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Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn

Page 17

by Tuesday Cross

  Huh, seriously going to leave me alone with angry eyes are we? I stood in the silence, holding Camilla’s gaze. Interesting her quip earlier about humans showing emotions. Her face is plastered with fury, and if I’m not mistaken, sadness.

  The blue light of the flames died down, and I took this as my cue. Turning, I walked as confidently as I could towards the door, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

  “Stop,” Camilla’s voice cracked. “You think you’ve won?”

  “No,” I said, turning. “Marcus isn’t a prize to be won, Camilla.”

  Her needle like fangs descended, giving her beautiful face an animalistic look.

  I always thought vampires would look more like bats, in reality they are really more like snakes.

  “You can’t hurt me.” Yes, muster up that confidence. Stop staring at her teeth.

  Her lips curled back further, the dying light of the chamber reflecting off her serpentine fangs.

  “You’re done, Camilla, it’s over,” a firm voice spoke out from behind me.


  “You,” she whispered. “You’re even worse than her.” Camilla twisted, smashing a gaping hole in the wall with her fist.

  I took quick steps back. That’s something I haven’t seen before.

  “You could have everything!” Camilla advanced towards us. “All of this world could be yours, and you’re throwing it away. Rotting in some mausoleum for dead words.”

  “That’s enough.” Marcus’s cool hand encircled my arm.

  Camilla rushed forward at a dizzying speed, coming to a stop a mere breath away from my face. “And you, if you think you’re going to be queen...” Her hands curled into fists at my neck, ensnaring the fabric of my cotton blouse.

  Before I could blink, Marcus had pinned Camilla up against the far wall, the crack of her skull echoing.

  Holy crap! I desperately made an effort to cover my chest as I realized my shirt had been ripped in two.

  Camilla’s eyes widened.

  Is she in pain? No… she’s laughing?

  Marcus stepped back, keeping her pinned above the ground with a single hand. She cackled on, gasping for breath.

  Shivering, my stomach did a flip. I feel more afraid now than I did when she was ready to tear my throat out.

  With a swift twist of her body, Camilla wrenched herself free from Marcus’s grip. Turning, she disappeared in a puff of darkness.

  I’ve got to learn how to do that.

  Marcus looked to me, and the confusion on his face melted into terror.

  Glancing down, I saw why. Despite my best efforts to hold my tattered top together, there was the True Mark– glowing and bare for all to see. The weighing, it stripped away the glamour.

  Stepping out of the crypt and into the dark, I cleansed myself with a deep lungful of the cool night air. “She saw it, Marcus.”

  “Let’s focus on getting inside first. I’ve spent today working on the campus’s defenses, but you’ll be safest indoors.”

  My body still shook from the whole ordeal, and I noticed Marcus’s worried look.

  “Would you permit me to carry you?” he asked.

  A super speed piggy-back? Not sure my stomach is ready for that. “No thank you, I can manage.” I noticed his face fall slightly. “I’m sorry, I just don’t feel well enough for high speeds at the moment,” I said, giving him a small smile.

  Light flooded my vision, and both Marcus and I threw up our arms in an attempt to block out the brightness.

  “What the… someone’s switched on the quad’s daylight cast,” Marcus said, squinting.

  Sure enough, the central common space where we stood was lit up as bright as midday.

  “All classes are canceled, everyone should be inside. There’s no reason for the lights–” Marcus’s sentence died as our eyes adjusted to the brightness.

  Up and down the buildings, across the windows, on the paths, bright red streaks formed a message and a symbol repeated over and over. Filling my vision, here for the world to see, the True Mark, and the words ‘she’s here’.

  “Oh my god, Marcus, if someone really is watching the campus–” I grabbed his arms, spinning him to face me “We need to get inside, now!”



  The heavy door of the dorm entrance shut behind us with a satisfying clunk. What happens next? I felt numb– my senses were overwhelmed with what I had just seen, and what my body had just been through.

  Footsteps cascaded down the staircase and the Litefoot twins appeared at the end of the hall.

  “Nyminia!” Cash sprinted towards me.

  Kit skidded to a halt next to his brother. “What were you thinking?”

  Their frantic voices brought a strange clarity to my thoughts. “First of all, if you wanted me to obey orders than you should have come told me what’s going on.” I looked them both in the eye, unwavering. “Secondly, I’m not an idiot. I was involved in an unavoidable life or death situation tonight, I wasn’t out picking daisies.”

  Kit and Cash looked down to the floor. They were strong, covered in lean muscle. Their ears were even slightly pointed, giving them a wolfish appearance.

  It’s weird that they don’t argue more.

  “Kit, Cash,” Marcus spoke. “I need you to find Starling, Midwood, and all of the night professors.”

  Kit perked up, his eyes narrowed. “Did you see it?”

  “Did I see what exactly?” Marcus folded his arms, and the twins exchanged glances.

  “We didn’t have time to tell you earlier, you were installing the mage-locks and–”

  “Cash,” Marcus took a step forward. “Are you saying the campus wasn’t on lock-down today because of Atramen and Camilla?”

  “Er, no. We found dracendium-sign in the woods.”

  Silence dropped on the room like a hammer. Dracendium? Dragon fire? A rotten feeling spread through my limbs. I’m going to be sick.

  “Dracendium-sign?” Marcus whispered. The twins nodded, shuffling their feet.

  “Sorry, Marcus–” Kit started.

  “Please, be quiet, and listen carefully to what I am about to say.” Marcus reached out, gripping Kit’s shoulder in one hand and Cash’s in the other. “Camilla has painted a very large welcome sign in the quad for anyone who may be looking for Nyminia.” The twin’s eyes bulged. “It’s been written in her own blood and there’s no time to wait for the sun to dissolve it. Gather the night professors and use their blood magic to remove it.” The twins nodded, and hurried past Marcus.

  As they disappeared through the door, I caught my breath. “What are they talking about?”

  He unclenched his fists and turned to me, guiding me softly to sit down on the plush red sofa of the common area.

  “Dracendium-sign is a special sort of marking.” Marcus rubbed his eyes. “One that disappeared with the dragons. It forms on the leaves and trunks of trees when a dragon, dracendium specifically, stays too long in one spot.”

  He can’t believe what’s happening either. “Are you telling me there’s a dragon out there?” My ribcage thrummed with my heart’s frantic beating.

  “No, it wouldn’t be possible,” Marcus whispered. “Small caches of dracendium exist, there must be some fanatic out there who’s managed to get their hands on some.”

  If not a dragon, then a crazy person with the substance to sacrifice me. What an excellent day.

  The scent of the fire and the feeling of Marcus’s gaze on my face brought me back to reality. “Farsky sought me out today, he told me Midwood would kill me if things got too much for her to handle.”

  Marcus stood abruptly, and walked to the fireplace. Leaning against the exposed bricks he looked into the flames. “I’ve known Mildred nearly her entire life. She’s not capable of murder, even for her religion.” He turned to me. “Please be careful with Farsky, Nyminia. If he’s telling lies like that, then there is something he wants.” Marcus picked a chess piece off the m
antle, examining it. “Since I’ve known him, I’ve witnessed the extremes he’ll go to to get what he desires. If it involves you in any way, watch him.”

  Crap, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea. I opened my mouth to describe the mad doctor’s spell and declaration of love, but the sudden appearance of Rowan took over the dimly lit scene.

  “I’ve been waiting ages for you to get home!” Her eyes were wild. “Honestly Nym, I thought something had happened to you.”

  I jumped off the couch and gave Rowan the tightest hug I could muster. “I’m sorry, Ro,” I mumbled, my words muffled by her jacket. “I’ve been down here trying to get my head around what’s happening.”

  “That’s exactly what we need to talk about,” Rowan said, gently pushing me away. “Kit and Cash texted me photos of the quad before they turned off the daylight cast. You, my dear, are in serious trouble.” Striding over to Marcus, Rowan gestured for him to take a seat. Pausing only momentarily, he complied, and I joined him on the soft couch.

  “The secret is out, that sucks.” Rowan planted her fists on her hips.

  I swallowed. “I need to leave campus tonight, don’t I?”

  Both of my friends opened their mouths to answer, Marcus shut his and gestured for Rowan to continue.

  “No offense, Nym but that’s a horrible idea.”

  “Pardon me?” I asked.

  “This Caleb guy doesn’t know what you look like, right? Let’s say that weirdo dragon worshiper is out there right now.” Rowan crossed her arms. “If they’re a vigilant creepo, they’ll know you’re here for sure now. Won’t they have their eyes open for the first person who bolts from campus?”

  Oh. My stomach churned. That’s actually a good point. “So, what do I do?”

  “Blend in,” Rowan said. “Start going to classes like any new student, gossip about the stupid True Sacrifice prank, just be a needle in a haystack.”

  “But what about the way I look?” I asked, gesturing to my hair.

  Rowan smirked. “My last roommate had bubble gum pink hair and yellow eyes. You actually look pretty normal compared to a lot of people here.”

  “It’s true,” Marcus added. “And no where in the True Sacrifice legend does it describe exactly what you will look like.” He turned to look at Rowan. “You have a great tactical mind, I’m sure your parents are very proud.”

  “Thanks, Marco, that means a lot coming from you.” Rowan smiled.

  Marcus blinked twice and I stifled a laugh.

  “Er, you’re welcome,” he replied. “I’ve spent today personally elevating the defense of the campus so that the border repels dracendium. No one carrying a small amount will be able cross the border without suffering excruciating pain.” He turned back to me. “You’ll be easier to protect here until we can find and neutralize the threat.”

  “Am I not putting everyone on campus in danger?” Because this doesn’t seem fair to everyone else.

  “You’d be putting us in more danger if you left now and got yourself roasted,” Rowan replied. “You’ll just have to hang out with me while we work out a way to take care of the baddies.”

  I smiled. “Alright, I’m staying here then.” But if I get even the faintest whiff that you guys are in danger because of me, the next bit of magic I’ll master will be a disappearing act.

  “So, Marcus.” Rowan raised an eyebrow. “Any threat of getting incinerated tonight, or are we alright to head to bed?”

  Sleep! Please and thank you.

  “You can rest easy tonight.” Marcus stood. “May I walk you to your room?”

  Rowan and I slipped through the door and into our cozy abode. Glancing around I couldn’t help but notice the personal touches my friend had added. Her plastic dinosaurs watched over a framed photo of the Litefoot family, and on the wall above her bed she had stuck three posters dedicated to her favorite band, Mermaid’s Wail.

  “Good night ladies, I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Night Marco!” Rowan called out as she flopped down on her bed.

  “Good night Marcus. Are you headed home?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “I’ll continue working on campus security tonight.”

  “Alright, well, see you tomorrow then.”

  Marcus gave me a small smile before walking down the hallway, and I let out a long sigh. After everything that’s happened tonight I have so many questions, I don’t know where to start.

  Closing the door, I turned in time to catch Rowan grinning at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You know when he says he’s working on campus security, he means he’s going to be standing in the hall all night making sure you’re safe.”

  “I’m plenty safe here, I’ve got you. I think he has more important things to do.”

  Rowan raised her brows. “Something tells me the most important thing on his list is staying near you.”

  I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. How is it possible that the idea of someone caring about me so much is both equal parts terrifying as it is wonderful?

  Rowan’s nostrils flared as she sniffed the air. “Yep, he’s definitely just standing out there.” She grinned again, winking at me. “You know, my mom always told me I should do my ironing before bed.”

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Any thought that is making your forehead crease like that should be smoothed out before you sleep on it. I’ll bet my tail that it has something to do with Marcus, so, go talk to him.” Rowan kicked back, crossing her arms behind her head. “I’ll be right here so you can thank me when you get back.”

  She’s certainly got an instinct for these things.

  Poking my head out, I could see Rowan was right. Marcus stood at the end of the hallway, and spun around as he heard the soft creak of the door. I walked towards him, the sounds of my footsteps muffled by the thick carpet. If vampires could blush, he’d be pink right now. He smiled sheepishly, like a kid caught somewhere he shouldn’t be.

  “I thought you were working on campus security tonight?”

  “I am.” Marcus shrugged. “This is the spot that needs the highest protection, and at the risk of sounding proud, I’m the most qualified. Rowan outed me, didn’t she?”

  I nodded. “She said if I’ve got something on my mind, I should come out here and talk to you about it.”

  Marcus grinned. “What did you want to say?”

  “It’s something Camilla said.” I noticed Marcus’s smile waiver. “She mentioned you were the heir to the cloaked throne, or something like that.”

  “The shrouded throne,” Marcus whispered. “There’s an empty room in this wing, do you mind if we have this conversation in a more private spot?”

  I shook my head, and Marcus led me through the door across from mine. The room was dark and empty, a strange mirror to my own. The window didn’t look out onto the grounds however, it looked into the garden which grew in the middle of the dorm building.

  “The shrouded throne and all it entails is common history. I am not accustomed to being asked about it, so please forgive me if I seem awkward.”

  That must be why Camilla was surprised when I didn’t understand. Is Marcus some sort of vampire prince? I laughed inwardly. I’m not sure my life could carry on under the weight of anymore pop culture clichés.

  “After the vampires had overthrown the Atradius clan–”


  “Yes, the ruling family. After they and all other dragons had disappeared or been slaughtered, the leader of the revolt declared himself king.” Marcus’s eyes darkened. “Although he sat upon a throne and forced all others to refer to him by the title, Karackis was not a true king. The supernatural community, and eventually groups of vampires, called him the king of the shrouded throne.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It was our way of acknowledging that he had become the king, but the only true royalty was the Atradius clan.”

  “How could they be the only true royalty?”
r />   “The dragons had ruled since living memory. If you believe what they say in the religious texts, they were created for that purpose.”

  Oh, wow. “So, what happened to Karackis?”

  “I don’t believe in evil, however that is the best word I can think of for the vampire king.” Marcus sighed. “After a century I had gained enough strength and followers to contemplate making a stand against him.”

  “He’s the one you fought.”

  “Yes, a battle which lasted a lifetime. In the final days, I had to make a decision.” Marcus walked to the window, staring out. “A decision, which in turn, ended the war.”

  “You obviously made the right decision.”

  “I hope so.” After a pause, Marcus turned to face me. “As the leader of the victorious side, the king’s title was mine to claim.”

  “But you didn’t?”

  “Against Atramen’s advice, I set aside the idea of monarchy. I could not bring myself to tear down one government and replace it with one of the same.” Marcus lingered on the other side of the room, shoving his hands into his pockets.

  “You’re obviously better than this Karackis though, you’re sweet, kind, and–”

  “Power does strange things to all people. I decided I didn’t want to find out what it could do to me.” He sighed, his expression softening. “Instead of taking the throne, I worked with Atramen to build the first council. While our people still refer to the vampires as the ruling race, supernatural creatures and magic-kinds are all equally represented.”

  “Why don’t you sit on the council?” I asked.

  “I was a leader in the hard times. Now that we live in a time of peace, I would rather search for my own.”

  “And have you found your peace?”

  Marcus’s eyes flicked up to meet my own. “I’m starting to think so.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks. That was smooth.

  “Nyminia, we haven’t had a moment to talk about what is happening between you and I.” Marcus took a few steps towards me, closing the distance between us.

  “No, we haven’t, have we?” What do I say? What does he expect me to say? How do I even feel about all of this?


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