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Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12)

Page 10

by Marissa Dobson

  “Thanks.” She scooted to the edge of the bed and waited until Courtney left before standing.

  Her thoughts raced through her mind faster than she could keep up with them. What did Mason want? Tex told her that he was staying in Alaska while his compound was being rebuilt in Arizona, but that didn’t explain why he’d decided to visit her. She wanted a shower, but refused to take the time. After a quick glance in the mirror, she dragged her hand through her hair, fluffing it the best she could and headed out.

  “Where is she?” Tex’s voice carried back to her room as the front door banged close behind him.

  “I’m here.” She stepped into the small hallway and her gaze found Tex. Concern darkened his eyes as he made his way toward her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, peaches.” When he was close enough to touch her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her against the front of his body. “I just wanted to be with you when Mason spoke with you. I was worried I wouldn’t make it in time.”

  “If I had known, I would have waited.” Another male voice spoke and she could only assume it was Mason.

  “We’ll be leaving now, but if you need anything, Carleen, let me know.”

  Over Tex’s shoulder, she caught a glimpse of Courtney and Milo moving toward the door, but her attention was on her mate. “You’re here now. That’s what matters.”

  “Now and always.” He interlaced their fingers. “Come on, let’s not keep Mason waiting any longer. He’s had a long trip and is no doubt tired.”

  “I’ve rushed back to Alaska as fast as Thaddeus could get me here, because what I have to say couldn’t wait and needed to be delivered in person.” Mason set a glass of what appeared to be water aside and rose. “Please, come sit. I only need a few minutes of your time.”

  “I don’t understand. What is this about?” Needing the comfort Tex could offer, she stayed close to him as they entered the living room, heading straight for the sofa. Unlike before when she was uneasy just from standing in front of an Elder, it was the impending conversation making her anxious. He had been with her sister in the final minutes of her life and there was no doubt that whatever brought him to her cabin had to do with that.

  “Lucy.” Mason waited for her to sit before taking a seat on the chair across from them. “I spoke with your sister before she died.”

  “I know. Tex told me she…” Her voice cracked, forcing her to take a deep breath and swallow. “She took her own life.”

  “I was checking to see that she was okay when the commotion from Jack and Lee drew my attention. I only looked away for a second.” He shook his head. “I never saw the gun in her hand until it was too late and I’m sorry for that. Ty informed me Lucy’s will had been broken, making the connection she had with Lee stronger. Still, I wanted to get her out of there safely. We were going to take care of Lee, but after speaking with Ty we thought we might be able to save her from dying alongside him.”

  “How?” She glanced at Tex. “I know you tried to hide it, but I felt your concern when I told you her will was broken. You knew she’d die.”

  “That was before I spoke with Ty and Tabitha.”

  “Let me explain.” Mason leaned forward. “It’s purely hypothetical since we were unable to test it, but Tabitha believed that an Elder might have been able to pull her from the connection she had with Lee. In order to do that, we would have had to be there before he was killed or at the very least arrive before she lost consciousness. His death would break the hold he had over her and to save her, she’d need to find someone else strong enough to keep her will alive and force her to fight.”

  “We weren’t sure if Mason would be enough. He doesn’t have a large clan behind him anymore, but he’s a strong Alpha and the only one we had who could make the journey,” Tex explained. “That’s why we called the Alpha of the West Virginia Tigers, Jinx. He arrived moments after the team stormed the compound. Between the two of them, they might have been able to pull her through.”

  “But we didn’t get a chance to tell her,” Mason added. “She took her own life to weaken Lee, so your father could take over the clan. I know the pain is raw from the loss you suffered, but I want you to know she didn’t die in vain. Jack has taken over the clan and is determined to get it back on the right track. With her actions, Lucy saved the lives of every member. The only one to die in the battle was Lee.”

  “Dad is the Alpha?” She leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees as she wiped her eyes.

  Mason nodded. “I can also tell you that Ethan was announced as his Lieutenant before I left and that the clan has vowed themselves to Tabitha’s cause. Other than that, I’m not sure what’s changed.”

  “Uncle Ethan will make sure her legacy lives on within the clan and more importantly, Lee can’t hurt anyone anymore.” Her relationship with Ethan had always been stronger than it was with her father, and as the clan’s Lieutenant he’d make sure Lucy would continue to live on in the clan’s memories. She blinked away the last of her tears and met Mason’s gaze. “Thank you.”

  “I wish I could have done more.” He rose from the chair and reached into his pocket. “She asked me to give you this.” In his hand was the silver coin they’d made days before Lucy had been whisked away by Lee.

  She leaned forward and took the coin from his outstretched hand. Bringing it close, she ran her thumb along the engravings. LMD. Sisters by birth. Flipping it over, she read the other side. CMD. Best friends by choice. Always. “We had two of these made at the mall. One for each of us.” She reached into the pocket of her jeans and brought out the twin coin. “From that day forward, I carried mine with me. It’s never left my possession.”

  “When she gave that to me, she told me it was the one thing she’d kept away from Lee, and it gave her courage to allow Jack and the others into their private quarters once Lee sent the guards away for the night.” Mason took a step back and shook his head. “I feel as though I failed you.”

  “You didn’t.” Slipping out of Tex’s embrace, she stood and went to him. Standing in front of him, his size dwarfed her, making her feel vulnerable. Still, the sadness shinning in his deep blue eyes urged her forward and she timidly placed her hand on his arm. “You did everything you could for her. Just because there was a chance she could have been saved, doesn’t mean that’s what she wanted. She wouldn’t have been the same person she was before and I don’t know if she could live with the memories of what Lee did to her. She’s at peace.”

  “From the information Jack provided, Lucy got what she wanted—a clan free of Lee’s control.” Tex stepped up behind her, his hand resting on her shoulder. “Jack has the same chance I had. He has to step up and be the Alpha the clan needs, to pull them back from the edge of darkness and allow them to flourish again. If he can accomplish that, then her death isn’t in vain.”

  “If anyone can do it, Dad and Ethan can.” She nodded. “He might not have been an easy man to live with and the issues between him and Mom were unbearable at times, but he always wanted what was best for the clan.”

  “Once things have settled, we can go see them,” he assured her. “You have to give your father time to establish his rule first.”

  “It shouldn’t be long. Jack has a firm grasp on the clan. Not like Lee had, but one that will turn the clan around,” Mason added. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go get some sleep. If you need anything, I’ll be around.”

  “Thank you.” The grief was still raw within her, but there was also a ray of peace. Rubbing her finger along the two coins in her hand, she leaned back into Tex’s body, soaking in the comfort that his touch offered.

  “Oh, and…Carleen.” Mason paused near the door, his hand resting on the handle. “Welcome to the team. Being an Elder has its challenges, but the rewards outweigh the negatives. When you go to Texas as the Alpha Female, remember the clan was in a worse place than the Mississippi Tigers are, and you’ll be shocked at how far they’ve come. Tex did that, just as I beli
eve Jack will with his clan.”

  “It wasn’t just me.”

  “Modest.” Mason shook his head. “While I’ll agree that others have helped along the way, he’s the reason for the clan’s turnaround. You’ve got a good man there and I’m sure he’ll be an excellent mate, just as he’s an exceptional Alpha.” With that, Mason opened the door and stepped out into the cold night air.

  “He’s right.” She spun around to look at him. “I haven’t seen it for myself yet, but I catch glimpses of the man you are whenever we touch. I can see the way Rhett follows you. His commitment to you and the clan is genuine. Robin and the others speak highly of you. Maybe that’s part of why Thorn wanted to impress you so much.”

  “I—” She pressed her finger to his lips, cutting him off.

  “Don’t deny it. See what I mean? I know things I shouldn’t yet. The mating isn’t official and I already know you would argue with what I just said. Just as I know you doubt yourself, wondering if you’re doing the right things for the clan. You need to have more confidence in yourself, in your tiger. Your beast will never steer you in the wrong direction.” Chuckling lightly, she slipped the coins into the pocket of her jeans and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe I should take my own advice and trust my tigress.”

  “Trust her with what?” His arms looped around her waist and his fingers brushed along the hem of her shirt, slipping under the material.

  “That you’re the right man for me.” Teasing her finger along the curve of his neck, just below his cowboy hat, she smiled up at him. “I’ve been hesitant because you’re an Alpha. Terrified I’d end up in the same situation Lucy did. But Lucy knew that Lee hadn’t changed. She always knew, but I wanted to believe that love could change someone, could change him. You offered to show me more of you, to prove you’re not like Lee, but if I had only listened to my tigress she’d have eliminated all my fears already.”

  “Sometimes our human side gets in the way of our true nature. It might take us longer to get to where we’re meant to be but in the end, we find it.”

  “Well, I’m ready.” She kept her gaze on him, watching him. Need rose within her, but she wanted him to make the first move.

  “Peaches, are you sure?” His body was still under her touch, but she could feel the tight control he had on his tiger. His beast was tired of waiting.

  “Yes, but not here. I don’t want Thorn coming back while we’re…busy. Your place?”

  “I can’t wait.” His hands drifted lower until the grabbed her butt, lifting her up and she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. “Thorn won’t be back for a while. Rhett, Styx, and Felix are putting him through some additional training. We’ve got the place to ourselves for at least the next few hours.”

  “What are we waiting for? You know where the bedroom is,” she teased. “Hurry.”

  Chapter Eleven

  When Carleen was surrounded by his scent, she knew she’d found peace with Tex as her mate. Even though she hadn’t realized it until that moment, she had accepted his position as Alpha and it no longer bothered her. What he’d gone through made him who he was, and that’s why he was an Alpha. She couldn’t fault him for what had brought them together and what would keep her safe in the future.

  With every step he made toward the bedroom, her life was one step closer to a complete turnaround. She was about to go from the wallflower of the clan, always trying not to draw attention to herself, to the Alpha Female of his clan. She was terrified, but having him by her side meant she’d overcome anything the future threw at them. There was something truly special happening between them and she wasn’t going to let it go. For years, she lived in fear that one day her life would end. That she would piss Lee off so much that he’d kill her. That was no longer an issue and she was ready to live life on her own terms—with Tex. She wanted the mating connection, joining them so completely that she didn’t know where one of them ended and the other began. They were destined to be together, like two sides of the same coin. All she needed to do was give in to what her body craved and her tigress would do the rest.

  Without pausing, he clicked the door shut behind them as he headed straight for the bed. “I need you naked.” His voice was more of a growl as he lowered her onto the mattress.

  “Really, now?” Shoving her nervousness aside, she leaned close to him, her fingers latching onto his belt buckle. This would be their first time. While it wouldn’t be their last, she didn’t want just a quick fuck. She wanted to show him how much she cared about him.

  Unhooking the buckle, she kept her gaze on his face, watching as she slowly undid the leather from the metal buckle before she could reach the button and zipper of his jeans. Under the rough material, his shaft was already rock hard, straining to find freedom.

  “Carleen.” His tone held warning as she unhooked his jeans, but instead of freeing his shaft she pulled his shirt up. Slowly, she worked the long-sleeved shirt up his stomach, her fingers barely brushing along the contours of his chest. As she ran her hands over his pecs, he grabbed hold of the shirt and tugged it over his head.

  The soft glow from the lamp on the dresser was just enough to allow her to take in the man before her. From cuddling against him earlier, she expected to find his body chiseled from working out, but what she hadn’t expected was the scars that seemed to stripe his chest. For a moment, she thought they were the same mark as his tiger, that he’d been born with them, but as her fingers trailed across them she realized they were much worse.

  Air escaped her lungs as she was pulled from the present, spiraling downward. She couldn’t move to stop it and she found herself back in the cold, dark tunnel. This time it was a different room and there was a draft, making her shiver. As she tried to adjust to the darkness, a moan echoed off the stone walls and she forced herself forward. There before her, Tex had been strapped to a slab of stone. Blood dripped from a cut near his hairline, but it was the second man who caught her attention. Wearing fire protective gloves, he doused the rope in gasoline before lighting it on fire.

  “No!” Tex hollered, but it was too late. The first slice of the rope cut through the air before landing on its target.

  She reached out to him, unsure if she was reaching out to the one who was on the table before her or the one she knew stood in front of her. Fingers dug into her biceps, pulling her up and breaking her contact with his scars. The images before her began to fade, but she reached out to the man tied to the slab. Her chest tightened for the pain he was about to suffered.

  “You don’t need to see that.” His words were enough to snap the rest of the vision like a rubber band, bringing her back to the moment.

  “Oh, Tex.” She stared into his eyes, unsure what to say. She wanted to touch him again, but fear of sparking another flashback kept her hands at her sides. “I’m sor—”

  “Don’t!” He growled, his fingers digging in a little tighter. “I don’t want your sympathy.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” She reached up and pressed her hand to the side of his face, cupping his cheek in her palm. “I meant I was sorry that I brought the memories forward. You said it was our connection and you not shielding yourself from me, but I feel like I caused that.”

  “It’s both of us.” He let go of her arms and pulled his cowboy hat off, quickly tossing it on the nightstand, next to the picture of her family. “As you touched the rough, hideous scars, it shattered the shields I had in place.”

  “Why?” He was silent for long enough that she wasn’t sure he’d answer her.

  “You’re the first person who has ever touched them. The simple caress was my undoing. You touched them as if they weren’t as hideous as I know they are. As if they didn’t matter to you.”

  “They don’t.” She slid her hand down his cheek, slowly working her way back to the scars. They both had enough control over themselves that she didn’t slip back into the vision. As the tips of her fingers made contact with the edge of the first scar, his mus
cles tightened and he started to pull away from her. Hooking her finger in the belt loop of his jeans, she kept him close as her other hand continued to explore the contours of each horrible wound. She didn’t have to look at each of the lashes to know he’d received ten different ones. Three of them intersected, making them appear larger than the others.

  “They’re part of you and how you received them is horrible, but they’re not hideous.” Staring into his eyes, she waited for his body to relax. “Focus on me and you’ll know that I’m not disgusted by these. They change nothing.”

  “I felt your sympathy.”

  “That you had to suffer through that torment, not because there are scars.” Her chest tightened as she remembered the fierce pain of the rope lashing his skin and the flames burning his stomach. It was as if she’d suffered through it, but she only witnessed it through his memory. “The pain I felt in that brief scene was nothing like what you went through. I know they kept you tied to that slab with a collar on, to keep you from shifting. Even after the infection set in, you were left there to deal with the pain until the wounds healed. That’s why you felt my empathy.”

  Unsure what to do and not wanting to push him, she waited for him to say something but he remained quiet. With a deep breath, she decided it was time to go all in. Taking hold of the hem of her shirt, she slowly pulled it up and over her head. “Don’t push me away, Tex. Nothing has changed. I want you. All of you.”

  “Are you sure about this? Before this mating is cemented, you’re going to see more…”

  “Just as you’re going to see things about me. That’s how mating works. There are no secrets between mates. By the time we’re through, I’ll know everything there is to know about you, just as you will with me.” She pressed her lips to his, kissing him softly before drawing his bottom lip between her teeth and nipping lightly before letting go again. “Our past doesn’t matter. It’s our future together that does.”


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