Book Read Free

Crossing Lines

Page 23

by KD Williamson

  Nora nodded. “Yes, later.”


  Kelli found it difficult to stop thinking about Nora, so she stopped trying. The warmth that came with thoughts of Nora felt way too good. Still, she was able to listen to her brother and Travis talk shit while she put away her partner’s clothes. She had to at least try to be present for Travis too.

  “She never put my stuff away,” Sean said.

  “That sounds like a personal problem to me,” Travis teased.

  Kelli rolled her eyes.

  “You should take a picture. Send it to Williams.”

  “I’m not wasting my data unless it’s something good.” Sean sounded a little disgusted.

  Kelli glanced over her shoulder. “I can hear you…you know.”

  “Wasn’t holding back,” Travis said.

  Kelli glared.

  Travis smiled. “It’s a shame.”

  “What is?” Sean asked.

  “I thought I was gonna get some kind of metal thing to help me in and out of bed. I’m a little upset. It was my only chance in life to be a transformer.”

  Sean chuckled. “Well, you got a whole new bed. Mine will be safe and dry.”

  “That’s a shame too.”

  Kelli laughed. “Don’t get too comfortable here.” A significant look passsed between them, and that was all it took.

  Travis smiled. “Six months.”

  Kelli nodded. “Six months.”

  Kelli’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her pocket, expecting to see a text from Nora, but it wasn’t. It was a message about Tony. She read it again, but the fucking words were still the same. That one sentence cut her deeply and hurt like a son of a bitch. Unfortunately, that pain was something she was going to have to get used to.

  “That was a contact of mine in the DA’s office. Antony is being sentenced next Wednesday.”

  Sean sat in the chair next to Travis’s bed. “Damn.” His face went pale.

  “Yeah,” Kelli said. She had been flying so high. It was inevitable that something would pull her down, but Kelli realized that she didn’t fall as far as she thought she would. She had a life now. There was more than work, more than family, and she was intent on experiencing it.

  “I still can’t believe this is happening,” Sean said.

  “Better or worse. It’s his choice, and it’s probably a good one. He’s alive. That’s what counts, right?” Travis asked.

  “Yeah, but not all cops are crooked. We could’ve protected him.”

  “No,” Kelli cut Sean off. “It is his choice. It’s shitty, but there’s nothing we can do about it.” Saying it out loud settled her. It didn’t mean she stopped caring. Maybe Antony needed to hear that.


  “Accepting it doesn’t mean you’ve given up.”

  “Kel’s right,” Travis said.

  Sean rubbed a hand through his hair. “I’m trying.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Within seconds, she made a decision. “Go talk to Mom.”

  Sean looked solemn. “She’s gonna freak.”

  “No. She won’t. She’s stronger now.”

  “Maybe. What are you gonna do?” Her brother asked.

  “There’s something I need to take care of. I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “What about Travis? And what do you mean there’s some—”

  “What about me? It’s not like I’m going anywhere. Besides, the home health nurse should be here soon, so don’t worry about me,” Travis said.

  Sean stood. He stared at his sister for several seconds. Then, he picked up the cordless phone from the nightstand and gave it to Travis. “Call if you need anything.”

  “I will,” Travis said.

  They both watched Sean leave.

  Kelli felt Travis’s gaze on her. She glanced at him.

  “You’re going to see Antony, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Kelli.” His tone was filled with concern.

  “It’s not what you think. I just need to make my peace with it, I guess.”

  Travis nodded in understanding. “Yes, you do.”

  As Kelli left, she texted Nora.

  Got update about Antony. Found out his sentencing date. Gonna go see him and deal with the fam after. I don’t know what time I’ll be home.

  Kelli stood on her mother’s porch and waited for a reply. After a couple of minutes, she knew that she wasn’t getting one. Kelli swallowed the tiny stab of disappointment. In the larger scheme of things, it didn’t matter. Nora would be waiting. Kelli knew that for damn sure.


  On her way to Monroe Correctional Complex, Kelli got another text. Cole had gotten to another snitch somehow. The forty-five minute drive gave her time to think. Maybe Tony knew this was going to happen, and this was his way of protecting himself and his family. God, she hoped so. If that’s the case, Tony may not be as out of reach as she feared.


  Kelli sat, and the hard plastic chair creaked under her weight. She was one in a line of many here to connect with their loved ones behind a pane of glass. Some people cried and others laughed. The room itself was drab as hell. Everything was uniform, down to the beige of the walls and the off-white color of the chairs.

  Antony was escorted to the chair in front of her. She could feel his anger at her through the glass. Tony glared, but she didn’t look away. Kelli needed to show him that she was here, no matter what.

  He was a mess. His shaggy brown hair just about covered his eyes and ears, and his beard looked like a patchwork quilt, thicker in some places and almost bald in others. He was very pale and sweaty. The front of his orange jumpsuit was damn near soaked, and his hands were shaking. It hurt to see him like this, but he was safe, relatively speaking.

  Antony looked away when Kelli picked up the phone. She tapped the glass when he refused to move. Stubborn ass. He came by that trait honestly though. “Please?”

  He turned and stared at her for a few seconds. Finally, he picked up his receiver. Kelli knew he wasn’t going to speak much, if at all, but he could listen. He could have refused to see her, but he didn’t. That had to mean something.

  “Everybody’s okay. Mom’s doing better, but she needs to hear from you,” Kelli said.

  Kelli saw the relief shining in his eyes before his expression went blank. Instead of talking, he nodded.

  “Travis was discharged from the hospital today. It’s good to know that all of you…all of my family…is in one piece.”

  Antony blinked, and he clenched his jaw.

  “You look like shit.” Kelli smirked a little. “I say that with love.”

  He glared again, but Kelli swore she saw a glint of something before it disappeared.

  “I don’t want this for you, but I know you’re not gonna give. So, no more lectures. I’m done begging. I’ve made plenty of mistakes with you. You’ve done your share of shit too. Blame me. Hate me. Do whatever you need to. Nothing’s gonna stop me from caring.”

  Their gazes met and held. Again, he was the first to look away.

  Kelli pressed the phone closer to her ear. “Tony?”

  “Sentencing is next Wednesday,” Antony said. His voice was small, raspy.

  No matter the words, Kelli was glad to hear him speak. She leaned toward him. “I know. We’ll be there…all of us.”

  “Take care…take care of Mom.”

  “Yeah, but that’s your job too. Call her. She needs to hear from you.”

  Antony didn’t answer.

  “Just think about it. You’re angry with me and Sean. Don’t keep taking it out on her.”

  He hung up the phone. Tony stood and motioned for the guard. Kelli tapped the glass again and motioned for him to pick up. He didn’t hesitate this time.


  “I know why you’re doing this. You made a choice between a shitty decision and an even shittier one. Fucking sucks, but stay safe.”

  Tony stared at her. His expression didn’
t give away a damn thing. He hung up the phone again, and the guard grasped his elbow. She watched him as he started to walk away, leaving a humongous hole inside her. Tony looked over his shoulder, as the guard opened the door. He met Kelli’s gaze and nodded.

  Kelli blinked as tears prickled her eyes. He didn’t give her much, but goddamn, it was something.


  “Nooo, don’t stir it. Use the spoon to mash the sausage into smaller bits,” Carina said.

  “Why can’t I use a spatula?” Kelli asked irritably.

  “Because, I gave you a spoon.”

  Kelli rolled her eyes and started to stab at the skillet.

  “Now, you’re just being an ass.”

  Kelli grumbled, but secretly, she sighed in relief. Kelli had been right. Her mother was a lot stronger than before. Despite finding out about the second murder, she somehow pulled it together. Carina stopped wallowing and throwing blame around. Like a true badass Italian matriarch, she brought the family together with food, and instead of putting it all on her own shoulders, everybody had a job. The mood was somber here and there, but Kelli didn’t feel as if they were a breath away from rock bottom.

  “Who cares if it’s chunky? I sure as hell don’t,” Kelli asked as she separated a big glob of sausage.

  “We have a guest. I want it done right.”

  “He’s not a guest!” Kelli and Sean said at the same time. Kelli glanced over her shoulder at her brother. They rolled their eyes at each other, and he went back to chopping tomatoes.

  “My Amatricana is Antony’s favorite, but he couldn’t just have pancetta. He wanted sausage too.” Carina chuckled.

  Kelli’s grip on the wooden spoon tightened as she waited for more. This could go either way. They could all end in tears or laughing.

  “With Italian dressing,” Sean said.

  Their mother laughed again. “It’s disgusting. I’ve tried it. I don’t know where he gets that from.”

  Kelli relaxed and smiled. “He’d eat all the bread, trying to clear the sauce off his plate.” She knew it was their way of accepting that it was going to be a long time before he was with them again, but as long as he kept his mouth shut, he’d be safe. Maybe by the time Antony got out, Cole would be another dead drug dealer. Men like him didn’t have a long shelf life, and the DEU was itching to bring him down, one way or another. Kelli was going to be there to help.

  Carina walked by and squeezed Kelli’s shoulder as she passed. “He’s gonna come out of this in one piece, and I’m gonna make sure this is his first meal, Italian dressing and all.”

  Her mother had faith, and for the first time in a while, Kelli did too. Regardless, things were as good as they could be, given the circumstances.

  Kelli fished her phone out of her pocket. She highlighted the only message she’d received from Nora.

  Thinking of you. Will call as soon as I can. Back to back emergency surgeries.

  Was soon here yet? Damn. They had a lot to talk about.

  There was a loud thump against the kitchen door.

  “What the hell…?” Sean glanced at her.

  Kelli shrugged and abandoned the sausage to investigate. She pulled open the door to find Travis and his wheelchair. He smiled up at her.

  “Bored. Anything I can do to help?” He wheeled into the kitchen.

  “You can cook?” Carina asked.

  “Hell no.”

  Carina snorted. “I knew you were perfect for Kelli.” She pointed at a pan on the counter. “Bread goes in at 350 degrees for thirty minutes.”

  “Got it.” Travis followed orders just as well as Carina’s other kids.

  The doorbell rang.

  Carina wiped her hands on a towel. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

  “I’ll get it,” Travis said.

  Sean opened the door to let him out.

  Curious, Kelli went to follow.

  “Oh no…you’re gonna let it burn.”

  Kelli sighed and went back to her skillet. She checked her phone again. Nothing. Unable to take it anymore, Kelli typed a quick message.

  You still busy?

  A police siren sounded. Kelli’s stomach dropped.

  Travis re-entered with the help of a guest. “Look what I dragged in.”

  Nora was right behind him.

  “Oh thank God! Somebody who actually knows what she’s doing,” Carina said.

  Nora grinned. “I knew you’d still be here. I thought I’d come lend a hand.”

  “Yeah, mine are cramping up. Get over here.” Kelli smirked.

  Nora met her gaze, her expression was soft, full of wonder, and most of all, love. Nora moved closer.

  Everyone else melted away.

  “Your…sausage is burning,” Nora said breathlessly.

  “I don’t smell anything.” Kelli could barely remember to breathe. Who gave a fuck about sausage?

  Nora grinned and pulled the spoon from Kelli’s hand. “It doesn’t matter. I like sausage…with a little char.”

  Kelli’s heart hammered against her chest. Electricity buzzed up and down her spine.

  Nora pushed Kelli to the side. She rested one hand against Kelli’s stomach, while she tended to the meat with the other. The kitchen was quiet as hell, and Kelli was aware that her family was watching. Did it matter? Nora was a part of it, and she couldn’t look away.

  When Nora was done, she leaned into Kelli. “I think…” She paused. “No…I love you.”

  Kelli’s knees weakened. Holy shit. Seeing the emotions in Nora’s eyes was amazing, but didn’t even come close to hearing the words aloud.

  “Well…I don’t like burned anything! Both of you out of my kitchen. You’re just a distraction.” Carina shooed them away from the stove.

  Carina smiled at them, and Kelli grinned in return. She heard the whole thing, but Kelli didn’t need to be told twice to get out. Sausage wasn’t her priority anymore. Not that it ever was. She plucked the spoon from Nora’s hand and dragged her out of the kitchen.

  In the hallway, near her childhood bedroom, Kelli pressed Nora against the wall.

  Nora gasped. “Kelli.” Her tone was gentle but full of need. She wrapped her arms around Kelli, bringing her as close as possible.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Kelli said, as she brushed Nora’s mouth with hers. Their lips clung to each other, but reluctantly, Kelli pulled back. She touched Nora’s cheek. Her hand trembled. Everything trembled. “I love you too.”


  The silky skin of Nora’s inner thighs brushed against Kelli’s ears, and her heels dug into Kelli’s back, but the pressure had eased. Kelli stared at damp flesh and kissed it before looking up and over the flat plain of Nora’s stomach. She had to stop and savor the view because…damn.

  Kelli watched as Nora slowly fell back to earth. She noticed the signs. The red flush that stained Nora’s skin started to lighten. Her ragged breathing was evening out, and her golden brown eyes fluttered open. Kelli loved Nora this way, boneless and damn near out of it. Kelli used her elbows to lift herself up and inch forward. Unashamedly, she rubbed every ounce of skin she could manage against Nora. In turn, Nora arched upward and whimpered. She clutched at Kelli as if trying to get closer.

  Kelli sought out Nora’s kiss-swollen lips and drank from them thirstily. Her body hummed with need, but she refused to rush. Right now, time didn’t mean shit, even though each passing minute brought the reality of Tony’s sentencing hearing with it. After today, after the judge banged the gavel, things would change big time. She pushed her thoughts of Antony aside. He had no place here in this moment.

  Kelli deepened her caress. They had been at this since sunrise, each touch seamless, leading directly to the next. Kelli didn’t want this…these moments…to end. This need for Nora wasn’t a product of avoidance or loss. It was a celebration of everything Kelli had gained—a woman who understood her and loved her, regardless.

  Nora moaned as Kelli’s kisses went from demanding to feather light.
She whispered into Nora’s open mouth, “I don’t wanna stop.”

  Nora’s nails dug into her shoulders, and her hips rolled in response. “Then don’t.”

  Kelli’s breath caught. “You couldn’t possibly—” Words left her as Nora’s thigh pressed against her sex, touching all the right places. Kelli groaned in appreciation and bore down. This was going to be so fucking good.

  “It can’t…always be about me,” Nora said.

  Unable to help herself, Kelli’s hips began to undulate. Nora trailed her nails down her back, leaving fire in their wake. Her hands moved over Kelli’s ass, grasping at her and urging her on. Then, just like that, Kelli’s control slipped. She bucked and cried out. Her body wasn’t her own…not anymore. Nora could do whatever the hell she wanted. She couldn’t be in safer hands.

  “Nora,” Kelli said with a whimper. Her eyes slid shut, and she held on for the ride. Sweat intensified the slide of their grinding bodies.


  Their mouths touched, but Kelli was denied the passion she suddenly craved.

  “You like…seeing me come apart,” Nora said huskily. She nipped at Kelli’s bottom lip. Nora flexed her thigh and her thrusts grew stronger, bathing Kelli in her renewed arousal. “The way I sound…the way I melt against you.”

  What the hell was she doing to her? Something stirred in Kelli’s belly. It uncoiled hotly and seeped lower. Instead of using words, she moaned. Kelli was sure Nora was trying to drive her crazy, but she was so okay with that.

  “But all I have to do is say a few words…touch you…and you’re exactly the same.” Nora’s tone grew breathless and thick with need.

  The cadence of Kelli’s hips doubled. Her arousal soared upward.

  “I love that you…want me. I love…” Nora’s words trailed off as she whimpered and got caught up in her own pleasure. “…that you can’t wait…to be inside me.” Nora’s voice went up an octave. Her body jerked hungrily. “God…Kelli.”

  Kelli was taken by the sound of her…the feel of her. An electrolyzed tingle started between her legs and pushed its way outward. Kelli gasped, loudly, when Nora’s hand tangled in her hair and pulled just hard enough to make it hot. Kelli opened her eyes.


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