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Duet: Death's Recital

Page 7

by Lizzie Vega

  “We’re good together,” she said softly, “Please sit and we’ll talk about this.” She looked out over the greenspace, “Whatever this is.”

  Looking around at the mostly deserted park, Ethan moved toward her and sat down awkwardly next to her. He didn’t touch her hand and she nodded quietly as he settled, “I can only imagine what you’re thinking. I have no idea why we were drawn together.”

  “Have you heard yourself play?” he asked without hesitation, then turned back to the park shaking his head, “You’re not even a student here cuz I checked.”

  Her eyes grew wide, “Ethan…”

  “No one with your level of talent is here. You stand out, you’d have posters at the auditorium.” He felt her hand on his shoulder, “You are at a professional level.” He looked at her and like the night before, saw tears in her eyes, his voice faded to a whisper, “in so many categories.”

  She moved closer, “I was a student here. I had an accid…something happened and…” she started to cry, “Please don’t be afraid of me.” She squeezed his hand gently then felt his hand tighten as a quiet realization washed over him. He stared down at her hand.

  “It’s warm,” he whispered, “a little sweaty like mine.” He rolled his eyes, “I need to see my shrink and get adjustment on my meds. This is just some stupid grief or denial flashback.” He lifted his hand and began to pull away, but she tightened her grip. Not to the point of hurting him, but it absolutely got his attention.

  “Don’t you dare pull away from me,” her voice broke, “don’t ask me to explain how this is possible. But it is.” She pulled his hand up to her face, “I’m here. I think I’m here for you.” He could feel the softness of her skin and as a tear ran down her cheek, he felt his tension easing.

  Yet his eyes drifted across the courtyard, “Nobody’s here for me.”

  “You’d be surprised,” she said, “Quite a few students here know your music.”

  “And they know what a head case I am.”

  “So what?” she said a she looked down the sidewalk at some approaching students, “I’m gonna do something and if you run away, I’m gonna come find you. I know where you live.”

  “That’s just disturbing,” he said flatly and then looked up as she stood up and brushed off her jeans, pointing at two students approaching them, “Just don’t stare too much at these two. Be right back.” She walked to the edge of the sidewalk.

  The couple was about twenty steps away when she began to jump up and down and wave her arms. Deep in conversation, they didn’t acknowledge her. She stopped and turned back to Ethan and shrugged, a huge grin on her face. She laughed, “I’m not a monster for God’s sake, lighten up.”

  Caught up in her spontaneity, he smiled.

  “Now,” she cautioned him, but still grinning, “Don’t freak out.” She stepped out onto the sidewalk and now stood right in front of them. Continuing to wave her arms, she stood still just as a gust of wind blew her hair off her shoulders. She held still as the two students walked right through her. She turned around as they passed and then launched herself across the sidewalk to catch Ethan just before he tipped over.

  He opened his eyes and found her holding his face in her hands, “Are you okay?”

  “Am I okay?” he blurted loudly, only to turn and see the two students looking at him as they walked away. Their pace suddenly quickened as they whispered and glanced back at him again.

  Ethan rolled his eyes, “Another story in the crazy file, great. Thanks.” While his tone was clearly sarcastic, she teased him, “You worry way too much.”

  He shook his head, “That’d make a lovely Pinterest plaque for my wall.”

  “A what?” she asked enthusiastically, her smile firmly in place.

  He frowned, “Never mind. Are you always in this good a mood?”

  She nodded, “Pretty much. Although now I’m now worried about you freaking out.”

  “I’m not freaking out,” he countered, clearing his throat, “Okay, a little. They can’t hear or see you, but I can? And now I’m supposed to go to class and pretend that everything is normal? Think I’ll skip.”

  “Oh no you’re not,” she said sharply, “You keep on your regular schedule. That means classes, practice and dining hall. Everything stays the same.”

  “There’s nothing same about any of this,” he said softly, “I’m sorta okay with that. I’m just not going to dwell on why you walk through people.” He paused for a moment, “you knocked on my door last night. You touched me.” He put his hand to his cheek, “I think you kissed me.”

  “I didn’t want to scare you, so I knocked. You were super pissed when you opened the door.”


  “I got a little rattled too. It was exciting,” she smiled slyly. “You’re not sure about the kiss though.” She leaned up close to him and kissed him firmly on the lips. She pulled back to see him blushing, “How’s that? Gonna remember that?” She gestured across the lawn, “Now get your butt to class before you’re late.”

  “I’m not used to this kind of thing,” he said then made a mental note of the confession, “like, at all.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” she said, “I think its adorable. You gotta go.”

  “Why me, Sara?”

  She looked down at the grass, “I heard you play one day. It was one of my favorite Mozart pieces, so I snuck into your practice room.” She looked up at him, biting her lip, “I didn’t realize you’d be so handsome. I’m not used to this kind of thing either.”

  He sighed, “Are you gonna disappear now when I walk away?” he looked up and down the sidewalk, “Can I watch?”

  “I don’t think I want you to see that,” she said with a quiet shake of her head, “I’m not sure why but for now, I’d rather you didn’t.” Putting her hand on his chest, she kissed him again on the lips. She lingered then pulled back. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch up with you later.”

  He smiled and turned away from her. Walking down the sidewalk he mulled over what he had both seen and felt. A few steps from the building door, he turned to look back then stopped himself.

  Getting to his next class, instead of the far back corner, he chose the second to the last row of seats and pulled out his laptop. He’d have a few minutes before the instructor would begin the lecture. Bringing up the University’s website, he began to search for Sara.

  Chapter 13

  Ethan tossed and turned until well after midnight. Fluffing up his pillow for the umpteenth time, he finally settled in. Just as he began to drop off, he heard a soft double knock at his door. This time it sounded different but even through the haze of sleep he knew why.

  “Sara?” he asked, shaking his head thinking how it usually sounded more muffled from the other side of the door, “Are you in here?”

  “I hope that’s okay,” she whispered across the dark room, “I know it’s really late. I sorta barged in.”

  He sat up, staring into the gloom, “Are you okay?”

  “Never better,” she responded brightly, “But I want to talk something over with you. I’ll go if it’s too late.”

  “It’s fine,” he said, rubbing his eyes, “I was having trouble sleeping anyway.”

  “I saw that,” she said, then gasped, “I’m not spying on you, I swear. I uh, I’ve come in a couple times and I watch you sleep.”

  “And listen to me snoring, that’s disturbing,” he answered back but even in the dark room the tone of his voice told Sara that he was smiling.

  “You don’t snore,” she said, taking a step toward him. He could see her dark silhouette outlined in front of him. She saw him reach for his nightstand light.

  “Not yet, Ethan…just...just a minute or two.”

  “Sara, you sound different, a little scared. I can just open the blinds a little, okay?”

  “I’m not scared,” she said softly as he rotated the wand on the window blinds slowly flooding the room with rays of light from the dorm courtyard, “a little
nervous, definitely.”

  As his eyes adjusted, Sara moved to the edge of the bed. The angled strips of light caught her profile. Her usual school t-shirt or sweatshirt had been replaced by a loose-fitting oversize nightshirt. The deep v cut neck drew his eyes instantly.

  “Sara, you’re almost…”

  “Yeah,” she sighed nervously, “I searched the whole second floor laundry for something. It’s a little big. I made quite a mess over there.” She leaned toward him, her long hair down around her shoulders, “Do you…do you think I’m pretty?”

  His eyes darted around the room then back to her, “I want to see you, okay?” He began to reach for the lamp on his nightstand as she began to gather the hem of the long nightshirt and begin to lift it up.

  “Wait,” he blurted loudly, startling her, “that’s not what I meant. I want to see your face. I can hear it in your voice. Slow down.”

  “Oh, sure,” she sighed with a hint of relief, but then sat on the bed and shifted to face him. As he turned on the lamp, the low setting of the bulb washed the room with a soft warm light, he took one look at her bare legs and nervously backed up against his headboard.

  She chuckled, “Don’t bump your head, ya goof.”

  “You’re wearing a lot less than you usually do, Sara.” He took deep breath, “Not…oh wow…not that I mind, jeez…lots of things going through my head right now. Did anyone see you?”

  “Pretty sure not, Ethan. I’m sorta stealthier than most.” She laughed, then her eyes darted away from him, “I just wanted to stay with you tonight. I shoulda maybe mentioned it earlier.” Even in the dim light, he could see her blushing, “It is okay?”

  He reached his hand out to touch her shoulder, hopeful that she might not feel it trembling, “Yes, you’re very pretty.” She took his hand and brought it to her lips. She kissed his hand softly, “I just want to be with you. We don’t have to do anything but…”

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly. Her eyes flared suddenly before he could continue, “I’m sorry, I’m not one of those guys with…lots of experi, well, you know what I mean.”

  She kissed his hand again and slid closer toward him, “Ethan, that’s not who I am, who I was, I guess. I just want to be close you.” Even though tears began to fill her eyes, her soft smile never faltered, “Just hold me. I want to wake up in the morning with you next to me.”

  “Do you actually sleep?”

  “Not exactly,” she whispered, “I’ve never had anybody watch me.” She kissed him once softly, then smiled, “Maybe you can tonight, I’d really love that. Watch over me?”

  He reached up and stroked the tear off her cheek. He nodded as she stood briefly for him to pull his covers back. He propped his head on his elbow as she settled down beside him. He took a deep breath to try to settle himself as well.

  “The first time you touched my hand, I wondered what it would be like…to kiss you,” he said, having to take another breath half-way through, “Can’t say I didn’t fantasize a little…further.”

  “I watched you play once in the concert hall. You were all by yourself but,” she turned toward him, “It was like I could feel what you were going to play, like you were in my head.” She reached her arm over his shoulder and moved up against him, “I wanted to somehow figure out a way to get your attention. That night,” she gasped, sniffling, “that night in the hallway, I was ready to give up. I couldn’t take it anymore. I just wanted to play one more time with what I heard from you. How you made me feel…I was so happy.”

  Ethan quickly put his arms around her as she began to sob. Perhaps realizing her emotions had betrayed her, Sara tried to pull back and recover with a teary smile, “Sorry, that’s just not me,” she said, wiping the tears from her face. Ethan sought to comfort her, “I think it is you.”

  He rolled back and pulled her up on his shoulder, “Be who you really are with me, Sara.” stroking her hair as she laid her head against his chest, she sniffled but held still. “The music you played that night,” he said quietly, “I’ve never heard anything like it in my life. Whatever you did to make it happen? It’s changed me. I don’t know how…I can’t explain it.”

  “Let’s not explain it okay?” she whispered as she pushed up putting her hand on his chest. She meant to kiss him…kiss him hard, but she could feel the pulse in his chest. Catching his wide eyes, Sara backed off, sighing heavily, then tipped up and kissed him on the forehead, “So, for tonight, just put your arm around me? Keep me safe?”

  Rolling away from him on the full-size bed, she turned off the light on the nightstand then returned so her back touched Ethan’s chest, “Like this,” she whispered, “is this okay?”

  Ethan cleared his throat, “It’s fine…sure.” She could feel him finally relax against her, but his breathing was ragged. “Give me your arm,” she asked quietly as he shifted away from her. Gathering him in, she tucked her hand in his and held them both under her chin. “You are such a gentleman, Ethan. Thank you so much for this. Do you think you’ll sleep well?”

  “I really doubt it,” he said plainly causing her to snicker quietly, “I’m sorry, I’ll let you go in a little while. I just want to be maybe close my eyes for just…a little bit.”

  An hour later she stirred after he tried to flex the fingers of his captured hand. “I fell asleep,” she gasped, then realized the reason for his movements, “Seems you did too.”

  “Not really, but my arm is all pins and needles right now.” He was still a bit breathless, “Sorry if I, uh bumped into you, uh…it was an accident.”

  “It’s okay Ethan. I didn’t mind.” She rolled up to look into his eyes, kissed his hand one last time and went back to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Sitting together in their Music Theory class, Kelli and Mikayla received simultaneous texts from Edward. Kelli read hers first then turned to Mikayla, her eyes wide, “Read this.”

  With one eye on the teacher, Mikayla looked at her phone, “Apparition sighted. Meet at the house at 6.”

  Mikayla’s eyes narrowed, “He’s kidding, right?”

  For once, Kelli was silent, she just shook her head and Mikayla was left to contemplate what she had gotten herself into for the rest of the school day.

  Getting to the house, it was Edward’s turn to tease Alvin, “He’s changed plans like four times in the last hour.”

  Hunched over the dining room table, Alvin shrugged, then held up three fingers, “One of them was yours, Ed.”

  “Okay, maybe,” Edward grinned as he hoisted a silver suitcase onto the battered tabletop and Kelli turned to Mikayla, “It’s not a drug deal,” she laughed, “Ed’s bringing out the big toys.”

  He clicked open the locks on the case and opened the lid to display six headsets with wireless microphones all nestled into a black foam interior. A transmitter was form-cut into the other side of the case.

  “This must have cost a fortune,” Mikayla gasped as the idea of being a ghost hunter took on a new dimension.

  Edward carefully took one the headsets and folded the microphone down into position. He handed it to Mikayla, “Try it on.” Not waiting for an invitation, Kelli grabbed one and put over her head, “Tsssshhhttt, you want fries with that? Shht, shhhhht.”

  Alvin laughed, clapping his hands together, “This will be so much fun. Carly called me this morning. Seems there was a big unexplained shadow in the English building last night.”

  Edward pointed out the transmitter to Mikayla, “We’ll all be able to talk to each other while we scope out the building. Long as we’re subtle,” he glanced at Kelli, “And quiet, no one will pay any attention.”

  Alvin held up one of three cameras, “This one will shoot a full spectrum of colors and this one is infrared, it can see in the dark.”

  “We’re gonna be there when it’s dark?” Mikayla said quietly, “Ok...kay.”

  Edward turned to Alvin, “Tell her the plan before she hyperventilates. And before you change your mind again.”

/>   “It’ll be fine,” Alvin smiled trying his best to reassure their nervous rookie. “I have three classes in the building, so I know the nooks and crannies pretty well. We’ll start on the second floor where Carly was told about the sighting.”

  “I’ll walk through the building and put up little tracking sensors that pick up electromagnetic disturbances,” Edward offered. “If we pick anything up, we sing out and head to that spot.”

  “All of us,” Alvin quickly added, “Who knows what we’ll see?”

  “Maybe nothing,” Kelli shrugged, watching Mikayla nerves appear, “I’ll bring snacks.”

  Mikayla shifted anxiously from foot to foot, “So, you guys do this a lot?”

  “Well, not a lot, “Alvin said after a moment.

  “And, there’s a bunch of stuff going on here at school?” Mikayla continued.

  “Absolutely,” he quickly answered before exchanging a quick look with Edward, “Ed will track any movements on the laptop, then we investigate.”

  “Movements,” Mikayla repeated, her complexion was growing paler by the moment.

  Kelli snickered, “We have microphones out too to pick up voices and sounds. C’mon, Mik, you’ll have fun. If we get stumped, we’ll go out to eat after.” She watched as Mikayla continue to eye the equipment, “We get stumped a bunch, like nothing happens so start thinking of what you’re hungry for..” She shrugged at Edward, then glared at him, “She’s impressionable.”

  Mikayla spoke but it came out as a whisper, “Ever seen anything big…and dark?” She held up her hands, wiggling her fingers, “That looks super creepy?”

  Edward mimicked, “Super creepy, no,” he said, “Just little stuff…we think.”

  “Think,” Mikayla said, then looked up at their collective expression, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m more nervous than I thought I’d be.”

  Kelli picked up a camera, an old digital with a huge flash mounted on it. She spun it around to look at the lens and her fingers slipped, firing the massive strobe bulb right in her face, “Gaak,” she shrieked, “I can’t see a damn thing.” A soft whirring sound came from the old camera as it loaded for another shot.


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