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Loving My Best Friend's Daughter

Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I felt all the strain of the day disappear, my kids were fine, I was fine and hubby was on it, I had no worries, as for people being out to get me, Dimitri was right, I couldn't be responsible for other people's bullshit, I hadn't done anything to anyone so I had nothing to feel guilty about, in fact I kinda wished now that Dimitri had shot Bryan, the bastard.

  I decided to take my mind off of all the bullshit the only way I knew how, running into our bedroom I changed out of my jeans and top for a one piece lace body suit in black and silver with snaps at the crotch, I don't have time for one of my flavored tablets so it was gonna be natural, whatever, Dimitri liked eating pussy no matter what.

  I spritzed the pertinent parts with perfume and made my way down the hallway.

  Derry disappeared while I was on the phone making arrangements, this was something I had discussed with the boys before so I had the necessary contacts in place, I had been avoiding this shit because I knew my hard headed wife would fight this shit tooth and nail, but after what happened this morning there's no way she could object.

  My jaw dropped when she came around the corner, the fuck, what happened to the sobbing mess that I was holding not too long ago?

  "Don't stop get it get it."

  I guess her trauma has worn off, my brothers will be a few hours getting here, the kids are down and she's ready to fuck, I guess it's as good a way as any to relieve the stress. I hope me and my dick survived she had a certain feral look in her eyes. Shit.

  That shit she was wearing was going to be in shreds, yes sir, her tits looked amazing her ass was on full display and her waxed pussy could be seen through the lace. Have mercy. My dick did not need any more prompting, he was open for business.

  "Bring your sweet ass over here."

  She whooped and ran and jumped into my open arms, her legs going around my waist, her arms around my neck and her tongue in my throat.

  I tugged the snaps open at her crotch and stuffed two fingers in her, she was already wet. I kissed her as she rode my fingers, grinding her clit against my palm.

  I had to take her to the floor before we toppled over. My adrenaline took a new turn, now I was solely focus on bringing her pleasure.

  Laying her back against the rug, I ran my nose along the crease of her thighs, inhaling her sweet bouquet, while rubbing against her G spot.

  I licked around my fingers, paying close attention to her clit which made her push her pussy harder into my mouth.

  “I wanna eat you from behind babe."

  This was my favorite fucking thing, having her ass and pussy exposed to me, open and at my mercy. I could eat her, finger her or fuck her at my will.

  With my nose buried in her rosebud I played my tongue up, down and all around in her pussy.

  I knew it wouldn't be long before she was begging me to fuck her, her greedy pussy liked to run shit.

  "Please, please, please daddy, put it in."

  I gave her one last swipe with my tongue before getting to my knees behind her.

  There was no finesse as I opened my jeans and released my cock. Holding her hips in my hands I drove into her pussy, her walls clutching at me, twitching and creaming as I started the dance.

  "This, is all that matters, you, me, us...nothing else, no one else." I pounded out all the frustration I felt, knowing she could take it, take me in this mood. I couldn't be gentle if I tried.

  "Tell me you believe me, tell me....."

  I plunged into her over and over again my anger abating with each thrust, as long as we had each other they will never win.

  "Tell me."

  "I love you, I believe you....only you....."


  Derry's greedy ass is asleep, I guess the adrenalin rush followed by the fuckathon was too much for her. I'm trying to keep the kids quiet to give her some rest; my little Sofiya is climbing up my leg while I feed Anthony his bottle of expressed milk. Junior is in the middle of the room building some shit with blocks and plastic nails and hammers or trying to, looks like my boy wants to be a carpenter, he'd be in good company.

  Jonas and Elliot sent me a text saying they were already in the vicinity and should be here soon, they were just taking care of something first. I didn't ask what, but I was sure someone was going to be in a lot of pain by the end of the day.

  I burped my little man when he was finished and kept him in my arms while I got down on the floor with the twins, Sophie gave me one of her toothy grins while pulling my hair. Fuck, my kids were too cute.

  "Da, da......"

  I had to kiss her for that, it's a wonder Derry let me fuck her again let alone breed her, cause so far the kids were all me, and the twins' first words were dada, don't think she didn't grouch about it, she liked to gripe that she did all the work, I had to constantly remind her of all the time I spent in the saddle and who instigated that most of the time, okay that might be a lie but still, I put in my time too.

  I played around with the kids until I heard the buzzer for the gate; I got up and let them in, watching on the monitor as they drove up to the house.

  They did something very strange when they got there, instead of coming straight to the door they went to my jeep and checked something around the back and windshield windows, I have no idea what they were doing.

  They nodded at each other and came towards the house.

  "Your uncles are here."

  Junior and Sofiya started clapping their hands like they knew what I said, I let the two miscreants in the door, they both looked ready to chew nails until they saw the kids, then their whole persona changed.

  Elliot grabbed junior by one arm, hanging him upside down while Jonas put Sophie on his shoulders, they were all laughing, I looked down at Anthony to see him following the action with his eyes.

  "Soon buddy, they'll soon be carting you around like an orangutan just like your brother and sister." I kissed his little Cupid bow mouth.

  "Where's little mama?"

  "She's asleep Elliot, all the excitement wore her out, I'm trying to keep the munchkins quiet and busy so she could get some rest so help me out."

  "No problem we need to go into the control room anyway." Jonas led the way to the media room. I now noticed they were dressed in combat style, well if you were in special ops or some shit. All black from head to toe, including ski caps. Hmm.

  Inside the room Jonas went directly to the high tech computer he had left set up there, after hitting some keys I was more than surprised to see Bryan Taggart's face appear and......

  "What the...." I stopped myself short since my two kids were very interested in what was going on around them. "Frak, is that, how did you guys get that?"

  It was a recording of my earlier encounter with the asshole, but how?

  "Before we left in such a hurry we had all the vehicles, well at least the ones you two use frequently outfitted with cameras, so everything that happened behind you and in front of you is on record."

  "So what now?"

  "Well, we paid Mario Andretti a visit before we came here, don't worry he didn't see our faces, neither him nor this chick he was nailing who by the way was not his girlfriend but that chick from the hospital."

  "We listened in to their little pillow talk after, seems they're very excited about your lives being ...fu....toyed with, got that on tape too, got her talking about the book and how it put a stop to Derry coming to the hospital to screw you on lunch breaks." He smirked at that.

  "Bite me, you're just jealous, and anyway, the reason my wife stopped coming to see me is because she had two kids to lug around, now there're three....."

  "Keep your shirt on bro I'm just messing with you, besides it's all good, the more they talked the more info we gathered, the better for our case. Of course we couldn't let the boy get away with his stunt, and knowing that you couldn't do much with your family in tow we took care of it for you."

  "What, what did you do?" I looked from one to the other, not that I cared anymore, as long as there was nothing to co
me back on my brothers I could give a shit. They'd crossed the fucking line, now we were in there will be blood territory.

  "Let's just say he won't be nailing anyone for a very long time, if ever, well, it's possible, but...."

  "You castrated him?" Jonas pointed at Elliot.

  "Talk to your brother over there, he got a little pissy when Taggart talked about plotting a gang bang rape of your wife with some of his boys."

  Okay, that shit just sent me over the fucking edge, I could imagine Elliot's reaction to hearing some shit like that, Elliot was the softie of the three, especially when it came to females, make it one of his own and Taggart was lucky to be alive.

  "What about the nurse, Juliet?"

  "We left her in one piece, we weren't too sure what you wanted done with her since her part was a little less physical than the others, plus she needed to be able to get the mutt to the hospital unless we wanted him to bleed out."

  "You're right, I'm just going to make sure she never works in another hospital in Washington again, I'll get dad to take care of the other major hospitals in the country, he has affiliations all over the place, between the two of us by the time we're done she'd be lucky if she finds work in a one room clinic in Mexico."

  "Harsh bro, harsh." Elliot was busy rolling around on the floor with the twins, big baby.

  "She made my wife cry, she's lucky that's all I'm going to do to her. What about Natalie?"

  "Well now, save the best for last, we can't forget the Feds are still looking into the baby snatching and if they're any good at their jobs, which I think Davis might be, they'll have the info we uncovered from the hospital parking lot. We took the only tape from across the street so it might take them a while to get anything and their equipment is for shit, uh, I mean...." He looked down at the kids to see if they had heard him.

  I know I shouldn't laugh but what the fuck, he'd just told me how they had castrated a man without batting a lash, but now the thought that his niece and nephew had heard him use a mild expletive had him breaking out in a sweat.

  He scowled at my laughter and carried on.

  "Anyway, it won't be long before they start piecing it together, part of what we did when we were away was setting the trap for Natalie, we already started whispering things in the right ears, the mothers helped out there so remember to send them flowers."


  "Okay, so they visited some of the older women that Natalie was stealing from and some of their relatives, seems there had already been rumblings among some of them so it wasn't too hard to get that ball rolling, the SEC has been notified and things should be coming to a head there soon, I'm sure they wouldn't have to dig too deep to find what they're looking for, that takes care of the legal side of things, now to the personal side of you want to get your hands dirty, or do you want me to take care of it?"

  "I want to take care of it." The voice came from behind me.

  "Derry......" Well fuck, how long has she been standing there?

  "Babe, you're not....."

  She folded her arms and tapped her foot, well shit, I think every man across time has learned his woman's tell, you know, that thing she does that lets him know she's not budging, well this is hers, how the fuck was I gonna keep her safe and still let her get her way? Fuck.

  "Derry, you can't, I can't let you get involved in this shit, these guys are fucking serious, they're not playing around."

  "Stop swearing in front of the kids."

  "Stop.....I can't swear in front of them but I'm supposed to let their mother get involved in this mess?"

  "It's not the same and you know it, I know you think I'm just a little girl but in case you forgot....I pushed those three out of this little body, trust me, I got this."

  She looked like she meant business; she was digging in her heels.

  "She's got a point."

  I gave Jonas the stink eye, no fucking help at all, she wasn't doing this shit and that's that.

  "Go give the kids their baths."

  "'re pushing it."

  Fuck....shit...when did she become this fucking stubborn?

  "You want me to send you and the kids away somewhere until this is over, because you're not getting involved in this shit."

  She walked calmly over to me and whispered in my ear.

  "You ever want this pussy again?"

  Well shit.

  "You two are on kid duty."I pointed to Elliot and Jonas, this shit was getting out of hand fast.

  "Go handle your bizz bro." Oh Jonas thought this shit was funny, pain in the ass. And how come neither of these two top notch, James Bond types could hear her creeping up on us? Dicks.

  I led her out of the room knowing I was about to have the fight of my life.

  I pulled her into our room and closed the door. I wasn't planning to yell at her or anything, but shit might still get loud.

  With my hand around her throat I looked into her eyes. "Don't you ever threaten me like that again."

  "I wasn't........"

  "Shut up, what kind of man do you think I am that I would allow the mother of my children to soil herself with these fucking pigs? Their filth does not touch you, you understand me, never."

  I flexed my fingers and relaxed my hold a little.

  " I told you from the beginning, stay.....out....of....this....shit...., it's not for you to get involved, this is my deal, I'm the man in this family, I deal with the filth and the bullshit, you and my kids just sit back and enjoy whatever good I can bring you in life, but this fucking way.

  I don't need you to prove that you're a mama bear, I know that shit already, you want to prove you're a woman, you've got that covered too, so let me be a man okay,, end of fucking story. Nod your head if you understand."

  She nodded her head, took her fucking time doing it though.

  "Stop crying, I'm not mad at you, I just need you to understand, that's the way it's going to be. I fight the battles; you reap the rewards, that's it. Now come 'ere."

  I kissed her to let her know that I wasn't mad, she was a little stiff but I know she understood what I was saying. I totally understood and respected her anger and her need for revenge, but she'd have to exact it some other way, and it wasn't too hard to figure out how.

  "Listen, you want that bitch to suffer, the best revenge is letting that bitch see how happy we are together, let her know she'll never have me, that I'm yours all the way. If she's doing all this shit because somewhere in her fucked up mind she thinks I'll come back to her, then she'll know that shit is dead, but I'll do it. I'll relay that message for you, that's the best I can offer you sweetheart, okay?"

  She folded her lips and looked down at her feet.

  "Babe I'm talking to you, do you get me?"


  Stubborn fuck. I know what I have to do, if she thought I wouldn't lock her ass in a room somewhere or put her on a plane to Brazil, she was mistaken. If she needed me to show her how fucking hard I could be, then so be it.

  I hope she doesn't make me go that route, but it is what it is.

  We headed back to the media room, my kids needed to have their baths and be put to bed, and I had to get dinner started.

  But first I had something to do.

  "If either one of you help her defy me on this, there will be hell to pay." I knew that's all I needed to say, the bro code dictated that they not cross the line, while my wife might banter back and forth and even be tempted to disobey me; my boys will toe the line.

  She's shooting daggers at me with her eyes, but I don't care if she pushed me on this I'd call the pilot, pack her and the kids up, and send them out of the country until the smoke cleared.

  Jonas is a sick fuck and without being told I know what he has in mind for Natalie was not going to be pretty. I might miss my little family if it came to that, but I wasn't willing to risk harm coming to any of them over this shit.

time that evening was noisy as usual with the twins running the show. Elliot and Jonas helped Derry with that while I got a late start on a roast chicken dinner.

  Derry hasn't said two words to me and it's beginning to piss me the fuck off.

  That night in bed I let her have it, she'd never really seen me angry, well, not at her at least, but she was definitely pushing the envelope.

  "You do know you're letting them win when you act like this right?"

  "What are you talking about what do you mean?"

  "What do I mean, you're fucking freezing me out because of their bullshit, acting like I'm the worst fucking husband in the world because I wouldn't let you put your ass in danger, well fuck that, you don't get to act like I'm the fucking enemy when all I'm doing is trying to keep you safe, that's fucking bullshit."

  "I'm not freezing you out." Her voice had gone all soft, I know she hates for me to be angry with her, somehow that cuts her deep, that's why I try to control that shit, but she was being a fucking pain and this was too serious to just brush it off, what the fuck was wrong with women anyway, they want you to kill fucking roaches because they're too squeamish or afraid or some shit, but they want to face down fucking sociopaths, fucking insane.

  "Fuck that, you are."

  "Well that's not what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to come to terms with what you want, okay, it's not easy for me to just sit here like a lump while you guys take all the risks, and yes I want to punch that bitch in the face, not only for touching my son, but for trying to take my husband....." She started hyperventilating, shit.

  "Take a deep breath babe, come on, look at me."

  I rubbed her back and arms, willing her to calm the fuck down. If I was to see any of those fuckers right now I'd chuck the fuck off a cliff.

  I finally got her to calm down, not to mention getting myself under control, I'd be damned if they had us fighting against each other, they weren't allowed to take any more from us.

  After getting her breathing back to normal I turned on my side away from her, I'd said and done all I planned to on the subject, if she wanted to be mad that was her prerogative, I'm done.


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