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Duet: Death's Recital

Page 25

by Lizzie Vega

  Ethan nodded his head and Sara stepped out on stage. Her red dress and blonde hair contrasting her pale skin, she strode confidently across the front of the piano and stopped at his side reaching out her hand. The crowd gasped as he took her hand, clasping her long fingers with his. They held the loving touch for almost a minute. Having turned toward her side of the stage, Kelli could see tears in their eyes. At that moment, she knew what was going to happen.

  Ethan took a single page of staff paper from his folder and set the bent and often folded music on the piano’s music rail. To Kelli’s amazement, they both chuckled as it fell forward toward him. Catching it and folding it back slightly for more stability, she could see it was almost entirely blank. Except for a few lines of notes across the top line, it was far from the concert quality music that he had just played. Sara positioned herself on the stage, standing on a piece of tape that would put her slightly out of the spotlight, her hair drifting across her forehead to create a soft shadow.

  “Sorry,” he said quietly as an aside to the audience, “a few nerves today.” A quick look at the jury members and he looked back at Sara. His shoulders raised up in a sigh and he brought his fingers up to the keyboard, concert ready.

  Then set them back down in his lap. There was silence.

  Kelli’s heart sank as she looked down at the floor. The car crash was beginning. She looked up at the curtains and ropes beside her, Damn you, Mikayla, she thought, I can’t do this to him. In a choice between the stage lights and the main curtains, she had both within easy reach.

  Sara suddenly plucked the A string on her violin and pretended to make a slight tuning adjustment, “Sorry, “she said softly to him, “I’m ready.”

  He turned to her, “I love you,” he whispered.

  “Play like you mean it,” she said back to him, “I love you too.” Kelli’s trembling hands let go of the main curtain ropes.

  Nodding his head, Ethan counted out the silent beat and, on the half note, Sara began to play with a soaring flurry of notes. Kelli could almost feel a collective sigh from the crowd as the chords she heard looped so many times from Edward, began to weave gently underneath Sara’s melody. Her fingers seemed to glide along her violin without touching it. Kelli gasped at the precision of her musical skill.

  Beginning the piece as an accompanist, Ethan’s repeating chord structure began to evolve as his left hand took over a deeper rhythm, bass notes adding depth as his right hand began to alternate between supporting the momentum of the song and echoing passages of Sara’s melody. Where Kelli had only heard the beauty of the piece in the practice room, now she could feel the reverberation of the deep notes throbbing in her chest.

  The melodies continued to weave in and out of the main contemporary theme of the music but at times veered off into classical and, at one brief section, a country music inflected passage. She leaned out from backstage to see the broad smiles of the star-struck audience.

  Again, the lights flickered as a static hiss popped quietly through the sound system. Not enough to derail the performance but enough to get Kelli to glance back at the curtain ropes, “They’re not gonna make it,” she thought, “Please please...a little more time for them…Sara…please.

  The music shifted as the two played flawlessly. Animated and fingers flying across the keys, Ethan would lead Sara toward a deeper toned passage only to have her turn and answer back with a sweeping run back up her fretboard. Over and over, they echoed the passages until Kelly recognized one particular run of notes from Sara.

  Oh God, thirty seconds left. We made it, Kelli thought but a third then a fourth surge in the electrical system made the lights flicker.

  Sara bent from the waist toward Ethan as she began the final runs that would complete his second piece. She stepped toward him and as the light continued to flicker, Kelli could see his shoulders quaking. It was all he could do to follow Sara’s spiraling lead and chase her back up the keyboard with an uplifting and dazzling crescendo one last time through a blizzard of notes.

  The final notes rang out into the auditorium. After a heartbeat of silence, the stunned audience roared its approval.

  The next second, the theater went pitch black.

  For a moment, the darkness remained but when the lights snapped on, Sara was gone.

  At first, there was confusion as to what was taking place. A couple of surprised shrieks heard when the lights went off, were replaced by a mixture of confused laughter and applause. A trick, Kelli thought, they think it’s on purpose.

  She looked at Ethan and her heart ached for him. He sat frozen at the piano bench his right arm swung extended as if reaching for Sara, fingers grasping as if in another inch, he would once again feel the warmth of her touch. From the look on his face and the tears streaming down his cheeks, the front rows of the audience quickly guessed that something unexpected was happening.

  Taking a deep breath, Ethan turned back to the piano. Kelli could see him fighting back more tears as he tried to force a smile, but it came across as a distorted grimace.

  He straightened, then slumped back, his head bowing down to the keyboard. The audience was quiet, but Kelli could see people beginning to squirm. If the third piece wasn’t played, he would fail the juried recital. While it would be a full semester setback academically, Kelli knew the emotional damage would be far worse.

  He sat up, bringing his hands to the keyboard but it only lasted a moment. His hands back in his lap, Ethan bowed his head to where his hair touched the keys. Kelli could see him crying. The judges could see it as well.

  One of them stood up, possibly to intervene. Kelli took a deep breath and stepped out on stage. Seeing her enter from the opposite side of the stage, heads turned quickly but Ethan didn’t see her. She put up her hand and seeing her shake her head, the teacher stopped in his tracks.

  Head down and hands balled into fists in his lap, Ethan sat dead still at the piano. He wiped his eyes once, then shrunk back down. Kelli estimated he had less that ten minutes to complete his recital within the allotted time.

  She heard someone cough, then another clear their throat as the tension in the auditorium began to escalate. For a few seconds, the noises seemed to peak then suddenly it ended. In the silence, Kelli thought she heard something behind her but turning to look, there was no one behind her. She took another step toward her struggling young friend. “Ethan,” she whispered as softly and with as much love as she could muster, “Please.”

  He didn’t move. Kelli took another step forward. The creak of the old theater floor was the only sound to be heard.

  From the stage, she caught movement as one of the first-year music students rose quietly from his seat. He was three rows back and Kelli recognized him from the Union lounge. He’d always sat alone and off to the side, but he’d been there on several Thursdays when Ethan had played his odd little concert. So similar in stature with Ethan, Kelli had once commented out loud that they could be brothers.

  In full view of the packed auditorium, the young introvert cleared his throat, “Ethan…please.” A young woman sitting next to him stood as well. Looking around nervously, she put her arm through his and held him tight, then repeated his quiet request, “Ethan…please.”

  Two more students, more first years, stood but remained silent. Another juror stood. Students from all over the auditorium began to stand, some whispering to him as they showed their quiet support for the troubled young performer on the stage.

  Kelli watched him for any reaction, but his head remained bowed. She wanted to walk over to him and put her arms around him. She looked over at the opposite side of the stage, then took one step back.

  The quiet intro for Ethan’s third juried piece floated across the stage as Mikayla stepped out in a soft blue dress, her violin under her chin playing the soft melody. Her eyes glistening as she played, she walked slowly out to the same spot where Sara had stood.

  Kelli recognized Mikayla’s opening measures as an alternative work that Sara and
Ethan had experimented with over the last few weeks. Whether or not it had been listed as part of his recital wasn’t the immediate issue. The stage door opened as Alvin and Edward quietly joined Kelli backstage. All eyes were fixed on Ethan as he sat stone still at the piano.

  At first, when he didn’t respond, Mikayla quickly found herself having to improvise back over the initial opening passage. She then played the opening chords of Ethan’s original work, one note at a time. With each four-note group, she leaned toward him as if goading him into playing. She was daring him to play. Kelli smiled in relief but then looked out into the theater.

  Sitting down as Mikayla had made her striking entrance, the majority of the audience also had smiles on their faces. The playfulness of Mikayla’s notes and the performance-like atmosphere might have been deliberate. As Ethan’s right hand rose to rest on the keys, Mikayla swooped down beside him to play a familiar and, dramatic Jaws-like chord. Several members of the audience laughed.

  Mikayla took a chance, improvising a phrase from the upcoming selection, playing the familiar notes that Sara and Ethan had shared from the beginning. On the second pass, she dipped down adding the new minor chords. Ethan turned to her and she winked through her tears, “Ready if you are.”

  Ethan turned his head, “Thank you,” he said softly. Their eyes met briefly, and he said something that Kelli couldn’t hear, then “Allegro,” he said, calling out the tempo.

  “With joy,” Mikayla responded with a warm smile, “For Sara.”

  Together, with tears and quiet smiles, they tore into the final selection.

  Chapter 48

  It was perfection as Mikayla and Ethan played the final measure together. Kelli looked out into the audience. All were standing, many in tears, knowing they had just witnessed something remarkable.

  Without looking, Ethan reached back and took Mikayla’s outstretched hand as the stunned crowd began to applaud. Wiping tears from her cheeks, Kelli slowly lowered the curtain as the clapping continued. The moment it touched the old stage floor, she took a step toward the piano, only to stop as Mikayla wrapped her arms around Ethan to hold him close.

  “She said you were amazing,” he whispered to her as he returned the embrace, “but she’s home now where she deserves to be.” Mikayla nodded through her tears, “Ethan…” she sniffled, “You played so…passionately. She’s so proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”

  “We’re so proud of both of you,” Kelli said quietly as she leaned in to share the hug. “You guys…I’m gonna yell at you later but,” she pointed to the curtain, “listen to them.”

  The conversation stopped long enough to realize the overflow crowd was still clapping and the sound soon evolved to a loud and rhythmic group clap.

  “Four beats to the measure, you guys. They want to see you again,” Kelli began to walk back to the edge of the stage, “Fifteen seconds until the curtain goes up. Make it classy.”

  Standing side by side, Ethan clasped Mikayla’s hands a second time, “They’re sweaty,” he apologized, “sorry.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” she said as the heavily draped fabric lifted off the floor. As the first row could be seen, Mikayla took one step back. “Not about me,” she whispered, finding her smile, “they came to see you.” He took a deep breath and stepped forward as the curtain rose, “We’ll see,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair and wiped his cheek.

  The staccato clapping changed back into spontaneous applause and Ethan was able muster a shy smile, nodding his head in a grateful thank you. Taking a dramatic deep breath, a few of the audience laughed as he wiped the sweat from his brow, then reached back for Mikayla to step forward and the appreciation swelled from the spectators. Again, he grasped her hand gently and they both took a bow.

  After a minute, the Department Chair walked up the stage steps and quieted the exhilarated crowd, “While the jury results are likely a forgone conclusion, it’s clear that today Ethan has accomplished something quite remarkable. What they did was extraordinary and what we heard today, was magical indeed. Incredible technique and passion about their art. Congratulations on a dazzling and emotional performance.”

  As they walked offstage, Kelli once again, lowered the curtain. Even though she was crying as she put her arms around Ethan, “Now I get it,” she sobbed quietly backstage, “Now I get all the things she said to me. I’m gonna miss her so much.”

  Pulling back, she looked sternly at Mikayla, “Wingman’s pissed at you cuz you didn’t blab.” She reached out for Mikayla, “and I’m done with that. You were so amazing.” She waited a beat, “And you didn’t put your dress on backwards this time…zing.”

  Ethan put his hand out to Edward and Alvin, “Thanks guys. Couldn’t have done this without you. Sorry you weren’t here for the whole thing.” Edward grinned, holding up one of his mics from the Union recording, “Remotes from the balcony. Got the whole thing. It’s gonna be amazing.”

  “One listen together maybe,” Alvin interjected as he took a manila envelope from under his arm, “then you get the only copy. This stays between us, right?”

  “Yeah, probably have a little explaining to do, but I presented the idea to the Administration anonymously, so we’ll have to get our stories straight. If anyone asks you about a mysterious brass button, you don’t know a thing.” He gestured at the package under Alvin’s arm, “What’s in the envelope?”

  Edward rolled his eyes and Alvin grinned, “Sara came to the house last night.”

  “What?” Kelli exclaimed, “I thought she was stuck on campus all this time.”

  Edward laughed, “She came right down the basement steps. Scared the hell out of both of us.” Alvin held up the envelope, “It’s a map of the city. She made some notes and circled a few spots. Seems there are a lot of other situations in this town where we’ll find unexplained activities.”

  “Really,” Kelli chuckled, “isn’t that interesting.” Her smiling face turned to a sad frown, “but she’s really gone, right?”

  Ethan could only sigh and nod his head, “It was what she wanted. She, um,” tears started to flow again, “wanted us to go out for a beer and celebrate. I…I would like to do that.”

  Again, Kelli snickered, “Just so happens, Mia’s doing an open mike thing downtown tonight. The bar on Seventh Ave and Main. We could go and show our support.”

  “Yes,” Mikayla grinned, “it’s perfect.”

  “On Seventh,” Edward leaned in, “oh, wow, you mean the one down by the old railyards?” He smiled at Alvin, “It’s on Sara’s map. Spirits to celebrate…spirits.”

  Kelli just shook her head and reached for both Alvin’s and Edward’s arms, “Boys,” she said softly, “wingman says it’s time to leave our two performers alone…let them relax a little.” She winked at Mikayla, “that’s my inside voice. We’ll go ahead and clear out the well-wishers. I’m sure there are a bunch.”

  “Thank you,” Ethan said with a nod, “But, um, yeah, a couple of minutes, okay?”

  As Kelli directed Alvin and Edward to the door, she smiled to Mikayla, “Tall and lanky boy looks like he has something to say. Seeya later.”

  Ethan waited until the door had latched behind them, “She’s always like that?”

  “Pretty much,” Mikayla acknowledged, “Just when you get used to it, she does something over the top. Her heart’s in the right place. She can…hey,” she changed subjects, “I saw a button in Sara’s violin case. I’ve seen them before.”

  Ethan shook his head, “It will have to play itself out, but Sara assured me that she fell from the third floor after she ran through the dark. She was angry, but she was by herself.”

  Mikayla was quiet, “Bad Sara wanted someone to blame. So, it was an accident? We trust her on that one.” Ethan nodded, “Yes. She made me promise to keep it a secret.”

  Ethan reached out and took Mikayla’s hand. At first, he seemed to be inspecting her fingertips but after a minute just held it gently. “Was that you? That day in the
auditorium? You screamed at me.”

  “You heard me?” Mikayla gasped, then realized what she had said and looked down at the floor, nodding. “Mighta stalked you a little after that.”

  He reached out and touched her cheek. “That day in the Union hallway, you couldn’t see her yet, but Sara slowed me down, so I definitely saw you. She got after me for not helping you. I thought you were way out of my league and I chickened out.”

  Mikayla grinned, “Bad Sara was in the auditorium with you that day. I screamed to help you. I think the good Sara was just outside the building.” She put her hand to her cheek, “I felt better after that. I wasn’t scared of what had happened.” Their eyes met, “I’m nervous now, but I’m not scared.” She glanced at the closed door in front of them, “A little, maybe.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He held out his hand and she warmly accepted it, “together?”

  Mikayla took a deep breath, “Yes, together.” They walked out to the hallway hand in hand.

  It was mostly vacant, and Mikayla could see Mia standing with Amanda and her friends at the end of the long hallway. A single figure was leaning against the wall at the halfway point. It was obvious why the students were keeping their distance. It was Evenson.

  He beckoned them over with his characteristically sober expression, then glanced down the hall at the students before turning back. He smiled slyly at Mikayla, “I’ll bet that was pretty to watch. Do I want to know how you pulled that off?”

  Ethan and Mikayla exchanged nervous glances. Mikayla answered, “Probably not.” She cleared her throat, “I’ve never changed clothes that fast in my life.”

  “Mmm, nice try,” he countered, “and your hair and your phrasing and your fingering,” his eyes narrowed, “and I’d say about two inches taller.”

  “Flats versus pumps, maybe?” Mikayla began to shake her head ever so subtly, “it might be better if you just let it go, Doc.”


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