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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 722

by John MacArthur

  e nature itself teach 1 Cor 11:14

  e denying the Lord who 2 Pet 2:1


  At e they return Ps 59:6

  e it is cut down and Ps 90:6

  of my hands as the e Ps 141:2

  e do not withhold your Eccl 11:6

  and more fierce than e Hab 1:8


  God of Israel from e 1 Chr 16:36

  of the LORD is from e Ps 103:17

  righteousness is an e Ps 119:142

  Your kingdom is an e Ps 145:13

  in YAH, the LORD, is e Is 26:4

  will be to you an e Is 60:19

  from E is Your name Is 63:16

  awake, some to e life Dan 12:2

  not perish but have e John 3:16

  Him who sent Me has e John 5:24

  endures to e life John 6:27

  in Him may have e John 6:40

  believes in Me has e John 6:47

  unworthy of e life Acts 13:46

  of the Spirit reap e Gal 6:8

  e destruction from the 2 Thess 1:9


  said, ‘Repent now e Jer 25:5

  e who is born of the John 3:8

  E who is of the truth John 18:37


  e of things not seen Heb 11:1


  the sight of God is e Gal 3:11

  of some are clearly e 1 Tim 5:25

  e that our Lord arose Heb 7:14


  of good and e Gen 2:9

  knowing good and e Gen 3:5

  his heart was only e Gen 6:5

  e have been the Gen 47:9

  rebellious and e city Ezra 4:12

  e shall touch you Job 5:19

  I looked for good, e Job 30:26

  nor shall e dwell Ps 5:4

  I will fear no e Ps 23:4

  E shall slay the Ps 34:21

  he does not abhor e Ps 36:4

  e more than good Ps 52:3

  e shall befall you Ps 91:10

  To do e is like sport Prov 10:23

  shall be filled with e Prov 12:21

  e will bow before the Prov 14:19

  Keeping watch on the e Prov 15:3

  Whoever rewards e Prov 17:13

  E will not depart Prov 17:13

  e all the days of her Prov 31:12

  There is a severe e Eccl 5:13

  of men are full of e Eccl 9:3

  to those who call e Is 5:20

  is taken away from e Is 57:1

  of peace and not of e Jer 29:11

  commit this great e Jer 44:7

  Seek good and not e Amos 5:14

  deliver us from the e Matt 6:13

  If you then, being e Matt 7:11

  “Why do you think e Matt 9:4

  e treasure brings Matt 12:35

  everyone practicing e John 3:20

  bear witness of the e John 18:23

  e I will not to do Rom 7:19

  then a law, that e Rom 7:21

  done any good or e Rom 9:11

  Abhor what is e Rom 12:9

  Repay no one e for Rom 12:17

  not be overcome by e Rom 12:21

  simple concerning e Rom 16:19

  provoked, thinks no e 1 Cor 13:5

  from every form of e 1 Thess 5:22


  Babylonian king (562–560 B.C.), 2 Kin 25:27–30


  strife, deceit, e Rom 1:29


  “If He were not an e John 18:30

  suffer trouble as an e 2 Tim 2:9

  a thief, an e 1 Pet 4:15


  e shall be cut off Ps 37:9

  Depart from me, you e Ps 119:115

  iniquity, a brood of e Is 1:4

  e shall never be Is 14:20

  against you as e 1 Pet 2:12


  e have surrounded me Ps 40:12

  have committed two e Jer 2:13


  God, and I will e Ex 15:2

  e the horn of His 1 Sam 2:10

  e His name together Ps 34:3

  E the LORD our God Ps 99:5

  are my God, I will e Ps 118:28

  if I do not e Ps 137:6

  into heaven, I will e Is 14:13

  E the humble Ezek 21:26

  and he shall e himself Dan 8:25


  e comes neither from Ps 75:6

  who rejoice in My e Is 13:3

  brother glory in his e James 1:9


  Let God be e 2 Sam 22:47

  built You an e 2 Chr 6:2

  name, which is e Neh 9:5

  when vileness is e Ps 12:8

  I will be e among the Ps 46:10

  righteous shall be e Ps 75:10

  favor our horn is e Ps 89:17

  You are e far above Ps 97:9

  His name alone is e Ps 148:13

  upright the city is e Prov 11:11

  LORD alone shall be e Is 2:11

  valley shall be e Is 40:4

  Him God has e Acts 5:31

  And lest I should be e 2 Cor 12:7

  also has highly e Phil 2:9


  Righteousness e Prov 14:34

  high thing that e 2 Cor 10:5

  e himself above all 2 Thess 2:4


  E me, O LORD Ps 26:2

  But let a man e 1 Cor 11:28

  But let each one e Gal 6:4


  to make her a public e Matt 1:19

  I have given you an e John 13:15

  in following my e Phil 3:17

  to make ourselves an e 2 Thess 3:9

  youth, but be an e 1 Tim 4:12

  us, leaving us an e 1 Pet 2:21

  making them an e 2 Pet 2:6

  are set forth as an e Jude 7


  happened to them as e 1 Cor 10:11

  so that you became e 1 Thess 1:7

  to you, but being e 1 Pet 5:3


  He might show the e Eph 2:7


  for the LORD must be e 1 Chr 22:5

  You have made him e Ps 21:6

  is far off and e deep Eccl 7:24

  e high mountain Matt 4:8

  Rejoice and be e Matt 5:12


  your righteousness e Matt 5:20


  you His angels, who e Ps 103:20

  but you e them all Prov 31:29

  that you seek to e 1 Cor 14:12


  e You have overthrown Ex 15:7

  did not come with e 1 Cor 2:1


  He is e in power Job 37:23

  It shall be as e Ps 141:5

  will speak of e things Prov 8:6

  like Lebanon, e Song 5:15

  for He has done e Is 12:5

  in counsel and e Is 28:29

  Inasmuch as an e Dan 5:12

  the things that are e Rom 2:18

  the things that are e Phil 1:10

  e sacrifice than Cain Heb 11:4

  came to Him from the E 2 Pet 1:17


  Do you see a man who e Prov 22:29

  I saw that wisdom e Eccl 2:13

  of the glory that e 2 Cor 3:10


  man give in e for his soul Matt 16:26


  Nor can it be e Job 28:17

  e the truth of God for Rom 1:25

  For even their women e Rom 1:26


  you, and when they e Luke 6:22

  they want to e you Gal 4:17


  God be angry at your e Eccl 5:6

  but now they have no e John 15:22

  they are without e Rom 1:20

  do you think that we e 2 Cor 12:19


  began to make e Luke 14:18


  e vengeance on the Ps 149:7

  if you th
oroughly e Jer 7:5

  e the fierceness Hos 11:9

  e judgment also John 5:27

  e wrath on him who Rom 13:4


  by the judgment He e Ps 9:16

  e righteousness Ps 103:6

  e justice for the Ps 146:7

  e justice for me Mic 7:9


  those who are great e Matt 20:25

  e yourself toward 1 Tim 4:7

  e profits a little 1 Tim 4:8


  have their senses e Heb 5:14


  we command and e 2 Thess 3:12

  e him as a father 1 Tim 5:1

  and e these things 1 Tim 6:2

  doctrine, both to e Titus 1:9

  Speak these things, e Titus 2:15

  e one another Heb 3:13


  you have any word of e Acts 13:15

  he who exhorts, in e Rom 12:8

  to reading, to e 1 Tim 4:13

  with the word of e Heb 13:22


  For I earnestly e Jer 11:7

  e and strengthened Acts 15:32

  as you know how we e 1 Thess 2:11


  and also an e from 2 Sam 15:19

  The captive e hastens Is 51:14


  things which do not e Rom 4:17

  by Your will they e Rev 4:11


  an hour you do not e Luke 12:40


  The e of the poor Ps 9:18

  God alone, for my e Ps 62:5

  the people were in e Luke 3:15

  a certain fearful e Heb 10:27


  and the e enchanter Is 3:3

  those of an e warrior Jer 50:9

  because you are e Acts 26:3


  was no one who could e Gen 41:24

  days they could not e Judg 14:14

  “E this parable to us Matt 15:15

  to say, and hard to e Heb 5:11


  He e all things to His Mark 4:34


  e all your Is 58:3

  against those who e Mal 3:5

  they will e you with 2 Pet 2:3


  his deeds should be e John 3:20

  all things that are e Eph 5:13


  He e to them in all Luke 24:27


  man cannot e it Eccl 1:8

  of His glory and the e Heb 1:3


  of the LORD came e Ezek 1:3

  Now the Spirit e 1 Tim 4:1


  none to e mercy to him Ps 109:12

  “Behold, I will e Is 66:12

  did not e to you 2 Cor 10:14


  broken, my days are e Job 17:1

  They are e Is 43:17


  I will e You Ps 30:1

  e Him who rides Ps 68:4


  shall be exalted and e Is 52:13


  e gathers it for him Prov 28:8

  your neighbors by e Ezek 22:12

  they are full of e Matt 23:25


  e will inherit 1 Cor 6:10


  in anguish I would e Job 6:10


  e for e Ex 21:24

  the ear, but now my e Job 42:5

  guide you with My e Ps 32:8

  Behold, the e of the Ps 33:18

  He who formed the e Ps 94:9

  and the seeing e Prov 20:12

  who has a generous e Prov 22:9

  A man with an evil e Prov 28:22

  e that mocks his Prov 30:17

  e is not satisfied Eccl 1:8

  labors, nor is his e Eccl 4:8

  for they shall see e Is 52:8

  e seen any God besides Is 64:4

  the apple of His e Zech 2:8

  if your right e Matt 5:29

  it was said, ‘An e Matt 5:38

  plank in your own e Matt 7:3

  e causes you to sin Matt 18:9

  Or is your e evil Matt 20:15

  e causes you to sin Mark 9:47

  the e of a needle Luke 18:25

  “Because I am not an e 1 Cor 12:16

  whole body were an e 1 Cor 12:17

  the twinkling of an e 1 Cor 15:52

  every e will see Him Rev 1:7

  your eyes with e salve Rev 3:18


  His eyes behold, His e Ps 11:4

  e look right before Prov 4:25


  e will be opened Gen 3:5

  and you can be our e Num 10:31

  she put paint on her e 2 Kin 9:30

  For the e of the 2 Chr 16:9

  Do You have e of flesh Job 10:4

  And my e shall behold Job 19:27

  I was e to the blind Job 29:15

  e observe from afar Job 39:29

  e are secretly fixed Ps 10:8

  e are ever toward the Ps 25:15

  The e of the LORD are Ps 34:15

  e fail while I wait Ps 69:3

  e shall you look Ps 91:8

  I will lift up my e Ps 121:1

  not give sleep to my e Ps 132:4

  e saw my substance Ps 139:16

  e look straight ahead Prov 4:25

  but the e of a fool Prov 17:24

  Will you set your e Prov 23:5

  Who has redness of e Prov 23:29

  be wise in his own e Prov 26:5

  so the e of man are Prov 27:20

  The wise man’s e Eccl 2:14

  e than the wandering Eccl 6:9

  You have dove’s e Song 1:15

  e have seen the King Is 6:5

  of the book, and the e Is 29:18

  e fail from looking Is 38:14

  O LORD, are not Your e Jer 5:3

  Who have e and see Jer 5:21

  e will weep bitterly Jer 13:17

  For I will set My e Jer 24:6

  rims were full of e Ezek 1:18

  full of e all around Ezek 10:12

  that horn which had e Dan 7:20

  horn between his e Dan 8:5

  You are of purer e Hab 1:13

  But blessed are your e Matt 13:16

  “He put clay on my e John 9:15

  e they have closed Acts 28:27

  e that they should not Rom 11:8

  plucked out your own e Gal 4:15

  have seen with our e 1 John 1:1

  the lust of the e 1 John 2:16

  as snow, and His e Rev 1:14

  and anoint your e Rev 3:18

  creatures full of e Rev 4:6

  horns and seven e Rev 5:6

  tear from their e Rev 21:4


  not with e Eph 6:6

  the flesh, not with e Col 3:22


  the beginning were e Luke 1:2

  e of His majesty 2 Pet 1:16


  Sent to rebellious Israel, Ezek 2; 3

  Prophesies by symbolic action:

  siege of Jerusalem, Ezek 4

  destruction of Jerusalem, Ezek 5

  captivity of Judah, Ezek 12:1–20

  destruction of the temple, Ezek 24:15–27

  Visions of:

  God’s glory, Ezek 1:4–28

  abominations, Ezek 8:5–18

  valley of dry bones, Ezek 37:1–14

  messianic times, Ezek 40–48

  river of life, Ezek 47:1–5

  Parables, allegories, dirges of, Ezek 15; 16; 17; 19; 23; 24



  Town on the Red Sea, 1 Kin 9:26

  Israelite encampment, Num 33:35

  Seaport of Israel’s navy, 1 Kin 22:48


  Scribe, priest and reformer of postexilic times; commissioned by Artaxerxes, Ezra 7

  Returns with exiles to Jerusalem, Ezra 8

; Institutes reforms, Ezra 9

  Reads the Law, Neh 8

  Assists in dedication of wall, Neh 12:27–43


  nor give heed to f 1 Tim 1:4

  be turned aside to f 2 Tim 4:4

  cunningly devised f 2 Pet 1:16


  “For I have seen God f Gen 32:30

  f shone while he Ex 34:29

  he put a veil on his f Ex 34:33

  the LORD make His f Num 6:25

  Then he turned his f 2 Kin 20:2

  curse You to Your f Job 1:11

  me, I will see Your f Ps 17:15

  Why do You hide Your f Ps 44:24

  and cause His f Ps 67:1

  of his f is changed Eccl 8:1

  sins have hidden His f Is 59:2

  I have made your f Ezek 3:8

  but to us shame of f Dan 9:7

  deep sleep on my f Dan 10:9

  before Your f who Matt 11:10

  f shone like the sun Matt 17:2

  always before my f Acts 2:25

  dimly, but then f 1 Cor 13:12

  look steadily at the f 2 Cor 3:7

  with unveiled f 2 Cor 3:18

  withstood him to his f Gal 2:11

  his natural f in a James 1:23

  but the f of the LORD 1 Pet 3:12

  They shall see His f Rev 22:4


  f were not ashamed Ps 34:5

  hid, as it were, our f Is 53:3

  be afraid of their f Jer 1:8

  and all f turned pale Jer 30:6

  they disfigure their f Matt 6:16


  there must also be f 1 Cor 11:19


  we all f as a leaf Is 64:6

  and the leaf shall f Jer 8:13

  rich man also will f James 1:11

  and that does not f 1 Pet 1:4


  withers, the flower f Is 40:7


  eyes shall look and f Deut 28:32

  flesh and my heart f Ps 73:26

  of the thirsty to f Is 32:6

  their tongues f Is 41:17

  whose waters do not f Is 58:11

  have caused wine to f Jer 48:33

  of the olive may f Hab 3:17

  nor shall the vine f Mal 3:11

  that when you f Luke 16:9

  tittle of the law to f Luke 16:17

  faith should not f Luke 22:32

  they will f 1 Cor 13:8

  Your years will not f Heb 1:12

  For the time would f Heb 11:32


  Not a word f of any Josh 21:45

  My relatives have f Job 19:14

  refuge has f me Ps 142:4


  men’s hearts f Luke 21:26


  my strength f because Ps 31:10

  my spirit f Ps 143:7

  and every vision f Ezek 12:22

  Love never f 1 Cor 13:8


  the youths shall f Is 40:30

  shall walk and not f Is 40:31

  my heart is f in me Jer 8:18

  and the infants f Lam 2:11


  thirsty, their soul f Ps 107:5


  unruly, comfort the f 1 Thess 5:14


  longs, yes, even f Ps 84:2

  My soul f for Your Ps 119:81

  And the whole heart f Is 1:5

  the earth, neither f Is 40:28



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