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Loving My Best Friend's Daughter

Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  So now we're just laying here as I play with the ends of her hair while she lies across my chest. The kids are down for the night after a full day of running mommy and daddy ragged.

  "We have to go get Halloween costumes for the kids."

  "When's Halloween again?"

  "Next week." She cuddles closer, feels good.

  "Aren't they a bit young?"I rub my chin in her hair.

  "No babe, the twins will love it and think of the pictures we can get."

  "I'm choosing Dimitri and Anthony's costumes."

  "How come?" She looked up at me affronted.

  "Because you're not putting my sons in no sissy costumes, my boys will go as real men."

  She rolled here eyes at me, whatever.

  "You do know they're just babies right?"

  "Yeah, pictures babe, my boys will be manly men."

  "You're a heel." She playfully smacked my chest.

  "Uh huh, I'm not dressing up."

  "Who asked you to?"

  "Just saying, don't get any ideas." She smirked at me; I can just imagine what freaky shit just went through her head.

  "When do you want to do this?"

  "Tomorrow's good."

  I don't know why I'm nervous, it's not like we haven't been out of the house since this whole thing started, but back then I wasn't aware that there was more than one threat. I'm not expecting anyone to attack us or anything like that; I just don't like the odds of running into some asshole that has an issue with my family.

  I never asked Derry why all these people were out to get her, I'm guessing it has something to do with her ex, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. The Natalie angle doesn't make much sense to me either. None of it does.

  The boys before they left said they had feelers out to get information, I don't really care about the reasons behind the bull shit I just want to fuck over all involved and go on with our life.

  I don't want to spoil our time together with that shit, I won't give them any part of us, they had no place here, in our marriage bed.

  She rolled into a sitting position next to me, her legs crossed Indian fashion, as she threw out ideas about costumes, her eyes lit up like Christmas, she's such a mom.

  I just took a gander at what she's wearing in bed, it's not her usual, which is one of my shirts, no this is some kind of short, tight tank top thing that made her boobs look like they were about to spill over ,with panty shorts, what the fuck ever, I'm not Yves Sant Laurent, the fuck I know, what I do know is that she looks hot as fuck, her legs all smooth and sweet smelling from her bath, hair in some messy pony tail on top of her head.

  "What're you looking at?"

  "Your tits."

  She looked down at herself and fussed with her top before hefting her tits, and then my nasty girl pushed out one of her nipples and brought it up to her mouth for a lick.

  Of course my dick jumped to attention, she didn't miss that either.

  "Want some?" She licked again; I pulled her onto my stomach for a better look, while releasing my dick from my pajama bottoms.

  As she fondled herself my eyes were glued to the action as I stroked my fuck meat.

  "Don't pull too hard yet, I don't want your milk to go to waste."

  She pulled and tugged on her nipples without squeezing on the meat of her breast, her pussy was getting wet on my stomach, soaking through her panties.

  "I can't see you behind there." She whined.

  I smacked her on the ass with my heavy dick, "You can feel me though can't you, turn around then."

  Of course I knew what would happen, she turned around, stuck her soaked crotch in my face and swallowed my dick. I pushed her panties aside and studied her pussy, enjoying the pinkness of it, the silky gloss of her inner walls before tonguing her.

  Her tongue tormented my dick head as I tongue fucked her juicy slit, my nose rubbing against her rosebud for added friction.

  She hummed or tried to say something around my dick and gagged.

  "You can't talk with a mouth full of dick, you'll choke." I laughed at her before going back to the pussy.

  As usual this wasn't enough for me, "Hop on babe." I helped her rise up and held her hips as she fumbled around beneath her and guided my dick to her pussy hole.

  She sat down reverse cowgirl and started to ride. I pushed her ass up, down, back and forth as she held onto my knees. My thumbs pushed in and out of her ass with each motion.

  My cock looked like it was impaling her small form, as she stretched around me. The hairs of my groin were soon saturated with pussy juice.


  She got on her knees as I got up behind her going deeper, taking her breast in my hands I changed course, instead of the rough pounding my dick was calling for, I decided to make love to my wife. I'd been pounding away at her pussy all day; it was time for a gentle touch.

  "I love you more than life itself." My words whispered softly in her ear made her shiver as she rocked back and forth, I wanted more.

  Lifting her off I laid her down and climbed back between her legs leaving her sprawled and open for me. I stroked my length as she licked her lips, she was hungry again.

  I teased her by rubbing the crown of my cock up and down her clit before slipping gently back inside. I kissed her softly as I pulled her body closer to mine.

  We don't have enough of this, enough of the soft and tender, always when we touch each other there's fire and intensity, neither one of us can take it slow, but now I needed it.

  With all that was going on around us I felt the need to show her what she really meant to me, that's why I loved her softly, gently, why I whispered words of love and praise in her ears as I filled her with me.

  "You my little Derry, are very, very much loved, always."

  We kissed into orgasm, our lips and tongues playing with each other as I spilled what I hoped was another one of my sons or daughters into her.

  I spent the rest of the night holding her close to my heart, full of so much love for this amazing girl who was my all. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her, for them, for us.

  The next day was madness, getting three kids ready to hit the road was not easy and not for the first time I worried about Derry being on her own with the kids like this.

  I know women do it everyday but I didn't like it for my family, part of me realized that if I had my way I would never let them out of my sight, the need to protect was strong even more so because she was so fucking young, I felt a slight pang of guilt, it only lasted a second though.

  So what I liked to impregnate my young wife, sue me, I wanted to have a fucking football team of kids with her, and I planned to enjoy the fuck out of making them too.

  I had the whole family bundled up since it was a bit chilly, it took us damn near forever to get them settled into their car seats and ready to go.

  I had to shake my head at what my life had become these days, the jeep was full of baby crap, even the music was some children's thing and there were enough stuff animals to stock a toy store.

  Sophie was holding court while her brothers looked on, little Anthony didn't know what the hell was going on while junior was listening raptly to her babbles. Uh huh, I could already see who was going to be the leader in our little family.

  I was letting Derry drive today, one of her rare times behind the wheel, I was still nervous about her driving, maybe I should get her a driver, that might be best for my peace of mind, that way she would have help with the kids.

  No sooner did I have the thought than the sound of screeching tires filled the air.

  "Dimitri!" I heard the panic in her voice just before I saw the other vehicle heading right for us.

  "Hold on baby." I reached for the steering wheel, how the fuck was I gonna do this?


  My heart was beating out of my chest, my kids were fucking screaming, I guess they felt the tension from mommy and daddy.

  I had Derry press down on the gas to put some room
between us and the car behind us that had already hit our bumper once.

  "Faster babe..."

  "Dimitri the babies...." She was fucking crying, oh fuck no.

  "I know babe, just do what I tell you to do."

  She pressed down as I held the wheel; her hands were shaking so fucking hard I could see it. I couldn't think, I had to act, right now it was just me and whoever it was behind us on the long lonely strip of road, if I played duck, duck goose with them who knows how this thing would end, they obviously didn't care that I had my kids in here with us.

  I went into protection mode; there was only one thing on my mind, getting us out of this safely.

  "There's a little dirt road coming up on the left make the turn."

  My voice was calm as fuck, I didn't look back at the kids as I reached back there to pat them on the head or legs just to let them know daddy's here.

  "It's okay Sofiya daddy's right here, Dimitri you hang in there little man." I talked to them calmly; it seemed to be working as their screams turned into hiccupping sighs.

  Derry hadn't said anything in a while, just drove as I told her to.

  As we made the turn off I reached into the glove compartment for the little surprise Jonas had insisted I carry with me while they were gone. Good thing I hadn't quibbled about it.

  Derry sucked in her breath when she saw the glock in my hand. I checked the safety, taking it off as I looked behind me to make sure they followed.

  The next few minutes were gonna be tense, this isn't something I wanted to deal with with my wife and kids in the car with me, but whoever this was didn't leave me any choice.

  "Stay in the car baby okay, don't cry." I took a few precious seconds to kiss her brow before pushing my door open as the other car turned in behind us.

  Without stopping to think I pointed the gun at the driver's side of the windshield as I walked forward, as they tried to reverse out I got the answer to an unasked question, whoever it was wasn't armed.

  I shot out the front tire as I kept going, making them spin out.

  "The next one goes through your fucking head get out of the car."

  I kept my arm steady as I waited, hoping that my family was okay behind me.

  The driver was taking too long to open the door, so I moved forward cautiously to help them out.

  With the gun held leveled in one hand I reached out with my left and pulled open the door.

  Fucking Bryan Taggart, what the fuck?

  He looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  "Tell me why I shouldn't blow your fucking head off right now."

  The fucker gulped, never taking his eyes off the gun in my hand, I guess he thought the doc was a punk or some shit, my brothers weren't the only ones who knew how to fuck shit up.

  "Get out you piece a shit, did you know my kids were in there, my fucking wife?"

  He climbed out with his hands up.

  "It was just a joke dude, no harm done."

  I punched the fucker in the mouth, there wasn't too much force behind it since it was a left handed shot, but it did the job.

  "Joke my ass motherfucker, now you're gonna tell me everything you know about what the fuck is going on in this town with my wife, if you don't, or if I don't like what you have to say I will fucking shoot you and bury your ass out here, now start talking."

  "I don't know....."

  I shot at his ear, barley nipping the tip, but it was enough to get the message across. I was not playing.

  "What the fuck dude?"

  Pussy wet his pants what an asshole.

  "Wrong answer, try again."

  "She disrespected me."

  "Come again!"

  "Derry.....she kinda made me look bad in front of our friends."

  "You try to run my wife and kids off the road because she made you look bad in front of a bunch of teenagers what about Natalie, how do you know her, and don't try to deny it because I know all about it." Not true but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. His eyes widened at that, uh huh, I knew there was something there.

  "And don't lie to me again or the next time I'll aim lower, one ball is as good as the other to me so keep fucking around let's see how good of a shot I am."

  I aimed at his dick, I really needed to speed this shit up and get outta here.

  "That bitch is crazy man, totally whacked, her and the other one, they've been here for months getting shit on you and Derry but I swear I didn't know they were gonna make a play for the kid. They said they just wanted information to kinda get her out of the picture, you know since you were supposed to marry Natalie and all before Derry stole you away at least that's what she said."

  "Where is she?"

  "I don't know man, she never told us where she lives or anything, she just paid me and my girl some money to uhm, make some trouble."

  "What about the book last year?"

  "That was Jules, she has the hots for you or some shit, Natalie just has me watching your house for when you leave, I'm supposed to call her and let her know where you go and shit."

  "What else have you guys done?"

  "Nothing, nothing, we tried to get on the grounds but we couldn't the place is locked down tight."

  "I'm going to let you live, but expect a visit soon, I gotta get my family outta here don't say one word to Natalie about this, as far as she knows you never saw us, we never left the house, you understand?"

  I so badly wanted to beat this little shit into a pulp but I couldn't, Derry was probably in shock by now.

  I settled for shooting out his tire and leaving him stranded while I walked back to the car.

  "Move over baby." I helped her over as I took the driver's seat. She had given the kids snacks or something to keep them occupied, they were settled, Anthony was asleep thank heaven.

  I turned and pulled back onto the road not sparing a glance for the asshole who was trying to figure out how he was gonna get out of here.

  Reaching for the car phone I dialed by brothers.

  "Hey yo, what's up bro?"

  "Just had a little situation here."

  "The family okay?"

  Gone was the playful tone, now Jonas was all business.

  I gave him a quick rundown of events while taking Derry's hand.

  "We're on our way." He hung up before I could say anything else.

  "Stop crying baby it's over, everything's gonna be fine."

  I kissed her knuckles and put both our hands on my leg. Shopping would have to wait; I was taking them home, after this it would be a miracle if I ever let them out the fucking house again. Fucking bitch, nothing Jonas did to her would be enough, I was out for blood, bitch was gonna pay big time.

  We drove through the gates of home at high speed. I got Derry and the kids inside and set the alarms, she was really shook up and it was taking everything in me not to go on a fucking rampage.

  I put the still sleeping Anthony in his crib, settled the twins in their playpen with a few toys while their music was piping through the system in their playroom.

  Then I went to see about my wife.

  She was sitting on the couch rocking back and forth, staring into space.

  I could see why some people snapped and fucked other people's shit up, anyone who had to watch their loved one like this would fucking lose it.

  I wanted to break something, tear shit apart. I couldn't though; she needed me to stay calm.

  Taking a deep breath I went and sat next to her, drawing her into my lap. I always forget how fucking tiny she is, her body felt so slight in my arms as she shook with residual fear.

  "You know I will never let anything happen to you and our kids right?" She nodded her head against my chest as she sniffled.

  "Come on baby, no more tears, you know your man's got your back."

  "Why do they hate me?"

  I guess she'd overheard my conversation with that fuck.

  "What did I say, we don't give a fuck who hates us or who likes us, the only ones who matter are
you, me and our kids, everyone else can go fuck themselves. We have family who loves us and friends who loves us, and even if they should stop loving us we don't give a fuck, fuck this shit.

  It’s all about us you understand me, you have to get over this shit about needing people to like you, enjoy the friends you do have and fuck everyone else, the fuck you care. As a matter of fact I don't want you dealing with anyone in this mother fucking town, everyone's suspect."

  "But Samantha....."

  "No, no one cut off all communication until we figure out what the fuck is going on around here. I don't know who's feeding who information, it could be innocent but it's still dangerous; the only one outside of us and my brothers you need to be dealing with is your dad. This shit just went to a whole other level."

  Yeah like I was seriously giving thought to letting Jonas fuck Natalie up the way he's dying to. If she'd caused physical harm to my family today I'm sorry to say I wouldn't have thought twice about ending the bitch. I don't know how the fuck she thought we were going to ever get back together, after Derry that bitch paled in comparison, no contest.

  Okay, I think it's safe to say my husband has lost his shit. After dictating that I cut off all contact with the known world he went into damage control mode.

  I have to say his craziness made me feel much better; he was so confident and sure of us, our, little family and the fact that we didn't need anyone else that he made me see that too.

  I listened to him as he mapped out what we were going to do until things were taken care of once and for all, his only focus was on me and our kids, I knew Halloween was a pipe dream at this point, the way he was talking I would be lucky to see daylight for the rest of this millennium.

  So far I'd heard the words car and driver, security detail, homing devices, like I said his brand of crazy went a long way to making me feel better, and seeing him looking all fierce and protective got my juices flowing and greedy bitch remembered that she hadn’t been fed in a while, meaning a couple hours at least.

  I got up to go check on the kids while he paced the living room with his headset on, I have no idea who he was talking to, maybe the boys who knows.

  The twins had exhausted themselves so I took them to their crib and checked on Anthony.


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