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Tainted Love

Page 11

by Lockhart, Cate

  ‘And by the looks of it, on your way to getting very drunk.’

  ‘Not drunk.’ She pressed her weight against his. ‘Just very reckless.’

  Taylor laughed.

  Abbi drew back and wrinkled her forehead. ‘Am I a joke to you?’

  ‘No, not at all. You’re just very cute when you’re trying to be seductive.’

  ‘Oh, well how about this then.’ She leant in and wrapped her hand around the back of Taylor’s neck, pulling him closer and pressing her lips against his unsuspecting mouth. Abbi’s head swooned back and forth upon contact, which totally caught her by surprise. She drew back a little and tried to focus her eyes. ‘Is that seductive enough for you?’ Abbi whispered, shocked and excited by her own actions.

  ‘Hmmm.’ Taylor’s tongue swept over his lips. ‘You’re going to have to try a little bit harder than that I’m afraid. After all, it sounds like I’ve got quite a reputation to live up to.’ His eyes dropped to Abbi’s breasts unashamedly.

  ‘And there’s nothing worse than a tarnished reputation is there?’ Abbi said, enjoying the flirty banter.

  Taylor merely smiled, his eyes expressing more of a challenge than curiosity. ‘No, there isn’t.’

  With a confidence Abbi found enthralling, Taylor slowly moved his hand above the hem of her skirt. Abbi’s eyes darted around the bar as she began to feel herself getting wetter and wetter. Within seconds, Taylor had snaked his hand up her thigh, and his fingers were caressing her, slowly and tenderly as he inched his way further.

  Abbi pressed her bottom lip between her teeth, as Taylor’s hand stopped suddenly. So near. She inhaled Taylor’s sweet scent and let out a measured breath.

  ‘Is this what you were fantasising about,’ he asked, his voice low and husky.

  ‘Yes,’ she said in a strangled voice.

  ‘What would you do to me if we were in my bed right now?’ He stared hard into Abbi’s eyes. ‘I know what I’d like to do to you.’

  Abbi felt a jolt of electricity flash between her legs as Taylor’s fingers began working her.

  ‘Would you be shocked if I told you that I wanted to make love to you right now?’ Taylor said.

  Abbi squirmed impatiently in her seat, her heart in her mouth. Momentarily rendered speechless as a wave of excitement and hysteria washed over her. As much as she wanted Taylor, this was new territory for her, and she was way out of her comfort zone as she briefly wondered whether Taylor would be put off by her lack of experience. She wasn’t sure that she could handle another knock back so soon. However, the more Taylor brazenly made circular movements against Abbi with his thumb, the more her fears faded. She felt as though she was going to go insane when Taylor abruptly withdrew his hand and rose to his feet.

  ‘Get up. You’re coming home with me!’

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Taylor’s home was exactly how Abbi had imagined it – dark and masculine. To her disappointment he led her into the spacious living room rather than straight to the bedroom. He remained silent whilst he lit logs in the fire place, turned on a jazz CD and left the room to go and get their drinks. Abbi flopped down on the hard leather sofa and patiently waited.

  ‘Want to play a game?’ he asked, putting their drinks on the coffee table before sitting down beside her.

  ‘Sure.’ Abbi stared intently at his chiseled features.

  ‘Truth or dare,’ he said studying her closely.

  Abbi laughed. ‘How old are we?’

  ‘Come on. I’m serious, truth or dare?’

  ‘Okay.’ She giggled, the wine had made her relaxed and maybe a little giddy. Or maybe it was because she sitting in front of a crackling fire and next to the sexiest man, she had ever met. ‘Truth.’

  ‘Have you ever had an affair?’ he asked. He was serious, and he watched her closely.

  Abbi locked eyes with him and the smile faded from her face. ‘No.’

  ‘Have you ever been tempted?’

  ‘Now that’s two. It’s my turn.’

  Taylor nodded. ‘Fair enough.’

  ‘Truth or dare?’


  ‘Have you ever had sex with a married woman?’

  Before she knew what was happening, Taylor’s lips were on hers. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. His tongue crept forward, slowly, cautiously. She slid her tongue forward to meet his, and they kissed harder and deeper. Tasting each other. Taylor took her face in his hands.

  ‘No, an engaged one,’ he whispered to her.

  A silence descended upon them, and they locked eyes. He gently stroked her face, and Abbi closed her eyes again. She breathed deeply and took in the smell of him.

  ‘I haven’t wanted anyone as much as I’ve wanted you.’

  She opened her eyes and stared at him in surprise. There were no more words. There was only longing and lust. She moved forward and kissed him. They wrapped their arms around each other and Abbi felt him drawing her into him. He was strong, and she liked the feel of his arms around her. How many times had she imagined and fantasised about this moment and now it was actually happening. She slid her arms down his hard powerful back. She felt her hands ripple over his muscles. Taylor shifted and began to kiss her neck. She purred in enjoyment and gripped his powerful shoulders with her nails.

  ‘I’ve felt the same way about you,’ she finally said back.

  He pushed her down onto the sofa and pulled open her shirt in one swift movement. Then he was on top of her, trailing kisses along her neck and moving down to her collarbone and shoulders. She felt his right hand move up to her bare breast and squeeze it tenderly. She moved her hands down his back to the top of his jeans and pulled up the back of his shirt. Searching for skin, her hands pulled and felt, and finally she was caressing the warmth of Taylor’s back under her hands.

  He positioned his head above her breast and began to kiss it. He kissed one hard nipple while his left hand massaged and teasingly twisted the other. She writhed under him, lost in the moment of sheer pleasure and excitement to have any thought of anything else. For days now she had dreamt of this man. She wanted him. She lusted after him. More than anything she had ever wanted in her life, she wanted him now. She could not wait for one more minute, let alone imagine for one more day.

  Abbi grabbed his belt buckle and began to undo it while he reached his hand down her thighs and back up to where she could feel the heat she was giving off. Her panties were soaked with her excitement, and she could barely fight off the tingling sensation that was between her legs. Taylor reached down and helped her undo his belt. He breathed a sigh of relief as he brought out his hard, erect penis. Her hands were immediately upon it, gently and lovingly massaging and rubbing. Now he groaned in pleasure. He was so hard in her hands. She quivered with pleasure and longing. A longing like she had never felt. A longing for a satisfaction that only this man on top of her right now could give her.

  His hand reached backwards and drew out his wallet. Quickly flipping it open with one hand, he drew out a condom. He put the package in his teeth and ripped it open. Their eyes met. Abbi thought she saw a moment’s hesitation in his. Maybe he thought he saw the same in her. They kissed again, and then he opened the condom and put it on. He placed both hands beside her shoulders and she admired the strength and power that hovered over top of her. Reaching down, she gently took hold of him. Spreading her legs wide, she opened herself up to him, and guided him in. She gasped in exhilaration as she felt him slide into her. He filled her completely, and the feeling was unbelievable. She gasped for air as he began to move ever so slowly back and forth on top of her. Taylor leant down and sucked on her neck while she grabbed his firm buttocks and helped him thrust into her. Softly and slowly at first, but then faster and harder.

  ‘Harder, more, don’t stop,’ she called out. Abbi was lost in ecstasy and desire. She felt a flood of emotions as this man whom she lad lusted after penetrated her and returned to her a passion and desire that she had long forgotten existed, or perha
ps never had.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she cried out as they both got closer and closer.

  Taylor was breathing hard now, and he felt so amazing inside her that she did not want him to stop. Ever. She moved her hips to match his rhythm and they became one in front of the fire. One shadow of pure sexual delight. She felt his hand slide down and tickle her clitoris as he thrusted. She shivered in delight. A fine sensation ran through her body and she shuddered.

  Taylor was thrusting harder now, and she was so close. She tightened up her legs and clinched her muscles. Holding her breath she thought of nothing else but of what she was feeling exactly now. His hand rubbing her, his penis inside her, she came to the edge and spilt over, yelling out in bliss and unbridled satisfaction. She felt herself involuntarily clenching and releasing Taylor as she came, and with two more thrusts, he too yelled out and she felt him come. His body shook and then he was still. He was breathing hard and then he folded down on top of her, still gasping.

  She ran one hand through his hair while she still basked in the first few moments of afterglow. For just a minute, she was not going to think of anything else and just enjoy this moment. That one pure moment of desire meeting satisfaction.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Taylor and Abbi stayed wrapped up in each other by the fire. ‘I meant what I said,’ he said to her kissing her on the forehead.

  ‘What was that?’

  ‘That I had wanted you since the day you ran into me on the train. I just don’t want you to think that was a line.’

  ‘No, I don’t. Well I did have my doubts but only because Ben said you were a man with a revolving bedroom door.’

  Taylor snorted. ‘Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ Abbi asked, with a puzzled look.

  ‘Nothing. Don’t worry about it.

  Not wanting to dwell on it she stretched out in his arms. ‘I’m going to have to go. Ben might have been called out and I don’t want Buddy left alone.’

  ‘Are you sure you can’t stay a little while longer?’

  She shook her head. ‘I’d love to, but I can’t.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll drive you home.’ He kissed her before rising to his feet and began to pull his jeans on.

  ‘Taylor I think it’s best I get a taxi.’ She stood and started to dress. All this time she had been just fantasising about Taylor, she never once thought about the aftermath. If she had him, then what? Was he going to cast her aside now he’s had his way with her?

  She reached forward and grabbed the wine glass from the table. With a trembling hand, she drank the last swallow. Taylor reached over and put his arm around her and drew her into him. As if reading her mind he said, ‘I can’t wait until we’re finally together. We’re going to have a good life. You, me and Buddy.’

  ‘I can’t wait. I …’

  ‘Shhh,’ he said placing his finger against her lips. ‘Don’t say it until you’re free to do so otherwise it won’t mean anything.’

  ‘But you know I do don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, because I feel exactly the same way.’

  Abbi’s heart soared as she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. ‘I promise I will sort things out with Ben soon. I just want to let him down gently.’

  ‘You’re too good to him.’

  ‘It’s more than I can do. He’s going to be heart broken.’

  ‘Deal with it whichever way you want but just hurry back to me. I’ll be in Cumbria waiting.’

  She closed her eyes and kissed him, momentarily feeling her panic and emotions subside at the thought of finally ending it with Ben.

  ‘You’d better go now while I can still let you go,’ he said, releasing her.

  ‘Goodnight, Taylor.’ Abbi grabbed her belongings and left. She heard Taylor’s front door close as she strolled down the hallway and tears welled in her eyes. She felt as if she had left her heart behind.

  When she arrived home twenty minutes later Ben wasn’t there. He’s left a note on the table. He’d been called out in an emergency. She checked on Buddy then undressed and threw her clothes in the laundry basket. She took a long hot shower and carried the laundry basket naked down the hall to the laundry room off the kitchen. She was relieved Ben wasn’t home. It gave her more time to think about how she was going to break it to him that their engagement was off and she was leaving.

  Abbi was still awake when she heard the front door open and gently close. It was after 1 am and she had been lying in bed staring at the ceiling trying to make sense of everything in her mind. She knew in her heart of hearts she was doing the right thing but that didn’t make it any easier. It was so strange to feel so wonderful and so terrible at the same time.

  The door to the bedroom opened, and Ben’s silhouette came into the room. He opened the wardrobe door quietly and took something out. Then he crept silently out of the room, and Abbi heard the shower turn on. She looked at the clock and felt relieved that she did not have to get up in the morning. Exhausted, Abbi fell asleep before Ben returned and dreamt of being with Taylor, far away in Cumbria, in a remote place with just him and a roaring fire.

  When she awoke the next morning, the space beside her was empty. She rolled her head over to look at the clock. It was almost eleven. Abbi could not believe that she had slept so late. Groaning, she stretched, and a little growl erupted from under the covers.

  ‘Buddy! It’s almost lunchtime. We have to get up.’ Abbi yawned and swung her legs over the bed. The events of last night began to play almost immediately in her mind, and she felt a sense of excitement. Soon she would be with Taylor and nothing would ever come between them again.

  Walking out to the kitchen with a cup of coffee on her mind, she saw a note from Ben on the worktop.

  Got called in at 6 - didn’t want to wake you.

  She read the note a couple of times, and then crumpled it up and threw it away. She poured herself a cup of coffee, and went into the living room. Sitting down in the recliner, she turned on the news and sipped her coffee while she slowly woke up.

  Her phone chirped after about ten minutes. Morning gorgeous. Just wanted to say hi. Hi.

  Taylor. She smiled at the phone. And typed.


  Minutes passed and nothing. She went back to watching the news headlines and having lustful thoughts about the night before. Feeling like she’d go crazy if she didn’t distract herself, she got up, poured another cup of coffee and headed to the bathroom. A long hot shower helped remove the last few feelings of grogginess. She got dressed and grabbed Buddy’s lead. She felt as if she’d just been released from jail after serving an eight year sentence.

  Despite the cold air, the sun was shining brightly out, and it was perfect day to take Buddy to the park. He hadn’t been out to play all week as he’d been stuck in the shop with her. She figured the fresh air and sunshine would do them both some good.

  She sat down on the bench whilst Buddy raced up and down playing chase with a big friendly golden retriever. She wished her life was as easy and uncomplicated as his. She took out her phone. She thought for a moment, and then sent a text.

  Can you talk? A few seconds later, her phone vibrated in her hand. Taylor.

  ‘Hi,’ she answered.

  ‘Good morning. How are you?’ he sounded calm and relaxed. Comfortable.

  ‘I’m good. Enjoying the day.’

  ‘I take it that means you haven’t spoken to Ben yet.’

  ‘No, he was on call last night and then he was gone before I woke up.’

  ‘I don’t want to talk out of term here but haven’t you ever thought there was something fishy about his working hours.’

  ‘How do you mean?’

  There was silence. ‘I don’t know. I mean the guy seems to work twenty-four-seven isn’t there some kind of law against that?’

  Now she was silent. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. It’s always been this way.’

  ‘Why don
’t you go and see him at work. Arrange a time to sort things out. At the rate this is going on you’ll never catch up with him.’

  ‘You know, you’re right. I think I will. I’ll speak to you later, Taylor.’



  ‘I love you.’

  Her heart soared. ‘I love you too, Taylor.’

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Abbi had only been over to Ben’s campus and adjoining hospital a couple of times. Ever since, Abbi had dropped out of university, she felt a little out of place around the world of academia. She kept Buddy on his lead as she walked across the car park to the entrance of A and E. She noticed two people sitting on a bench outside. The young woman was in scrubs and smoking. The handsome dark haired man was wearing a doctor’s coat and had his arm draped across the bench. He was stroking her shoulder, as they talked. He said something, and she kicked back her head and laughed. He leant in and kissed her neck. Abbi watched for a few seconds, and then walked over to them.

  ‘Abbi?!’ Ben jumped up. He was clearly startled and shocked at seeing her standing in front of him, of them. ‘What? What are you doing here?’

  ‘I took Buddy to the park, and thought I would swing by and we would surprise you. I guess we did.’ She gazed down at the pretty blonde nurse. The equally embarrassed blonde put her cigarette out on the ground. She got up and looked at Abbi and the Ben.

  ‘I need to go,’ she said then turned and began walking very quickly towards the entrance.

  Abbi slumped down on the bench beside Ben. He leant back, and they both sat in silence for a few minutes.

  ‘I don’t know what to say, Abbi,’ he said. He turned towards her, and took her hand. ‘Please look at me. I don’t want a big scene outside of where I work, but we do need to talk.’

  Abbi squeezed his hand and looked back at the man who was once her life. She knew now. It all made sense. The random times of coming and going. The faint smell of cigarette smoke, the times he had come home late. She had no doubt this wasn’t his first affair. He had probably been at it for years but she’d been too naïve in thinking Ben wasn’t the type to have an affair. She wasn’t ashamed to say that she had been gullible. But things were different now. In the end, nothing Ben did mattered anymore. It seemed they had reached the same place after all. All this time she thought they were on different paths and they had been on the same one. Looking for something other than each other. How screwed up was that?


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