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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Livvy Aarons

  Pete smiled easily then slid eighty dollars of the tip money back to me. I didn’t wait for him to change his mind and grabbed the money.

  I had hoped to see Julie on my way out but she had already went home leaving the bar empty. The parking lot however still had a few people hanging out. When I spotted Aidan with Tristan and Tiffany, dread settled heavy in my stomach, this may get ugly. I couldn’t tell if it was the temperature or the anxiety that caused my goose bumps. The laughter went flat as I approached and Aidan seemed to withdraw completely.

  Tristan broke the silence, “This is a little awkward.”

  Looking in Tristan’s direction, I saw Tiffany’s two groupies making out…gag! The demon seemed amused by my pale, green color. “Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe it.” I mumbled, shifting my eyes to Aidan; who was now staring at the ground. “Let’s get this over with Tristan. I am beyond tired of the bullshit tonight.”

  “As you wish princess,” Tristan grinned lazily then led the way to his car. I didn’t bother saying goodbye to Aidan; he could keep his pretty words…perhaps they’ll keep him company.

  I followed Tristan through the parking lot until we reached a lone car, in the back with a cover over it. I had to get my mind off the rejection that was searing through my veins. “Why are you doing this Tristan? What’s the ulterior motive that you’re hiding—and yes, I know that you have one.”

  Tristan shrugged, “I trust you; you know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. Plus, you love fast cars as much as I do.”

  His answer seemed honest…which surprised me. I thought the demon would have shoveled on the bullshit until I couldn’t breathe. But he didn’t.

  My breath caught as Tristan unveiled the masterpiece that was hidden beneath the cover. “This is what you want me to drive? Are you crazy?”

  “Yes pet—I trust you; besides my talents have made my life very comfortable.” Tristan did not flinch as I traced the sleek lines with my fingertips; I could however tell that he was watching me intently. “I had it special made for my birthday last year.” Tristan mumbled.

  “Please tell me you’re joking.” When I peeled my eyes away to look at his, I could tell that the demon was being honest. “Geez, now anything I would get you for your birthday would pale in comparison to what you would get for yourself.” The crazy demon got himself a freakin’ Ferrari for his birthday!

  Tristan’s smile faltered, “No larisitá you are wrong. The fact that you would even consider giving me a gift is worth more than this hollow piece of metal.”

  The look in his eyes sent a warm tingle over my body. I shivered lightly when I glanced back to the car. “Let’s get the show on the road, I am freezing out here.” Tristan opened the driver’s door, my mouth fell open; it was beautiful beyond words. The utter perfection of Italian style from the plush black leather seats to the sleek glossy wood grain panels; my hands itched to touch everything.

  “So this is to your liking?” Tristan asked.

  Sinking into the driver’s seat, I couldn’t hold back the tiny moan that escaped my lips. “Of course I like it—why does it matter? You normally do whatever you want and not give a rat’s ass about what anyone thinks. Everyone should live that way.”

  Tristan knelt to the ground, bringing him eyelevel. “McKenna, I wasn’t completely honest with you about why I wanted you to drive this car.”

  Looking down I swallowed hard. “Just say whatever it is and this time, tell me everything.”

  “I bought this car for my Queen…for you.” Instantly my eyes locked with Tristan’s; his were a smoldering green full of lust but it was the man not the demon who wanted me. “Please don’t answer me now McKenna, you are not ready to make that kind of decision. Becoming my Queen is much more than becoming my wife and I am not prepared to explain everything like you want.”

  I could hardly believe my ears, “You have lost your ever lovin’ mind. You are a d-e-m-o-n, a slut of a demon at that. Let me also remind you that I am trying to save a man who I may actually love.”

  Tristan’s head sank and almost appeared to be hurt by my words. “But does he love you? He loves the girl he saw in his dreams, not the girl who is trying to save his pathetic life.”

  I wanted to scream “Yes!” Aidan’s behavior tonight proved that he didn’t trust me and even with my inexperience at relationships, I knew that when someone loved you they also trusted you. Slowly I swallowed, my saliva felt thick as the rejection resurfaced. “So I should just give myself to you?” Blinking back the tears, I scooted up in the luscious seat then pulled off my tee shirt. I needed someone to want me, someone to soothe the ache in my heart—Tristan could be my Band-Aid. Still clutching the shirt I looked back at a very quiet demon, “Is this what you want?”

  Other than his eyes, Tristan seemed to be etched in stone. The heat pouring out of his gray orbs sent tingles to my nipples and my panties damp with desire. I felt almost lightheaded when I began to go into a light daydream, so I closed my eyes and relaxed back into the driver’s seat. Instead of seeing darkness when I closed my eyes, I saw Tristan petting my naked breasts—what the hell! How did I get naked and where the hell am I?

  “Shhh… pet don’t think, just relax and let me love on you.” I could hear Tristan’s voice but his lips didn’t move. In a blink of an eye Tristan’s mouth latched on my nipple, swirling his tongue with expertise. Biting back a moan, I grab a handful of his blonde locks and pushed his face harder against my breast. Tristan growled in response then nipped at the tender flesh. I gasped at the painful pleasure that sent shivers to my core. I needed release in the worst way and Tristan didn’t seem to want to leave his current playthings, so I took matters into my own hands. The moment my fingers reached their destination I thought of Aidan and the dream floated away. As reality crashed back I realized three things—one I was still in Tristan’s car having an erotic daydream, two I was masturbating with Tristan watching and three, he never really touched me. Desire was replaced by anger but only until Tristan yanked my hand from my shorts and licked them clean; then I burned with embarrassment.

  “Sorry, McKenna that was only to prove to you how I want you. I will admit I got a little carried away with myself. However, you gave me a cold shower when you started imaging Aidan rather than me. Trust me little girl I have the power to make you burn for my touch, have you begging me to never stop and I don’t even have to physically touch you but I don’t want you to think of me as Aidan or as a demon. I know that you would hate yourself for being selfish and you would hate me even more.”

  I snatched my hand from his molestations, “I assume you’re wanting my thanks for saving me from your evil clutches.” Tugging on my tee shirt I sighed, the bastard was right I couldn’t let myself be one of those girls who tried to fill the emptiness in my heart with some man…or demon. “Thanks,” I huffed smoothing out my clothes and hair. Aidan was right I am a whore.

  The stupid asshole actually smirked. “Yeah, I know I am pretty magnificent. All I have to do is be patient; Aidan will eventually show you his true colors. In the meantime I can fill your head with tantalizing dreams, both day and night.”

  “Whatever horn dog, just show me how to turn this kitten on.” I rolled my eyes when he waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “The car damn you!”

  “Calm down peaches. So the first thing you need to do is push the start button; its beside the steering column.”

  I complied and the engine purred to life—it truly was a glorious sound. Tristan continued to show me where varies controls where and how they worked; through my excitement I barely heard him finally finish. “Any questions McKenna?”

  “Nope,” I lied. The question I had didn’t pertain to the car.

  He stood up stretching, “I tell Aidan that you need to talk to him.”

  “Good luck with that one, he wouldn’t even look at me.” My spirits took a nosedive remembering the way Tiffany stared at Aidan; those two were probably real cozy right about now. What in the
hell do you think you were doing with Tristan?

  Tristan cleared his throat, “Don’t feel guilt about what happened earlier, it was just a mind trick of mine and don’t worry about Aidan I’ll take care of that issue.” He looked down at his watch. “Now if you do not have any questions I have a few people waiting on me.”

  I shook my head in a silent no.

  “Vale meus decorus larisitá.” Tristan’s voice was a deep as he said the unfamiliar words then bowed slightly. “It just means goodnight pet.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Whatever demon goodnight.” I put the car in drive and left all my worries in the dust.

  For the next hour I didn’t want to think about my drama, saving Aidan, not saving Aileen or even the strange erotic daydream I had with Tristan. I only wanted to drive the wheels off this four hundred thousand dollar work of art and feel the adrenaline rush that it would provide but my mind wouldn’t let go. Aileen had once told me that life was all about the choices we make—whether we choose to fight for our dreams and design our own fate or we choose to give up, allowing the rip currents of life to decide for us. Well I hate to break it to her but she is full of shit; no one can control their destiny. Fate is a sadistic, mean bitch that hates mankind and apparently with me…she’s on the rag.

  * * * * *

  The blissful aftermath of my adrenaline high dissolved as I pulled into my driveway and saw the flicker of light bounce of the chrome of a motorcycle. Fabulous, Aidan was waiting on me; the damn demon had actually kept his word for once. Drawing in a deep breath I hit the ignition button, silencing the purring beast. Once I heaved myself out of the posh seat, I looked towards the motorcycle that was parked across the street; Aidan was nowhere in sight. Slowly, I walked over to the bike to see if the pipes were hot—nope they were cold. Perhaps he is waiting for me inside. I retreated back to the house, which was eerily void of any sound with the exception of the light noises from Ben’s TV upstairs. I was sure he was asleep so I gingerly creped to my room. Before opening the door, I saw a note taped to the door.

  Had an situation at work, should be back around 8am. I have something we need to talk about. NO EXCUSES.


  An audible gulp pierced the silence. Whenever my dad said that he wanted to talk to me it usually meant that I was in trouble and by mentioning the “no excuses” part I was sure that it was really bad. I sighed heavily as I went into my bedroom then flipped my light switch; when the light didn’t come on I flipped it on and off again. The light must have blown, thankfully I had a lamp on my desk and with a twist the bright light assaulted my eyesight.

  “Sorry about the switch; I couldn’t risk your brother seeing me in here.”

  Immediately my hands froze from rubbing my eyes; Aidan’s voice startled me. I blinked a couple of times before he was in focus. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to join in Tristan’s festivities.” Despite the harsh tone of my voice, my insides were melting at the sight of this beautiful man. His hair was disheveled so I could tell he had been running his hands through it roughly.

  Aidan’s face paled and his posture grew stiff as he sat on my bed. “No—that will definitely never happen. I needed to apologize for the way I acted.”

  When he started to manhandle his hair once again I took the opportunity while he was distracted and not looking right at me. “Aidan I wish I could make you understand and tell you everything but I can’t.” Wordlessly Aidan grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed with him. I was glad he did not resist when I snuggled up against him and wrapped his big arms around me.

  We laid like that for a while until Aidan finally asked the question I knew was coming. “McKenna what is it that you can’t tell me?”

  Leaving the his warmth, I sat up and debated silently on what to do. If I tell him the truth he is either going to think I am crazy or hate me for lying to him. But if I don’t tell him he may hate me more.

  Aidan could see my inner turmoil and made the decision for me. “It’s okay baby you don’t have to tell me tonight, I am sure that it can wait.”

  I nodded in agreement, “Yeah I am absolutely exhausted.” Aidan patted the spot I had vacated; within seconds the ache in my heart was soothed. I snuggled tight against his side, taking in deep breaths of the warm woodsy scent that radiated from his skin.

  Tonight I would relish in the warmth that the lightness of love could give me…tomorrow I would began my descent into darkness.

  Chapter 11

  Casting the First Stone

  Slowly I pried my eyes open, the bright sunshine was too much for my puff, raw eyelids. Once Aidan’s breathing evened out and I knew he was asleep; I let the tears squeeze out one by one. The sound of our neighbor Ms. Parish caught my attention. She was a bitter old crone with no job or life but she walked her dogs religiously at ten o’clock and two o’clock every day. The sheets were cool so I knew Aidan had been gone for a while; probably since my father came home. Nestling back into my covers, I sighed—but the room had a certain eerie chill and smelled like the sea. My grandmother always told me to trust my senses and to recognize the changes an other could bring. Demons varied in smells, some were sickly sweet, most had a sulfuric smelled that burned my nose but the room would always get a silent cold feeling that would give most humans goose bumps. There was only one demon that smell like the ocean, “What do you want Tristan?”

  The rumble of his laughter gave my butterflies a stir. “I knew that your hunter instincts would come in handy.”

  Trying on my angry voice I jackknifed in the bed then repeated my question. “What. Do. You. Want?” My irritation faulted at the sight of the gorgeous demon sitting on a hot pink bean bag chain.

  “My key, princess” Tristan snapped, holding out his hand.

  Cautiously I grabbed the key pod from the nightstand then without giving him any warning, I hurled the pod at his head.

  Of course Mr. Perfect caught it with no effort. “Do you not think that your time would be better spent seeing about your boyfriend rather than sleeping or bickering with me?”

  I folded my arms defensively, “Its barely ten in the morning, Aileen told me that she wasn’t going to talk to Aidan until she could get him to come inside for lunch.”

  Tristan lifted one eyebrow, issuing a challenge.

  Glancing at the clock, I shrieked. “SHIT!” Instantly I jumped from the bed and started pulling on clothes, not giving a damn what the demon saw. Once I shoved my feet into a pair of sneakers, I scrambled to find my keys. “Help me dammit! It’s already past one o’clock and you didn’t even wake me up knowing that I had to get to Aidan.”

  I found my keys and was shocked to see Tristan standing by the door holding my wallet, “He is already at home by the way.” The smug expression he wore grated on my nerves and I snatched it out of his hand.

  Bastard! I didn’t have time for his shit. I continued my race down the stairs but came to a halt once I saw my father in the den; unfortunately, he saw me as well. He had been waiting on me.

  “Young lady you better get in here right now.”

  I took off running for the door, “Sorry dad I have to go, yell at me when I get back.” Oh yeah, I would pay for that one; I could hear him yelling all the way to the garage. It shouldn’t have surprised me to find Tristan waiting my car for me. “Come to torture me or see if I crumble under stress?”

  His stare was intense but the sound of the back screen door broke his spell; my father was on a mission. I started the car then looked back towards the passenger seat—it was empty. Before my father could reach the garage I gunned it down the driveway. I whispered a thank you to the heavens that I had more gas than I had thought. I didn’t release my foot from the pedal until I saw the open gates of Aidan’s driveway. I would have plowed through them if necessary. My anxiety peaked at the sight of his motorcycle parked in front of his cottage. The nauseous fluttering of butterflies had turned into the clawing of frantic crows and by the time I got out of my car the crows
where half way up my throat. They seemed to be digging their talons into my insides as they went higher and higher with every step I took towards Aidan’s door. Barely two steps from my goal I ran for the bushes, the cursed crows had won their freedom. Trembling I wiped my mouth with my shirt.

  “For a little girl you drive pretty fast, too bad your nerves could not take so much adrenaline.” Tristan was standing too close for comfort. I tried to ignore him as I went back to Aidan’s door. Once I had enough courage to knock I waited for what felt like an eternity for Aidan to answer. The stony look he gave me, set my insides back into turmoil. “Let me explain.”

  He threw a set of soft bags over his shoulder then pushed past me, never speaking a word to me.

  “Please give me a chance, I didn’t know how to tell you. I understand that your-” Aidan whipped around so fast, cutting me off midsentence.

  “No McKenna you don’t understand a damn thing.” His voice laced with bitterness. “And you,” Aidan turned towards Tristan, “whoever the hell you are or should I say whatever you are. I thought of you like a big brother…boy was I wrong.” Tristan shrugged as he leaned against my car; he seemed too relaxed with the situation. Aidan began to stuff his saddle bags with the soft bags he had been carrying. “How could you stand to be around him knowing that he isn’t even human or me knowing what I am to become?”

  Hoping that this was the opening I was waiting on to show him that I did love him, I crouched down and took his face in between my hands. “Aidan I have seen some pretty horrible things but you will never be one of them; besides Aileen thinks I can save you. As for Tristan, he scares me on so many levels however his demon form is not far from what you can see now.”

  The stony resolve returned to Aidan’s face and he pushed to his feet then mounted his bike. “I’m leaving.”


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