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Crossing Lines

Page 22

by KD Williamson

  Instead of his words making her uncomfortable, all Nora felt was warmth. “I am too.”

  “You’re good for her, and what’s good for one McCabe…” Sean smiled.

  “Yes, the trickle-down theory.”

  His face lit up even more. “You remembered.”

  “I did.”

  “You know, it’s good that we run into each other here, and of course I’m gonna see you at dinners. But, we should hang sometimes. If that’s okay? I would like to get to know you better.”

  Nora stared at him for a second. She let the words sink in and settle pleasantly. “I’m still not going to be your personal beer shopper.”

  Sean blinked and tilted his head to the side. Then, he laughed. “’Course not…then you’d have to do it for Travis too. He gets jealous, and when Tony gets out…” He paused and his expression turned sad. Somehow, he was still smiling. “Let’s stick to juice for him.”

  Nora nodded and tried to decipher her feelings. Sean obviously considered her to be a fixture in their lives. Were there levels of happiness? Because she felt as if she was extremely high on the spectrum at the moment.

  They stopped in front of Travis’s door, and before Nora knew what was happening, Sean pulled her into a hug. She was startled, but she didn’t stiffen. As if it were natural for her, Nora returned the gesture. She looked over his shoulder to see Travis’s surprised expression. He rolled his eyes and twirled a finger at the side of his head.

  Nora had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. These were some very strange people, but they were hers now.

  “Thanks for being there for her,” Sean said.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Nora meant it.


  Nora painted her lips slowly and with a practiced hand. She leaned in closer to the mirror to check that the rest of her makeup was flawless. This wasn’t her bathroom, so the lighting was all wrong.

  “Holy shit.”

  Nora looked toward the doorway where Kelli stood. Her hair was wild and standing up in the oddest angles. Her sleepwear was rumpled, and part of it was on backward. Kelli’s eyes were at half-mast. She was barely awake, but her gaze cleared quickly.

  Nora grinned and went back to her morning routine. “What?”

  “You do this every morning, and I’ve been missing it?” Kelli’s voice went up an octave. “How in fuck’s sake did that happen?”

  “I’m usually working out when you get up, even when I’m here.” Nora felt Kelli’s gaze raking over her body, which was hidden minutely by lacy green panties and a matching bra.

  “Well, damn, I’ve been missing out.”

  Nora chuckled as she completed the finishing touches. Sudden warmth blanketed her from behind. Nora leaned into it. She tilted her head to the right, as Kelli brushed her long blond tresses to the side to leave a kiss on her shoulder.

  Kelli’s hands slid over her stomach. They lingered, and Nora’s muscles jumped and twisted in reaction. The rush of heat that inevitably accompanied Kelli’s touch enveloped her. The fire started in earnest when Kelli’s hands traveled upward with definite purpose, leaving a smoldering trail behind. Nora’s nipples tightened in response.

  Nora peered in the mirror. She enjoyed the contrast of darker skin against her paleness, but it was the look in Kelli’s eyes that made her breath catch. She was wanted…needed…in ways she had never imagined. Kelli’s fingertips inched underneath her bra.

  Nora moaned. It had only been a few hours earlier when she’d received a similar caress. “Kelli…we just—”

  “Again,” Kelli whispered hotly into Nora’s ear.


  Nora pulled charts from the nurses’ station. She scanned the first one to make sure it had the most recent bloodwork and other preliminaries. Her usual single-minded approach to medicine had been absent all week, and today was no exception. It was fortunate that, earlier in the week, she had pushed her first scheduled surgery for today back several hours to handle Travis’s discharge. Nora needed the time to gather herself. Regardless, she was utterly fascinated by the continued happiness that infused her, and it was all Kelli’s fault. Nora smiled.

  Something had shifted between them. Kelli’s touch had always been raw, hungry. Now, there was a tenderness that made Nora ache. Several times lately, she’d caught Kelli staring at her with the softest look in her eyes. It threw Nora off balance and left her so very needy. It was a wonder she could function at all, but she wouldn’t dare change a thing. Nora bit her bottom lip to keep her smile a little more contained as she continued to flip through the chart.


  Startled, she glanced up. Susan smirked at her. She really had the strangest timing.

  “Where were you?”

  Nora looked away to hide the oncoming flush. “I’ve been standing here for the past ten minutes.”

  “You know what I mean, and it’s been more like twenty since I got here. I’ve been standing behind the desk the whole time. That chart wasn’t that thick.” Susan sounded very amused.

  Nora glared and snapped the chart shut before adding it to the stack she planned on taking.

  “Well…I guess you told me,” Susan said. “But don’t think I haven’t noticed how distracted you’ve been this week.”

  “That’s impossible. I haven’t seen you since Wednesday.”

  “I have eyes everywhere,” Susan said.

  Nora stared for a few seconds as realization struck. “Patricia.”

  “Yep, Patricia. She told me that you forgot your playlist…twice.”

  Nora scoffed teasingly. “Well…she’s officially off my team, and it was just mista—”

  “Twice.” Susan held up two fingers. “Not to mention, I overheard some of the residents talking about how you’ve been practically glowing.”

  Nora’s face heated even more. It was the truth. She had been more agreeable than usual.

  “Detective got your tongue?”

  Nora picked up the pile of charts. There was no way she was going to take on that question. “Isn’t it about time for Mrs. Lawson’s bath?”

  Susan’s eyes widened, but that didn’t keep her from grinning. “That was low; I’m an RN. I supervise the bath, but that’s not for another hour.” She leaned forward. “She does, right? You can tell me.” Her gaze suddenly went from playful to inquisitive.

  Nora glared. “Haven’t you asked me that before?”

  “Well, not exactly, but sort of,” Susan said.

  “And what was my answer then?”

  “Some smartass reply.”

  “Let’s stick with that,” Nora said with a smile. She backed away from the desk. “After your sponge bath, I’m free for a quick lunch.”


  Nora nodded and turned.

  “One more thing before you leave?”

  Nora stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Yes?”

  Susan’s smile brightened. “The whole love thing…works for you.”

  Everything slowed except for Nora’s heart. “Wh-what?”

  Susan’s expression dimmed a little. “You okay? You just went really pale.”

  Nora opened her mouth to speak once more. Nothing came out. Susan came around the desk and grabbed Nora by the forearm. “Come with me.”

  Less than a minute later, Nora found herself standing in the middle of one of the on-call rooms. Her heartbeat roared in her ears, and her thoughts were scattered.

  “Sit.” Susan pointed at a chair.

  Nora complied without a word. She accepted the cup that was placed in her hands.

  “Drink up.”

  Again, Nora did as she was told. The cold liquid trickled down her throat, soothing it. She pressed the cool cup against her cheek and neck. Nora closed her eyes as her life slid into place. Then, everything made sense.

  “Better now?” Susan asked.

  The question had a very simple answer. “Yes.”

  “Good. That wasn’t a panic attack like before wa
s it?”

  Nora shook her head.

  “So, I’m right?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  Susan sat down beside her, threw an arm over her shoulder, and grinned. “Next time you guys are able to come out with us, we’ve got a lot of teasing to catch up on. Because…hot damn.”

  Nora leaned into the embrace. There was no fear and no worry, but Nora knew she had come full circle. However, where she ended was so much better than where she’d started. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”


  Nora elbowed her way inside the crowded elevator. Conversations went on around her. There was laughter and a baby crying. She heard everything, but it all seemed so surreal. Her pulse points vibrated as her heartbeat continued to thump wildly. Blood rushed to her extremities, making her fingertips tingle and her face hot. Nora took three deep breaths in hopes of relaxing, even a little.

  It didn’t help.

  Susan’s words echoed in her head. The whole love thing…works for you.

  The elevator stopped and opened on the fifth floor. Nora shuffled forward, but stopped moving without fully realizing it. The need to be near Kelli right now was overwhelming. But what should she say? How was she supposed to act? Things like this didn’t happen to her every day. In fact, love was completely new to her. Or was it? She’d felt this way for Kelli for a while, and now she had a name for it.

  A loud buzz filled the area as the elevator’s alarm sounded.

  “Lady! Are you getting off or what?”

  Startled, Nora glanced at the disgruntled man standing next to her. “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  Nora stepped out into the hallway. Her thoughts whirled, and the last few months flashed before her. She cycled through moments with Kelli and landed on ones that had the most impact—Kelli’s offer of friendship, Kelli and the deposition, their first kiss, the first time they made love. The way she felt was the culmination of all those events, but she had no idea what to do with the information. Her emotions were bubbling over. She wasn’t likely to scream “I love you” from the rafters. Well…she didn’t think she would. That wasn’t really appropriate during a patient discharge. Nora realized that she’d stopped moving again, and that simply would not do.

  When she was halfway down the hall, she heard her name being called.

  “Dr. Whitmore!”

  Nora paused and tried to choke down her irritation before she turned.

  “Yes, Dr. Crowder?” Nora wasn’t able to hide the aggravation in her voice.

  Dr. Crowder went quiet and peered at Nora for a few seconds. “Are you okay?”

  Silently, Nora counted to ten. “Shouldn’t that be my question? You were calling me.”

  “Oh…uh. I was going to ask for some advice, actually.”

  Nora blinked and wondered when she had become that person. Residents used to fear her. Now, they asked for her advice. It was a small price to pay, because they seemed to respect her more than ever.

  “Okay.” Her emotions settled momentarily.

  Dr. Crowder smiled, but it faltered quickly. “I’m assisting in my first neurosurgery next week. I’m a little nerv—”

  “Don’t be. You are more than competent, and your attention to detail is phenomenal. They are lucky to have you.”

  Dr. Crowder’s mouth dropped open in response. “Are you dying?”

  Death. Maybe that word was accurate. The previous version of her was long gone, and this new person had never felt more alive. The irony of the resident’s words struck a chord and stirred up an array of feelings within her. She heard a loud laugh, and it took a second before Nora realized that the sound came from her. It was an odd response to the situation, but there was no taking it back now. She shook her head. “I’ve no plans to die in the immediate future, no. Why do you ask?”

  “You’re usually not that…generous with your assessment of my skills. In fact, you’ve never said anything like that to me before.”

  “Ah, well, then it’s long overdue.”

  Dr. Crowder stepped back. “Are you leaving the hospital?”

  “No. No dying or leaving. If we’re finished? I’m in a hurry.”

  Instead of offering more pleasantries. Nora made her way to the nurses’ station.

  She was only there a few seconds before one of the nurses addressed her. “I’m printing Gerald Travis Jr.’s discharge paperwork right now. Nora nodded and headed toward her next destination.

  Upon hearing voices, Nora stopped and lingered outside the doorway.

  “It’s a shame. All the time I spent in this place… I didn’t end up with a doctor wrapped around my finger,” Travis said.

  “It was that shitty-ass beard. It looked like a patchwork quilt. It made an impression even after I shaved it…there was no coming back from that.” Kelli sounded amused.

  “Ohh damn that one had to sting.” Sean chuckled.

  Williams snorted. “You got it all wrong, kid. It’s the other way around.”

  “What do you mean?” Travis asked.

  “Kelli’s the one who’s whipped. Let it stay that way. She’s been smiling so much, even the lieutenant is getting scared.”

  Laughter ensued.

  Nora’s breath caught. Everybody else was able to see it. Nora didn’t understand why it took her so long to figure things out.

  “Jealousy does not look good on any of you!” Kelli said.

  The fact that the detective didn’t deny it brought a flush to Nora’s face. Her heartbeat tripled.

  “Hey! I get my fair shar—” Travis said.

  Kelli pointed at him. “Sponge baths don’t count. Go ahead. Try to deny it.”

  There was a pause.

  “She has a point,” Sean said in agreement.

  “I’m gonna be in your old room right?” Travis asked.

  “Yeah, why?” Sean answered.

  “I’ve gotten really good at this bedpan thing, but accidents are bound to happen.” Travis’s tone was very gleeful.

  “Man, that’s…eww. You did not just go there.”

  Nora could only wonder at the look on Sean’s face. Kelli laughed loudly.

  “Yes, goddammit I did. Use what you know, right? If I can’t laugh at myself…”

  “That’s taking it to a whole new level,” Kelli said.

  “I know, right?” Travis said.

  “You sound proud, kid.”

  “I am. It’s the little things nowadays. Nurses in tight scrubs, contraband fries, and pissing in Sean’s bed. Gotta be thankful for everything.”

  “Travis, you’re my hero.” Kelli laughed, and everybody else did too.

  Nora felt a surge of warmth, and it pulled her forward. She entered the doorway and watched as Williams and Sean helped Travis into a wheelchair.

  Travis was the first one to spot her. “Hey, Nora! We were just talking about you…kinda sorta.”

  Nora couldn’t help herself. She grinned.

  “Aaand… You heard the whole thing didn’t you?”

  “In its entirety.” Her gaze zeroed in on Kelli.

  “We’re not usually like this—” Travis said.

  “Bullshit, we’re worse.” Kelli jumped in. She smirked in Nora’s direction and heaved a large duffle bag over her shoulder.

  “Well, you started it.” Travis glared at Kelli.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Travis looked up at Sean and Williams. “Did you, or did you not, hear her crack about my beard?”

  “Nope, I’m stuck on you peeing in my bed,” Sean answered. “Don’t recall anything else.”

  “I’m old,” Williams said. “I don’t remember much these days.”

  The husky sound of Kelli’s laughter drew Nora’s gaze. The three men who obviously adored her looked at Kelli fondly, and Nora found that she couldn’t tear herself away. For them, Kelli inspired loyalty. She invoked comradery. For Nora, it was those traits and so much more. Falling in love with her had been inevitable. Nora’s heart stuttered, and a staggering h
eat encased her whole body. The feeling left her skin buzzing, as if she had encountered an electric current. It was nearly impossible to contain.

  Kelli looked back with an expression that was soft, open, but there was also a question in her eyes. “You okay?”

  Yes, she was very okay. Nora grinned and nodded. The moment was broken when the nurse entered, but it was far from lost.

  “Okay, discharge papers are printed. Dr. Whitmore, do you want to do the honors?”

  “No, go ahead. I’m sure everything’s in order. I’ll sign off on them when you’re done,” Nora said.

  “Okay.” The nurse looked at Travis. “I’m assuming you’re ready to get out of here?”

  “Yes!” Travis sounded very eager.


  Kelli trailed behind the rest of the entourage, hoping to get a few moments with Nora. As they walked side by side, their shoulders brushed. A pleasant ache filled her chest. Kelli knew something was going on with Nora, but she also knew it was all good.

  “You all always sound like you’re having so much fun together. I hated to impose, even though it was necessary.” Nora was flushed and fidgeting, but her gaze was steady and more intense than Kelli had ever seen it.

  “We are, but c’mon, you’re not imposing. You’ve been a part of our craziness before, and you fit right in.” Kelli couldn’t believe they were engaging in small talk, but fuck, in for a penny…

  Nora smiled. “Should I take that as a compliment?”

  “Damn straight.” Kelli slowed as they neared the elevator. She shoved her hands in the pockets of her pants and found herself staring. Nora was everything she wanted, everything she needed, and everything she deserved.

  Nora stepped closer. “Kelli.”

  It was as if Nora shoved a truckload of emotion into that one word. The air between them crackled and thickened with all the things Kelli wanted to say but couldn’t at the moment. Instead, she pressed her lips against Nora’s forehead and lingered. Kelli expected catcalls or groans from her family, but they were silent. It was damn near impossible to move away, especially after she heard the hitch in Nora’s breathing. But she did. Only because she had to. “Later?”


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