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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 8

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Megan, are you awake? Can you unlock the door?’ Zacharias called.

  ‘Who are your two companions?’

  ‘I thought you said she was blind,’ a strange voice exclaimed through the door.

  ‘She is,’ Zacharias affirmed. ‘But she is also a wizard.’

  ‘You’ve found your wizard?’ A different voice asked. They all heard the lock click but the door didn’t open.

  Zacharias opened the door and then stood staring. ‘Meg,’ he breathed in shock. She stood in the centre of the room with a loaded crossbow aimed towards them.

  ‘What the hell?’

  ‘Who have you brought to our bedroom Zach?’ Megan asked and started tracking the man who’d moved directly into the room and was thus closest to her and the crossbow. She could tell he was a big man and he moved in the silent way of a hunter.

  ‘It’s ok Megan, this is Schubert and Julius; they’re old friends,’ Zacharias said quickly.

  ‘So why is the big one approaching me with a knife and the other is hiding behind you?’ she asked suspiciously.

  ‘It’s alright little lady,’ the man behind Zacharias said, coming out from behind him. ‘We’re friends, honestly. I’m Julius. I’m not armed.’

  ‘Mm, but you’re an immortal Julius.’

  ‘Zacharias stop staring at her like a mooncalf and talk to her,’ Julius snapped realising she was not yet convinced and she and Schubert were staring at one another in a nervous and potentially deadly standoff.

  Zacharias hastily approached her and noted she lowered the weapon. She had his sword to hand as well! She was ready to fight! ‘Meg, it’s ok,’ he breathed. ‘They truly are old friends.’ She handed the bow to him without hesitation.

  ‘You scared me,’ she complained, but quietly. ‘Why bring men to our bedroom? I thought they were tricksters of some sort.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Zacharias said softly and put the weapons aside before seating her back on the bed. ‘Are you feeling better?’

  ‘Much. I’ll tell you later,’ she added.

  Zacharias noticed her eyes were shifting towards the two men and she was blinking a lot, as though she had some kind of vision, but now was not the time to talk about that. ‘Julius is an old friend. We go way back though we haven’t seen each other in a few years. Schubert is his friend come visiting.’

  ‘His immortal friend,’ she murmured feeling very small and insignificant again. ‘Apologies gentlemen for the rude greeting,’ Megan said, determined to improve their first and probably very unflattering, first impression of her. ‘I’m Megan. Please be seated.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Julius responded taking the stool at the vanity unit, leaving Schubert the single armchair. ‘We’re very pleased to finally meet you.’

  ‘You are?’ Megan responded in surprise. ‘Why finally?’

  ‘I’ve never seen him with a woman. I was beginning to worry about his orientation,’ Julius laughed, especially seeing Zacharias’ immediate indignation.

  ‘I was waiting to find the right one, you know that,’ Zacharias told him. ‘Megan is my wizard,’ he said wrapping an arm around her.

  ‘She is the one prophesised?’ Julius asked quickly and Zacharias nodded. ‘But she is mortal.’

  ‘She’s a wizard, of course she’s mortal,’ Zacharias told him.

  ‘Oh Zacharias, I didn’t think about that. To wait eighty years for a mortal wife, that’s cruel. At least she is a wizard.’

  ‘Why at least?’ Megan demanded.

  ‘Wizards tend to live appreciably longer than regular mortals,’ Schubert told her gently.

  ‘You do appear to be assuming rather a lot. Zacharias and I are not married. He only need blink a few times and I’ll be old and then dead. You should find yourself another immortal Zacharias,’ she urged and felt his aura lurch, but so did the other two men’s auras.

  ‘You haven’t told her about the prophesy?’ Schubert asked.

  ‘Why haven’t you bound her to you yet?’ Julius interrupted. ‘Is she at least bearing your child?’

  ‘Shut up the pair of you,’ Zacharias snapped angrily. ‘Have neither of you heard of courtship or have a scrap of decency? I only took her out for the first time a week ago and we’ve been beset by woes ever since.’

  ‘Woes? Whatever do you mean? You should be ecstatic. You’ve finally found your life-mate,’ Julius exclaimed.

  ‘He’s talking about a swarm of Scritchers,’ Megan said and swivelled towards Schubert feeling his sudden alarm. ‘You’ve come across them before?’

  ‘Yes; horrifying beasts. What happened exactly?’

  ‘We were returning from a trip to gather herbs when I felt a wave of evil approaching,’ Megan told him. ‘Zach described what he saw and I got him to pull us back. Fortunately we acted in time and the swarm didn’t detect us. We checked his house and found the swarm had been there too and left a few lying in wait. He killed some of them and we got away fast. Later, when Zach brought me home to the healer hall, we discovered the swarm had already been there too. They had circled the walls and killed some people caught outside. We discovered some of them had got in and were hunting the people inside. I trapped one and read its mind, such as it has one. They’d been promised an immortal and it wanted Zacharias. He killed it and the others we came across, but it wasn’t possible to know if we’d got them all. We knew everyone would have to evacuate. Zacharias and I had only really known each other a few hours but he offered to take me with him and I agreed. We headed across country, away from the direction the swarm had been headed in, although where they are now is anyone’s guess.’ She paused assessing their moods for a long moment. ‘Now tell us Schubert, what you make of this?’

  ‘Zacharias, it sounds to me as though Lord Darcourt knows of the prophesy and has had you watched. As soon as you found and identified your wizard, you both became targets.’

  ‘Will one of you please tell me what this damn prophesy says?’ Megan asked.

  ‘It was foretold that Zacharias’ wife would end Wizard-Lord Darcourt’s reign and save our people. She would also change the outcome of his life in some drastic manner,’ Julius told her.

  ‘Oh, is that all? Zach how the hell do you imagine a blind mortal can possibly live up to any of that? It’s absurd,’ she objected. ‘I think you’re so determined to find a partner after so many years alone that you’ve picked the first wizard you found remotely attractive.’

  ‘There’s nothing remotely half hearted about the way I feel, Megan,’ Zacharias told her gently.

  ‘But if this Wizard-Lord believes your wife will do this, why hasn’t he come after you and killed you before now? Surely if you’re dead prior to being married, this prophesy cannot come true?’

  ‘An excellent observation,’ Julius exclaimed, ‘except that it was also foretold that if Zacharias died prematurely, another immortal would take on the duty. Keeping Zacharias alive until he identified you, meant only one already known suspect to keep watch on, rather than it falling to any one of the rest of us.’

  ‘I see. Julius, why do you want to know if I’m pregnant?’

  ‘Oh, sorry, that was indelicate of me.’

  ‘It sounded of particular importance to you,’ Megan added and stared at him awaiting an answer. She’d been told her sightless stare was strangely unnerving.

  ‘Yes, but only to me,’ Julius said and noted Zacharias and Schubert curiously awaited his explanation too. ‘A fortune teller told me I would marry one of my oldest friend’s daughters. You are the only one I know who will actually marry,’ he added to Zacharias.

  Megan abruptly started laughing. ‘So I’m to do battle whilst blind and pregnant? You don’t find this completely surreal?’

  ‘Just how blind are you?’ Schubert abruptly asked. ‘You keep telling us that, yet you tracked me with a crossbow, knew we were with Zacharias outside the door and even now you seem to be looking at us.’

  ‘You’re all immortals.’

  ‘That’s another thi
ng. How did you know that?’

  ‘My magic gives me the ability to see the life force in all the plants and animals around me. From the signature and strength I have to make a guess as to what manner of creature is before me. An immortal has far stronger a signature than anything else I’ve come across so far. You are quite distinctive. I see your hearts beating and now I can even see the life force, I mean blood, spreading out from the heart to your whole body. I see the arteries and even down to some of the smaller veins. It’s not what you’d call or classify normal sight, but in that way I can detect everything living, even plants. Non living things are a blank. Zacharias tells me this room is a nasty pink and covered in lace, but I cannot see it. I cannot see the furniture or the walls or anything in here. Being inside a new place is awkward; I am truly blind.’ Suddenly her stomach rumbled.

  ‘Yes, I’m hungry too,’ Zacharias announced. ‘Would you like to join us?’ he asked his guests.

  Soon the four of them were sitting downstairs in one of the shadowy side booths drinking mugs of ale and tucking in to the hearty lamb pie recommended on the dish of the day menu.

  ‘Ah, that’s a shame; you’re not wearing the dress tonight,’ Bernice commented to Megan but loud enough that the three attractive men sharing her table could hear. ‘Didn’t you like her in it, sir?’

  ‘Very much,’ Zacharias conceded. ‘There aren’t many women who could successfully carry off such an outfit but my Megan does,’ he inclined his head and Bernice smiled.

  ‘What was that all about?’ Schubert asked curiously. He’d noticed the working girls had glanced Megan’s way when they arrived and not approached.

  ‘Oh, she provided me with a dress while my normal clothes were being laundered,’ Megan volunteered.

  ‘You turned every head, not just mine,’ Zacharias added. ‘Perhaps she was hoping you might have brightened up tonight’s crowd.’

  Megan simply snorted softly in disbelief and glanced about the room. A strange aura caught her attention. ‘Zach, there’s someone unusual over on the far side.’

  ‘Can you be more specific?’ he murmured. ‘There are a lot of odd looking people in that corner.’

  ‘Small, tubby man. He just waved to someone.’

  ‘I see him. He doesn’t look odd.’

  ‘Sitting amongst unusual people he becomes invisible; a clever ploy,’ Schubert said quietly. ‘His choice of company tells me he is not the simple merchant he is dressed to emulate. Perhaps he is your spy Zacharias.’

  ‘He isn’t human,’ Megan warned them nervously.

  ‘Don’t fret, nothing’s going to hurt you,’ Zacharias murmured.

  ‘Was that strange crowd in here last night?’ Schubert asked.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ Zacharias said; realised he needed to think about that with more attention and then shook his head. There had been a crowd, but they’d been boisterous local lads in to celebrate a birthday. Even though he’d been rather preoccupied last night, he knew he’d kept an eye on the others in the room. This small crowd of odd people, who rather looked like circus performers, had not been here last night. If that non human had been tracking him, then he rather thought he’d only been found this afternoon when he went wandering around town.

  ‘Come and stay with me tonight,’ Julius offered once they’d finished eating. ‘I’ve got safeguards set so it should be safer than here. You’ll be able to tell if he follows us, won’t you Megan?’


  ‘Zacharias you should go and settle your bill,’ Julius said, abruptly taking charge. ‘Schubert, can you get their horses? I’ll accompany Megan to get their bags. If that’s ok, Zach?’

  ‘Thank you. I’ll be up shortly,’ Zacharias told him, then left at a sedate unremarkable pace with Schubert, out the door and over to the stables. He found the stable-hand and gave orders for the horses to be saddled and then left them under Schubert’s supervision. Back inside Zacharias bounded up the stairs without pausing to find Bernice and check out. With that non-human stranger inside the building he disliked leaving Megan, even with another capable immortal like Julius.

  Zacharias cautiously slowed his pace; the bedroom door was wide open. A strange tall, black and hunched creature stood just inside the doorway. As he got closer he realised the creature was facing a badly bleeding Julius who nevertheless stood defensively in front of Megan.

  ‘Zach run, it wants you,’ she cried out just as the black scaly beast turned, fixing him with red eyes. Before he could so much as turn, the creature pounced on him. Its blinding speed gave him no chance to do anything to defend himself. It grabbed a tighter hold of him, digging in its claws and simply lifted him off the ground. It sprinted back down the hall carrying Zacharias in its arms like a child. It leapt through the window at the end of the corridor shattering the glass and only then spread broad leathery wings.

  ‘ZACH!’ Megan screamed in anguish running after him. Julius’s hasty grasp only just stopped her tumbling through the broken glass and falling. She stood on the edge and threw a tracing spell after the creature flying off with Zacharias. She slumped to the ground, reeling at the suddenness of the attack. Zacharias was gone, just like that. She was only peripherally aware of Julius beside her fielding questions from people running up the stairs asking about the commotion. She stared out the window following Zacharias’s path, but shockingly quickly she couldn’t hear him anymore. She burst into tears. She didn’t know if he was simply out of range or if that beast had killed him. She suddenly felt a new strong presence and glanced round; ‘Schubert?’

  ‘I’m here,’ Schubert said having seen her glance away from the window and look directly at him for a long moment.

  Megan rose and returned to her room ignoring the others demanding to know what was going on and why was a window broken? She heard the door close and the clamour eased in volume.

  ‘We need to go after him,’ she told the two silent but very upset immortals. ‘Hold still Julius,’ she murmured, very aware of the nasty tear in his chest, too close to a major artery. She concentrated and magically sealed the nicked tube before he lost too much more blood. His own body would quickly heal the deep gashes the creature’s claws had given him before he’d managed to grab Zacharias’ sword to keep it off them. ‘There, that torn artery wasn’t helping your strength. Thank you for defending me,’ she added seriously. ‘I’m sorry to ask, but since Zach came up so fast I doubt he took care of our bill and he had all our money.’

  ‘We’ll take care of that, don’t you be worrying over that detail,’ Julius said. ‘Could you tell which way they went?’

  ‘Yes. But they got out of range so quickly. I tried to tag him but don’t know if I succeeded. I’ve never done it before.’

  ‘I heard the window break and saw it carrying Zacharias northeast,’ Schubert added grimly.

  ‘Let’s get out of here,’ Megan said, just realising they were waiting for her. She slung her bag over her shoulder and watched the two men move about the room grabbing the few remaining belongings and stuffing them back in their bags. In just a couple of minutes they were done.

  Megan walked between the two men very glad she wasn’t alone. She was still reeling from the shock of his capture and that he was so suddenly gone. She left it to them to do what explaining and reparation of damages was called for. Bernice was deeply shocked on learning Zacharias had been abducted from inside her premises. The blood on Julius’ clothes appalled her too.

  Megan mounted her horse and took the rein to Zacharias’ horse. Bereft of her rider, Ginger was an unhappy reminder, but she was determined Zacharias would soon need his horse again.

  Julius led the way at a brisk trot through the town. She followed, with Schubert bringing up the rear. As soon as they got clear of the town and the way was clearer they increased the pace.

  ‘No, we’re going the wrong way,’ Megan called to Julius a while later. ‘That way,’ she said pointing.

  ‘There’s no road,’ Julius said.

  ‘Why would a flying thing need to follow roads?’ she asked and heard Schubert snort in agreement.

  ‘Let me take that horse for you my lady,’ Schubert offered. ‘I think you should be up beside Julius to show him the way.’

  She realised Julius sat still waiting, so she hastened forward to join him. ‘You will tell me if I’m headed for some hazard?’

  ‘Of course,’ Julius assured. ‘You can feel Zacharias?’

  ‘Not truly yet, but the tracer spell seems to be guiding me. I’m so glad I thought to cast it. It all happened so fast and I was so scared. What was that beast?’

  ‘I believe they are called Mistrys. They are distantly related to Minotaur’s but obviously have wings and claws. They are smart but easily controlled by magic. Once they have accepted a master they are very loyal. I imagine in all the excitement of catching his prey he forgot to shield his true form.’

  ‘Why’d it carry him off? Why didn’t it kill him and leave him? What does it want with Zach?’ she asked miserably. ‘I thought, from what you told me of this prophesy, that the beast would have tried to kill me instead.’

  ‘Maybe I stopped him taking you,’ Julius suggested. ‘Maybe taking Zacharias was the other alternative. Perhaps they plan to thwart the prophesy by keeping him alive but preventing him marrying?’

  ‘I hope so,’ she said, absorbing his optimism that Zacharias might not be dead. ‘Damn it, he’s vanished just when I was starting to like him being around and contemplating a future together. It’s really quite inconsiderate,’ she added lightly trying not to let her terror for his safety overwhelm her. Julius snorted in surprise but Schubert chuckled. She noticed both men were riding closely either side of her now where the footing allowed.

  ‘You’re a remarkable and courageous woman,’ Schubert told her and the warmth of his approval bolstered her spirits.


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