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Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn

Page 18

by Tuesday Cross

  “How do you feel about us?”

  Literally the question I was just struggling with. I took a deep breath. “I’m going to be honest with you, Marcus, because you’ve been honest with me.” I sat down on the naked mattress, and motioned for him to join me. “This entire world is terrifying and confusing. I’m flying by the seat of my pants, and half of the time I catch myself wondering if it’s all a dream.”

  Marcus’s expression remained stoic, his gaze fixed on mine. “The potential for a relationship with someone like me frightens you.” It was not a question.

  “Yes.” I saw Marcus’s gaze flick to the wall. “And no.” I tentatively reached out, putting my hand on top of his. “Even if we were just two normal kids in some suburban neighborhood, I would be terrified. Yes, I’m afraid of you. Not because of what you are, but because of who you are.” His eyes met mine. “Marcus, you’re amazing, understanding, intelligent, caring, basically perfect.”

  “In no way am I per–”

  “Let me finish please. You seem perfect to me, and that’s what’s frightening. I could actually fall for you, and it makes me want to cry from happiness and fear all at the same time.” There, I said it. that’s how I feel.

  The look on Marcus’s face was one of admiration, his mouth turned up in a small smile. In his eyes though, I could see the glimmer of sadness.


  Whatever Marcus was going to say next remained a mystery to me. Rowan threw open the door, her athletic silhouette wreathed in the orange light of the hallway.

  “Figured I’d find you here. I thought your scents were too strong for being in the common room.”

  “Ro, I’m sorry but I have to ask. What exactly do I smell like?” Please don’t say something like old socks, I couldn’t bear the thought.

  Rowan laughed, and Marcus cracked a smile.

  “You smell like sunshine,” she answered. “And blue sky, and open flame.”

  “Those are all things that don’t have scents.” Is she just trying to be nice? Dear lord I must actually smell like socks..

  “You only think that because you can’t smell them.” Rowan winked. “And what about you, Marco? Do you want to know what you smell like?”

  “I think I already know,” he replied.

  I glanced at Marcus and his frown.

  “Well I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not that.” Rowan put her hands on her hips. “All you vampires think you smell like bloody decay or some macabre crap like that.”

  “That’s, er, not what I smell like?” Marcus narrowed his eyes.

  “Nope. You smell like the ocean at night, and the air after it rains.”

  “That’s very poetic Ro,” I said, laughing.

  “What can I say?” Rowan shrugged. “Now I didn’t just pop over here because your pheromones are skyrocketing–”

  “Ro!” Oh. My. God.

  “– I came over because Cash messaged me. They’ve managed to get most of the writing off the walls.”

  “Excellent.” Marcus crossed his arms. “The morning sun will take care of anything they’re unable to remove.”

  “So you guys don’t think the students will have seen it?” I asked, hopeful.

  “Nym, everyone was told to stay locked up inside today, and over half of those rooms face the quad.” She gave me a sad smile. “I guarantee you that photos of the mess are already all over social media.”


  “You two should get some sleep.” Marcus stood up. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

  I’d rather stay up and talk to you. “Alright. Goodnight, Marcus.”

  “Goodnight again, Marco!”

  “See you tomorrow ladies.” He chuckled, and saw us back to our room. After he had gone and the door was shut, Rowan cleared her throat.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I take it things are going well with great great great great grandpa?”

  “Ro! That’s not funny.” Alright, It’s a little bit funny.

  “Seriously, how is it going? You obviously won the weighing, so what happens now?”

  I’ve been asking myself the same question. “It’s pretty good, but to be honest I feel hopelessly awkward.”

  “What? You guys are fate-paired, you literally know that you’re going to fall in love with this guy. Nym, you could wear a hat made out of banana leaves and tell him you enjoyed twilight and he’d probably still fall in love with you.”

  “That’s what makes it weird! The universe told me Marcus is my soul mate, right, so I know I’ll fall in love with him. No one’s told me how that happens!” I ran my hands through my hair and paced the room. “Will I just wake up one day and we’ll be in love? How does it even work?” Sinking down on my bed, I let my head fall into my hands. “And what happens after that?” I whispered. “He’s over a thousand years old, Ro, and something tells me I am not going to look as good as he does when I reach that age.” I sighed, eyeing my silent friend. “Do we get married? Do vampires even get married? What does a long term relationship with someone like Marcus even entail?” I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. “Ro, I don’t even know how they, you know, do it.”

  “Do it?” Rowan smirked.

  “You know what I mean!” I rubbed my eyes. “I feel like someone’s handed me one piece of a specific puzzle, plonked me in a room with no other pieces, and said ‘solve it’. Yes, I like Marcus, and yes–” My voice dropped to a whisper “–I can picture myself falling in love with him. That’s what makes it weird, how am I supposed to start down that path the right way?” I sighed.

  Rowan sat, studying the ceiling. “Is over-thinking something you’ve always done, or is it a recent development?”

  I smirked, crossing the room to bop Rowan’s arm.

  “Nym, I think you’d benefit from treating it like any new relationship. Just ask him out for coffee, talk about your hopes and dreams, and try to avoid talking about the immortality thing for the first few months.”

  “Can vampires even drink coffee?”

  “Ok, invite him to watch you drink coffee.” Rowan giggled, and switched off the lights.

  I changed into a loose grey sleeping shirt and slipped under the covers, savoring the warmth of the soft white sheets. Staring at the ceiling, I listened to Rowan’s steady snoring.

  Falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow? Now that’s a superpower I wish I had.



  I opened my eyes and looked out across the ocean. The cold rocky sand ground against my feet as I took a step towards the water’s edge. The sky was dark, filled with heavy clouds which boiled with the potential of thunder and rain. The large waves of the ocean were frozen, a snapshot of icy violence. I’m dreaming. Inhaling, I pulled in a lungful of freezing air. The fresh breath was laden with the scent of the sea, a beguiling perfume of salt and iodine. I knelt before the spectacle of frozen water; nothing inspired reverence in me like the ocean.

  Down the beach and out to sea, a black mass took shape. Or it’s always been there? I’m never sure in these dreams. Like always, I felt the magnetic pull towards the unknown, as if it was something unavoidable. My body lifted off the ground, and out across the water I soared, savoring the cool air as it rushed around me. I studied the shape coming into view, trying to make sense of it. It was like looking into a shadow, I could almost make out what it was, but could never know for sure. This is the part where I wake up.

  A moment passed, and reality did not interfere. Another second ticked by and I found myself above the darkness, seeing it clearly for the first time. It’s a castle?

  The dilapidated structure stood out of the black, protruding from the ocean like a splinter. Long and thin, it must have towered over seven hundred feet, yet the width of its crumbling stone breast would have only measured a hundred. Why is this familiar?

  I drifted down towards the scene. The roof of the fortress had broken away entirely, making it eas
y to see the frozen figures of the people inside. No, not just people, vampires. The shrill sound of screaming pierced through the silence of the dreamscape. Wildly I turned about, searching for the source, my first instinct to protect and save.

  Jolting awake in a pool of cold sweat I sat up, trying to calm myself. I’ve had that dream before, but never like that.

  Rowan’s snoring confirmed I hadn’t woken her. And even if I don’t feel like being alone, I shouldn’t wake her now. Marcus is probably still out there though…

  I rubbed my eyes, and laid down on the dry side of the bed. It was just a weird dream, I shouldn’t bother anyone with it.

  The sound of Rowan’s shower opera pulled me from my sleep. She emerged from the bathroom followed by the scent of pomegranates and soap as I blinked my tired eyes.

  “Good morning, sleeping beauty!” she said, wrapped in her pink robe.

  “Morning, Ro,” I answered, looking at the time. “Why are we up so early?”

  “The headmistress sent out an email, classes are delayed an hour but back on today.” She picked up a brown paper bag next to do the door. “So we need to get you ready. Marcus left this on the doorknob this morning.” Rowan opened the bag and lifted out a grey dress embroidered with white roses.

  Wow. I blushed. I’ve been getting tired of having to borrow Rowan’s things all the time, it’s nice to finally have something of my own.

  With Rowan’s help, I managed to do some natural looking makeup.

  “You’re so cute!” Rowan said as I stepped out of the bathroom. “All ready for your first day of classes.”

  “I look weird, don’t I?”

  A knock sounded on the door, Rowan opened it a crack before admitting Marcus, who did a double take at the sight of me.

  “You look beautiful.” Marcus smiled. “Well, ah, you’ve always been beautiful. It’s, um, this just suits you as well.” He wrung his hands together.

  “Relax Marco, we all know you’d think she’s cute no matter what.”

  “Rowan!” I exclaimed in mock exacerbation. “Thank you for the dress, Marcus, I love it.”

  He grinned. “You’re more than welcome.”

  “Now, something tells me you didn’t just pop in to check up on your girlfriend.” Rowan smirked.

  Marcus laughed and looked out the window. “I wanted you both to know that I’ll be searching the woods today with the twins. Hopefully we’ll find something useful,” he said, burying his hands in his pockets. “Nyminia, is there anything you can tell us about this Caleb person that may help?”

  “I don’t think so. He didn’t mention that he was a psycho dragon worshiper and where his favorite spot to camp was.” I shrugged. “We didn’t discuss specifics. He said he grew up in foster care like me, but for all I know that could have all been a lie.”

  Marcus nodded. “Do you still have your emails? Anything that could help us?”

  “I’ve been through them a thousand times.” Heat rose in my face. “I’m positive there’s nothing in there that’s going to help us.” I really, really don’t want anyone to read them. Besides, I’m not lying. I’m sure there is nothing useful there, just a few memes and my sob story.

  Marcus smiled kindly, like he understood. “Be safe today.”

  I crossed my arms. “I’m not the one headed out to the forest on a weirdo hunting trip.”

  He grinned in reply. “I’ll be fine. You two enjoy your classes, and I’ll fill you in this evening on anything we find.” Marcus gave us a small bow, and let himself out of the room.

  “You know if you two wanted to snog, I’m more than happy to wait in the hallway or something.”


  “Hey, it’s what friends do!” she replied, laughing. “Now, Nadia Litefoot, we should go see Starling and pick up your schedule.”


  “Yep, I figure you should use a fake name. The whole ‘Nyminia’ thing might raise some eyebrows. Oh, and you’re also my cousin, if anyone asks.”

  I giggled. “Won’t it be weird that I’m not a wolf, though?”

  “Not at all, my Mother’s sister is married to a water mage from Europe.” Rowan winked. “Or at least, that’s what I’ll tell people if they ask.”

  “Should I be trying to hide my element too?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “Fire magic is extremely uncommon, but not far-fetched. I’m sure people won’t be too weird about it.”

  Alright then, here’s to surviving my first real day of university as Nadia Litefoot. What an extremely well thought-out plan. I rolled my eyes inwardly. I definitely should not speak to anyone today.

  We met with Starling and briefly explained my change of name. With a raised eyebrow but no objections, he issued me a class schedule under the name of Nadia Litefoot.

  History of Medieval Magic, Supernatural and Supernormal Relations... I read the titles of the day’s classes, swallowing hard as I walked with Rowan across the quad. And Spell casting. The idea of being the center of attention made me feel sick. I really don’t want everyone to know that I’m a fire mage.

  “Don’t stress, Nym.” Rowan gave me a nudge. “Before you know it, this drama will all be over and we’ll be laughing about it.”

  I gave Rowan a weak smile. Something is going to happen soon, but my gut tells me it’s not going to be the end of drama.

  We wove through throngs of students, everyone excitedly chatting about what they got up to indoors on their day off, what the threat might have been, and if the True Sacrifice graff was a real message or a stupid prank. Just being around so many people made my chest hurt, like my body was trying to recoil from the social activity and the only place left to retreat was within.

  No one’s giving me a second look, thank god. The reality of what was going on combined with my introverted nature made it impossible for me not to be paranoid. By the time I stood outside of the open stone archway which marked the entrance to ‘spell casting’, I was more than a little nervous. What if the students find out, and turn on me? Aren’t I being stupid, putting everyone at risk? What if Marcus or one of the twins gets hurt today, and it’s because of me?

  I took a deep breath, and the tiniest voice inside made itself heard. Or maybe if I stay calm, it’ll all be ok. The thought settled me because it was true. The better grip I have on my emotions, the clearer I’ll be able to think in difficult situations. It could save my life, or my friends’.

  Waving goodbye to Rowan, I passed through the stone archway and into a colorfully lit hall. The walls were made of the same old stone as the rest of the building, however someone had taken great care in extensive decoration. Strand upon strand of copper wire spiderwebbed above my head, and at each place where the wires crossed a tiny glowing sac of light was suspended. Each small pocket of light shone in a different color; grey, blue, green, and white. Maybe air, water, earth, and fire? Blood is missing though. Maybe because it’s not a true element, like Marcus said? The thought of blood magic made me shiver. Rowan and I had only just managed to get Farsky’s hand print off our wall.

  I pushed open the rough wooden door at the end of the passage with a loud creak, and immediately felt my face flush. Nearly thirty students turned to study me, some with amused looks and others with general curiosity. I hastily looked for an open seat and hurried to a table at the back where I could sit alone. The professor stood at the front of the room, her arms crossed and a smile on her bright orange lips. She winked at me, which elevated my embarrassment.

  “I think that’s everyone now,” she said. Sashaying to the chalkboard behind her, she began to write.

  Stealing a moment, I peered around. Despite the high ceilings, the room felt small and smelled of chalk. An understandable scent as the entire front wall was nothing but a piece of slate from floor to ceiling. The woman turned, her emerald green heels clicking on the stone as she walked away from the board. It read ‘EARTH - AIR - FIRE - WATER’.

  “Alright my lovelies, let’s begin. Who are my volu
nteers this morning?” The professor’s brilliant amber eyes swept across the room. She pointed in turn to three students whose hands had shot up. Gesturing for them to come to the front, she sat down on her desk. I wonder what her element is.

  The first student, a young man with stark blonde hair, produced a stone from his pocket. The second, a girl around my age, held a piece of paper in a steady hand. The third, a person whose gender was not immediately obvious, gripped a wooden flute.

  “Ready?” The professor asked, sweeping her mass of brown hair away from her face. The students nodded. “Then begin.”

  My mouth fell open. They’re performing the different kinds of elemental magic. Each of the three people had managed to levitate themselves a small distance off the floor, fueled by distinctly different spell casting. Marcus’s explanation surfaced in my mind as I watched the blonde wave his stone, the girl whisper words, and the third person play the flute. Water magic is manipulated with music, air with words, earth with objects, and fire with feeling. It’s just my luck I’ve got the most abstract one.

  The professor clapped her hands, and the three students softly touched down. “Excellent work. Kyle, you’re showing improvement in the use of that stone.” Kyle smiled and took his seat. “Melissa, the words you’ve chosen performed well, although I think we can work on the smoothness of the execution.” The girl nodded and joined the class. “Lysat, you’ve improved tenfold since last week, I think the flute is making a noticeable difference.” Lysat smirked, and the professor clapped her hands. “Please section off into your elemental groups, Kyle, Melissa, and Lysat will be your fine point leaders today.”

  Um, right, section off. Crap. I fidgeted, looking around as everyone stood up and started moving into three different corners of the classroom. What do I do?

  “Hello Nadia.” The professor’s voice startled me, I hadn’t noticed her approach. She extended a hand with long lacquered fingernails and smiled broadly. “My name’s Myer Patalya, Professor Starling sent word this morning to expect you.” I took her hand, shaking it.


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