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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 7

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Open one,’ Megan invited him. ‘Do you like it?’ she asked.

  ‘Very much, but it’s not at all like your usual scent.’

  ‘That’s because they are for you.’

  ‘You had some ready made up for men?’ He knew she made items to sell.


  ‘You made these specifically for me?’ Zacharias asked and when she nodded he felt honoured she’d thought of him and done this, although when she’d had the time he didn’t know. They hadn’t really known each other before they’d spent the first day out in the meadow together. Had she made them that same evening?

  ‘We can take it from here,’ Zacharias announced to Bernice. ‘Thank you for letting us use the pool,’ he added and ushered her out the door closing it behind her. He stood for a moment gazing at the transformed Megan. She seemed to be looking back at him then she held out her hand towards him and he went to her.

  ‘How’s the water? Deep enough?’ she asked.

  ‘One more top up and it’ll be full,’ he advised then fell silent as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She pushed it slowly off his shoulders and let it drop. Next she knelt and took off his shoes and socks. Her hands skimmed up the outer sides of his legs to his hips and the waistband of his trousers. Soon his belt was unfastened and then she was slowly unbuttoning his trousers. She made no comment on how he was obviously feeling but gently released him from trousers and then underwear.

  ‘Check the water,’ she reminded him softly. While he was occupied she tried a new spell. She’d never attempted it before after hearing it was likely to be an exceedingly difficult one, but she thought it worth trying now. ‘Show this man Zacharias to me,’ she whispered but with determination. Slowly the hot spark of his aura was replaced by moving shades of grey. The shadows slowly took on colour and the fuzziness resolved into clarity.

  She burst out laughing which had him spinning round to look at her.


  ‘My first sight of you and it’s your bare backside,’ she giggled and held her hand out to him.

  ‘You can see me?’ Now he was closer he noticed her eyes seemed different, they also tracked all over him. ‘How?’

  ‘It’s a spell; a difficult one. Zacharias, you are beautiful,’ she exclaimed in wonder. He grabbed her hand and led her to the side of the room.

  ‘Look there,’ he said gesturing.

  ‘Is that a mirror?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes and that’s you,’ he said watching her examine both of them.

  ‘I prefer looking at you,’ she admitted and admired his smile. She stroked his face and only now knew just how he responded to her touch.

  ‘Is it my turn to undress you?’ he asked.

  ‘It’s meant to be me bathing you.’

  ‘Well you can’t join me if you’re still dressed.’ He met eyes that actually looked back at him, that showed emotions. He waited for her to nod before pushing the chiffon robe off her shoulders revealing the bright purple dress in all its glory. ‘Are these your clothes?’

  ‘No. Bernice came up to check if I needed anything and I asked if there was a bath. I was going to go down to the bar to find you and she was aghast at what I had on since my better stuff is at the laundry. She told me to wait while the bath was prepared and when she came back she handed me this dress and said you’d like it if I wore something pretty for a change.’

  ‘She was right,’ he said simply. ‘You look stunning.’ He’d waited eighty years to find his wizard. He could take the time to memorise her appearance. It did extend the anticipation of what he hoped was to come. He didn’t yet know what she would allow, so he tried not to scare her. This siren outfit skimmed her figure enticingly, and looked appealingly easy to remove. She wore it for him alone to enjoy, hoping he’d like it? Wow.

  She glanced across at her reflection in the mirror; a stranger looked back at her. She looked small and soft beside his strong beautifully taut body. ‘Do you like this? It’s very different to what I usually wear,’ Megan asked and watched his reaction closely. He was smiling, but she knew his heart was beating fast and there was no disguising how sexually eager he was.

  ‘This shows a side of you I’ve never seen and would never have guessed at,’ he conceded. ‘Every once in a while this kind of get up can be a great deal of fun. But I didn’t like those other men ogling you.’

  ‘That’s a relief. Now get in the water. This vision spell isn’t going to last long, but at least I now know what everyone sees when they look at you.’

  ‘They might look, but they don’t actually know anything about me,’ he said whilst obediently stepping down into the hot water. He turned back to her in time to watch her push one strap then the other off her shoulders. The material slithered down and pooled at her feet. She stepped out of the dress and he realised he hadn’t been breathing. She wore nothing beneath that dress. He hastily took her hand steadying her stepping down into the pool aware he’d just been staring at her transfixed. This was his first sight of her naked and he was not disappointed. It felt very different to know she could see him too; he almost felt shy. She sat down quickly so he followed suit.

  ‘Wet your hair,’ she instructed him whilst picking up one of her jars, sniffing it to be sure which was which. She bade him sit in the middle of the pool and she knelt behind him. She shampooed his hair taking the time to massage his scalp, down his neck to his shoulders. Next she had him stand while she slowly soaped the rest of his body using the second pot. She relished learning by sight as well as touch, the feel of every inch of his thoroughly delicious body. The bliss on his face was wonderful to see and made her feel warm and want to caress and explore him even more. That he stood letting her, without being demanding, made her bolder than she’d intended. She wanted to please him and she suspected he knew.

  Zacharias turned and pressed his soapy body to hers. He slithered around her using the soap on his skin and his body itself to caress her naked skin. She was undoubtedly nervous so he stopped to pick up her pot. He massaged shampoo into her hair then began smoothing suds over her body.

  She bit her lip nervously. She’d touched him like this so she couldn’t really object when he returned the favour. Besides what he was doing felt amazingly good. She watched him, noting the hunger on his face and desire in his every touch. His passion was raw and barely tamed; it would take very little to tip him over the edge of control. Part of her relished that, knowing he desired her so passionately. However, she also knew this was risky and that she should cool things down before they went too far to be able to stop.

  Reluctantly she sat down in the water out of his exceedingly tempting embrace before she gave way to her impulse to kiss him. There would be little chance of stopping or slowing up if they kissed now. He was immortal and with such a powerful life-force he’d be exceptionally virile. The likelihood of her becoming pregnant was therefore too high a probability to risk.

  He sat down with her letting the suds flow off their skin. Then he turned her, cradling her in his arms like a babe to rinse her hair.

  ‘Zach, I think we should give your blood another try,’ she said sitting up to face him when she was clean.

  ‘But it made you so sick,’ he objected.

  ‘I’ve been thinking about that and realise we did it all wrong. Drinking your blood meant I ate it like a food. People don’t usually consume blood and I think that’s what made me poorly. Also, our stomachs are full of acid; I doubt it had much chance of still being effective after that.’

  ‘What’s the alternative?’

  ‘It’s called a transfusion. We pump a little of your blood into my blood. That way whatever it is in your blood that heals, will mix with mine and have more chance of working. I must say, after experiencing this bit of normal vision, I’d rather like it to become permanent if at all possible. Don’t look so worried, I know how to do it.’

  ‘Is this your real reason for asking to stop for a couple of nights in one place?’


  ‘And this?’

  ‘I wanted you to know just how much I appreciate you. You do so much for me but often seem so sad.’

  ‘You only bathed me to cheer me up?’ he asked in dismay.

  She shook her head, ‘I thought I was the blind one Zacharias,’ she chided then couldn’t say any more. He’d just pulled her into his arms and was kissing her. His kiss told her plainly how much he needed her. Was this simple lust or love though? She knew he didn’t believe she was interested in him. It was safer that way, particularly as he’d never told her he loved her either. His kiss breached her defences however and her arms slipped around him and she kissed him back every bit as passionately. She’d wanted to experience kissing him for quite a while and it was easy to lose herself in the beauty of the moment. She felt him slowly moving her body, trying to line them up and reluctantly raised her head.

  ‘No sex Zach,’ she told him and opened her eyes to check his expression, only to discover her spell had worn off and she was blind again. The sudden loss wasn’t just annoying but actually felt like a real blow. She really needed to know his reaction.

  He watched her rub at her eyes and her whole demeanour fold in and knew their reprieve was gone. ‘Why don’t you want me?’

  ‘Damn it Zach, do you want to risk getting me pregnant? Or hadn’t you given that any consideration?’

  ‘You object to having children; or just with me?’

  ‘Must I spell it out?’

  ‘I’d love to have a family to call my own.’

  ‘If that’s your wish, then as an immortal you can take a new young wife and create a new family over and over. Just think, every fifty years or so you’ll be free to choose a new mother for your children.’

  ‘You can be very hurtful sometimes.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she murmured, ashamed of herself. He’d mentioned family, but not necessarily marriage or tying himself to a wife. If she stayed with him she would age and die while he remained young and beautiful. It wasn’t fair. She climbed out of the water, dried off and dressed.

  He reluctantly followed suit pulling the plug in the pool as he left it. He watched her fumbling to find the jars, re-stopper them and place them carefully in her bag. She was keeping her back to him and he felt completely rejected again. He was unused to such confusion. They’d shared such pleasure bathing each other. But she still wasn’t prepared to commit to him fully. He knew he’d at least made progress. He was now certain she found him physically attractive. There was no mistaking how she’d touched him; she’d been caressing him. Their kiss had told him plenty too. He could be patient a while longer. She brushed at her face and he quickly moved around her.

  ‘You’re crying,’ he exclaimed. ‘Megan,’ he whispered and wrapped his arms around her. She clung to him.

  ‘I keep hurting you. I’m so sorry,’ she whispered. ‘I really don’t mean to.’

  ‘I pushed for more than you were ready to give,’ he said quietly. ‘I’m sorry for spoiling such a wonderful evening otherwise. Thank you,’ he added still holding her close.

  She reached up and kissed him. He responded but didn’t press her when she withdrew. She kept hold of his hand and gently tugged him towards the door. They returned to their room in silence.

  ‘So, what do we need to try this transfusion?’ he asked once they were up in their room.

  ‘I got some items today in town that should work. We could do it now, if you’re willing?’ Megan asked.

  ‘Now? Well I suppose there’s no reason not to try it,’ he conceded.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said and assembled the few items into a very simple kit. ‘First, I need to collect some of your blood.’ She showed him the hollow needle attached to a short rubber tube which was in turn attached to a small glass bottle sealed by a cork stopper. ‘Are you ready?’

  ‘What do I need to do?’ he asked a little nervously.

  ‘Sit down beside me and give me your arm. I’ll put the needle in your vein and you should see the bottle begin to fill. Tell me when it’s nearly full and we’ll remove the needle.’

  ‘Ok.’ He winced as the needle pierced his skin, but she was deft and it didn’t hurt as much as he’d expected. ‘It’s working,’ he said, watching the bottle slowly fill with dark red blood. ‘It’s about full. Shall I pull it out?’

  ‘Yes. Press your finger over the wound until it stops bleeding. Are you ok?’

  ‘I’m tired all of a sudden, but otherwise fine.’

  ‘That’s your blood loss making itself known to you. Right, we need to put the needle in me. Make sure you aim for a vein.’ She hissed feeling the needle going in. ‘Hold the bottle upside down and higher than my arm so gravity will help it soak into me. Is it going in?’

  ‘Yes, slowly, but I think it’s working.’ He watched closely until the little bottle of blood had been absorbed into her fully before pulling the needle out. It made him feel strange to watch something of his enter her body. He was scared his blood might make her sick as it had before. But now he knew how differently she’d felt and thus acted when she’d been able to see. He had all his fingers crossed his blood might aid her.

  Whatever was happening inside her, it made her weary quickly. After rinsing out the apparatus he pushed back the covers, helped her into bed and followed her in. Zacharias curled around her, and despite the fact they hadn’t ever slept in the same bed before, they both fell asleep remarkably quickly.


  Zacharias woke late for him next morning. Megan still slept deeply so he rose quietly. She still didn’t wake when he’d dressed so he went downstairs to find some breakfast. She didn’t hear him return so he placed the glass of juice and an apple on the bedside table and picked up a book to read.


  ‘Hello my sweet. How are you feeling?’

  Megan sat up in bed and the world seemed to tip and roll. ‘Ooh, I do feel woozy.’ She waited with her eyes closed until the world seemed to steady. ‘Can you help me to the bathroom?’

  ‘Of course. Is something wrong? Why are you keeping your eyes closed?’ he asked noticing she walked with them shut, which she never normally did.

  ‘I just feel dizzy when I open them,’ she admitted. ‘I’m ok now. You can close the door,’ she added, unwilling to let him watch everything.

  ‘Call me if you need anything,’ he said seriously before closing the door. He could tell she was embarrassed and her pride was keeping him out, but he respected her wishes.

  She felt a little steadier after the juice and apple, but crawled back into bed. Zacharias didn’t comment that she still kept her eyes closed so she didn’t feel she had to talk about it. Only a few minutes later she was asleep again. When she woke again she could smell something savoury that made her mouth water. He’d obviously been out to get them some lunch. Again she let him help her across to the bathroom and then eat.

  ‘Please don’t feel you need to stay with me. I shall sleep a while longer. I do feel a lot better than this morning.’

  ‘I don’t like leaving you alone. You’re still not yourself.’

  ‘Go and stretch your legs, get out of this horrid pink room,’ she urged, walking across to the door so she could prove to him she could navigate that far. ‘I’ll lock the door behind you and won’t expect you back until dinner time, ok?’

  ‘Yes my lady, if that is your wish,’ he said solemnly.

  ‘I appreciate your willingness to stay with me, but I don’t like knowing you’re cooped up in here and bored out of your mind when it’s unnecessary. Hopefully, by the time you return, I’ll be much improved and be better company. Go.’ She turned the key in the lock and stood listening to his presence as he hesitated out in the hall. Then he began moving away and she listened, tracking his position for as long as she could. She was astonished she could identify him even when he went outside into the street and was amongst the auras of lots of other people. His presence steadily became fainter until he was gone. Only then did
she return to bed.

  When next she woke she felt more alert but kept her eyes closed just in case. She had no idea what time it was but she was feeling a little hungry, so she suspected he would be back soon. She dressed with care, glad her clothes had been returned from the laundry so she had something clean to put on. She sat down again before opening her eyes. She’d purposefully kept them closed while she dressed in case she went dizzy again and couldn’t then finish getting ready. As she’d expected, a wave of dizziness swept her. She swayed, uncertain of her balance, but braced herself with her hands on the bed either side of her and doggedly stared ahead. Slowly her equilibrium steadied and blinking didn’t upset her balance. She experimented by turning her head and suddenly something moved. She stopped and it dawned on her that her eyes were registering blurry grey shapes within the field of black that was her usual sight when inside and away from the glow of natural living things. This was because of Zacharias’ blood having healing properties, she knew it. She excitedly explored the room identifying by touch what her foggy eyes couldn’t yet discern, learning the small world around her. She was very glad she’d managed the spell to see so that at least she recognised some of the signals her eyes were trying to identify for real. She couldn’t wait to tell Zacharias. It was not real useful sight by any means, but it was a start and she hoped his blood would continue to work its magic by increments.

  Feeling his familiar presence come back into range she cleaned her teeth and brushed her hair. Whilst he never said anything about her disarray, Bernice had told her he was a visual man and would notice every detail. It was one of the reasons she’d agreed to put on Bernice’s outfit, hoping to please him after all he’d done taking care of her. She’d noticed the sudden spike in his aura’s pulse. She hadn’t needed Bernice to tell her that he’d seen her. He’d certainly crossed the room to her very quickly.

  As Zacharias came closer she became aware he was concerned, or was it upset, about something. Yet he wasn’t hurrying overly. She was so focussed on trying to figure him out that she didn’t immediately notice that two other strong auras accompanied him until they were in the corridor outside. In a sudden quandary she grabbed his sword and crossbow, glad she’d found them earlier. She waited by the door wondering what to do.


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