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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 744

by John MacArthur

stouthearted were p Ps 76:5

  a people robbed and p Is 42:22

  “And when you are p Jer 4:30

  Because you have p Hab 2:8


  me because of the p Is 22:4

  accepted the p of your Heb 10:34


  some of your own p Acts 17:28


  the p of asps is under Ps 140:3

  “The p of asps is Rom 3:13

  evil, full of deadly p James 3:8


  p by bitterness Acts 8:23

  p their minds against Acts 14:2


  have escaped the p 2 Pet 2:20


  multitude and their p Is 5:14

  p is brought down to Is 14:11

  had come with great p Acts 25:23


  and a mouth speaking p Dan 7:8


  P the path of your Prov 4:26


  p them in her heart Luke 2:19


  p all his paths Prov 5:21


  Jews from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:5, 9

  Home of Aquila, Acts 18:2

  Christians of, addressed by Peter, 1 Pet 1:1


  the wilderness a p Is 41:18

  by the Sheep Gate a p John 5:2


  also covers it with p Ps 84:6

  a wilderness into p Ps 107:35

  your eyes like the p Song 7:4


  p shall not give less Ex 30:15

  be partial to the p Lev 19:15

  p will never cease Deut 15:11

  So the p have hope Job 5:16

  and forsaken the p Job 20:19

  I delivered the p Job 29:12

  soul grieved for the p Job 30:25

  p shall eat and be Ps 22:26

  p man cried out Ps 34:6

  But I am p and needy Ps 40:17

  goodness for the p Ps 68:10

  Let the p and needy Ps 74:21

  yet He sets the p Ps 107:41

  He raises the p Ps 113:7

  a slack hand becomes p Prov 10:4

  p man is hated even Prov 14:20

  has mercy on the p Prov 14:21

  who oppresses the p Prov 14:31

  p reproaches his Maker Prov 17:5

  p man is better than a Prov 19:22

  p have this in common Prov 22:2

  Do not rob the p Prov 22:22

  p man who oppresses Prov 28:3

  remembered that same p Eccl 9:15

  for silver, and the p Amos 2:6

  the alien or the p Zech 7:10

  in particular the p Zech 11:7

  “Blessed are the p Matt 5:3

  p have the gospel Matt 11:5

  For you have the p Matt 26:11

  your sakes He became p 2 Cor 8:9

  should remember the p Gal 2:10

  God not chosen the p James 2:5

  have dishonored the p James 2:6

  wretched, miserable, p Rev 3:17


  Paul stands trial before, Acts 25:1–22


  For the LORD’s p Deut 32:9

  double p of your spirit 2 Kin 2:9

  This is the p from God Job 20:29

  O LORD, You are the p Ps 16:5

  heart and my p forever Ps 73:26

  You are my p Ps 119:57

  I will divide Him a p Is 53:12

  rejoice in their p Is 61:7

  The P of Jacob is not Jer 10:16

  they have trodden My p Jer 12:10

  “The LORD is my p Lam 3:24

  and appoint him his p Matt 24:51

  to give them their p Luke 12:42

  give me the p Luke 15:12


  Christ was clearly p Gal 3:1


  If a man desires the p 1 Tim 3:1


  descendants shall p Gen 22:17

  p the land which Josh 1:11

  By your patience p Luke 21:19

  p his own vessel 1 Thess 4:4


  much land yet to be p Josh 13:1

  “The LORD p me at Prov 8:22

  of the things he p Acts 4:32


  and yet p all things 2 Cor 6:10


  as an everlasting p Gen 17:8

  the rest of their p Ps 17:14

  they did not gain p Ps 44:3

  of the purchased p Eph 1:14

  and an enduring p Heb 10:34


  is full of Your p Ps 104:24

  kinds of precious p Prov 1:13

  Yes, I had greater p Eccl 2:7

  for he had great p Mark 10:22

  and there wasted his p Luke 15:13

  and sold their p Acts 2:45


  God all things are p Matt 19:26

  p that the blood Heb 10:4


  to preserve a p Gen 45:7

  p shall serve Him Ps 22:30

  p who approve their Ps 49:13


  to Aaron, “Take a p Ex 16:33

  from a boiling p Job 41:20

  The refining p is for Prov 17:3

  p that had the manna Heb 9:4


  the blessed and only P 1 Tim 6:15


  High Egyptian officer, Gen 39:1

  Puts Joseph in jail, Gen 39:20


  when we sat by the p Ex 16:3

  also took away the p Jer 52:18

  are regarded as clay p Lam 4:2


  for himself a p Job 2:8

  is dried up like a p Ps 22:15

  Let the p strive with Is 45:9


  Judas’s money used for purchase of, Matt 27:7, 8


  p out your heart Ps 62:8

  P out Your wrath Ps 79:6

  p My Spirit on your Is 44:3

  and let the skies p Is 45:8

  P out Your fury Jer 10:25

  that I will p out My Joel 2:28

  “And I will p Zech 12:10

  angels, “Go and p Rev 16:1


  And now my soul is p Job 30:16

  I am p out like water Ps 22:14

  grace is p upon Your Ps 45:2

  name is ointment p Song 1:3

  visited You, they p Is 26:16

  strong, because He p Is 53:12

  and My fury will be p Jer 7:20

  His fury is p out like Nah 1:6

  broke the flask and p Mark 14:3

  of God has been p Rom 5:5

  if I am being p Phil 2:17

  I am already being p 2 Tim 4:6

  whom He p out on us Titus 3:6


  of the poor is their p Prov 10:15

  but it leads to p Prov 11:24

  P and shame will come Prov 13:18

  leads only to p Prov 14:23

  lest you come to p Prov 20:13

  give me neither p Prov 30:8

  p put in all the Luke 21:4

  and their deep p 2 Cor 8:2

  p might become rich 2 Cor 8:9

  tribulation, and p Rev 2:9


  that I may show My p Ex 9:16

  become glorious in p Ex 15:6

  for God has p to help 2 Chr 25:8

  him who is without p Job 26:2

  p who can understand Job 26:14

  p belongs to God Ps 62:11

  p Your enemies shall Ps 66:3

  gives strength and p Ps 68:35

  a king is, there is p Eccl 8:4

  No one has p over the Eccl 8:8

  the strength of His p Is 40:26

  truly I am full of p Mic 3:8

  anger and great in p Nah 1:3

  ‘Not by might nor by p Zech 4:6

  the kingdom and the p Matt 6:13

sp; the Son of Man has p Matt 9:6

  who had given such p Matt 9:8

  p over unclean spirits Matt 10:1

  Scriptures nor the p Matt 22:29

  p to heal sicknesses Mark 3:15

  p had gone out of Him Mark 5:30

  Jesus returned in the p Luke 4:14

  And the p of the Lord Luke 5:17

  p went out from Him Luke 6:19

  you are endued with p Luke 24:49

  I have p to lay it John 10:18

  not know that I have p John 19:10

  “You could have no p John 19:11

  you shall receive p Acts 1:8

  as though by our own p Acts 3:12

  man is the great p Acts 8:10

  “Give me this p Acts 8:19

  for it is the p Rom 1:16

  even His eternal p Rom 1:20

  saved it is the p 1 Cor 1:18

  Greeks, Christ the p 1 Cor 1:24

  not in word but in p 1 Cor 4:20

  be brought under the p 1 Cor 6:12

  that the p of Christ 2 Cor 12:9

  greatness of His p Eph 1:19

  working of His p Eph 3:7

  the Lord and in the p Eph 6:10

  to His glorious p Col 1:11

  the glory of His p 2 Thess 1:9

  of fear, but of p 2 Tim 1:7

  by the word of His p Heb 1:3

  p of death, that Heb 2:14

  but according to the p Heb 7:16

  as His divine p 2 Pet 1:3

  dominion and p Jude 25

  to him I will give p Rev 2:26

  glory and honor and p Rev 4:11

  honor and glory and p Rev 5:13


  of the LORD is p Ps 29:4

  of God is living and p Heb 4:12


  principalities and p Col 2:15

  word of God and the p Heb 6:5


  Pilate’s, in Jerusalem, Mark 15:16; John 18:28; Matt 27:27

  ———Herod’s palace at Caesarea, Acts 23:35


  your brothers shall p Gen 49:8

  He is your p Deut 10:21

  I will sing p to the Judg 5:3

  p shall be of You in Ps 22:25

  For p from the upright Ps 33:1

  p shall continually be Ps 34:1

  the people shall p Ps 45:17

  Whoever offers p Ps 50:23

  P is awaiting You Ps 65:1

  make His p glorious Ps 66:2

  let all the peoples p Ps 67:3

  Let heaven and earth p Ps 69:34

  p shall be continually Ps 71:6

  And the heavens will p Ps 89:5

  silent, O God of my p Ps 109:1

  Seven times a day I p Ps 119:164

  All Your works shall p Ps 145:10

  shall speak the p Ps 145:21

  P the LORD Ps 148:1

  that has breath p Ps 150:6

  Let another man p Prov 27:2

  let her own works p Prov 31:31

  And your gates P Is 60:18

  He makes Jerusalem a p Is 62:7

  For You are my p Jer 17:14

  Me a name of joy, a p Jer 33:9

  give you fame and p Zeph 3:20

  You have perfected p Matt 21:16

  of men more than the p John 12:43

  p is not from men but Rom 2:29

  Then each one’s p 1 Cor 4:5

  the brother whose p 2 Cor 8:18

  should be to the p Eph 1:12

  to the glory and p Phil 1:11

  I will sing p to You Heb 2:12

  the sacrifice of p Heb 13:15

  and for the p of those 1 Pet 2:14

  saying, “P our God Rev 19:5


  who is worthy to be p 2 Sam 22:4

  daily He shall be p Ps 72:15

  LORD’s name is to be p Ps 113:3

  and greatly to be p Ps 145:3

  where our fathers p Is 64:11

  the Most High and p Dan 4:34


  enthroned in the p Ps 22:3

  it is good to sing p Ps 147:1

  and he p her Prov 31:28

  shall proclaim the p Is 60:6

  you may proclaim the p 1 Pet 2:9


  if there is anything p Phil 4:8


  they will still be p Ps 84:4

  of the heavenly host p Luke 2:13

  in the temple p Luke 24:53


  LORD in ceasing to p 1 Sam 12:23

  humble themselves, and p 2 Chr 7:14

  at noon I will p Ps 55:17

  who hate you, and p Matt 5:44

  “And when you p Matt 6:5

  But you, when you p Matt 6:6

  manner, therefore, p Matt 6:9

  Watch and p Matt 26:41

  to the mountain to p Mark 6:46

  “Lord, teach us to p Luke 11:1

  men always ought to p Luke 18:1

  And I will p John 14:16

  I do not p for the John 17:9

  “I do not p for John 17:20

  know what we should p Rom 8:26

  I will p with the 1 Cor 14:15

  p without ceasing 1 Thess 5:17

  Brethren, p for us 1 Thess 5:25

  therefore that the men p 1 Tim 2:8

  Let him p James 5:13

  to one another, and p James 5:16

  say that he should p 1 John 5:16

  p that you may prosper 3 John 2


  Pharisee stood and p Luke 18:11

  p more earnestly Luke 22:44

  p earnestly that it James 5:17


  in heaven their p 1 Kin 8:45

  p made in this place 2 Chr 7:15

  fear, and restrain p Job 15:4

  And my p is pure Job 16:17

  p would return to my Ps 35:13

  A p to the God of my Ps 42:8

  P also will be made Ps 72:15

  Let my p come before Ps 88:2

  He shall regard the p Ps 102:17

  but I give myself to p Ps 109:4

  to the LORD, but the p Prov 15:8

  not go out except by p Matt 17:21

  all night in p to God Luke 6:12

  continually to p Acts 6:4

  where p was Acts 16:13

  steadfastly in p Rom 12:12

  to fasting and p 1 Cor 7:5

  always with all p Eph 6:18

  but in everything by p Phil 4:6

  the word of God and p 1 Tim 4:5

  And the p of faith James 5:15


  though you make many p Is 1:15

  pretense make long p Matt 23:14

  fervently for you in p Col 4:12

  that supplications, p 1 Tim 2:1

  p may not be hindered 1 Pet 3:7

  are open to their p 1 Pet 3:12

  and watchful in your p 1 Pet 4:7

  which are the p Rev 5:8

  with the p of the saints Rev 8:4


  that great city, and p Jon 3:2

  time Jesus began to p Matt 4:17

  you hear in the ear, p Matt 10:27

  P the gospel to the Luke 4:18

  p the kingdom of God Luke 9:60

  And how shall they p Rom 10:15

  p Christ crucified 1 Cor 1:23

  is me if I do not p 1 Cor 9:16

  I or they, so we p 1 Cor 15:11

  For we do not p 2 Cor 4:5

  p Christ even from Phil 1:15

  P the word 2 Tim 4:2


  p that people Mark 6:12

  out and p everywhere Mark 16:20

  of sins should be p Luke 24:47

  p Christ to them Acts 8:5

  through this Man is p Acts 13:38

  lest, when I have p 1 Cor 9:27

  whom we have not p 2 Cor 11:4

  than what we have p Gal 1:8

  in truth, Christ is p Phil 1:18

  the gospel was p Heb 4:2

  also He went and
p 1 Pet 3:19


  The words of the P Eccl 1:1

  they hear without a p Rom 10:14

  I was appointed a p 1 Tim 2:7

  of eight people, a p 2 Pet 2:5


  the Jesus whom Paul p Acts 19:13

  p another Jesus whom 2 Cor 11:4

  p any other gospel Gal 1:9

  p the faith which he Gal 1:23


  p Jesus as the Acts 5:42

  to my gospel and the p Rom 16:25

  not risen, then our p 1 Cor 15:14


  p those who are asleep 1 Thess 4:15


  p must be upon p Is 28:10


  and commanded them p Neh 9:14

  all His p are sure Ps 111:7

  us to keep Your p Ps 119:4

  how I love Your p Ps 119:159

  and kept all his p Jer 35:18


  because my life was p 1 Sam 26:21

  P in the sight of the Ps 116:15

  How p also are Your Ps 139:17

  She is more p than Prov 3:15

  Since you were p Is 43:4

  p things shall not Is 44:9

  if you take out the p Jer 15:19

  The p sons of Zion Lam 4:2

  farmer waits for the p James 5:7

  more p than gold 1 Pet 1:7

  who believe, He is p 1 Pet 2:7

  p in the sight of 1 Pet 3:4


  He foreknew, He also p Rom 8:29

  having p us to Eph 1:5

  inheritance, being p Eph 1:11


  He may have the p Col 1:18

  loves to have the p 3 John 9


  in honor giving p Rom 12:10


  comes after me is p John 1:15


  these things without p 1 Tim 5:21


  p what you will Mark 13:11


  Now it was the P John 19:14

  your feet with the p Eph 6:15


  p your hearts for the 1 Sam 7:3

  p a table before me in Ps 23:5

  p mercy and truth Ps 61:7

  P the way of the LORD Is 40:3

  P the way for the Is 62:10

  P the way of the LORD Mark 1:3

  will, and did not p Luke 12:47

  p a place for you John 14:2


  place which I have p Ex 23:20

  You p room for it Ps 80:9

  When He p the heavens Prov 8:27

  for the LORD has p Zeph 1:7

  for whom it is p Matt 20:23

  which You have p Luke 2:31

  mercy, which He had p Rom 9:23

  things which God has p 1 Cor 2:9

  Now He who has p 2 Cor 5:5

  p beforehand that we Eph 2:10

  God, for He has p Heb 11:16


  themselves from the p Gen 3:8

  went out from the p Gen 4:16

  we die in your p Gen 47:15

  P will go with you Ex 33:14

  and honor the p Lev 19:32

  afraid in any man’s p Deut 1:17

  am terrified at His p Job 23:15

  p is fullness of joy Ps 16:11

  shall dwell in Your p Ps 140:13

  not tremble at My p Jer 5:22


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