftly though the Friday night traffic until they reached an industrial site in south Vancouver. Delaney was sure it bordered on the Fraser River, but she had never actually been down here before. A thousand questions brushed through her mind, but she remained silent in the back seat.

  At the end of one of the side streets, a large warehouse, painted black, stood inside a large fenced-off parking lot. From this side of the building, Delaney couldn’t see an entrance, and she leaned forward in her seat to get a better look. Linkin drove farther around one side of the building to reveal the back. Light poured from glass doors leading into the building, and light bulbs arranged in a sign over the top read The Cage.

  Delaney felt her heart rate kick up a beat at the building and a couple walking through the entrance. She wore a knee length coat not unlike Delaney’s while her partner was in leathers and a T-shirt. Her mind raced to process what she was seeing.

  “I didn’t even know this place existed,” Delaney whispered as Linkin pulled the SUV into a parking spot next to a low-slung sports car.

  “It didn’t” was Linkin’s succinct answer.

  “What Master Linkin is trying to say is The Cage has just recently opened. In fact, tonight is the opening night.” Martin had turned around in his seat to watch Delaney. She shifted her eyes from the lighted sign to her Doms. “This is Vancouver’s newest and most exclusive BDSM club. We’ve been invited tonight as pioneer members of The Cage; your Master Linkin has provided first class security to this establishment.”

  “Master Flynn also knows we’re proper Doms,” Linkin interjected.

  “Inside those door, you’ll find a world completely apart from anything you’ve experienced at other clubs.” Martin’s stare was hard. “It’s worlds away from The Feather Flogger. The owner has vetted each one of the members, and aside from the occasional guest of a member who has been approved prior to visiting, there are no curious tourists here.”

  “The Cage is only for Doms and Dommes who want to spank some serious sub ass.” Linkin’s hard eyes met hers.

  Martin sighed, and Delaney could tell he was trying to ignore Linkin. He was doing much better at not trying to temper the other man, but it wasn’t an easy task.

  “We have a public scene planned for you tonight. A very special scene. It will involve us spanking your bare ass in front of a crowd. There will be no public sex tonight, although it’s a possibility for future scenes involving sex since The Cage is a private club unlike The Feather Flogger,” Martin explained everything in his matter-of-fact tone. “Master Linkin and I want you to come inside with us and continue on our Dom/sub journey together.” There was a note in his voice Delaney couldn’t identify. His eyes watched her with hope. She turned to face Linkin who was also watching her very carefully.

  “Yes, Master Martin, Master Linkin. I want to keep exploring my submission with you. I love you both so much.” Delaney’s heart fluttered as she saw the looks of approval on both their faces.

  “What is your safe word, little sub?” Linkin demanded in a tone that would not be denied.

  “Deciduous,” she replied promptly. “And Red is to stop, yellow to slow down and discuss, and green to keep going.”

  “Good, little sub.” Martin praised as he got out of the SUV and came around to open the back door for her. She got out while Linkin opened the opposite door and fished around for the black kit bag. Delaney had seen it often enough when her Doms came to stay at her house or they were out on an overnight date.

  “We haven’t bought a private room here,” Martin said casually as they approached the doors, and Delaney’s heart started beating faster. “We have the dungeon at home. But there are private rooms that can be booked.”

  Linkin leaned in close, his warm breath brushing her ear as they reached the door. “We’ve booked one for tonight.” Delaney thought the grin she wore might split her face as she stepped into The Cage for the first time behind Master Martin, but in front of Master Linkin. The reception area was well-appointed and kind of looked like an expensive spa. A woman sat behind a receptionist counter along with a large male.

  “Good evening Master Linkin, Master Martin.” The woman beamed, and Delaney felt a stab of jealously go through her. This woman clearly knew her two Doms, but she had never met her before.

  “Brandy, I hope you’re staying out of trouble,” Linkin said to the other woman. Brandy sat up straighter in her chair, clearly a sub if Delaney ever saw one. A faint hint of a blush on her cheeks.

  “Of course, Master Linkin,” she replied, and the ravenous beast of Delaney’s jealousy snarled.

  “Good, I don’t want to have to tell Master Flynn you need a punishment spanking on the first night.” Master Linkin signed some papers at the front desk, not looking at Brandy who was staring at her curiously.

  “This is Delaney, our sub,” Master Martin introduced as he placed a few papers in front of her. “These are standard nondisclosure agreements and sign up forms for The Cage.”

  “You must sign them to come through.” Brandy’s smile appeared genuine enough.
  “Thank you.” Delaney tried to concentrate on the words written out on the contract, knew each of her Doms would spank her ass if she signed something without reading it. Eventually, she gave up and just signed where the x’s were.

  “Twenty smacks.” Linkin leaned down and admonished in her ear. He breathed deeply in satisfaction as he watched Delaney’s body stiffen as she waged an internal battle of whether she would submit. Finally, she jerked her head.

  “Yes, Master Linkin,” she agreed, and Linkin let out a satisfied breath.

  “The ladies’ changing room is to the right,” Brandy pointed to the door on the right marked “Ladies.” Linkin watched as the receptionist handed Delaney a piece of paper. “This is the combination to your private locker. You must obey all the rules of The Cage while you’re on the dungeon floor. You may have only two drinks maximum at the bar and, of course, respect the Doms and Dommes once you’re on the other side.” Brandy glanced down at her canvas shoes. “Only bare feet, stilettos or boots permitted on the dungeon floor.”

  “Looks like its bare feet for our little sub.” Martin remarked and kissed Delaney on the forehead. “Why don’t you go through, and we’ll meet you on the dungeon floor.”

  “This is not The Feather Flogger,” Linkin warned as he forced Delaney to meet his gaze. “The Cage had strict rules about Dom/sub interactions. Any Dom may approach you, especially since you’re not wearing a collar. You must be clear in your intentions with any dominant partner that seeks you out.”

  “What Master Linkin is trying to say is you haven’t been claimed, therefore it’s well within the rights of other dominants to ask if you want to play while you’re on the floor,” Martin clarified.

  “She didn’t need you to explain.” Linkin didn’t bother to look at Martin as he watched Delaney finger her bare neck.

  “Go through, little sub, we’ll see you on the other side,” Martin encouraged. Linkin watched as Delaney smiled up at them both and walked over to the ladies’ changing room door, waving she pushed the black leather door open and disappeared inside. The entrance doors swung open, and a couple came through. Linkin moved towards the men’s changing room to get out of the way. Now, they were minutes from finally claiming Delaney, and Linkin felt nervous.

  Linkin had brought Martin through the club a few times while the warehouse was still under renovation. It had been damn hard not to speak of it at all in front of Delaney, but the surprise on her face had been worth it. She looked delighted at the thought of playing here tonight, if a little nervous. He went over to the locker assigned to him ages ago, Martin beside him.

  “She likes it,” Martin said as he used the combination to get into his locker.

  “Fuck, yes,” Linkin replied. Was there really any more to say as he lifted his black shirt over his head and folded it before placing it in the locker.

  “I still think I should have worn an old pair of leathers,” he grumbled.

  “You want me to massage your balls for you?” Martin peered around the door of his open locker.

  “Fuck you,” Linkin replied and listened to Martin’s chuckle. The two of them along with Delaney had forged a path forward that meant everything to him. He had learned to back off a bit. Only with Delaney and Martin. Everyone else could go fuck themselves as far as he was concerned. If the two people he loved were safe and happy, Linkin didn’t give a damn what others thought.

  Martin had also stopped trying to top him. He’d never mention how much it got under his skin, the little nuances in Martin’s conversation with others to explain Linkin’s behaviour. But they had annoyed him, and the more Martin worked on not topping him, the better. Reaching into the bag, he pulled out the velvet box with careful hands. He opened it up.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as he stared down at the delicate chain that was meant to be Delaney’s collar.

  “More than ready,” Martin replied. Linkin made a noise in the back of his throat in agreement. Tonight was fate. Just like someday really damn soon Delaney was going to move in with them, and they would be a family. A perverted, sexually satisfied family.

  “Do I want to know why you’re smiling?” Martin had sat down and was changing into his club boots.

  “No.” Linkin placed the box back into the bag and sat down to change his foot ware. Subs went barefoot here, so there was a no outside footwear policy in strict force. Master Flynn had thought of just about everything and taken onboard all Linkin’s ideas for ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all the club members. A few short minutes later, he was ready.

  “Let’s spank and collar our sub.” Linkin picked up the kit bag and they left the changing room. There were a couple of men he recognised, but for the most part, he left the socialising to Martin. It was more his gig than Linkin’s, and he was lucky enough to have a boyfriend who finally accepted that. He felt even luckier his girlfriend felt the same way.

  “Welcome to The Cage,” Master Flynn greeted them as they walked towards the centre of the warehouse. The middle of the large building consisted of a circular bar. The design allowed people to sit at the tables, beanbags, and large pillows and still have an all-access view of the stages set up around the walls of the club.

  “Good evening, Master Flynn.” Martin shook the other man’s hand. Linkin had introduced his boyfriend to his boss a few months ago. “You’ve achieved something really amazing here.” Warmth filled Martin’s voice, and Linkin looked around to study the interior. It was the kind of place Martin would like. He hoped Delaney would like it too, feel comfortable enough to want to bend over his knee and take a spanking in public. All he could think about was the collar in their kit bag.

  Delaney had taken her time looking around the ladies’ changing room. It was the prettiest changing room she’d ever seen. Like something out of a five-star resort, which made her wonder just how exclusive this club was and how the hell she was going to pay for her fees. She found her locker and stuffed her bag and her shoes in first. The rows of lockers interspersed with mirrors for women to check their appearance. There were vanities set up with all kinds of products a kinkster might need for a night out in the dungeon. It all felt a little bit unreal.

  “A bit nicer than the ladies’ changing room at The Feather Flogger,” a voice from behind Delaney said. She turned and saw a familiar face. The first one she had recognised since arriving at The Cage.

  “Misty!” Delaney scooped the shorter woman up in a hug. The two of them embraced for a full minute before pulling apart, Delaney grinned down at the other sub. “I’m so happy to see you here.”

  “The place is pretty fancy.” Misty said the unspoken words rattling around in Delaney’s head. “Master Martin and Master Linkin told me about it.” She shrugged a shoulder. “I know they worry about me after Master French.” She didn’t finish the sentence, and Delaney reached out and laid a hand on her arm. Misty appeared to collect her emotions for a minute before speaking again. “Plenty of fresh Doms here to break in.”

  “Yeah, looks like it’s going to be an interesting crowd at The Cage.” Delaney went back over to her locker and started to undo the belt of her coat.

  “I saw Master Dillon come in,” Misty whispered.

  “The porn star Dom?” Delaney stopped what she was doing and looked back over at Misty who was nodding her head.

  “Yup. And let me tell you he’s even more gorgeous in real life. Got that whole boy next door thing going for him,” Misty sighed.

  “Until he pulls down your panties and turns your ass red,” Delaney joked back and undid the buttons on her jacket. She was feeling a bit self-conscious about the outfit Linkin had chosen for her to wear. It was gorgeous, but a bit too revealing. Mostly she only ever wore corsets and leather boy shorts at The Feather Flogger or nothing when they played at home.

  “He wouldn’t be many a sub’s dream Dom if he didn’t spank girls’ asses,” Misty pointed out with a laugh.

  “True enough.” Delaney watched as the other woman pulled
out her own fetware for the evening and got good and naked. Misty had never been self-conscious at The Feather Flogger. Not that she had paraded around naked; she just didn’t care what anyone said about her. Gathering her courage, Delaney pulled the front of her jacket apart with a bit more force than necessary and shrugged out of the sleeves. She hung the coat on one of the ridiculously expensive looking hangers and took one step to the side. She forced her eyes to scrutinise her outfit in the mirror.

  “Master Linkin has really great taste,” Misty said from behind her with a small smile. A twirl of jealousy went through her at the thought of the other woman having been with her two Doms. She knew Master Martin and Master Linkin had been friends with Master French for a long time before he got sick with cancer.

  “Yes, we have played together.” Misty stared right into her eyes through the mirror. “No, it was never serious. We never really connected.” She shrugged her shoulders, and the jealousy demon in Delaney’s chest calmed.

  “Am I that transparent?” Delaney bit her lip. The kinkster’s world could be even harder to negotiate than the vanilla world. It was a small place, and chances are the Dom, or Doms in her case, had played with people she knew. Sometimes it wasn’t easy keeping the big bad jealousy demon away.

  “You love them,” Misty said the words as if it was all the explanation in the world. “Take it from someone who loved her Dom as deeply. It’s a gift.” Misty smiled sadly at her before going back to her locker.

  The echo of Misty’s words bounced around in her head as she stepped out of the changing room a few minutes later into the most opulent dungeon she’d ever seen. And she had watched plenty of porn in her time. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling of the warehouse, an upper story balcony wrapped around the space from above, underneath on the ground floor well-lit stages were set against the outer wall at intervals. Equipment shone with care and attention, but what caught her eye most of all were her two Doms.

  Master Linkin and Master Martin were standing near the bar area speaking with Master Flynn. She had seen him around The Feather Flogger a few times but had never met him. Master Flynn appeared to know her Doms very well as Master Martin pointed at something and the Dom nodded his head. Master Linkin had been watching for her, she felt his gaze sink into her skin, fuse with her bones. Misty was right. Her Doms were a gift, and no matter how much time she had left with them, she wasn’t going to waste it.


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