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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 723

by John MacArthur

  Behold, you are f Song 1:15

  of the Lord is not f Ezek 18:25

  to a place called F Acts 27:8

  what is just and f Col 4:1


  These were more f Acts 17:11


  f than the sons Ps 45:2


  another beloved, O f Song 5:9

  your beloved gone, O f Song 6:1


  in whom is no f Deut 32:20

  shall live by his f Hab 2:4

  you, O you of little f Matt 6:30

  not found such great f Matt 8:10

  f as a mustard seed Matt 17:20

  that you have no f Mark 4:40

  to them, “Have f Mark 11:22

  “Increase our f Luke 17:5

  will He really find f Luke 18:8

  a man full of f Acts 6:5

  are sanctified by f Acts 26:18

  for obedience to the f Rom 1:5

  God is revealed from f Rom 1:17

  God, through f Rom 3:22

  f apart from the deeds Rom 3:28

  his f is accounted for Rom 4:5

  f is made void and the Rom 4:14

  those who are of the f Rom 4:16

  f which we preach Rom 10:8

  f comes by hearing Rom 10:17

  and you stand by f Rom 11:20

  in proportion to our f Rom 12:6

  Do you have f Rom 14:22

  he does not eat from f Rom 14:23

  though I have all f 1 Cor 13:2

  And now abide f 1 Cor 13:13

  For we walk by f 2 Cor 5:7

  the flesh I live by f Gal 2:20

  or by the hearing of f Gal 3:2

  f are sons of Abraham Gal 3:7

  the law is not of f Gal 3:12

  But after f has come Gal 3:25

  f working through love Gal 5:6

  of the household of f Gal 6:10

  been saved through f Eph 2:8

  one Lord, one f Eph 4:5

  to the unity of the f Eph 4:13

  taking the shield of f Eph 6:16

  your work of f 1 Thess 1:3

  for not all have f 2 Thess 3:2

  having f and a good 1 Tim 1:19

  the mystery of the f 1 Tim 3:9

  he has denied the f 1 Tim 5:8

  I have kept the f 2 Tim 4:7

  in our common f Titus 1:4

  not being mixed with f Heb 4:2

  f is the substance Heb 11:1

  without f it is Heb 11:6

  someone says he has f James 2:14

  Show me your f James 2:18

  and not by f only James 2:24

  f will save the sick James 5:15

  add to your f virtue 2 Pet 1:5

  on your most holy f Jude 20

  the patience and the f Rev 13:10

  of God and the f Rev 14:12


  God, He is God, the f Deut 7:9

  f disappear from among Ps 12:1

  LORD preserves the f Ps 31:23

  whose spirit was not f Ps 78:8

  eyes shall be on the f Ps 101:6

  f spirit conceals a Prov 11:13

  But who can find a f Prov 20:6

  f witness between us Jer 42:5

  the Holy One who is f Hos 11:12

  “Who then is a f Matt 24:45

  good and f servant Matt 25:23

  He who is f in what Luke 16:10

  if you have not been f Luke 16:12

  have judged me to be f Acts 16:15

  God is f 1 Cor 1:9

  is my beloved and f 1 Cor 4:17

  But as God is f 2 Cor 1:18

  f brethren in Christ Col 1:2

  He who calls you is f 1 Thess 5:24

  This is a f saying and 1 Tim 1:15

  f High Priest in Heb 2:17

  as Moses also was f Heb 3:2

  He who promised is f Heb 10:23

  He is f and just to 1 John 1:9

  Be f until death Rev 2:10

  words are true and f Rev 21:5


  I have declared Your f Ps 40:10

  f You shall establish Ps 89:2

  Your f also surrounds Ps 89:8

  and Your f every night Ps 92:2

  f endures to all Ps 119:90

  In Your f answer me Ps 143:1

  counsels of old are f Is 25:1

  great is Your f Lam 3:23

  unbelief make the f Rom 3:3


  “O f generation Mark 9:19

  If we are f 2 Tim 2:13


  a deep sleep to f Gen 2:21

  but do not let me f 2 Sam 24:14

  Let them f by their Ps 5:10

  For I am ready to f Ps 38:17

  Yes, all kings shall f Ps 72:11

  righteous man may f Prov 24:16

  but the wicked shall f Prov 24:16

  digs a pit will f Prov 26:27

  all their host shall f Is 34:4

  men shall utterly f Is 40:30

  of music, you shall f Dan 3:5

  And great was its f Matt 7:27

  the blind, both will f Matt 15:14

  the stars will f Matt 24:29

  “I saw Satan f Luke 10:18

  that they should f Rom 11:11

  take heed lest he f 1 Cor 10:12

  with pride he f 1 Tim 3:6

  if they f away Heb 6:6

  lest anyone f short of Heb 12:15

  it all joy when you f James 1:2

  and rocks, “F on us Rev 6:16


  “Babylon is f Is 21:9

  you have f from grace Gal 5:4

  And I saw a star f Rev 9:1

  “Babylon is f Rev 14:8


  great drops of blood f Luke 22:44

  f away comes first 2 Thess 2:3


  who is alone when he f Eccl 4:10

  And whoever f Matt 21:44

  master he stands or f Rom 14:4

  its flower f James 1:11

  so that no rain f Rev 11:6


  “You shall not bear f Ex 20:16

  I hate every f way Ps 119:104

  gives heed to f lips Prov 17:4

  f witness shall perish Prov 21:28

  and do not love a f Zech 8:17

  “Beware of f prophets Matt 7:15

  f christs and f Matt 24:24

  and we are found f 1 Cor 15:15

  among f brethren 2 Cor 11:26

  of f brethren Gal 2:4

  f prophets have gone 1 John 4:1

  mouth of the f prophet Rev 16:13


  those who speak f Ps 5:6

  and brings forth f Ps 7:14

  For their deceit is f Ps 119:118

  remove f and lies far Prov 30:8

  under f we have hidden Is 28:15

  offspring of f Is 57:4


  it, and swears f Lev 6:3

  nor have we dealt f Ps 44:17

  surely they swear f Jer 5:2

  words, swearing f Hos 10:4

  of evil against you f Matt 5:11

  f called knowledge 1 Tim 6:20


  Sheba heard of the f 1 Kin 10:1

  Your f went out Ezek 16:14

  them for praise and f Zeph 3:19

  Then His f went Matt 4:24


  in you all the f Gen 12:3

  and makes their f Ps 107:41

  the God of all the f Jer 31:1

  f which the LORD has Jer 33:24

  in your seed all the f Acts 3:25


  shall mourn, every f Zech 12:12

  f were baptized Acts 16:33

  from whom the whole f Eph 3:15


  Now there was a f Gen 12:10

  keep them alive in f Ps 33:19

  He called for a f Ps 105:16

  send the sword, the f Jer 24:10

  of the fever of f Lam 5:10

  I wil
l increase the f Ezek 5:16

  there arose a severe f Luke 15:14


  And there will be f Matt 24:7


  righteous soul to f Prov 10:3


  honorable men are f Is 5:13


  and may his name be f Ruth 4:14


  not to f or to cleanse Jer 4:11

  His winnowing f Matt 3:12


  with their own f Prov 1:31


  removed my brothers f Job 19:13

  Your judgments are f Ps 10:5

  Be not f from Me Ps 22:11

  those who are f Ps 73:27

  The LORD is f from the Prov 15:29

  but it was f from me Eccl 7:23

  removed their hearts f Is 29:13

  Those near and those f Ezek 22:5

  their heart is f from Matt 15:8

  going to a f country Mark 13:34

  though He is not f Acts 17:27

  you who once were f Eph 2:13


  The hardworking f 2 Tim 2:6

  See how the f waits James 5:7


  have made me and f Job 10:8


  He f their hearts Ps 33:15


  f for me Esth 4:16

  f as you do this day Is 58:4

  f that I have chosen Is 58:5

  Consecrate a f Joel 1:14

  “Moreover, when you f Matt 6:16

  disciples do not f Matt 9:14

  I f twice a week Luke 18:12


  ‘Why have we f Is 58:3

  ‘When you f and Zech 7:5

  And when He had f Matt 4:2


  were its foundations f Job 38:6

  ‘the peg that is f Is 22:25


  I was f and praying Neh 1:4

  humbled myself with f Ps 35:13

  are weak through f Ps 109:24

  house on the day of f Jer 36:6

  prayer and supplications, with f Dan 9:3

  except by prayer and f Matt 17:21

  Four days ago I was f Acts 10:30

  give yourselves to f 1 Cor 7:5


  served God with f and prayers Luke 2:37

  in sleeplessness, in f 2 Cor 6:5

  in f often 2 Cor 11:27


  and you will eat the f Gen 45:18

  f is the LORD’s Lev 3:16

  Now Eglon was a very f Judg 3:17

  have closed up their f Ps 17:10


  man shall leave his f Gen 2:24

  and you shall be a f Gen 17:4

  ‘You are my f Job 17:14

  I was a f to the poor Job 29:16

  A f of the fatherless Ps 68:5

  f pities his children Ps 103:13

  the instruction of a f Prov 4:1

  God, Everlasting F Is 9:6

  You, O LORD, are our F Is 63:16

  time cry to Me, My F Jer 3:4

  for I am a F to Israel Jer 31:9

  “A son honors his f Mal 1:6

  Have we not all one F Mal 2:10

  Our F in heaven Matt 6:9

  He who loves f Matt 10:37

  does anyone know the F Matt 11:27

  ‘He who curses f Matt 15:4

  for One is your F Matt 23:9

  F will be divided Luke 12:53

  F loves the Son John 3:35

  F has been working John 5:17

  F raises the dead John 5:21

  F judges no one John 5:22

  He has seen the F John 6:46

  F who sent Me bears John 8:18

  we have one F John 8:41

  of your f the devil John 8:44

  I and My F are one John 10:30

  and believe that the F John 10:38

  ‘I am going to the F John 14:28

  F is the vinedresser John 15:l

  came forth from the F John 16:28

  that he might be the f Rom 4:11

  “I have made you a f Rom 4:17

  “I will be a F 2 Cor 6:18

  one God and F of all Eph 4:6

  but exhort him as a f 1 Tim 5:1

  “I will be to Him a F Heb 1:5

  without f, without mother Heb 7:3

  comes down from the F James 1:17

  if you call on the F 1 Pet 1:17

  and testify that the F 1 John 4:14


  you in My F kingdom Matt 26:29

  I must be about My F Luke 2:49

  F house are many John 14:2

  that a man has his f 1 Cor 5:1


  my hand against the f Job 31:21

  the helper of the f Ps 10:14

  to do justice to the f Ps 10:18

  He relieves the f Ps 146:9

  the fields of the f Prov 23:10

  do not defend the f Is 1:23

  they may rob the f Is 10:2

  You the f finds mercy Hos 14:3


  the LORD God of our f Ezra 7:27

  f trusted in You Ps 22:4

  our ears, O God, our f Ps 44:1

  have sinned with our f Ps 106:6

  f ate the manna John 6:31

  of whom are the f Rom 9:5

  you do not have many f 1 Cor 4:15

  unaware that all our f 1 Cor 10:1


  and the f together Is 11:6


  as with marrow and f Ps 63:5

  of the root and f Rom 11:17


  f cattle are Matt 22:4

  has killed the f Luke 15:27


  f your hearts as James 5:5


  find no charge or f Dan 6:4

  I have found no f Luke 23:14

  does He still find f Rom 9:19

  of God without f Phil 2:15

  for they are without f Rev 14:5


  covenant had been f Heb 8:7

  to present you f Jude 24


  “I remember my f Gen 41:9

  me from secret f Ps 19:12

  are beaten for your f 1 Pet 2:20


  granted me life and f Job 10:12

  f You will Ps 5:12

  His f is for life Ps 30:5

  A good man obtains f Prov 12:2

  but his f is like dew Prov 19:12

  and seek the LORD’s f Jer 26:19

  and stature, and in f Luke 2:52

  God and having f Acts 2:47

  to do the Jews a f Acts 24:27


  And will He be f Ps 77:7

  LORD, You have been f Ps 85:1


  because You f them Ps 44:3

  “Rejoice, highly f Luke 1:28


  do not show personal f Luke 20:21

  God shows personal f Gal 2:6


  this and live, for I f God Gen 42:18

  f the people of the Num 14:9

  to put the dread and f Deut 2:25

  f Me all the days Deut 4:10

  f the LORD your God Deut 6:2

  book, that you may f Deut 28:58

  said, “Does Job f Job 1:9

  Yes, you cast off f Job 15:4

  Surely no f of me will Job 33:7

  He mocks at f Job 39:22

  they are in great f Ps 14:5

  The f of the LORD is Ps 19:9

  of death, I will f Ps 23:4

  whom shall I f Ps 27:1

  Let all the earth f Ps 33:8

  Oh, f the LORD Ps 34:9

  there is no f of God Ps 36:1

  they are in great f Ps 53:5

  hear, all you who f Ps 66:16

  f You as long as the Ps 72:5

  heart to f Your name Ps 86:11

  The f of the LORD is Ps 111:10

  f You will be glad Ps 119:74<
br />
  f the LORD and depart Prov 3:7

  The f of man brings a Prov 29:25

  it, that men should f Eccl 3:14

  F God and keep His Eccl 12:13

  let Him be your f Is 8:13

  “Be strong, do not f Is 35:4

  Do you not f Me Jer 5:22

  who would not f Jer 10:7

  but I will put My f Jer 32:40

  who f My name the Sun Mal 4:2

  f Him who is able Matt 10:28

  “Do not f Luke 12:32

  a judge who did not f Luke 18:2

  “Do you not even f Luke 23:40

  And walking in the f Acts 9:31

  the rest also may f 1 Tim 5:20

  given us a spirit of f 2 Tim 1:7

  those who through f Heb 2:15

  His rest, let us f Heb 4:1

  because of His godly f Heb 5:7

  F God 1 Pet 2:17

  love casts out f 1 John 4:18

  Do not f any of Rev 2:10


  But the midwives f Ex 1:17

  He is also to be f 1 Chr 16:25

  f God more than Neh 7:2

  Yourself, are to be f Ps 76:7

  Then those who f Mal 3:16


  f in praises, doing Ex 15:11

  them, “Why are you f Matt 8:26

  It is a f thing to Heb 10:31


  to those who are f Is 35:4


  f and wonderfully made Ps 139:14


  F and trembling have Ps 55:5

  f has seized the Is 33:14


  is devoted to f You Ps 119:38

  sincerity of heart, f Col 3:22

  forsook Egypt, not f Heb 11:27


  upright man, one who f Job 1:8

  Who is the man that f Ps 25:12

  me from all my f Ps 34:4

  an oath as he who f Eccl 9:2

  every nation whoever f Acts 10:35

  f has not been made 1 John 4:18


  Then he made them a f Gen 19:3

  and you shall keep a f Num 29:12

  f is made for laughter Eccl 10:19

  f day the terrors that Lam 2:22

  hate, I despise your f Amos 5:21

  every year at the F Luke 2:41

  when you give a f Luke 14:13

  Now the Passover, a f John 6:4

  great day of the f John 7:37

  let us keep the f 1 Cor 5:8


  go to the house of f Eccl 7:2


  I will turn your f Amos 8:10

  the best places at f Luke 20:46

  spots in your love f Jude 12


  f me all my life long Gen 48:15

  and f you with manna Deut 8:3

  but the shepherds f Ezek 34:8

  f you with milk and 1 Cor 3:2


  strengthened the f Job 4:4

  And there was none f Ps 105:37

  And my flesh is f Ps 109:24

  Every hand will be f Ezek 7:17

  hang down, and the f Heb 12:12


  ravens to f you there 1 Kin 17:4

  death shall f on them Ps 49:14

  of the righteous f Prov 10:21

  and f your flocks Is 61:5

  to him, “F My lambs John 21:15

  to him, “F My sheep John 21:17


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