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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 6

by Frances Howitt

  He woke with a start feeling something was wrong. He looked round wondering what the problem was, and then noticed the clock.

  ‘Damn, I’m going to be late,’ he cursed. He dressed and ate in very short order and was soon running down the path. After all his unresolved mulling last night on whether he should risk prophesy coming true by seeing her again, when he woke, all was clear. Emotionally he had no option; he needed to see her again and today was his chance to remain in her good graces.

  Megan had seemed surprised when he was escorted to her workroom, but her smile and greeting weren’t forced and set him at ease. As things later turned out with the beetle attacks, he was very glad he’d followed his instinct and gone to her. It appalled him to think of what might have happened if he’d been surrounded at home, or indeed cornered at the healer hall by that full swarm.

  ‘This is Longbottom,’ he told her as they rode down a hill to the town spread along the valley below. ‘It’s bigger than I remember, but then I haven’t been this way for, oh about twenty years.’

  ‘Hopefully no-one will recognise you then,’ Megan said. ‘That could be awkward. I suppose you wear your hair the same today?’ She heard him grumbling about not caring what today’s fashion was and laughed.

  ‘I can see the flags of two Inns here,’ he told her looking down on the town. ‘They must be doing well. The first one is near the market and the other further into town. Let’s go and find out which is nicest.’

  Megan was aware he took the reins of her horse and was glad. The roadway they joined became congested and she could hear the noise of many people talking, horses clopping on the roadway, carriages squeaking and wagons rumbling. Somewhere off to the right she could hear the clang of a blacksmith and smell a forge. Somewhere else, setback from the road was the sound of sawing and hammering of timber. They passed a tannery judging by the foul stench, fortunately not too closely. A bakery beside the road was a much more welcome scent and helped clear their offended noses. Zacharias had mentioned one of the Inns as being close to the market. He hadn’t specified what type of market but she soon heard the shouts and mingled calls of people hawking their wares. The sound was rather deafening to her. The press of people was unnerving too. She was glad when Zacharias led them clear of the market a short distance and stopped.

  ‘I can see the Inn. It’s rather run down and rough looking,’ he told her apologetically, not mentioning the drunken brawl spilling out from the door.

  ‘Shall we check out the other one then?’ she asked and was glad when he immediately moved on further away from the market’s almost overpowering noise.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked, when he next halted them, huffed and then sat silently.

  ‘Ah, they both seem to have flaws,’ he told her. ‘I don’t know which might be best.’

  ‘What do you see?’

  ‘This one isn’t just an Inn. There’s a, well, lady of the night, outside the door.’

  ‘It’s a brothel too?’

  ‘Yes, or at least partly so, I suspect.’

  ‘I wonder if there are any male whores on offer.’

  ‘Megan! If you have any such desires I am more than willing to oblige you, in any way you wish.’

  ‘Oh! I only wondered,’ she said, surprised he would tell her that. He also sounded serious and distinctly put out. ‘I only meant it jokingly. You’re not turning possessive on me, are you?’

  ‘It appears that I am. Sorry. Just the thought of you in another man’s arms threw me,’ he confessed.

  ‘Thank you for telling me. That must have been awkward.’ Megan was shocked he would openly admit that too. She’d reached out and put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly and now felt him shrug. Lacking normal vision she missed a lot of body language cues that made it sometimes hard to figure out if someone was serious or not. She knew she’d told him this and that it helped if he would verbalise clearly, but she hadn’t thought he’d be so thorough with this kind of information too.

  ‘Have I made you uncomfortable?’ he asked.

  ‘A little. We don’t have that kind of relationship.’

  ‘I know. You don’t fancy me,’ he said despondently.

  ‘You’ve got me all worked out and pigeonholed?’

  ‘You’re telling me I’ve got it wrong?’ he asked quickly.

  ‘Zacharias go and get us booked in somewhere, I can do without being jostled in the street all afternoon.’


  ‘Does this seem the nicer place?’

  ‘It seems clean and well maintained, at least from the outside,’ he affirmed.

  ‘That’s fine by me then.’

  ‘You’re not unsettled by what else goes on here?’

  ‘Zach, you know very well sex happens everywhere and at any time where there is privacy. Ok, this is a little more commercial, but as long as it’s not shoved in our faces, I don’t care overly.’ He planted a kiss on her brow and moved them closer.

  ‘Welcome to The Satin Lady. I am Mistress Bernice the owner. A room for two is it?’ the woman greeted as they finally approached.

  ‘Yes, possibly for a couple of nights. We’ve been on the road long enough to want a short break,’ Zacharias told her.

  ‘No problem. This way,’ she invited and led them farther along the Inn’s front to an archway. Zacharias couldn’t help comparing the voluptuous woman in her gaudily coloured frilly corsetry to Megan’s slender figure wrapped fully in sensible loose riding clothes. Megan drew his gaze every time.

  Through the arch was a small courtyard with a stable-block. Once they’d passed over their horses into the groom’s care, they followed Mistress Bernice across the courtyard and inside. Leading off from the small hallway, he peered through an open doorway to the bar. The common room was large with a bar at one end, a roaring hearth and tables for eating. Around the edges of the room were semi-private dimly lit nooks set with sofas.

  ‘If either of you would like some entertainment separately, together or with a group, that can always be arranged. We cater for all kinds of tastes so don’t be shy to ask. Dinner is from 5:30 and snacks are also available from the bar during the day.’

  Zacharias thanked her, feeling deeply uncomfortable with these offers especially when Megan gave him a quick grin.

  ‘This way,’ Mistress Bernice invited and Zacharias knew she’d noticed their silent exchange and that she was eyeing them both curiously

  Zacharias guided Megan up two flights of stairs to the top floor. They shuffled along the thickly carpeted hallway and were led into the room at the end.

  ‘Forgive me for asking, but your lady is blind?’ she asked Zacharias.

  ‘Yes,’ he confirmed.

  ‘I thought so. This room might be further away, but being on the end, it’s easy to locate and with her sensitive hearing it’ll be quieter with no-one close by.’

  ‘That’s very considerate of you,’ Megan said honestly. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘You know someone who’s blind then?’ Zacharias asked.

  ‘Yes, one of my girls is blind. Of course, as you probably know, lacking one of the senses makes all the other senses more acute. My girl is an amazing masseuse. If you need anything, come down to the bar, they’ll always know where to find me.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Zacharias said politely and closed the door behind her.

  Megan found the bed and moving around it knew there was only one and that it was massive. The quilts were in decadently soft fabrics and the cushions felt silky. She heard Zacharias snort and knew he was turning around the room, so she sat down. ‘Tell me what you see.’

  ‘It’s a confection box in pink and purple,’ he told her gazing around him wide-eyed. ‘Every possible surface is painted pink or draped in coloured lace.’

  ‘I can’t even imagine a man like you in such a place.’ She laughed, but was sure this was far too feminine a place for him to feel comfortable enough to relax.

  ‘Well you look a picture and good enough
to eat,’ he declared and dropped down beside her. They both yelped as the unexpected softness of the bed nearly bounced them off onto the floor. He hastily grabbed her to steady her before she fell off the edge. She burst out laughing hearing the funny noise of dismay he’d made. A little more slowly he laughed too.

  ‘This is going to take some getting used to,’ he conceded.

  ‘You’re not meant to get used to it. Unless I’m much mistaken, this is a room designed for seduction rather than sleeping.’

  ‘I didn’t ask for such a room,’ he objected quickly. ‘You heard everything I said.’

  ‘Perhaps this room is designed to drive the man out so he’ll go downstairs and fall prey to the professional women? She did make it abundantly clear that sex was available to suit either of us.’

  ‘I have no interest in casual sex with a stranger. If I go down to the bar you can rest assured I will not succumb to a floozy. But if I did,’ he added after a long pause, ‘would it bother you? I mean, me sleeping with another woman?’

  ‘Zacharias, I’m not your wife or even your girlfriend. I have no right to object to you doing whatever you want to do.’

  ‘That didn’t answer my question,’ he pointed out.

  ‘No, I wouldn’t like it. Happy now?’ she demanded wondering why she’d admitted that to him. She’d just noticed he’d been holding his breath for her answer and now his aura pulsed brightly. He obviously felt strongly about this; it mattered to him.

  ‘Yes,’ he said quietly and watched her biting her lip, obviously uncomfortable with the subject. ‘Shall we go and explore? You did mention the need to do some laundry. A visit to a barber is probably well overdue too,’ he added rubbing the thick stubble on his chin. He usually shaved himself, but without his kit, still in his bathroom at home, he hadn’t been able to take care of it and knew he looked scruffy. His kitchen knife was far too big and dangerously unwieldy to bother with.

  ‘Does my hair need cutting?’ Megan asked feeling the ends of her long hair. He immediately came closer and ran his fingers through it. ‘I know it’s been a while since it was last done. Whilst it never really mattered to me, someone always chided me if I didn’t bother tending it.’

  ‘You have beautifully thick hair and it’s always glossy. Of course people would notice if it wasn’t up to its usual standard. Come on, let’s get our things together and go downstairs.’

  ‘Oh that’s handy,’ Zacharias commented, having been able to pass their laundry over for it to be done for them. ‘That gives us time now to go into town and see what’s available.’

  Zacharias found a place catering for women and men, albeit in separate halves of the shop. Megan was sat down within his line of sight to have her hair trimmed, while a barber lathered his face and got to work with a razor.

  ‘Your man certainly keeps a close eye on you,’ Megan’s hairdresser commented gleefully.

  ‘Does he? How is he looking at me though?’ Megan dared to ask.

  ‘He’s smitten. Did he suggest coming out to be shaved?’


  ‘There’s nothing more off-putting than having to kiss a scruffy, bristly man, is there? He’s certainly hoping for a good night.’

  ‘He can hope to get so lucky,’ Megan joked back. Knowing Zacharias was keeping watch for them both, she felt safe enough to relax. It was nice to sit still, chatting idly and having someone brushing, trimming and generally pampering her hair.

  ‘They’re done,’ Megan was told a short while after her own had been finished. She thanked her hairdresser and rose. The woman kindly guided her across the room since it was littered with chairs, people and all manner of obstacles. She could feel Zacharias’ presence clearly. He sat waiting for her.

  ‘Tell me what you think?’ Zacharias asked her.

  Megan reached for him, targeting where he was clearest, his heart, first. Then she quickly raised both hands to his neck then up over his jaw. She could now feel the true shape of his chin and cheeks. ‘Very smooth for a change,’ she said smiling. ‘Nice, very nice,’ she added and felt his face move under her hands, his lips widening into a smile.

  ‘You have my lady’s seal of approval,’ Zacharias grinned at his barber and then settled up.

  ‘What were you laughing about?’ Zacharias asked once they’d left the barber’s and were wandering down the street.

  ‘Everyone knowing bristly men are not nice to kiss,’ Megan told him.

  ‘Ah,’ Zacharias responded wondering if he’d been the butt of some joke. But he definitely liked the thought she’d been considering kissing him.

  ‘I’m getting hungry. Is it dinner time yet?’ she asked.

  ‘Won’t be long. Wonder if they’ve got a proper bath house at the Inn or if we should check out the town one?’

  ‘I bet they’ve got something there at the Inn. They probably have helpers too.’

  ‘Helpers?’ Zacharias repeated glancing at her in surprise. ‘You’re welcome to scrub my back if I could do yours?’

  Megan laughed; he had obviously decided to start flirting again, but she’d felt his emotions leap at the suggestion.

  They put their few purchases in their room before going down for dinner. Zacharias chose a table where he had his back to the wall and he was in shadow with a view over the room. He’d rather not be taken by surprise and he’d begun this routine at the outset of their journey. With Megan’s safety in mind he was taking no chances.

  Megan excused herself after dinner saying she wanted to lie down. He took the inference that she’d rather he wasn’t present so he swallowed his sharp disappointment, especially when she also rejected his offer of assistance back to the room. Had she tired of his close proximity and wanted some time alone? He got another beer and sat down again. Each of the three women working here approached him, but when he politely, but firmly, rejected their advances, they left him alone.

  He looked into the bottom of his second tankard sadly. He didn’t much like drinking alone and whilst there were others he could have joined, he didn’t feel in the mood. The loud laughter and banter from a small crowd of men to one side would have drawn him usually, but not tonight.

  Sudden whistles and bawdy comments drew his attention and he glanced up. Megan stood in the doorway with the lady of the house Bernice. What was shocking was what she was wearing. Hell, there was no way he could keep his eyes from straying. At least she wouldn’t know. She was utterly mouth-watering. A rich purple satin dress hung to the floor from precariously thin straps and the fabric clung to her figure faithfully. A sheer knee length black jacket dimmed the colour to something decadent but a little more decent and also served to confuse the eye, ‘Meg,’ he breathed, not remembering crossing the room to her but there he was. She put her hand out and rested it on his chest, a small smile on her face. She glanced sideways and her smile faltered. He shifted, blocking sight of her from the crowd at the bar. He put a hand over hers and she immediately took it, turned and led him out the door into the corridor.

  ‘This way,’ Bernice said.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Zacharias asked Megan quietly as they followed Bernice. ‘I thought you were sleeping?’

  ‘You mentioned a bath would be nice,’ Megan said simply but she was nervous, not helped by his aura leaping in response. ‘I’m not entirely sure what’s planned though,’ she whispered. ‘Do I look ridiculous?’

  ‘Not at all.’

  ‘What has she turned me into? Why were those men whistling? It wasn’t at me, was it?’

  ‘You’ve become a siren, a temptress. Not many women could carry that look off, but you do. Hell,’ he muttered. ‘Megan, you must tell me what YOU want. I will respect your wishes, but I can only do that if you’re straight with me.’

  Megan gulped; his hands were grasping her shoulders and he pinned her lightly against the wall, stopping her from evading his question.

  ‘A bath was your idea,’ she told him.

  ‘Hell Megan, do you expect me to take a bath
alone on the other side of the room to you? Are you testing me?’

  ‘If I’m going to get non-stop questions demanding to know everything in advance then I’ll hand you over to the others to bathe.’

  ‘You’d planned to bathe me? Or even bathe with me?’ he whispered.

  ‘I thought you said you wanted that? Have you changed your mind?’

  ‘No, I haven’t changed my mind. I just hadn’t dared hope you’d want to.’

  ‘You’re not as observant as you think you are then,’ she told him.

  ‘Megan,’ he whispered and hugged her close.

  The room they were shown to wasn’t large and was dominated by a small tiled sunken pool. A fire on one side of the room heated the room as well as the tank of water directly above it. Zacharias was fascinated by the simple arrangement of pipes and taps for adding hot and also cold directly into the pool.

  ‘Examining the plumbing rather than your lady isn’t very flattering to her,’ Bernice told him quietly. ‘Or are you searching for control?’

  ‘Something like that,’ Zacharias admitted.

  ‘Do you want the whole pool filling or will half suffice?’ Bernice asked showing him a heavy wall of planking that could slot into the grooves in the bath wall. ‘Half the pool means it’ll take half the time to fill of course,’ she added. ‘Ah, I like to see an eager, decisive man,’ Bernice chuckled watching Zacharias simply heft the planks into the pool. ‘There are bath salts and oils over there if you’d like.’

  ‘That’s alright, I have my own,’ Megan said taking a small bag from her shoulder.

  Bernice watched as a collection of small unlabelled jars came out of the bag. She picked one up, ‘May I?’ Receiving a nod she opened the stopper and a lovely floral aroma greeted her. She passed it to him and watched him savour the scent before placing it back in the position she’d put it.

  ‘Megan made these,’ he said proudly. ‘What are these other ones Meg? They haven’t been opened.’


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