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Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12)

Page 9

by Marissa Dobson

  “She did it. She let them in.” Her voice broke as anguish rushed through her, making her legs weak. “Lee was becoming dangerous and she knew he needed to be stopped. Dad had the connections, but they needed a way in—they needed her. Even knowing what it would cost, she gave them that.”

  “Let’s get you inside.” Mira came to her and put her arm around her shoulders. “Ty, Tex, and everyone else is doing everything they can.”

  “I know.” In a fog, she let Mira help her into the house. “Ty gave the team orders to move in, but it was too late. The damage was done. Tex and Thorn are still with Ty. I couldn’t take any more. I needed a break.”

  “I’m still putting together my team, but if we can be of any help Ty knows we’re available.” Inside, Brooklynn placed the basket of food on the small coffee table in front of the sofa. “I know you want to be alone, but it would be the worst thing for you right now. Your beast needs the connection with others, especially since you’re not committed to a clan yet. Another tigress would offer more to you than I can. Do you want me to call Kallie, Harmony, or even Tara?”

  “No, I’m fine.” Knowing they were right, she sank down on the sofa, positioning herself in the middle so they’d be on either side of her. Just being near them, the rough edge of her emotional state began wearing down and she could breathe again. The tension hanging in the air dissipated—unlike when she’d been with the Elders—reminding her that she needed to stay in control. In the cabin with Mira and Brooklynn, she could allow herself freedom of emotions.

  “You’re sure learning a lot about us and quick.” She glanced at Brooklynn, surprised that as a human she was already well in tune with what shifters needed. “Years ago, I knew a human who had been mated to a shifter for years and she still didn’t understand what our kind needed. She felt what her mate needed, but she didn’t understand it.”

  “With mates it’s easier. Shifter or human, they’ll be in tune with what their mate needs and will be able to provide that comfort even if it’s unusual to them. But this will be so much more than that.” Brooklynn sat down next to Carleen, close enough that their shoulders touched. “Heading Shifter Peace Keepers, I need to understand things that human mates might not. I must understand what the Elders need in order to get my team out alive. Understanding what the shifter in front of me is feeling and catching the vibes he’s putting off will not only allow me to get to the issue at hand, it will make sure we walk away from the encounter.”

  “You’ll be going into dangerous situations. Anything could happen.” Her mind started playing out images of what could have occurred if Brooklynn’s team came to Mississippi. Lee would have had a fit and there wasn’t a doubt in her mind someone would have gotten hurt, or even died. Instead of the Shifter Peace Keepers invading the Mississippi Tigers, it was someone else. Still, the results would be the same. How many died because of this attempt to overthrow Lee and free the clan?

  “Trust me, Styx and the others are preparing her for it.” Mira sat next to her and began to dig through the basket. “He’s working her harder than anyone I’ve seen him train.”

  “I have the bruises to prove it.” Brooklynn gave a light laugh before growing serious again. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have to be ready to face whatever comes our way and I need my team to know I can handle myself. I might not be a shifter, but if I’m going to lead them I have to be just as powerful as one or they’ll never respect me.”

  “Along with training, Carran is working with her to sense what’s happening around her.” Mira unloaded the containers of food onto the coffee table and set the basket aside. “If she goes to a clan that isn’t committed to Tabitha, she’ll have no connection to the Elders and will be essentially blind if she’s just relying on that. She’ll have to focus on the scents in the air, body language, and the hidden meanings behind their words.”

  Brooklynn had her work cut out for her when it came to Shifter Peace Keepers, but Carleen believed she’d be successful. It wasn’t all the hours she had trained or her years of being a police officer before Carran found her, it was Brooklynn’s drive. In the weeks she’d been in Alaska, Carleen watched as Brooklynn became stronger and more comfortable in what she was doing. As Carran’s mate, she grew in strength and other abilities. While it wasn’t supposed to be the same as what a shifter could accomplish, she was making it work for her. She’d come further than anyone else Carleen had known. Even Carran was impressed.

  “Next week, we’re going to meet with a couple people about joining the team. Once the team is assembled and structured, we can begin training together. Those here who are part of the crew have already begun their training,” Brooklynn explained as Mira handed her a plate. “It’s taken longer than I expected to get to this point, but before we brought others on board I wanted Carran to get comfortable with the idea of me going out there without him.”

  “Has he?”

  “Let’s just say it’s better than I expected.” Brooklynn glanced around her to Mira. “Hasn’t he?”

  “Carran will be fine. They’re mates, so it’s common to be worried. His natural reaction is to protect her and he’s not going to be there. That’s why Ty’s been working with her to shield Carran.”

  “Not completely shield him.” Brooklynn shook her head. “It’s a balancing act that I’m trying to get a handle on. If I block him too much it affects him to a point that he can’t focus on his own work because his beast is too fixated on me and the lack of a connection. If I don’t shield him, he’s going to think I’m in danger when I might just be uncomfortable. The distance isn’t going to make it easier, so we’ve already scheduled a test run.”

  “I brought hot cocoa, which I know you love since you discovered the kitchen staff makes it with real chocolate…none of that powdered stuff. But I also have wine. Though it’s early, I think it might be the better choice.”

  “Wine. I’m not much of a drinker, but I need this today.” She placed her plate on her lap and took the bottle from Mira. Reading the label, her chest tightened. “This is Lucy’s favorite. In honor of her, let’s crack this baby open and celebrate her life. You didn’t know her, but she was an amazing big sister.”

  “You’re sure she’s…” Brooklynn’s words trailed off and she shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

  “No official word has come through, but I just know.” She ran her hand over the label and forced herself to swallow past the lump forming in the back of her throat. “Lee broke her will to a point that she won’t be able to survive his death. I should be happy she’s finally free of him, but I’m selfish and want her to be alive.”

  “It’s not selfish.” Mira took the bottle from her and grabbed the bottle opener. “From what you told us it sounds like she sacrificed herself so that others could have freedom from him. She was courageous and she’d wanted you to remember that. Don’t let yourself dwell on the negativity. Focus on the positives. Cherish the wonderful times you had with her and as long as she lives on in your memories and stories, she’ll never be forgotten.”

  “Everyone she saved today will always remember her sacrifice.” Brooklynn squeezed her hand. “She’ll live on forever through them and their children.”

  You’ll never be forgotten, Lucy. I miss you so much already.

  Standing in Ty’s living room, Tex debated about going after Carleen. The only thing that kept him rooted in place was the promise of a call from the team in Mississippi. As much as he wanted to be with his mate, he needed to know what they’d found. Each minute passed slower than the last, making his tiger pace within him. The constant growl from his beast repeating the same thing over and over only served to put him on edge. Go to her, go to her, go to her now!

  “Take this.” Ty handed him one of the untraceable cell phones. “I’ll patch you in on the call when it comes through. Go to your—” Ringing from the phone strapped to Ty’s belt cut him off and sent relief rushing through Tex.


  Ty set
the second phone aside before pulling his phone off his belt and hitting a couple buttons. “Hello.”

  “It’s over.” Mason’s voice came through the speakerphone, allowing everyone in the room to hear the update. “We’ll stick around to assist with the cleanup and meet with the new Alpha once he’s had a moment to process what’s happened.”

  “You’re confirming Lee is dead then?” Ty asked.

  “What about Lucy?” Tex demanded, needing to know for Carleen’s sake. “The clan’s Alpha Female.”

  “I can confirm the following: The former Alpha, Lee, has been killed. Jack has taken over the position of Alpha, and Lucy was not killed in the struggle. However…” Mason paused as if searching for the correct words. “Carleen and Thorn, I apologize to have to give you such news over the phone, but Lucy is also deceased. She took her own life.”

  “Bullshit!” Thorn screamed. “Lee killed her.”

  “Enough!” Ty shot Thorn a warning glance. “Are you sure of that, Mason?”

  “We arrived when Jack and Lee were entangled in a fight. Lee had razorblades between his claws, allowing him to slice deeper and draw more blood with every swing. I believe she knew her father would die and that everything they had done would be for nothing. If Lee had lived, he’d have killed her for allowing Jack and the others in. She did the only thing she could. She took her life to weaken him enough that Jack could put an end his reign.”

  Tex had the information he needed and instead of waiting for Ty and Mason to wrap up the conversation, he headed for the door. He had to get to Carleen. Her pain was like a knife in his chest and the news he was about to deliver would only make it worse, but she had to know what they’d learned.

  In an all-out run, he crossed the compound heading straight for where he knew she would be, barely aware that Rhett was jogging behind him and trying to catch up. His guard’s annoyance was barely more than a caress along Tex’s otherwise occupied tiger. He climbed the steps and without knocking, he opened the door. Before he could enter, the sound of the woman drifted toward him, stopping him in his tracks.

  “To sisters, both biological and those we choose,” Brooklynn declared as the sound of glasses clinking drifted toward him.

  “To Lucy,” Mira added.

  “She’d scold us for having wine at lunch instead of with a fancy dinner. She always said a good wine should be enjoyed either with a delicious dinner or with noteworthy friends.” The sadness lacing Carleen’s voice had him stepping through the door and into view.

  “And to celebrate one’s life.” He came around the half wall to stand next to the sofa. “We must never forget those who touch our lives, otherwise they’re truly gone.”

  “She’s dead, isn’t she?” With tears in her eyes, she looked up at him.

  “Come here, baby.” He held his hand out to her. When she took it, he pulled her up off the sofa, past Mira, and into his arms. “Excuse us.” He didn’t even glance back at the other women as he led her back to her bedroom. While he wanted to pick her up and take her to his cabin, so they could be alone, he held off.

  “What did you find out?”

  “Inside.” He ushered her in before closing the door behind them.

  “She’s dead.” It was no longer a question as she dropped down onto the bed. “I knew it.”

  “I’m sorry, Carleen.” He stood in front of her, debating whether he should sit down next to her or remain standing. In the end, it was her who made the decision.

  “Hold me.”

  “Always, sweetie.” He went around the other side of the bed and without pulling the covers down, he climbed on, lying flat on his back. “Come here.”

  “What are you planning?” She eyed him suspiciously.

  “You asked me to hold you, so come here. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen.” Reaching over to her, he caressed her forearm with his fingers. “Actually, nothing’s going to happen. I stretched out hoping you’d be able to get some sleep. Now, come here. I can feel your pain. Let me do what little I can to help ease the burden.”

  “Tell me what happened.” She kicked off her shoes and crawled over to cuddle next to him.

  “We already suspected your father led a group to take down Lee for good and that Lucy let them in. Mason confirmed that. She was alive when Ty ordered the team to go in.”

  “I don’t know Mason. Is he part of the clan?” She tucked her head against him, and draped her arm over his chest.

  “Mason is the Alpha of the Arizona Tigers. His clan was attacked several months ago. They’ve been rebuilding their compound and since most of the clan was killed in the attack, Mason has been working on growing his clan. In the next few months, he should be able to return to Arizona full-time but until then, he’s been staying here at least part-time. For the last several weeks, he’s been away from the compound which is why you haven’t met him yet. He was in Texas when Ty started to put together a team for the Mississippi mission.”

  “I remember that. Randolph ordered the attack and most of the clan was murdered. I didn’t know the Alpha’s name, but I remember the Captain of his Guards abandoning him.”

  “Due to a family issue he couldn’t handle, Chad left after they got to safety. Now Mason has a new Captain, Spencer, who was part of the Alaskan Tigers before taking his new position. Mason is protected and with Spencer by his side, he led the team in Mississippi.” Rubbing his hand along her back, he realized she wasn’t going to ask what happened. He wasn’t sure if that was because she didn’t want to know or because asking would confirm what she feared. “Mason spoke with your sister—”

  “Lee killed her, didn’t he?”

  “No. Jack and Lee were entangled in a fight for dominance. Lee had razorblades between his claws and with every blow he landed, your father bled more. Jack challenged Lee for the clan, and even though the team was there, they could do nothing but allow the battle to play out. Afterward, they could kill Lee if he was the survivor. Wanting to get Lucy somewhere safe, Mason reached for her to force her back toward Spencer, but it was already too late.” He wrapped his arm around her, snuggling her closer to his side. “She realized Jack was going to die if something didn’t change, and I don’t think she realized that Mason and the others were there to kill Lee. She knew if Lee survived that he’d kill her for allowing Jack’s men in, so she did the only thing she could think of. She took her life to weaken him enough that your father could put an end to the battle.”

  “No!” Her scream came out on a sob and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry, Carleen.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head, wishing he could do something to ease her pain. Seeing his mate cry was far worse than feeling her emotions burning within him. He wanted to do something to make this right, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t bring back the dead. Even if he could, the very fact that Lucy had been able to weaken Lee as much as she had with her own death was proof that their beasts were deeply connected. She never would have survived Lee’s execution, and after his latest threats against Tabitha, they could do nothing else but eliminate him.

  Chapter Ten

  Waking up in bed alone, Carleen grabbed the pillow Tex had been using and pulled it close. His spicy scent of dry cedar and vanilla lingered, making her press her nose into the pillow and take a deep breath. His scent eased the anxiety and loss within her, making it easier to breathe. In the moments when her emotions wanted to drown her, he was her life preserver, keeping her afloat.

  That very thought made her realize she’d found him at the right time. She needed him now more than ever. A knot formed in her stomach from fear of the unknown. He was an Alpha and once they completed the mating, it would cement things between them, putting her in the same position Lucy had been in. Everything she learned about Tex showed her he was nothing like Lee, but that fear remained.

  He had pulled her into his flashback before and offered to do it again, allowing her to see more of him. Yet, she hadn’t taken h
is offer, partly because she was terrified of what she might find, while the other part of her wanted to learn it as it came. They were supposed to be on this journey together. She could be pulled into his flashbacks, but she had nothing to offer him. He’d have to wait until their mating to know what kind of person she was. That didn’t seem right and instead of taking him up on his offer, she forced herself to trust those around her. Ty trusted Tex and she trusted Ty. That had to be enough.


  The whisper from the other side of the door had her bolting upright with the pillow still clutched in her hand. The scent outside was familiar enough that she could tell the visitor was human, but tied to the clan. It was the hint of something else within the aroma of human and tigers that kept her on high alert. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Courtney.”

  “Come in.” Relieved, she dropped the pillow back onto the bed. Courtney’s scent was mixed with her mates, which explained the lingering bear scent clinging to her from her second mate, Thaddeus.

  The door pushed open and Courtney stepped into the room. “I didn’t want to wake you but…”

  “It’s fine. What’s going on? What are you doing here? Where’s Tex?”

  “Tex didn’t want to leave you alone, but he had to go meet with Ty, so I offered to stay with you. Milo’s here, too, in the living room.” She shifted from one foot to the other. “Mason’s here and he wants to speak with you.”

  “Mason?” She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, give me a minute and I’ll be out.”

  “Tex is on his way back over, too.” Courtney turned back to the door. “I heard what happened in Mississippi…if you need anything, I’m here.”


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